Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wajawazito walalamikia ‘Rushwa’ Kituo cha Afya Simambwe

Wajawazito walalamikia ‘Rushwa’ Kituo cha Afya Simambwe 

Mbeya Vijijini

BAADHI ya akinamama na wanakijiji wa baadhi ya vijiji vya Kata ya Tembela Wilaya ya Mbeya Vijijini wamewalalamikia wauguzi na wahudumu wa afya katika Kituo cha Afya Simambwe kwa kile baadhi yao kuwaomba kitu kidogo (rushwa) hasa kwa wajawazito wanapofika katika kituo hicho kupata huduma.

Wakizungumza kwa nyakati tofauti baadhi ya wanawake kutoka vijiji vinavyohudumiwa na kituo hicho vya Usoha Njiapanda, Shibolya, Simambwe, Garijembe, Ilembo Usafwa, Ngoha na Zunya walisema mjamzito amekuwa akiombwa kutoa shilingi 2000 kila anapojifungulia nyumbani kwa dharura baada ya kushindwa kufika katika kituo hicho.

Mmoja wa akinamama aliyezungumza na mwandishi wa habari hizi ambaye aliomba kutotajwa kwa kuwa huenda akapata taabu kihuduma za afya kituoni hapo, alisema kwa sasa ni jambo la kawaida wahudumu kuwaomba chochote wajawazito kituoni hapo.

“…Unajua vijiji vingi vinavyohudumiwa na kituo hiki vipo mbali na miundombinu ya barabara si mizuri, yaani hakuna usafiri zaidi ya bodaboda ambazo lazima zitoke Simambwe…sasa kutokana na hali hii inatokea mjamzito anajifungulia nyumbani kwa msaada wa wakunga wa jadi, akipeleka mtoto huyo kituo cha afya basi wanamuomba shilingi 2000 haijulikani ya nini, sasa hili si tunaamini sio haki,” alisema mama huyo.

Aidha baadhi ya wanakijiji walikilalamikia kituo hicho kwa kitendo cha kulalamika muda wote hakina dawa huku wahudumu wakiwaelekezwa kwenda kununua dawa jambo ambalo wanahisi kuna mchezo mbaya unafanywa na wahudumu hao.

“Muda wote ukienda kutibiwa utasikia kauli za hakuna dawa tunakuandikia nenda kanunue, tena wengine wanaelekeza hadi maduka ya kununua dawa hizo ndio maana baadhi yetu tunahisi kuna mchezo mbaya (kuhujumu dawa) unaofanywa na baadhi ya wahudumu.,” alisema Mzee aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la Kalamwa.

Kwa upande wake Mganga Mkuu wa Kituo cha Afya Simambwe, Salome Mwaipopo  alipinga vikali uwepo wa vitendo vya kuomba rushwa kwa watumishi wa kituo hicho na kudai malalamiko kwa wanachi wanaohudumiwa na kituo hicho imekuwa kitu cha kawaida hasa wanapotembelewa na mgeni.

“..Hakuna kitu kama hicho unajua wakazi wengi wa vijiji hivi wamezoea kulalamika hasa wanapotembelewa na mgeni…hakuna wanaoombwa fedha, mjamzito akijifungua nyumbani tunampokea bila masharti na kumpatia huduma anazostahili, si kweli wanachokilalamikia,” alisema Mwaipopo.

Hata hivyo alisema kituo hicho kinahudumia idadi kubwa ya watu zaidi ya uwezo wake jambo ambalo hukifanya kuelemewa kwa idadi ya dawa wanazoletewa, wahudumu na vifaa vingine tiba hivyo kuiomba Serikali kukiongezea mgao wa dawa.

“…Kituo kinahudumia idadi kubwa ya watu kupita uwezo wake hivyo unakuta hata baadhi ya changamoto kama ufinyu wa dawa na wahudumu vinatokana na hali kama hiyo…,” alisema Mganga huyo Mkuu wa Kituo cha Afya Simambwe. 
*Imeandaliwa na kwa ushirikiano na TGNP

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sherehe za Miaka 50 ya Muungano Mjini Dar es Salaam

Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiwasalimia wananchi wakati alipokuwa anaingi uwanja wa Uhuru leo katika maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar..Pembeni ni Mkuu wa majeshi Jenerali Davis Mwamunyange.

Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akikagua vikosi vya ulinzi na usalama wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar yaliyofanyika katika uwanja wa Uhuru jijini Dar es Salaam leo.

Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Rais Joyce Banda wa Malawi katika sherehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano.Rais Banda kwa sasa ndiye mwenyekiti wa jumuiya ya uchumi kusini mwa Afrika SADC.

Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akisalimiana na Rais wa Zanzibar Dkt.Mohamed Ali Shein wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 50 ya muungano.

Rais dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Rais Yoweri Kaguta Museveni katika sherehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano.

-Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Rais Pierre Nkurunzinza wa Burundi katika maadhimisho ya hsrehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano.

Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Mfalme MswatiIII katika sherehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano zilizofanyika katika viwanja vya uhuru leo.

Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Rais Uhuru Kenyatta katika hsrehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano.
Rais Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimkaribisha Rais Uhuru Kenyatta katika hsrehe za miaka 50 ya Muungano.

Picha na Freddy Maro wa Ikulu

Mazishi ya Shangazi Greene ni Leo Mjini Tabora

The funeral of my aunt. Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale, is being held in Tabora, Tanzania today. Rest in peace Aunt Greene (1933-2014)

Mazishi ya Shangazi yangu, Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale, yanafanyika leo mjini Tabora. Mwenyezi Mungu ailaze roho yake mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.

Mrs, Greene Kapepela Chale (nee Che-Mponda)  1933-2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tanzia - Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale (1933 - 2014) Shangazi Yangu

Wadau, ninasikitika kutangaza kifo cha shangazi yangu, Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale, ni dada wa baba yangu mzazi tumbo moja. Amefariki saa 8 usiku wa kuamkia leo, huko Kitete Hospital, Tabora. Mwenyezi Mungu ailaze roho yake mahala pema mbinguni. Amen. 

Misiba imefululiza. alipoteza wajukuu watatu katika miezi chache na wiki iliyopita alifariki Shangazi Mrs. Rozina Che-Mponda Hauli, mke wa baba mdogo,  ghafla.  Dada yangu anasema  kuwa shangazi alilia sana huzuni zilimzidi na inaeleke alipata stroke (kiharusi).

I would like to thank all of those who offered prayers for my Aunt, Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale (maiden name Che-Mponda). I am deeply saddened to announce that she passed away this morning at 2:00am, Tanzanian time at Kitete Hospital in Tabora, Tanzania. May she rest in peace. We are grief stricken.

Aunt Greene you were such fun despite the tragedies that plagued your life. You now join Uncle Selwin, your children, James, John & Happiness, and your many grandchildren and great grandchildren who died before you, in Heaven. No one should endure the grief you endured, but you stayed strong until you could take it no more. We will always remember you my dear Shangazi Greene.

Rest in Peace. 

Shangazi (mwenye Kilemba), Dada Eliza (katikati), na wifi Mrs, Mburuma (kushoto)

Mimi na Shangazi Greene mwaka 2010 nilipoenda Tanzania

Mrs. Greene Kapepela Chale (1932 - 2014)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hizi Nafasi za Kazi ni Utapeli! World Economic Forum

Subject: Job Vacancy - World Economic Forum - SCAM

Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America

Job Vacancy - World Economic Forum 

Dear All,

After getting some feedback regarding the Job Vacancies we sent to you previously, we realized that the whole thing was a scam.

We are so sorry for any inconvenience we caused and we are requesting to spread a word about the issue. For those who applied, please stop at whatever stage you are in.

Once again, we apologies for sending you information that is not genuine, next time we will do more investigations of the source before sending any information like that.

With Kind Regards,

Dr. Ndaga Mwakabuta,
DICOTA President


Dear All,

Many thanks to Rosemary Jairo, Acting Director, Diaspora Desk - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for forwarding this information from the World Economic Forum.
Our Mission

The World Economic Forum (WEFORUM)is an independent international organization  committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic  and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. WEFORUM is  looking for competent and motivated persons with a strong belief in its purpose and  mandates, who are willing to dedicate themselves to a rewarding international career in  different locations around the world. World Economic Forum  provides an opportunity to  serve in a dynamic, multicultural environment in a variety of jobs in the support of  global causes.

