Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Smart Baitani Kutuzwa

Dear friends,

I am deeply humbled and grateful to inform you that, on behalf of COSAD, I have just won the DICOTA’s 2009 “OUTSTANDING PHILANTHROPY AWARD”.

The award is “to honor an outstanding individual who has invested his/her passion, time, talent, and/or financial support through philanthropic activities…as an agent of positive change in Tanzania and the communities they live in.”

The award will be presented in Houston Texas, this Friday October 2, 2009. The guest of honor is expected to be the president of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mr. Jakaya M. Kikwete who is currently in New York attending the UN general assembly.

On behalf of COSAD Board of Directors, I want to sincerely thank you all for your generous support and commitment to the people of Tanzania through COSAD. I am humbled by the fact that this award was highly competitive and it is the first ever to be awarded to anyone! (See more at www.dicotaus.org)

COSAD shall remain committed to building genuine relationship that inspires and empowers individuals in Tanzanian communities to become productive citizens themselves. With your continued support, my dream and vision will only grow stronger!

Thank you again! Warmest regards and Blessings,


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