Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mh. Andrew Chenge Kizimbani kwa Kuua!

Kutoka Michuzi Blog:

Mbunge wa jimbo la Bariadi Magharibi Andrew Chenge (mwenye suti na tai) amepandishwa kizimbani jana katika Mahakama ya Wilaya ya Kinondoni, Dar, na kusomewa mashtaka matatu baada ya gari aliyokuwa akiendesha kugonga Pikipiki aina ya Bajaji na kusababisha vifo vya watu wawili.

Mwendesha mashtaka wa Polisi David Mwafimbo alitaja makosa yanayomkabili Chenge kuwa mawili ni ya kusababisha vifo vya watu wawili, na kosa la tatu ni kuendesha gari kwa uzembe barabarani ambapo mtuhumiwa alikana mashitaka yote.

Kesi hiyo inaunguruma mbele ya Hakimu Emerius Mchauru na imeahirishwa hadi April 30 mwaka huu. Aliachiwa kwa dhamana ya shilingi Milioni moja na mdhamini mmoja!
Wadau, ninafurahi kuona kuwa 'WAKUBWA' wanashtakiwa kama wananchi wengine siku hizi Bongo. Enzi 'zile' kesi kama hiyo inanyamazishwa kimya kimya! Nakumbuka kesi fulani miaka ya 80, mzito alimgonga mtu na gari kwenye barabara ya Port Access (wakati ule barabara nzuri kweli), na wala hakupelekwa mahakamani. Jamaa alikuwa anaendesha mwendo wa kasi. Hata kwenye gazeti habari haikuandikwa!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prof. Joshua Mkhululi (Prof. Ken Edwards) Funeral

(Prof. Ken Edwards 1976)

The late professor’s daughter, Letsiwe Edwards, pays her last respects at the family home in Njiro Hill. Head Priest Zekarias Gebre Michael of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (centre) is accompanied by Ras Makonnen Tafari of the Priestly Order of Melchizedek (right) and one of his colleagues, as they prepare the coffin to receive the body of the late Professor Mkhululi, at his home in Njiro Hill, Arusha.

REST IN ETERNAL PEACE PROF. MKHULULI (22 January 1945 - 18-March-2009)

Professor Mkhululi laid to rest in Arusha

Story and photos by IMAN MANI

Professor Joshua Naphtali Mkhululi (formerly called Ken Edwards) was laid to rest in Kijenge, Arusha yesterday March 28, 2009.

Hundreds of people from all walks of life paid their last last respects at his family home in Njiro Hill and later on accompanied the casket to the burial grounds.

Also present was the Dean of the University of Dar es Salaam Business School (formerly the Faculty of Commerce and Management), Dr Marcellina Chijoriga.

Dr. Chijoriga said that she could not miss such an opportunity to pay her respect to the person who was not only the first dean of the faculty but the brainchild behind its establishment.

On a more personal note in reference to the late Professor she added, “He was one of a special kind – putting everything in what he believed in.”

Being a member of the Rastafarian faith, the ceremony was conducted in accordance with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church’s principals, the the first time in Tanzania’s history for such proceedings.

Head Priest Zekarias Gebre Michael, who came especially for this purpose from Nairobi, Kenya, the day before conducted the ceremony.

Ras Makonnen Tafari of the Priestly Order of Melchizedek, based in Dar es Salaam, accompanied him together with two other colleagues.

The late Professor Mkhululi, who died early this week in Dar es salaam, has left behind six children and one grandchild.

May Jah rest his soul in eternal peace



John Kitime na Anania Ngoliga

Wadau, wanamuziki wa kiTanzania, John Kitime na Anania Ngoliga wako katika Tour hapa USA. Ratiba yao iko chini.
Ujumbe kutoka kwa John Kitime:
Hallo, nimerudi tena tuko katika tour bus tunaelekea Redding, mpaka sasa maonyesho yetu yote yamekuwa full house, kundi zima tunapiga muziki ambao ulitokana na kukutana kwetu na mwanamuziki wa hapa Marekani Bela Flek ambae hupiga banjo na alikuja Afrika kama kupata historia ya banjo akatembelea Tanzania, Uganda, Mali, Madascar na South Africa. Akaweza kutengeneza documentary ya safari hiyo na pia kurkodi CD iliyoshirikisha wasanii toka nchi hizo. Hivyo maonyesho yetu ni yenye wanamuziki toka nchi hizo kutoka Tanzania tuko wawili mwenzangu Anania ambaye ni kipofu anapiga marimba wakati mimi napiga gitaa. Mpaka sasa mambo ni swafiiii


Date Venue Location
3/26/09 The Colony Theater Pittsfield, MA
3/27/09 Playhouse Ridgefield, CT
3/28/09 R.P.I. Troy, NY
3/29/09 Music Hall Tarrytown, NY
3/30/09 Berks Jazz Festival Reading, PA
4/1/09 Shelton Concert Hall St. Louis, MO
4/2/09 Uptown Theater Kansas City, MO
4/3/09 Tennessee Theater Knoxville, TN
4/4/09 Music Festival Savannah, GA
4/5/09 University of Florida Gainesville, FL
4/7/09 Duke University Durham, NC
4/8/09 Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN
4/9/09 State Theater
w/ Toumani Diabate, D'Gary, & Anania Ngoglia Fall Church, VA
4/10/09 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
4/11/09 Zeiterion Theater New Bedford, MA

Ajali ya Treni Dodoma

Wadau, nimeona kwenye ippmedia.com kuwa treni ya Central Line imepata ajali huko Dodoma kati ya vituo vya Gulwe na Msagali. Wanasema kuwa watu 7 wamekufa na watu 9 wameumia.

Bado natafuta habari zaidi.

Tanzia - Hamidu Bisanga (Mwandishi wa Habari)

Nimepokea kwa masikitiko habari ya kifo cha Mzee Hamidu Bisanga (pichani) kwa ajali ya gari. Nilifanya kazi naye miaka mingi Daily News. Nakumbuka sana sauti ya nzito na ucheshi wake. Ilikuwa bahati tu, nilikutana naye mwaka 2007 mtaa wa Samora jijini Dar es Salaam. Aliniambia kuwa aliacha kazi Daily News na alikuwa anafanyia sehemu nyingine.

Poleni sana wana familia.

Mola ailaze roho yake mahala pema peponi. Amin.


Kutoka Michuzi Blog:

Mwandishi habari wa siku nyingi Hamidu Bisanga hatunaye tena. Hamidu, aliyejulikana zaidi kama Hambi, amefariki jana katika ajali ya gari akiwa anaelekea nyumbani kwake oysterbay mtaa wa Chisiza, karibu na iliyokuwa La Dorce Vita. Mipango ya mazishi inafanywa hapo nyumbani kwake na anatarajiwa kuzikwa kesho saa saba mchana makaburi ya Kisutu.

Hambi aliwahi kufanya kazi kwa muda mrefu Daily News akiwa mhariri wa habari kabla ya kujiunga na shirika la maendeleo (NDC), na baadaye kuhamia kampuni ya BayPort. Alikuwa pia mwanachama wa klabu za michezo za SingaSinga ya relwe gerezani na Brake Point ya kijitonyama.

Katika picha hapo juu ni Februari 11, 2009 ambapo anaonekana Kamanda wa mkoa maalumu wa Kipolisi wa Dar es Salaam Afande Suleiman Kova akipokea traksuti 22 alizokabidhiwa na meneja wa masoko na uhusiano wa kampuni ya Bayport Hamidu Bisanga ikiwa ni msaada wa kampuni hiyo kwa timu ya polsi inayoshiriki michuano ya klabu bingwa netiboli kwa nchi za afrika mashariki na ya kati huko zenji.

Tribute to late Prof. Ken Edwards by Prof. Horace Campbell

(pichani Prof. Horace Campbell)

Long live the Spirit of Joshua Mkhululi: A tribute to a tireless defender of freedom and justice.

By Prof. Horace Campbell

Our brother Joshua Mkhululi joined the ancestors on March 18 but he is with still us in spirit. This is the spirit of peace and love, the creed of the movement that he accepted and practiced without a hint of intolerance towards others. It must be explicitly stated that our brother was a Rasta. His selfless faith was manifest in how he worked with others. Hailing from Jamaica, our brother believed in the making of sacrifices in order to support the full emancipation of all peoples. As a member of the mansion of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, our brother known by his slave name, Ken Edwards, took the name of Joshua. Like the other famous member of the twelve tribes, Robert Nesta Marley (who took the name Joseph) our brother had been nurtured to serve. He was born in Jamaica and studied in the United States at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Brother Joshua graduated from Stanford Business School in California with an MBA. This education in an elite business school opened doors for him in the corporate world and in high paying international organizations. Instead of joining the world of capital and speculation, our brother chose to relocate to Tanzania and became a strong force to support the independence of Tanzania and the Liberation of Southern Africa. He was the first Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Management at the University of Dar es Salaam. At that historical moment the issues of an independent path in commerce and management was being fashioned in a context where Tanzania was shouldering the major task of supporting the independence struggles in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa.