World Economic Forum staff uphold the principles and core values of the Organization,  including integrity, professionalism, efficiency and respect for diversity.The WEFORUM  welcomes applications from nationals of all Member States and strongly encourages women  to apply. Applicants with disabilities are considered by the WEFORUM for employment  under all types of contracts in full compliance with the WEFORUM Charter. WEFORUM  offers a variety of ways to join its workforce. It also offers university students  opportunities to serve as interns.

A.Position: Environmental Officer
Salary: $170,600.00 USD.
Contract: Full time
They are responsible for development oversight, management, and evaluation of programs in the following areas:bio-diversity,conservation, forestry, wildlife management, water and coastal resources management, environmental education, environmental policy,environmentally sustainable agriculture, community based natural resources management, urban and industrial pollution reduction,urban planning and management (including such areas as housing, water and sanitation), urban and housing finance, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy applications, clean energy technologies, energy sector planning and global climate change. Environment Officers apply both a technical knowledge of their program area and a variety of management and program evaluation knowledge in order to ensure that projects meet the needs of who-usa 's partners and customers in a cost-effective manner.

B. Financial Management Officer
Location: Canada
Salary:$174,000.00 USD
Duration: Full time
They direct the accounting and payment operations worldwide. In addition, they provide significant ,levels of advisory services to all levels of the mission and host country governments. This includes administrative, operational and program matters concerning financial,budgetary and resource management and implementation issues.

C. Senior Program Officer for Nutrition
Location: South-Africa/U.S.A
Contract: Full time
Salary:$180,678.00 USD
Overall Responsibilities
The Senior Program Officer for Nutrition works closely with Senior Child Survival/Immunization. Program Managers to plan, coordinate,implement, monitor, and evaluate child survival activities, with special attention to strengthening nutrition program activities.Work with the Senior Child Survival/Immunization Advisor and the State Child Survival/Malaria Program Managers in coordinate, implement,monitor, and evaluate the country child survival activity plan. In particular, design, plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition actions as an integral part of COMPASS activities. Coordinate, plan, implement,monitor, and evaluate nutrition activities related to Vitamin A,breastfeeding promotion, complementary feeding, nutrition activities related to immunization and National Immunization Days (NIDs), Quality Protein Maize (QPM) related issues, communications/behavior change, and community mobilization.Evaluate the costs and effectiveness of Positive Deviance (PD)/Hearth approaches to improving childhood health and nutrition.Identify and coordinate with partners from The World Health Organization Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank, World Health Organization(WHO),Canadian International Development Agency/Micro nutrient Initiative (CIDA/MI), Department for International Development(DFID)International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Helen Keller International (HKI),community-Directed Treatment and Ivermectin (CDTI) Program, other academic institutions, Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the development of activities at scale to reach high geographical coverage.

D. Program/Project Development Officer
Location:United Kingdom/U.S.A
Salary:$184 ,000.00 USD
Duration: Full time

They are responsible for strategy development, policy formulation,
performance reporting,project management, and public outreach. They are
looked upon to ensure that the Mission's operational procedures are
designed to elicit teamwork, emphasize shared values, make known
programming priorities, and reward innovation. Program/Project
development officers must be able to apply leadership and management
skills in order to ensure that program activities are designed and
implemented to achieve stated objectives, within resource constraints
and in a timely manner

E.Executive Officers
Salary;$170,000.00 USD
They oversee a wide range of administrative and logistical support
functions including personnel management, contracting, procurement,
property management, motor pool management, travel management,
employee/family housing and maintenance management.

In addition to having direct responsibility for providing the daily
support of the agency's field mission, duties include planning for future
personnel and procurement requirements at the assigned duty station.

Salary;$180,000.00 USD

They provide legal counsel to planners and administrators of WHO's overseas programs, laws and regulations, Agency directives and delegations of authority, bilateral agreements, loan and grant agreements, contracts and other agreements pertaining to country or regional programs. They advise on reconciliation of problems resulting from differences between DRI . and cooperating country laws. They advise regional personnel on the drafting and promotion of legislation and regulations to be proposed for enactment or adoption by the cooperating country government Ministry of Justice

G. Education Development Officers
Salary;$180,000.00 USD

They analyze, advise, and assist with the development of host country education human resources and manpower planning systems. Strategies are designed to improve existing education programs as well as to promote organizational competencies and skills acquisition related to both individual and institutional development.Duties Include participation in Agency policy formulation, sector analysis, program and project design,program monitoring, and evaluation of activities in education and human resources.

