Sunday, March 01, 2015

Captain John Komba Obituary

Kutoka Daily News 

 Mbinga West MP Komba is No More

Published on Sunday, 01 March 2015


The late Captain John Komba 

 Mbinga West Member of Parliament and Member of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) National Executive Committee (NEC) Captain John Damian Komba is no more. He died at TMJ hospital in Dar es Salaam Today, where he had been admitted few hours before he breathed his last.

The Tanzania One Theatre (TOT) Secretary General Mr. Gasper Tumaini said that medical reports show that Komba was suffering from Pressure and Diabetes. According to him, Captain Komba was admitted to Sanitas Medical Clinic in Dar es Salaam a week ago, and after two days his health improved and he was discharged. Secretary, Mr Nape Nnauye meanwhile, expressed shock and sadness over the sudden passing of Capt Komba saying that the void he has left behind would be difficult to fill.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Mr Nnauye said that the party’s National Chairman, President Jakaya Kikwete, had received the news with great shock. He said that the president has sent condolences to the late Capt Komba’s family and noted that he knew the deceased well because he had worked with him for many years. “Capt Komba was a veteran cadre, an artist, a music composer and he will be dearly missed.

He composed a song during the 38th anniversary of the party which touched many hearts, now it seems it was his way of saying goodbye,” he said. He said that he would forever be thankful to the late Komba because it was he who convinced his late father to enroll him into the party after completing national service and that the party sent heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

 Captain Komba was born on March 18, 1954, then joined Lituhi primary school in 1963. After completing standard seven in 1970, he joined Songea boys secondary school where he completed in 1974, then joined Cleruu Teachers Training College where he attained teaching certificate in 1976. In 1978 he joined Monduli Military Cadet Training Unit in Arusha where he got a diploma, and then studied at Magdeburg Path in Germany where he got a diploma in politics. Captain Komba then joined Washington International University in 2006, where he was awarded BA in political science in 2008. During his life time, Captain Komba served Tanzania People's Defence Forces as Army Officer from 1978 to 1992.Before he had been employed by the Ministry of Education(1977 and 1978). Between 1992 and 2005 Captain Komba was TOT Executive Director, doubling also as CCM Chief Culture from 1992 to date. He served as Mbinga West member of Parliament from 2005, and also as member of CCM's National Executive Committee (NEC) from 1987 to date.

While in Parliament, Captain Komba once questioned why Tanzania did not unite with Burundi and DR Congo since the three governments of Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya had teamed up and set up an alliance within the community. He even threatened to embark on a rebellion if the Constituent Assembly (CA) could adopt a three-government system as it was proposed in the second draft constitution. He also questioned the rationale of Tanzania remaining in the EAC in light of actions which clearly sidelined it.

 He was once quoted saying he would be the last person to endorse the three-tier Union model and that he would defend the status quo at all costs. "Woe unto you if you will be persuaded to buy the idea of a three-government system. I will retreat into the forest to fight for the two-tier Union structure," he warned amid laughter. His body has been preserved at Lugalo hospital, pending funeral arrangements.

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