Our brother worked at his calling as the Dean with gusto making untold sacrifices to ensure that the Faculty grew, expanded and trained the next generation of teachers, researchers and scholars. The professionalism that was displayed by Joshua ensured that even those who carried petty prejudices against those with dreadlocks had to respect the major contribution that he was making to Tanzania and Southern Africa. While serving as Dean, he also served as the Chairperson of the Liberation Committee at the University of Dar es Salaam. This was the committee that worked very hard to educate the society on the issues of the decolonization process in Rhodesia. This committee exposed the limitations of the Lancaster House agreement and it was the sense of the committee that independence did not just arrive with a flag. Joshua shared the sentiments of Bob Marley who performed at the Zimbabwe Independence Celebrations in April 1980 in his tribute to the struggles for freedom in Zimbabwe, Bob had warned, “Soon, we will find out who are the real revolutionaries.”

Joshua never sought to benefit from his support for the independence of Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The nature of his last years showed that he wanted to continue to serve his people in his adopted home of Arusha in Tanzania.

I first met our Brother when I joined the University of Dar es Salaam in August 1981. He immediately recommended that I join the committee to work for the liberation struggle. My working relationship with our brother was one of the most rewarding aspects of my sojourn in Tanzania. Our work along with George Rubiik and countless others endured the machinations of Ronald Reagan, Chester Crocker and the neo-conservatives in the United States that wanted to defeat the liberation project. Specifically, inside of Tanzania, there had been efforts to impose the Washington Consensus (in the form of the IMF structural adjustment Program) while seeking to infiltrate the society to spread the view that Tanzania could not afford to support independence in Southern Africa. Our work in the Namibia liberation committee is now part of the history of the Liberation of Africa. We can now say that this work withstood threats, intrigue and efforts to make mischief.

Brother Joshua worked hard with community forces. From his Faculty there were efforts to strengthen the spirit of sharing and cooperation. In the midst of the IMF economic war against the people of Tanzania the Faculty of Commerce established Coooperative at the University to ensure that goods were equitably distributed. Working with Jan Jasper this was truly one of the better examples of Scholarship in Action.

As a community activist Brother Joshua worked hard with his youth group in Kunduchi. He was the trainer, coach, manager and supporter of this community.

In our last two meetings we reflected on our dream of building a Pan African University in Tanzania, specifically in Arusha. During my last visit to Arusha in July 2007, we discussed at great length the need for an institution grounded in the principles of wealth creation for Africa and the values of self reliance.

The nature of his illness and his passing is a strong indictment on the new values and ethics that have overtaken the land of ujamma. Our brother was selfless. He welcomed all into his home. He was father and brother to countless numbers. His home was a refuge for those who wanted to reflect and have peace. Many at this ceremony will not know the importance of Brother Joshua as the senior ambassador for the Rastafari movement. In a sense, he should not be called an ambassador because he was at home in Africa. It is fitting that his mortal remains will lie close to his family and colleagues in Tanzania. To his family we say please draw strength from the fact that this was a man of love. Like Che Guevara, Brother Joshua Mkhululi was guided by the spirits peace and love.

Horace Campbell

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kofia la Aretha Franklin

Mwimbaji maarufu, Aretha Franklin, alivaa hii kofia safi sana siku alipoapishwa Rais Obama. Wazungu waliishangaa sana na wanawake weusi waliipenda kiasi kwamba watengeneza kofia walishmabuliwa na oda kibao! Hapa Marekani ni mila ya wanawake weusi kuvaa kofia kanisani, sehemu zingine utadhani wanashindana nani kavaa kofia nzuri zaidi.

Wasomi Blog

Katika kuendeleza libeneke tumekuja na wazo la kuwaunganisha wasomi wote wa kitanzania popote pale walipo hapa ulimwenguni, wale waliomaliza masomo yao, wale wanaoendelea na pia walimu wanaowafundisha hao wasomi katika vyuo vya Tanzania. Hivyo basi kuna huu mtandao unaokwenda kwa jina hili: www.varsitycollegetz.ning.com. Tayari mwezi mmoja umeshapita toka huu mtandao uingie hewani na kuna wadau wasiopungua 179 hadi leo hii wakibadilishana mawazo kuhusu mustakabadi wa Taifa letu hili changa Tanzania. Karibuni wadau tuunganishe nguvu za hoja ili na sisi tufike wenzetu walipo sasa hivi.

Ahsante sana.

Blogu ya Akina Mama wa Kikristo

Dada Margereth ameanzisha blogu ya akina mama wa Kikristo. Mtapata mawaidha mazuri ya kikristo huko.

Bwana Asifiwe Sana!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Roho Juu Juu Resolti!


Sign says : Extremely Anxious Resort Welcome!

Hotel Owner: STOP! Keep that cigarette of yours over there, you will cause me severe losses!

Wagonjwa wazidi kuongezeka Ocean Road Hospital

Wagonjwa wa Saratani (Kansa) wanazidi kuongezeka Ocean Road Hospital. Ina maana kuwa ubora wa huduma huko itapungua. Wadau, nawauliza kwa nini ugonjwa wa saratani unaongezeka Tanzania? Je, watu walikuwa nayo zamani ila hatukujua ni nini, tunasema kalogwa? Je, ni kwa vile maisha yanabadilika na kuwa ya kizungu (vyakula nk.).?

Kutoka ippmedia.com

Taasisi ya Saratani ya jijini Ocean Road imeanza kuzidiwa

2009-01-24 12:04:06

Na ITV Habari

Taasisi ya Saratani ya jijini Ocean Road imeanza kuzidiwa kutoa huduma za tiba hiyo kwa wagonjwa wapya kutokana na idadi ya wagonjwa hao kuongezeka kila mwaka na kufikia wagonjwa elfu arobaini wanaohitaji tiba hiyo kwa mwaka .

Wakizumgumza baada ya ufunguzi wa mkutano wa siku tatu kujadili mikakati ya kuthibiti ugonjwa wa saratani uliohudhuriwa na wataalam wa tiba na madkatari wa saratani nchini baadhi ya washiriki wamesema kuna haja ya kuongeza jitihada katika kuwahamasisha wanajamii wa maeneo ya vijijini umuhimu wa kuwahi tiba ya saratani ikiwa kwenye awamu za mwanzoni wakati bado kuna matumaini ya mgonjwa huyo kupona.

Jamaa Ananuka!

Robert Pattinson

Jamani, leo asubuhi nimeshangaa sana nilipofunga TV na kusikia watangazaji wakisema kuwa, mcheza sinema, Robert Pattinson' ananuka! Tena walisisitiza kuwa jamaa ananuka vibaya sana. Wanasema haogi na haoshi nywele zake. Je, anapiga mswaki? Pattinson anaigiza kama mnyonya damu (vampire) kwenye sinema, Twilight. Yaani wakawa wanamsema vibaya na hata kumwita 'skunk' (mnyama ananuka huyo). Yaani kunuka kwa mtu ni habari! Kweli ilikuwa slow news day.

Halafu cha kuchekesha huyo Pattinson aliwahi kulalamika kuwa alivyokuwa Marekani alishindwa kumpata bibi ingawa ni mzuri na anaongea na lahaja ya Uingereza. Labda angekuwa msafi angefanikiwa. Anavyopendwa na wasichana hapa Marekani ni balaa. Ila wakiisikiahiyo harufu mapenzi yatapungua. Unasikia kwenye TV msichana anasema, "nikikutana na jamaa na ananuka....kwa heri!"

Waliosoma historia wanajua kuwa hapo zamani za kale wazungu walikuwa na tabia mbaya ya kutokuoga. Walishangaa walipoenda sehemu mbalimbali duniani na kukuta watu wanaoga mara kwa mara. Inadaiwa kuwa Malkia Elizabeth wa kwanza alikuwa anaoga mara moja kwa mwezi na hivyo walimwona msafi mno. Walisema kuwa kunuka ni jambo la kawaida na kuwa na uchafu mwilini ni vizuri maana ni kinga dhidi ya magonjwa, huko waafrika wanajitahidi kuoga kila siku. Nani mshenzi?