H. Agriculture/Rural Development Officers
Salary;$175,000.00 USD
They advise senior WHO and host government officials on agriculture and rural development projects. They identify problems and propose solutions, participate in project design and development, and manage and evaluate programs.
Duties include coordinating the flow of resources for projects, analyzing the effects  of proposed policies, legislation, and programs and advising on interdisciplinary rural development programs.

I.Program/Project Monitoring Officer
Salary;$184,200.00 USD

Salary;$170,000.00 USD

K.Senior Director/Internal audit
Salary;$180,000.00 USD

L.HR and Admin Team Leader
Salary;$175,000.00 USD

M.Economic Affairs
Salary;$155,000.00 USD

Salary;$185,000.00 USD

O.Political Affairs
Salary;$175,000.00 USD

Salary;$185,000.00 USD


Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials ,experience and other relevant factors. Successful Applicants are invited to come to Washington, for an interview/ Training Candidates are interviewed on their related knowledge, skills and abilities.

Application is open to all interested applicants from any nationality.


Please send your resume/CV to:

Mr. Ján Kubis
Executive Secretary
World Economic Forum USA.
3 East 54th Street, 18th Floor,
New York, NY 10022, USA.

Let me know if you will have any question,

With Kind Regards,

Dr. Ndaga Mwakabuta,
DICOTA President.


Heri ya Pasaka! Happy Easter!

Nawatakia wadau wote Pasaka Njema!  Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

WaTanzania Wako Wapi Katika Mbio za Kukimbia Siku Hizi?

Wadau, mnakumbuka majina, Suleiman Nyambui, Juma Ikangaa, Filbert Bayi, Nzael Kyomo,  Walikuwa wanariadha walioshinda katika Marathon na  michezo Olympics.  Walifanya jina la Tanzania ijulikane na isifike! Waliinua jina la Tanzania.  Lakini kwa sasa mbona Tanzania haijawa na mwanariadha anayeweza kushinda  kwa miaka mingi?

Jumatatu kutakuwa na mashindano ya Boston Marathon. Karibu kila mwaka ni MKenya anayeshinda! Kenya ni nchi jirani na sisi, kwa nini Tanzania hatuwezi kushinda? Au tabia ya Party kila wiki na mkao wa kula/bahasha umefanya watu wasijali.


Suleiman Nyambui - Alishinda Tuzo ya Fedha (Silver) katika Commonwealth Games huko akiwa amefunga kwa ajili ya mwezi mtukufu wa Ramadhan!  BOFYA HAPA kwa habari zaidi

Suleiman Nyambui akifanya mazoezi Texas, USA

Nzael Kyomo  alishiriki Olympics mwaka 1980 halafu alienda kusoma Marekani.  BOFYA HAPA:


Juma Ikangaa alishinda Marathon nyingi ikiwemo New York Marathon.  Alipata zawadi ya Benzi ambayo serikali ya Tanzania walizuia bandarini kwa zaidi ya mwaka kwa vile Ikangaa hakuweza kuilipia ushuru! Aibu kwa serikali kumnyanyasa shujaa!  BOFYA HAPA:  

Juma Ikangaa katika Boston Marathon 1990


Filbert Bayi alishinda mashindano ya Olympics na Commonwealth Games.   Kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:

Filbert Bayi katika mashindano ya Commonwealth 1974

Dutch Holocaust Survivors Forced to Pay Unfair Taxes!

Associated Press
   AMSTERDAM (AP) - Charlotte van den Berg was a 20-year-old college student working part-time in Amsterdam's city archives when she and other interns came across a shocking find: letters from Jewish Holocaust survivors complaining that the city was forcing them to pay back taxes and late payment fines on property seized after they were deported to Nazi death camps.

   How, the survivors asked, could they be on the hook for taxes due while Hitler's regime was trying to exterminate them? A typical response was: "The base fees and the fines for late payment must be satisfied, regardless of whether a third party, legally empowered or not, has for some time held the title to the building."

   Following her discovery four years ago, Van den Berg waged a lonely fight against Amsterdam's modern bureaucracy to have the travesty publicly recognized. Now, largely due to her efforts, Amsterdam officials are considering compensating Holocaust survivors for the taxes and possibly other obligations, including gas bills, they were forced to pay for homes that were occupied by Nazis or collaborators while the rightful owners were in hiding or awaiting death in the camps.

