Saturday, March 01, 2014

MChina Achoma Mahindi Mtaani Nairobi

Haya mmekaribisha waChina na sasa wanachukua kazi za walalahoi! Si angechoma mahindi kwao Uchina? Je, mwafrika akienda kuchoma mahindi huko China itakuwaje?

MChina akichoma mahindi mtaani Nairobi

Kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:


  1. labda kaoa "Mkikuyu"

    Duh, Africa bwana!!!!Teh teh.

  2. This is part of the chinese government strategy to dupe Africans and make them underestimate chinese. This fella is in the chinese govt paylist and he is doing that fulfill his govt duties.

  3. OMG! How did he end up on the streets of Nairobi? There must be a very 'interesting' story behind it all.

    I cannot see somebody from China, requesting and successfully obtaining a VISA to live and work in Kenya. Perhaps he's doing a 'stint' in the streets as some form of RESEARCH.[?]

    Wonders never cease!!!!!!!!!!