Kwa kweli hapa Marekani, kuwa na (Body odor/B.O.) ni mwiko. Or course watu kuna watu ambao wananuka, na mtu unaweza kufukuzwa kazi ukienda na kikwapa. Watakuambia hizo deodorants, shampoo na sabuni zina kazi gani! Hebu tumia! Matokeo yake pua zetu hapa Marekani zimekoshwa (sanitized). Yaani ukisikia kikwapa unaona balaa. Mara nyingi unakuta ni hao ombaomba na wasio na makazi (homeless) ndo wanakuwa wachafu.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:




Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Haki Miliki

Kutoka Mzee wa Sumo Blog:

Jamani wabongo wezi yaani mshikaji amekaa na laptop anasubiri chinga anayeuza CD anatoa sh 500 anakopy miziki na movies! Kweli kwa jinsi hii wasanii wetu watafika?


Wadua, hapa Marekani ukikutwa unafanya piracy unapigwa faini ya maelfu ya dola! Wasanii wanatakwa walipwe na kuna sheria za kuwalinda. Bongo bado, wamepiga hatua lakini bado! Naona akina Dr. Remmy wamelipwa residuals, je, wajukuu wao watarithi haki ya kupokea?

Sabato Masalia

Kutoka kwa Mzee wa Sumo Blog:

Jamaa waumini wa Sabato Masalia bado wanasubiri kwenda ng'ambo kuhubiri neno la Mungu, bila passport wala nauli hii ni kambi yao iliyoko Tabata wanalala kichakani wake kwa waume na hicho ndio choo chao. Kweli mtu akiwa anashusha mambo hawezi kupigwa chabo?

Wadau, wenye habari za hao jamaa watuelezee. Sijaelewa nia yao. Yaani wanakaa kichakani wakitegemea ng'ambo kuhubiri neno la Mungu?

Tribute to Prof. Ken Edwards (Joshua Mkhululi)

A Memorial Tribute to a Selfless Leader

by Mussa J. Assad – University of Dar es Salaam Business School

Prof. Joshua Mkhululi [former name Ken Edwards] died on Wednesday 18th March, 2009 at Arusha. He was 64 – a young age by modern standards. It was sudden and unexpected for most of us. It was later explained that he had a liver problem and that was what he succumbed to. But as recent as Monday 16th March 2009 Prof. Ken Edwards had spoken to a mutual friend in Dar es Salaam, full of hope and anticipation of things to come. For this was a person of ideas and implementation. One of his final acts was mobilizing support for establishment of the Africa University of Economic Management to which he devoted a lot of time and resources, especially in the past year.

Therefore, it was with deep sorrow that we received the news of the demise of Prof. Ken Edwards. At the University of Dar es Salaam Business School [formerly the Faculty of Commerce and Management], an institution that is his brainchild, we had a quick meeting to plan our way of honoring this great man. We would be at Arusha to lay him to rest in large numbers – by all means necessary.

Prof. Ken Edwards was born in Jamaica on 22nd January, 1945. He loved and listened to reggae – after all he was a Rastafarian. He had the unique privilege of being a personal friend to Bob Marley with whom they had attended early school together. He was a graduate of California State University and Stanford Graduate School of Business. These are top US schools – a qualification from which would open all doors for a graduate and guaranteed success. However, rather than take a good position across the Atlantic he came home to Africa and initially settled in Dar es Salaam.

Prof. Ken Edwards was a teacher in the true sense of the word – concerned not only with the content and delivery but also the welfare of the student. As a leader his dedication and sense of purpose was unparalleled. He was one of a special kind – giving everything in what he believed in. He was tough and intolerant of lousy conduct but he was fair and just. There are many tales of his feats but at one time there was a case of examination leakage involving only two people – a student and a lecturer. The student was the daughter of a politically powerful person and the lecturer was a good friend of Ken Edwards. To cut a long story short despite the political flak he was subjected to he ensured the student was discontinued from studies and he sacked his friend. How many of us would do this kind of thing?

My personal experience with Prof. Ken Edwards was in 1988 [I had just started as a Tutorial Assistant] after he had left the University of Dar es Salaam. We bumped into each other on the ground floor of the Arts Tower Block Building, Mlimani Main Campus as we approached the lift – a tall jovial person emerges and he says ‘Yea Man’ and I acknowledge the regard with respect. He inquires about my CPA results and he wants to know whether I had admission and scholarship to a Masters programme. He was not formally with the University of Dar es Salaam and he did not have to know how I was doing but this was Ken Edwards. His concern was welfare of the people he cared about and that included everyone. ‘Go buy yourself something’ he says giving me One Thousand Shillings [not a small sum in 1988] as a present upon hearing that I had cleared the CPA 1 examinations single sitting and scooped the top award. He also offered me contacts in the US of Deans and Chairs of Departments to whom he would put a word in consideration for a place for a Masters programme. He was a true leader and an excellent motivator. I am eternally inspired by this gentleman for he was a true gentleman.

I know those of you who had encounters with Prof. Ken Edwards would have your own tales to tell.

During his time at the University of Dar es Salaam he was the inspiring lead in spinning off the Faculty of Commerce and Management from the Department of Administration and Management of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. He was the first Dean of the Faculty and what that entailed was - he developed, largely from scratch, the academic programmes, the administrative structures and the staffing required to mount everything that the Faculty of Commerce and Management did and can be proud of today. Of course he had the assistance of some of our oldmen who are now retired. They take credit too but today it is Prof. Ken Edwards’ efforts that we want to recognize. It was, for example, Prof. Ken Edwards who made the solicitation tour of European universities that generated fully funded links with top European universities [KU Lueven, Dublin City University, Lancaster University and Sheffield University, etc] to which most of the staff of the Business School went to study and graduated from.

Prof. Ken Edwards was into sports and was a good trail runner. I recall the Faculty Days when we would do all kinds of sports just to build camaraderie and a close knit family of students and staff. He was very active at the community level - he started and financed a football team for youths at Kunduchi Mtongani. He was literally the sole sponsor, coach and manager. Most of the days, after working hours he would drive all the way to Kunduchi to be with his team. But he would come back to the office afterwards. As a true business academic he also organized the football team members into a cooperative society. His manual on Basic Accounting includes the example of the football team cooperative as a model for organizing a cooperative.

Prof. Ken Edwards worked tirelessly for this country and I must mention one other large contribution that he made to the Accounting profession. He started from the idea stage, solicitation and mobilization of funds, up to implementation the Institute of Accountancy at Arusha and he was its first Principal. This is what took him from Dar es Salaam to Arusha and he dedicated himself to IAA for 22 months without a formal contract and largely unpaid. And this is the sad part that I must highlight. As recent as the end of 2005, nearly 17 years after he left IAA he had not been paid a single cent of his outstanding salaries, his gratuity and any of his entitlements. He trusted people in decision making positions would do justice and they consistently failed to do that! I did his claim on a simple MS Excel model and his dues ran into a large amount of money as at the end of 2005, when we last did the computations. I have the old Excel model with me now on my screen. I am informed that he was offered and had to settle for a small sum of money not long ago. This is not what we would have wanted to pay back somebody who did so much for this country.

But even a sadder note is he never got issued a Tanzanian passport – and he had longed and asked for one. I hear in his final days he could not be taken for immediate medical care partly because he did not have a Tanzanian traveling document. In fact he did not have any other traveling document. He had dedicated himself wholly and truly to this country! I still struggle to see what were the reasons for not issuing this true son of this nation a Tanzanian passport. Many of us are ashamed that this could be perpetrated on a person of his repute. Were it possible to issue a ceremonial passport to the dead many would have petitioned for his case.

We shall overcome this grief of losing Prof. Ken Edwards but we must now consider ways of honoring this great man. And here are some suggestions:

A once off commemorative half day of intellectual activity as soon as possible but in any case before the end June 2009 to celebrate what he stood for at the first institution he started and worked with – University of Dar es Salaam Business School. Anticipating a good reception this could turn into the Prof. Ken Edwards Memorial Lecture Series to be held on an annual basis;
Sponsoring the Prof. Ken Edwards Prize for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Overall Best Students in the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Programme at the University of Dar es Salaam. And perhaps at IAA too; Prof. Ken Edwards Chair in Accounting and Finance;

Now if one can sponsor a long term Prof. Ken Edwards Scholarship for an MBA student contracted to becoming a business studies academic it would be a real bonus.

