Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Andrea Cortes Makes Demand to Chadema - Reipoti ya Siri Juu Juu ya Zitto Kabwe

Dear Hon. Dr. Slaa,

Dear Hon. Mbowe,

Dear Hon. Mnyika,

With great disappointment I got to learn that members of your party are spreading lies about my person.
A report with the title "RIPOTI YA SIRI JUU YA ZITTO KABWE" of November 4th, which indicates that it is by CHADEMA headquarters *Nyaraka hii imechomolewa kwa siri toka Chadema makao makuu*, was first published in parts in the Internet platform "Jamii Forum" on the weekend of the 26th of October 2013.
 After bringing my complaint towards the owner of Jamii Forum the threads got deleted.

On the morning of the 6th of November 2013 the address of a created blog with the report was publically circulated by Mr. Yericko Nyerere via Twitter. The blog address only contained the above mentioned report.

 The report mentions me as a person to be involved in corrupt activities with your Deputy Secretary General Hon. Zitto Kabwe. It has indicated my private telephone number and the place where I am working.
 This defamation of my person is not acceptable.

I have reacted on the 6th of November by mentioning several facts to refute the report. Please find these tweets in the attachment. The tweets were mentioned towards Mr. Yericko Nyerere, who pretends to be a member of your party, to Hon. Kabwe and to Hon. Mnyika.

After my reaction the report was deleted in the evening of the 6th of November from the blog.
The deletion thus does not resolve the problem that a report which indicates to be from your party has tried to slander my name in the public. Moreover bringing my workplace into the game and therefore putting my organization in a wrong light and even bringing my appointment with this organization in danger.

I therefore request you to take necessary actions to recover my name in the Tanzanian public.
CHADEMA has to dismiss this report as not being written by the party but by an individual who intends to defaming one of your party leaders.
 If CHADEMA will not dismiss the parts of the report which mention my person then I kindly ask you to bring forward the proofs against me that I can accordingly refute them with the necessary actions.

I am awaiting a statement and clear position by your party to recover my name and to take necessary actions to take the authors of this report to court.

My organization and lawyer are informed about the slander campaign in regard to my person. Accordingly legal actions will be taken if CHADEMA will not refute the report officially and bring justice to the people affected from it.

 With warm regards
 Andrea Cordes

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