Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Scam mpya ya WaNigeria!

Hao waNigeria hawachoki kutapeli watu. Sasa wanasema waliotapeliwa watapewa fidia. Mtu wa kuwasiliana naye yuko Nigeria (Kwenye internet cafe)! Mbaya huyo anjifanya eti ni Kofi Annan! LOH!



How are you today? Hope all is well with you and
family?,You may not
understand why this mail came to you.
We have been having a meeting for the passed 7 months
which ended 2
days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS.
This email is to all the people that have been scammed
in any part of
the world, the UNITED NATIONA have agreed to compensate
them with the
sum of US$ 100,000. This includes every foriegn
contractors that may
have not received their contract sum, and people that
have had an
unfinished transaction or international businesses that
failed due to
Government probelms etc.
We found your name in our list and that is why we are
contacting you,
this have been agreed upon and have been signed.
You are advised to contact Mr. Jim Ovia of ZENITH BANK
he is our representative in Nigeria, contact him
immediately for your
Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD$ 100,000. This
funds are in a
Bank Draft for security purpose ok? so he will send it
to you and you
can clear it in any bank of your choice.
Therefore, you should send him your full Name and
number/your correct mailing address where you want him
to send the
Draft to you.
Conatct Mr. Jim Ovia immediately for your Cheque:
Person to Contact Mr. Jim Ovia
Phone: 234 1 8057108623
Thanks and God bless you and your family.Hoping to hear
from you as
soon as you cash your Bank Draft.
Making the world a better place
Mr. Kofi Annan
Former Secretary (UNITED NATIONS)


  1. Oh my God.One would wonder how United Nations was led by someone capable of all these spelling mistakes....Da Chemi can you please tell him to brush his or her English first...

  2. Of course you know that this is some Nigerian Scam artist.

    The Nigerian government should enact a rule. Any scammer is publicly hanged!