Prof. Ken Edwards is survived by a widow, four daughters and two sons. He will be laid to rest on Saturday 28th March 2009 at Arusha.

Reggae Concert Minneapolis

Mwimba Reggae maarufu InnocentMfalingundi atakuwa na concert huko Minneapolis, Ijumaa hii 3/27/09.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Atafutwa kwa Kuiba Matiti!

Yaani hii inachekesha. Huyo mama, Yvonne Pampellonne (30) pichani alijifanya mtu mwingine na alitumia credit card ya huyo mtu kujipatia matiti! Madaktari walimshutukia wakati hakuonekana kwenye appointment zake mara baada ya kuwekewa (Follow up). Kituko kimetokea Huntington Beach, California.

Anatafutwa na polisi na matiti yake feki! Sijui wakimkamata watazitoa!
Ukimwona piga simu polisi (714) 536-5959.

Cops: Woman Sought for Stealing Breast Implants

March 24, 2009

HUNTINGTON BEACH -- Police are searching for a 30-year-old woman accused of stealing someone's identity and a pair of new breast implants.

Yvonne Pampellonne is accused of using a fake id to pay for liposuction and new breast implants valued at more than $12,000.

According to Huntington Beach police, Pampellonne opened a line of credit in someone else's name in September 2008.

Huntington Beach police detective Larry Pitcher said Pampellone lied to her doctor and the staff at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery about her name and other personal identification.

She used the credit to have the procedures done and never showed up for any follow-up appointments, Pitcher said.

Employees at the plastic surgery center identified Pampellonne based on a photo line-up.

A $20,000 arrest warrant has been issued for Pampellonne's arrest on charges of commercial burglary, grand theft and identity theft.

Pampellonee has had several traffic related convictions, including driving on a suspended or revoked license and driving without proof of insurance.

Anyone with information about Pampellonne's whereabouts was asked to call Huntington Beach Police at (714) 536-5959.

Kwa habari zaidi tembelea:



Navyoona ni vizuri vijana waelemishwe kuhusu mabadiliko mwilini mwao. Pia kuepusha mimba wakiwa na umri mdogo na kuambukizwa magonjwa ya zinaa.

Kwa vijana wanaokaa mijini wanaelimishwe na vijana wenzao na mara nyingi wanapotoshwa. Oh hutapata mimba kama ukitia sabuni huko. Au, kijana anaamibwa hawezi kutia msichana mimba kama atamwaga nje!

Nadhani mzungu ameandika hii, lugha si ya Bongo.

Kutoka BBC


Kubalehe ni sehemu moja muhimu ya maisha yetu. Wakati huo mwili na akili hukumbwa na mabadiliko makubwa ya kukua kutoka utotoni kuelekea ujanani na hatimae utu uzimani.
Wakati huo viungo vya uzazi hukua na kuimarika kujitayarisha kwa uzazi.

Miili ya watu hubadilika kwa kiwango tofauti. Wengine huanza mapema na kuimarika haraka, wengine ikawa ni kwa polepole. Kwa wengi kubaleghe hutokea kati ya miaka 8 na 16, lakini kila mtu ni tofauti. Umri wa wastani kwa wasichana ni kati ya miaka 9 hadi 13 na kwa wavulana ni kuanzia miaka 10 hadi 12.

Vijana wengi hukumbwa na wasiwasi wasijue jinsi ya kukabiliana na mabadiliko hayo... lakini mara nyingi kiwango chochote cha mabadiliko yanayotokea wakati huo huwa ni kawaida na sawa kabisa.

Ni nini hasa kinachotokea?

Mwili huzalisha chembe chembe ziitwazo hormones kwa kiingereza. Wasichana hutoa homoni ziitwazo oestrogen ilhali wavulana wanakatoa homoni ziitwazo testosterone.

Chembe chembe za mwili ndizo ndizo zinazoanjisha utaratibu wote wa hatua za kubaleghe. Huenda pia kukawa na mabadiliko ya hisia mbali yale ya ndani na nje ya mwili.


Swala la kufanya ngono

Je niko tayari kufanya mapenzi?

Swala la kushiriki katika ngono ni swala zito linalohitaji uamzi mkubwa na wa makini. Wasichana na wanawake chipukizi hukumbwa na shinikizo kubwa kutoka kwa marafiki zao na wapenzi wao wa kiume. Lakini kanuni kuu muhimu ni kwamba usifanye kitendo ambacho hujisikii au hutaki kukifanya.


Mwili ni wako, na ni muhimu kudhibiti yale yanayotokea maishani mwako hasa yale yanayoweza kuathiri afya yako ya uzazi , hasa kuhusiana na hatari za kupata mimba, na kuambikizwa magonjwa ya zinaa ikuwemo ukimwi.

Basi lini ntakuwa tayari kufanya mapenzi?

Watu wengine hukimbilia kufanya mapenzi bila ya kufikiria kwa makini swala hilo, na baadae kujutia na kutamani wangedumu katika ubikira kwa muda mrefu zaidi.

Kuwa tayari, ni kuwa na hakika kwamba unaelewa ngono ina maana gani, na matokeo au madhara yake yanavyoweza kuwa nini, ili usije kujutia baadaye.

Kumbuka matatizo ya kupata mimba sizizohitajika, magonjwa ya zinaa ikiwemo kuambukizwa virusi vya HIV hutokana na vitendo kama hivi.

Nitajuaje basi kama niko tayari?

Utajua kwa hakika, tu iwapo huo utakua uamuzi wako binafsi.

Utajua uko tayari tu iwapo una uhakika kuwa unaelewa vyema maswala ya ngono na hasahasa afya ya uzazi, na vipi kitendo hicho kinaweza kuathiri maisha yako.

Kwa hivyo usikubali chochote wanachokwambia marafiki zako, ama shinikizo la mpenzi wako wa kiume. Utakuwa na hakika pale utakapokuwa na ufahamu mzuri wa kuelewa ngono ni nini, na jinsi kitendo hicho kitakavyobadilisha uhusiano wako.

Mbali na hayo, ni vyema pia ujue mbinu za kuzuia mimba (iwapo huko tayari kupata mimba) na jinsi ya kufanya mapenzi kwa usalama. Utakuwa na msimamo wa hakika, na hutakuwa na tashwishi yoyote. Utakuwa unaelewa hali halisi ya maisha kwa hivyo hutatarajia iwe kama mifano kwenye sinema. Kama huna hakika na hayo basi huko tayari!

Na je nikiamua niko tayari?

Zungumza na mpenzi wako, na mhakikishie kwamba nyote mko tayari. Jadilianeni kuhusu mapenzi salama na kubalianeni kuhusu njia za kuzuia mimba iwapo hamuko tayari kupata mtoto.

Pangeni ni wakati gani na wapi mtatekeleza haja yenu. Ni vyema pia kujiwekea viwango, mipaka na vima – yaani zungumzeni juu ya jinsi kila mmoja anavyojisikia kuhusiana na mambo kama punyeto, mapenzi ya kunyonyana sehemu za siri, na yale yakuingiliana kupitia sehemu ya haja kubwa.

Kama hamuwezi kuzungumza kwa uwazi na kwa kuaminiana kuhusu maswala haya, basi mwapasa kubadilisha fikra zenu kuhusu kufanya mapenzi.

Kumbuka iwapo utabadili nia na msimamo wako wakati mkijitayarisha kufanya ngono, katika kiwango au hatua yoyote ambayo utakuwa umefikia, una haki ya kutoendelea na kitendo hicho. Pia iwapo umefanya mapenzi mara moja, haimaanishi uendelee kufanya mapenzi! La muhimu ni kuwa uwe ni uamuzi wako, ili usije kulaumu baadae.

Na je, kama nafikiria siko tayari?

Basi usifanye mapenzi, Una haki ya kusema La, na hupasi kujisikia kuwa umekosea, umemkosea mtu unaefanya nae mapenzi au kuwa na hatia kuhusu uamzi wako.

Kumbuka lolote unalofanya ni uamuzi wako - Tafakari juu ya maadili ulojiwekea, juu msimamo wako, juu ya viwango ulivyojiwekea - Je unaonelea ni sawa kubusiana? Kupapaswa? Kunyonyana? Hakikisha mpenzi wako anajua msimamo wako, maoni yako na anaheshimu uamuzi wako.

Umri unaoruhusiwa kisheria kufanya ngono.

Ni kinyume cha sheria kufanya mapenzi kama uko chini ya umri wa miaka 18, lakini si hatia kisheria usipofanya mapenzi hata kwa umri wako wote!


Uhusiano wa kimapenzi kati ya mwanamume na mwanamke huitwa heterosexual, kwa kimombo wengi huuita uhusiano wa kawaida.

Lakini uhusiano wa kimapenzi kwa watu wa jinsia moja yaani mume kwa mume au mke kwa mke huitwa Homosexual kwa kimombo, kiswahili ni usenge kwa wanaume (au gay) na usagaji kwa wanawake, pia wakiitwa Lesbians kwa kimombo.

Wasenge na wasagaji ni watu wa kawaida ila wanamapendeleo tofauti ya kingono.

Hata hivyo maisha ya wasenge na wasagaji yanaweza kuwa magumu sana kwa vile watu wengi wana itikadi kali za kuchukia mienendo hiyo kimapenzi.

Hapa tungesema tu kuwa watu hao wanatimiza aina ya ngono wanayoonelea yawafaa .

Utajuaje kama u-msenge au msagaji?

Hakuna anayezaliwa akijijua yeye atakuwa nani maishani, na atakuwa na uhusiano wa kingono wa aina gani baadae maishani.

Ila matarajio ya wengi ni kuwa atakuwa na uhusiano wa kimapenzi na mpenzi wa jinsia tofauti nae.

Lakini baadhi ya watu huvutiwa na watu wa jinsia sawa na wao. Wale wanaoendelea na kuwa na uhusiano wa kingono, yaani mume kwa mume, ni wasenge, ilhali wasagaji wana uhusiano wa kimapenzi wa mke kwa mke.

Wengine huvutiwa na wanawake na vilevile wanaume kwa hisia za viwango mbali mbali. Hawa nao wakitekeleza aina zote mbili za kingono huitwa bisexuals kwa kiengereza.

Matamanio ya kimapenzi huenda yakabadilika katika maisha yako. Hata hivyo kuwa na hisia tu, za kuvutiwa na mtu ambaye ni mume mwenzako au mke mwenzako, haimaanishi kwamba wewe ni msenge au msagaji.

Kwa wengi hali hizo haziwaathiri na huwa na uhusiano wa kawaida, ilhali wengine wao wakawa wasenge au wasagaji. Kwa bahati mbaya matabaka mengi ya watu wanapinga uhusiano wa aina hii.

Msimamo wa watu wengi na imani ya dini nyingi ni kwamba jambo hili ni mwiko, lililokatazwa, na dhambi kwa Mungu. Huku wengine huchukulia jambo hilo kuwa tisho kwa desturi na maadili yao.

Kwa hivyo kama wewe ni msenge au msagaji, hasa kama humjui mtu mwingine yeyote ambaye ni msenge au msagaji, unaweza kujikuta mpweke ukiona kwamba jamii haikuelewi kwa vile aina ya mapenzi unayofanya ni tofauti na wengine.

Ni vyema pia kujua kuwa uhusiano wa kingono wa watu wa jinsia moja, yaani usenge au usagaji, umepigwa marufuku kisheria katika mataifa mengi ya Afrika yakiwemo mataifa ya afrika mashariki.

Mapenzi ya kunyonyana sehemu za siri

Hii ni hali ya kutumia mdomo wako na ulimi kunyonya uume au uke ili kusisimua hamu ya mapenzi.

Kwa wanaume, mpenziwe humnyonya uume (mboo) na sehemu zinazozunguka eneo hilo ilhali wanawake, mpenzi wake humnyonya mashavu ya kuma, kisimi (kinembe) na eneo linalozunguka uke.

Watu wengi hujisikia wamepata hisia za starehe kubwa katika kitendo hicho, na ni moja ya njia za kumkurubisha kimapenzi mwendani, mpenzi wako. Kuona, kunusa, kunyonya lakini mambo haya kwa kawaida huwa baina ya wapenzi walio karibu sana katika uhusiano wao.

Kwa hivyo ni kawaida kujihisi kutopendelea kufanya mambo kama hayo na mpenzi ambae si wa mda mrefu, au ambae humfahamu vyema.

Je kuna hatari gani ukifanya mapenzi ya kunyonyana sehemu za siri?

Hatari zipo. Bado unaweza kuambukizwa magonjwa ya zinaa, kwa hivyo, ni bora kutumia kondomu naam kondom, labda ujaribu zile zenye ladhaa ya matunda ukipendenda!

Kwani bila kufanya hivyo na ukanyonya sehemu ya siri ya mpenzi wako ilhali ameambukizwa ugonjwa wa zinaa hata kama ni virusi vya HIV, upo uwezekano wa kuambukiwa.

Na kama mvulana ananyonya uke wa msichana pengine atumie kifaa maalum kwa kufunika mdomo kinaitwa "dental dam".

La kuzingatia zaidi, katu usifanye mapenzi ya kunyonyana sehemu za siri iwapo una vidonda vya mdomo au katika sehemu za siri.

Mbali na hayo kuna hatari nyenginezo? Ni lipi lengine ninalopaswa kujua?

Kama unahakika ni salama kufanya mapenzi ya kunyonyama, pia ni vyema kujitayarisha – Oga! Naam usafi wa mwili ni muhimu.

Halafu kuwa mtaratibu na mwangalifu kwani viungo vya sehemu ya siri huwa laini, nyororo na nyeti. Hivyo basi msuguano wa nguvu huenda ukaleta madhara kuliko starehe.

Zaidi ya yote mheshimu mpenzi wako, mengine ambayo kwako ni sawa huenda yasiwe sawa kwake!


Kufikia kilele wakati wa kufanya mapenzi.

Katika harakati za kufanya mapenzi, viungo vya uzazi husisimka na kujisikia starehe ya aina yake. Mishipa ya damu katika viungo hivyo hujaa, na kusikia moyo kupiga kwa kasi - Unapofikia kilele mishipa hushupana kwa haraka, hali hiyo huanzia mkunduni na kuenea kote katika sehemu za siri, na hata kote mwilini na kuleta tukio la kufurahisha.

Katika starehe hiyo mishipa hukakakamka na kuachilia msismko unaombatana na kutokwa kwa ghafla kwa manii kwa upande wa mwanamme (hali inayoitwa ejaculation kwa kimombo) na mwanamke nae hurishai kwa kutoa majimaji kutoka eneo la ukeni.


Hali hiyo ya kifikia kilele katika mapenzi huitwa "orgasms" kwa kiengereza. Punde mtu hujisikia mstarehe na mtulivu.
Kila mmoja vilevile ana kile kinachomsisimua zaidi- na uwezo tofauti wa kuhimili hisia za kimapenzi na mhemko.

Kitendo cha kufanya mapenzi, au hata kufanya mchezo tu au kutaniana kimapenzi kwa kushikana shikana na kutomasana na mtu ambaye unajisikia huru nae kuwa na uhusinao wa kimapenzi, kwaweza kukufanya kufikia kilele cha kusimika.

Pia watu wengine kufanya punyeto kama njia moja ya kufikia kilele cha kusimika. Ni vyema kujijua, unaweza kutimiza starehe yako unavyotaka ilmradi tu unafanya hivyo kwa njia salama kwako na kwa mpenzi wako na mradi tu huvunji sheria.

Mbona mie sijawahi kufikia kilele kama hivyo mlivyozungumzia?

Aha – usiwe na wasiwasi. Si kwamba wewe ni mtu aliye na kasoro, au asiye wa kawaida eti kwa kuwa tu hujafikia kilele wakati wa kufanya mapenzi.

Kwa kawaida ni rahisi kwa wanaume kufikia hatua hiyo kuliko kwa wanamke, lakini wanawake wanaweza kufikia kilele cha hamu ya mapenzi kwa urahisi zaidi na kujisikia mustarehe iwapo anapenda kutekeleza au kutekelezewa vitendo hivyo anavyofanyiwa wakati wa kufanya mapenzi. Ikiwa atachukizwa basi usitarajie atasisimka kimapenzi.

Lakini kwa upande wao ni vyema wawe watulivu na kujua hali ya miili yao na kile kinachowastarehesha.

Watu wengine hufikia hali hiyo pale wanapofanya punyeto. Jambo linalowaashiria kile wanachotaka katika kufanya mapenzi.

(Ni vyema kujua pia wavulana na wanaume, wakati wengine hutokwa na manii au maji maji bila hata kusisimuliwa na harakati za kufanya mapenzi. Hii hutokea zaidi wakati wanapokuwa wamelala, na hizo huitwa ndoto chepe yaani "wet-dreams" kwa kiingereza. Hii ikiwa njia mojawapo ya kuondoa mihemko mwilini.)


Kwa habari zaidi tembelea:



Wizi Bank of Tanzania

Yaani wanasingizia sikukuu ya Maulidi!!! Kweli watu wana mambo!


BoT hit by another mysterious cash loss

Dar es Salaam

CONTROVERSY surrounds the mysterious disappearance of a large consignment of local currency notes with a value running into millions of Tanzanian shillings, as it was being airlifted into the country from Germany on a Qatar Airways flight.

Sources within the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) have confirmed the apparent large-scale theft which was discovered on arrival at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam early last week.

It has yet to be established exactly at what point the consignment of bank notes got stolen whether it was in Germany, where the notes were manufactured; in Doha, where the flight made a stopover; or at the final JNIA destination in Dar es Salaam.

According to THISDAY findings, the consignment contained crisp new bank notes of 10,000/- denomination. However, the exact number of such notes involved and hence the total value of the package could not be immediately verified.

’’The consignment arrived at the airport in Dar es Salaam on the evening of Monday, March 9. But because the following day was a Maulid holiday, it could not be dealt with until Wednesday, March 11. That’s when it was discovered that the notes were gone,’’ said an informed BoT source.

It is understood that besides the new 10,000/- notes, the consignment also contained a substantial amount of old local currency notes that had long been removed from circulation.

Said the source: ’’The old notes were under audit query...during an earlier auditing exercise, the auditors wanted to know why these notes had not been returned for so many years since being sent to the printers overseas because of various technical problems.’’

But it remains unclear of what use the old notes long out of circulation were expected to be at this moment in time, or whether the government or central bank has received or is expecting any compensation from the company manufacturing the notes.

The discovery of a consignment of defective Tanzanian currency notes with a total value of 3.5bn/- back in 2001, led to serious repercussions including the launch of an official investigation by the then Prevention of Corruption Bureau (PCB).

However, no arrests or prosecutions were ever made.

The notes were printed by the German company Glesecke & Devrient Gmbh, on behalf of the Bank of Tanzania (BoT). They were of 1,000-shilling denomination, amounting to a total value of $3,237,492.

Following this scandal, the government vetoed central bank plans to award another print order to the same German firm, while the defective notes were said to have been quietly withdrawn from circulation.

Maafa yakitokea Tanzania ni Balaa!

(Ukiona mtu mzima analia,ujue kuna jambo limemfika".!Pichani ni Mkurugenzi wa Paradise Resort Bagamoyo akiwa amekaa kwenye kiti huku akibubujikwa na machozi kufuatia tukio la moto mkubwa ulioteketeza hoteli hiyo. Picha kutoka Jiachie Blog)

Wadau, kama miaka mitano au zaidi iliyopita, nakumbuka kusikia kuwa hao wenye hoteli huko Bagamoyo walikuwa na nia ya kujenga kituo cha Fire Brigade. Mipango iliishia wapi? Kwa kweli kama Bagamoyo ingekuwa na Fire Brigade huenda moto isingekuwa mkubwa hivyo.


Infernos expose Dar

Kutoka The Citizen

By Deogratias Kishombo

Tanzania's lack of preparedness for major disasters was exposed yesterday after fire destroyed two famous tourist hotels in Bagamoyo.

As Paradise Holiday Resort and Oceanic Bay Hotel went up in smoke, another fire broke out in Dar es Salaam, destroying a house at Mbagala.

Earlier, firefighters rushed to the British Council offices in the city centre, only to discover that it was a false alarm triggered by a faulty warning system.

As they were attending to the situation, they received information that a fire had broken out at a house in Mbagala.

They arrived in Mbagala after about half an hour, but no sooner had they started putting out the blaze than they were notified that a major fire had broken out at two adjacent hotels in Bagamoyo.

Fire engines with sirens blazing set out for Bagamoyo, some 65 kilometres away, arriving after about an hour at around midday. It was, however, too late as the once-prestigious beach hotels were nothing more that smouldering shells.

Eyewitnesses said workers and guests at the hotels could only look on helplessly as fire ravaged the buildings for over three hours before dying down because there was nothing more to burn. Dense smoke could be seen rising high up into the clear sky from the site.

The fire started in the kitchen of the Paradise Holiday Resort, according to the front office manager, Mr Godfrey Runyungu.

He said the building in which the kitchen and restaurant were located caught fire after a gas tank exploded.

"The fire started around at ten in the morning, and was so fierce that the entire building was reduced to ashes in only 20 minutes. Strong winds from the ocean made things more complicated as fire spread to other buildings," he said, adding that nobody was injured.

The Dar es Salaam Fire Brigare was notified of the blaze at 11.54am, and the first fire engine reached the scene of accident at 12.47pm.

Residents of Mangesani and neighbouring areas were the first to arrive at the scene, but were helpless against the towering flames.

Paradise Holiday Resort chairman Guled Abdallah said he was thankful that nobody was killed in the incident.

"Everything has been destroyed?we tried our level best to save lives and we succeeded. Everybody is safe, but we have lost everything," he said.

He added that the hotel had 170 permanent employees and 30 part-timers, who all escaped unhurt.

Earlier, Oceanic Bay Hotel managing director Rahul Layan told reporters that the fire started at Paradise Holiday Resort, but added that he was not sure what the cause was.

"Strong winds blew the flames from Paradise Resort to our hotel. As you can see, everything has been destroyed. We have not been able to rescue anything apart from people who were working at the hotel when the fire broke out.

"The most important thing was to ensure that all our employees and guests were safe. It was impossible to salvage anything as he fire was very fierce," Mr Layan said.

Youths from surrounding villages had a field day, stealing anything they could lay their hands among the ruins.

Some of them could be seen walking away with items such as desktop computers, laptops, television sets and fire extinguishers.

A local resident, Mr Edgar Nazar, said some of the thieves arrived in canoes, which they used to ferry valuables looted from the destroyed hotels.

Bagamoyo District Commissioner Serenge Mrengo was among the first people to arrive at the scene.

He said the destruction of the two hotels was a ?cruel? blow to the district.

"We have lost two important symbols of development in our district. It will take a long time to recover from this," he said.

Firefighters from Dar es Salaam extinguished the last smouldering remnants of the hotels at around 1pm.

The two hotels, particularly Paradise Holiday Resort, have transformed Bagamoyo from a sleepy coastal town - previously famous only for its rich history - into a major conference centre in Tanzania.

It was only last week that stakeholders in the tourism industry ranked Bagamoyo third after Dar es Salaam and Arusha among the focal areas for conference tourism in the country.

In recent years, the historic town has rivalled Arusha in hosting major conferences to the extent of forcing owners of conference venues in the northern town to travel all the way to Dar es Salaam to carry out aggressive marketing after noting that Bagamoyo was becoming a serious competitor.

Paradise Holiday Resort has hosted dozens of conferences and high-profile meetings since it opened its doors for the first time in 1998.

The facility started off as a beach resort with a few rooms, a restaurant, swimming pool and snack bar.

The establishment underwent major expansion from 2000 to 2004, with the focus being on conference facilities and the addition of more rooms to cater to a diverse clientele ranging from ordinary visitors to tourists and VIPs.

Oceanic Bay Hotel was put up on an adjacent plot. The two were the leading hotels in Bagamoyo Town, although other beach resorts cropped up in later years.

Mmiliki wa Paradise Resort Aongea

Two Somali owned 5 star hotels located at the historical town of Bagamoyo some 60km from Dara-Salaam the capital city of Tanganyika has turned to ashes on Monday.

“In fact my Hotel was among the leading deluxe hotels in the town of Bagamoyo, and there were 280 workers working in the hotel, and the cause of the fire is yet mysteries, but investigations are underway to detect out the cause of the fire, the fire was very ferocious, and has annihilated money worth 10 million U.S$, but the goodness is that it is registered in the insurance company, the fire swiftly spread to another hotel in the next building owned by a Somali man as well, and it has also completely destroyed it, this hotel of mine was built in the year 1997, everything happens in the will of God the almighty and this simply a building in the world and thanks to God to what has hppend we are Muslims we should come up with strong and unshakable faith to what ever we come across evil or good” said the Abdullahi Noor Gulled the owner of hotel Paradise in Tanganyika speaking to Somaliweyn correspondent in the town of Arusha in Tanganyika.

Since the last effective central government in Somalia collapsed in the year 1991 the Somalis have scattered in the entire of the world and East Africa is one of the places where they have occupied most, in Kenya for instance they have big hotels and shopping malls.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Rais Mpya wa Madagascar

Rais mpya wa Madagascar ni Andry Rajoelina. Ana miaka 34 tu, hivyo ni mdogo kuliko marais wote wa Afrika. Katiba wa Madagascar inasema kuwa lazima rais awe na miaka 41 au zaidi. Alitwaa madaraka kutoka kwa Marc Ravalomanana ambaye alipinduliwa na jeshi la nchi hiyo wiki iliyopita.

Kusoma habari zaidi bofya chini.

Rest in Peace Prof. Ken Edwards (Joshua Mkhululi)

REST IN PEACE PROF. EDWARDS. You left your mark on the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). I hope that UDSM will name something in his honour. He contributed so much! Lakini watu wepesi kusahau.


The University of Dar Es Salaam Business School (UDBS) Alumni alias Faculty of Commerce and Management – FCM- Alumni) with deep sympathy would like to announce the death of our founding father and the first dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Management of the University of Dar Es Salaam Prof Ken Edwards alias Joshua Mkhululi. (Hawa wahitimu, sio kitivo chao, wahitimu ndio wanajiita alias Faculty of!)

The legend University don succumbed to death in Arusha on 18th March 2009 and will be laid to rest on Saturday 28th March.(Tofauti ya legend na legendary imewapita, tarehe ziko za kila aina ya format kwenye taarifa.)

Prof Ken Edwards alias Joshua Mukhululi joined the University of Dar Es Salaam in 1976 after graduating from California State University and Stanford Graduate School of Business. He was born in Jamaica on 22nd of January in 1945. He leaves behind four daughters and two sons. - May his soul rest in eternal PEACE. (Watoto sijui kawa adapt au alizaa mwenyewe, alias wanazi introduce mara mbili mbili throughout the taarifa, jina la mwenzao lenyewe hawana uhakika, Mkhu..Mukhu...?)

The Alumni will be represented by our Chairperson Mr Nehemiah Kyando Mchechu at the burial ceremony in Arusha. We also encourage all alumni residing in Arusha and any other regions in Tanzania and beyond who may have opportunity and honor to be part of this burial ceremony to attend. (Watu wanaombwa wawepo kuzika kujipatia heshima wao!)

More details please contact
Fred Moshi
Given this day of 21st March 2009 by:

Moto Bagamoyo

Picha kutoka Michuzi Blog

Wadau, baada ya kusoma hii habari kwenye gazeti la Daily News, nikajiuliza kama walikuwa na fire alarms kwenye hizo hoteli. Alarms zinasaidia kujulisha watu kuwa kuna moshi/moto na moto huzimwa mapema. Pia zinasaidia kuokoa maisha! Tena wangeweza kununua alarms za bei chei kabisa na kuweka kwenye kila chumba. Nimeshutuka pale niliposoma kuwa moto ulikuwa una waka na watu waliokuwa kwenye ukumbi kwenye masomo hawakuwa na habari kuwa kuna moto mpaka walifungua dirisha.


Kutoka Daily News:

Fire guts two beach resorts

JIANG ALIPO, 23rd March 2009

Two popular beach resorts in Bagamoyo, Coast Region, Paradise Holiday Resort and the Ocenic Bay Hotel and Resort were today reduced to ashes in less than fifteen minutes due to a fire that began in the kitchen of the former.

Hundreds of the fast growing seaside township’s residents rushed to witness the mid-morning inferno that is likely to render about 380 workers of the two hotels jobless. Eyewitnesses told the ‘Daily News’ ‘that the fire, which is believed to have been ignited by a gas cooker inside the Paradise Resort kitchen, spread fast to other parts of the hotel due to thatched roofs and the strong ocean winds.

“We had tea break at 10:30a.m. before heading back to the seminar room. After just five minutes of business, the electricity went off. We continued with our session as we did not know what was going on,’’ a hotel guest said. Another seminar participant said it was when they decided to open the windows for air, when they heard people screaming outside.

‘We got outside only to see fire and smoke all over… we had to run for our lives,” said Mr Donath Mlawila, who was at the hotel, instructing a five-day course for Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) officials. Other witnesses said that the second hotel, Oceanic Bay Hotel and Resort, caught fire when most of its staff went to offer a helping hand to the nighbouring Paradise.

The fire crossed to their hotel without their knowledge, only to realise it when the situation was out of hand. The owner and Chairman of the Paradise Holiday Resort, Mr Abdullahi Nur Guled, said that the total investment of the hotel, which was built in 1997, was 10 million US dollars (more than 13bn/-. He, however, said that the hotel was insured.

“We could not save anything… the fire began at around 11:30 am. Within 15 minutes, the whole hotel was on fire. Everything is burnt completely,” said the hotel’s Operations Manager, Mr Shukri Ali. The fire did not cause any fatalities except for the massive loss of property. Several cars parked at the hotel were burnt in varying degrees, including a four-wheel drive Nissan Patrol vehicle that was burnt beyond repair.

Two Toyota Land Cruiser vehicles, one belonging to TANROADS, Mbeya Office, and another to Mr Mlawila, were partly damaged. “When I saw the car partly destroyed, I could not believe my eyes because I failed to take it away as I had left ignition keys in my room which was on fire,” said Mr Mlawila, who said that he had borrowed the car from his friend.

By the time it was gutted by fire, the Paradise Resort had 89 guests in 82 rooms, with 70 of them participating in four meetings, including 21 TANROADS regional managers from all Mainland regions. “This is the low season, when we make between 60,000 US dollars and 80,000 US dollars (about 78m/- and 94m/-) per day, but we used to reach up to 100,000 US dollars (about 130m/-) per day during peak season.

These include accommodation costs, conference costs and all other services,” said Mr Ali. The Paradise is prominent for hosting different government and private meetings. It has 95 rooms and employs 180 people on a permanent basis. “Many people will lose their jobs due to this…not only our employees, but also other people who were supplying us with various goods and services,” said Mr Guled.

The Oceanic Bay Hotel General Manager, Mr Rahul Nayar, said the hotel had employed 200 workers but declined further details on grounds that the owner, who is in Dubai, was the only one to give such details. Bagamoyo District Commissioner Serenge Mrengo said that the district was going to suffer economically from the loss of the two hotels.

“This is a challenge to hotel owners who prefer thatched roofs. The fire this time spread faster because of the thatched roofs,” said Mr Mrengo. Due to lack of fire tenders in the district, the fire in the two hotels had to be extinguished by fire brigades from Dar es Salaam and Kibaha. “This is a problem for us. We have already ordered four such vehicles for our district and paid 400m/- for them. But delivery has not yet been effected,” said the DC.

Moto Bagamoyo katika Picha

Wadau, zimamoto Dar ilienda Bagamoyo kuzima moto. Sasa nauliza kama moto ungetokea Dar wakati huo huo ingekuaje?

Kuona picha zaidi tembelea Kaka Michuzi.

Hoteli Mbili Zaungua Moto Bagamoyo!

Paradise Hotel

Kutoka Michuzi Blog:

paradise resort:imeteketea yooote hata foronya haikuwahi kuokolewa








Miaka mingi hizi hoteli za kitalii zimeonywa kuhusu ujenzi wa makuti hasa kuezekea makuti. Mnakumbuka hall la Bahari Beach hotel ilivyoungua moto miaka ya 80? Mnakumbuka Hall la Bagamoyo College of Arts ulivyounga na kusababisha hasara kubwa?

Ni kweli makuti yapendeza ni bei rahisi na yanvutia watalii, lakini kuna faida gani kujenga nayo wakati hakuna sprinkler system mle ya kuzima moto kama utatokea? Hebu ona sasa? Hata kulia tunashindwa, tumepigwa butwaa!

Na wageni waliofikia kwenye hizo hoteli wamepata hasara. Huenda kuna wageni kutoka nchi za nje wameptoeza mpaka hatai za kisafiria! Watalipwa fidia?

Nimetembelea hotel websites na bado unaweza kufanya booking ya chumba:

Hotel Websites:



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tumpigie Kura Da Sandra!

Hadithi aliyoandika Da Sandra Mushi imekuwa shortlisted. Tafadhali mpigie kura!

Sandra, You Go Girl!


There are seven of us now. Please do vote for my short story – Jasmine – and ask your friends to do the same. Please go to http://www.dailywritingtips.com/short-story-competition-2-tenth-round-is-open-for-voting/ and vote!!!!

Meanwhile, do visit my website - http://www.sandrasden.com/ –where you will find more short stories, waiting to be published. Do visit the forum please and post your thoughts please.

Thank you and have a blessed day!!



Ubakaji na mauji ya watoto wadogo huko Iringa!

Jamani, hivi huko Iringa kuna nini? Kuna habari kuwa watoto wadogo yaani chini ya miaka sita wanabakwa huko! Sasa huo ni mchezo gani? Najua Afrika Kusini watu wanabaka hao watoto wakidhani eti watapona UKIMWI! Na nashangaa baba zima anataka nini na mtoto mdogo hivyo. Kama hao wahalifu watakamatwa napendekeza wakatwe ume/bolo zao mara moja! Tena mbele ya umati!


Kutoka Lukwangule Blog:

VITENDO vya ubakaji vimeanza kushamiri mkoani hapa, huku matukio ya hivi karibuni yakionesha wanaokumbwa na sakata hilo wakiwa ni watoto wa kike wenye umri chini ya miaka sita.

Katika matukio mawili yaliyotokea ndani ya wiki tatu, mtoto mmoja amekufa baada ya kufanyiwa unyama huo huku mwingine akiendelea kutibiwa katika hospitali ya Mkoa wa Iringa. Tukio lililopelekea mmoja wa watoto hao kufa lilitokea juzi, baada ya mtoto huyo (jina linahifadhiwa) kubakwa na watu wasiojulikana hadi mauti yake yalipomfika na hatimaye kutupwa kwenye bonde dogo la mlima Tagamenda uliopo mita 600 kutoka stendi ndogo ya mabasi ya mikoani ya Ipogolo ya Iringa mjini.

Polisi waliokuwepo kwenye eneo hilo walifanikiwa kuutoa mwili wa mtoto huyo mwenye miaka mitano kutoka katika bonde hilo lenye miti mingi yenye miba akiwa hana nguo na amelowa damu sehemu zake za siri, huku umati mkubwa wa watu waliokuwepo wakiangua kilio kwa uchungu.

Polisi hao wakiongozana na baadhi ya ndugu wa mtoto huyo waliukimbiza mwili huo katika hospitali ya mkoa wa Iringa kwa ajili ya uchunguzi zaidi na wakati tukienda mitamboni ulikuwa umehifadhiwa kwenye chumba cha kuhifadhia maiti cha hospitali hiyo.

Mganga Mfawidhi wa Hospitali ya Mkoa wa Iringa, Dk Oscar Gabone alisema katika tukio lingine lililohusisha mtoto mwingine wa miaka mitano kubakwa kwamba lilitokea Februari 22 katika milima ya Gangilonga mjini Iringa aliyepokelewa hospitalini hapo Februari 23.

Mama mzazi wa mtoto huyo, Jamila Mashaka alisema kwa uchungu kwamba siku ya tukio, mtoto wake na wenzake walikuwa wakicheza nje ya nyumba yao baada ya kujipatia chakula cha jioni.

“Ilikuwa majira ya saa moja jioni, baada ya kupata chakula cha jioni mwanangu huyu na wenzake wakawa wanacheza nje, hata hivyo dada yake alikuja chumbani kwangu baadaye akiniambia kwamba mdogo wake haonekani,” alisema.

Alisema jitihada za kumtafuta katika maeneo wanayoishi na kwa marafiki zake aliokuwa akicheza nao hazikuzaa matunda na ndipo ilipofika saa 4.30 usiku wa siku ya tukio walipkwenda kutoa taarifa Polisi.

“Kesho yake saa 4.30 asubuhi nililetewa taarifa kwamba kuna mtoto yuko hospitali ya mkoa, na nilipokwenda kumtazama nikabaini kwamba ni wa kwangu. Nawashukuru madaktari wanaomuhudumia kwasababu hivi sasa anaendelea vizuri,” alisema.

habari hii kwa hisani ya Frank wa HabariLeo Iringa



The Bucket - 'MKUKUTA' Strengthening the economy by reducing poverty in Tanzania.

It has holes.....

- Money for the treatment if those suffering from HIV/AIDS

- Hospital Beds

- Medicine and other equipment

- Assistance to households affected by HIV/AIDS

- Enabling poor households to take care of their sick members at home.

Turtle : The holes need to be plugged up!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Uchawi Kenya

Jamani, wachawi bado wapo Afrika. Hebu cheki huyo Bi Kizee, na inaeleka yeye kweli ni mchawi hakisingizwa!
Bi Kizee Karutu Chai wa Kilifi, Kenya akisindizwa na polisi kwenda kuondoa uchawi aliyomfanyia mtoto wa miaka 10 huko kijijini kwao!

Waziri Mkuu Pinda Achachamaa!

Mheshimiwa Pinda anavyochemka ananikumbusha alivyokuwa anachemka Marehemu Edward Moringe Sokoine. Nadhani watu hawakutegemea kuwa angekuwa mchapakazi hivyo! Sema, Usiopgope, Sema!

Kumbe kuna mambo pale kwenye kituo cha mabasi Ubungo!

Ubungo bus terminal pact dubious - PM

By Guardian Reporter

Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda said yesterday that the contract under which Dar es Salaam`s Ubungo Bus Terminal is operating is dubious.

Speaking during a stop-over at the upcountry terminal on his second day of a tour of the city, Pinda said the contract has made the nation incur huge losses in gate collections from bus operators and other users.

He cited a clause in the contract which states that the fee to be paid by the private firms running the terminal will be only 1.5m/- per day.

Pinda said in many similar standard contracts, a fair deal would have been a certain percentage from the total amount collected each day.

Asked to explain the anomaly, city officials accompanying the PM remained mum. The Bus Terminal Manager, Fadhili Izombe, also couldn’t utter a word.

The PM, whose tour ends today, ordered the Dar es Salaam City Council to review the contract as soon as possible.

Smart Holding Company has been running the terminal`s operations since 2004. However, its contract ends in October.

SOURCE: Guardian

Pia soma: http://www.ippmedia.com/ipp/nipashe/2009/03/13/133296.html

Na bado! Hatimaye kuna mtu kasema ukweli kuhusu hao wazungu wanaojazana huko Bongo eti ni maExpats! Kumbe huko kwao hawawezi kupata kazi!


Kutoka Ippmedia.com

Pinda: Stop pandering to unqualified expatriates

By Patrick Kisembo

The government has expressed grave concern over some employers` tendency to deny locals rightful jobs by recruiting unqualified expatriates.

The reservation was sounded by Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda on Wednesday night in Dar es Salaam during an occasion to award the 2008 Employer of the Year Award hosted by the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE).
The Standard Chartered Bank Limited was awarded as the 2008 Employer of the Year.

He was particularly unhappy with the growing tendency whereby some employers prefer foreigners who in his opinion ``are lazy,`` but some are getting monthly salaries five times the amount paid to locals.

The Premier said: ``Some of these so-called experts are fakes. But they are being paid five times what a local Tanzanian worker earns in this country. Let`s do what we can to stop this.``

Pinda dismissed claims that locals are poor in their command of the English language, charging that some expatriates ``likewise speak broken English,`` but end up fetching huge salaries.

``We should stop this. Let`s address this problem in order to do justice to local employees,`` he insisted.

Pinda said he was aware of employers giving jobs to foreigners and denying locally trained Tanzanians the chance simply because ``they are not fluent in the English language.``

```Locals are not admitted to jobs. Even when employed they are not given decent jobs. They end up serving in low positions.This is a big problem which should be worked on,`` said the Premier.

He also stressed the importance of using existing local academic institutions to get experts and quality workers who can be sold in regional and international labour markets.

``We have enough educational institutions which produce good people who can perform. We have universities, technical colleges.

We need to use these in getting experts and quality workers for quality production,`` he said.

ATE Chairperson Cornelius Kariwa said that employers of the year were expected to promote skilled labour, as a principal factor in productivity improvement.

He, however said ATE has established that there is a huge untapped potential for improving worker productivity and profitability in several member enterprises if workers are well supervised, coached, motivated and remunerated.

Alexio Musindo, who represented the International Labour Organization Director for Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia at the event, applauded ATE for its efforts to promote efficiency and effectiveness of employers in their role of promoting economic growth and reducing poverty.

``However this is a demonstration of your commitment to promotion of harmonious workplaces and of decent working conditions for your workers,`` he said.

According to the National Employment Promotion
Service Act of 1999, Section 25, no employer is allowed to recruit a foreigner in a position in which only citizens may be employed.

The law also stipulates that any employer who employs any foreigner in contravention of the law commits an offence and is liable on conviction, to a fine of not less than one million shillings or to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months, or to both a fine and imprisonment.

SOURCE: Guardian