   "I didn't expect any of this to happen, though I'm happy it finally did," Van den Berg told The Associated Press in an interview. "I never dreamed that compensation could be the result."

   An unpublished review of those files by the Netherlands' Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies - or NIOD - found 217 cases in which the city demanded that returning Jews pay the taxes and penalty fees for getting behind in their payments.

   Two Dutch newspapers, Het Parool and De Telegraaf, have received leaked copies of the report and published its conclusions. The report found that the city's top lawyer advised politicians of the time not to enforce the fines, but the recommendation was rejected. Politicians worried granting one claim might lead to more.

   "The city made a conscious decision to reject this advice, which cannot be described otherwise than as a totally needless callousness toward (Jews) who had their property taken during the war," De Telegraaf quoted the report as saying.

   Amsterdam's official ruling of Sept. 12, 1947, a public document viewed by the Associated Press, was that "the city has the right to full payment of fees and fines" and that most excuses - including that property had been seized by the Nazis - were invalid.

   Ronny Nafthaniel - a leader of the Dutch Jewish community who sat on a vetting panel for the NIOD report and has reviewed a copy - said the papers' reporting is accurate. Spokespeople for the NIOD and the city declined to comment on the findings ahead of a statement planned next week.

   Nafthaniel said many of the homes were sold to Dutch collaborators who left the bills unpaid and fled at the end of the war.

   "Another thing that happened, and this is almost too sad to relate, is that Jews got back from Auschwitz - and then got an invoice for the gas that had been used in their homes," Nafthaniel said.

   The Netherlands deported a relatively high percentage of its Jews during the Nazi occupation of 1940-1945 compared to other European countries, in part because of its efficient bureaucracy. An estimated 110,000 Dutch Jews died in the Holocaust, including teenage diarist Anne Frank. Around 30,000 survived the war, many later emigrating to Israel.

   The Institute report recommends that the city now pay survivors or their families 4.9 million euros ($6.7 million): 400,000 euros for the fines and 4.5 million euros for the back tax payments on homes they were unable to use while in hiding or incarcerated at German camps.

   However, these are only for one type of housing tax, specifically fees for long-term leases when the city owns the ground a house is built on. Nafthaniel said there were numerous other categories of unfair charges - such as the retroactive gas bills - but remaining records may be too spotty to do anything about those. There is also a major unanswered question about whether Jews who paid the back taxes and fees without filing a formal complaint should also be reimbursed.

   In one of the letters Van den Berg found, a Jewish man asked for an extension in paying the back taxes because his home had been seized by an organization created by the Nazis in 1941 to despoil Jews of their property. Before deportation, the man was also forced to surrender his assets to the Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. bank in Amsterdam, which transferred them to the Third Reich - leaving him with neither the house nor funds to pay for taxes on it.

   "In conclusion," the man wrote, "I'm asking you in handling this matter to be led by moral considerations."

   No response was found in the archives, Van den Berg said.

   None of Van den Berg's colleagues or superiors had the time or inclination to take the matter further. So she took up the challenge: "My feeling was, they were too important to just let them lie there," she said. "This was an injustice that was done, not something you could just put aside and forget about."

   She did further research and found there were public records on the postwar tax charges in city archives, eventually leading to 342 case files in all.

   Van den Berg notified city officials about the documents and received assurances they would be fully investigated. Now and then she checked in, only to learn that nothing had been done. In March 2013, Van der Berg heard that the documents were "one signature away" from being destroyed, as other documents from the era had been. She was told that didn't matter because they had been digitized, but she felt it was important to preserve the physical evidence.

   She hoped the letters would one day go on public display.

   In desperation, she turned her findings over to Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool in March 2013.

   The publication caused an outcry, and the city quickly commissioned a more thorough study by the NIOD to examine the documents and place them in a wider context of the city's postwar treatment of Jews. The study, partly leaked by the newspapers, is due to be officially released this month.

   Nafthaniel said other painful revelations have come to light during the investigation, such as a chain of letters during the occupation where Amsterdam city officials complained that "dog tax" revenue had plummeted, and demanded compensation from German authorities.

   They never mentioned the reason for the decline in revenues: the dogs' Jewish owners had been deported.

   Naftaniel praised Van den Berg's role in uncovering the documents.

   "She is absolutely a hero" he said. "She pushed her bosses and all the civil servants around her to open up these files, even when they told her not to bother."

Friday, April 18, 2014

Against the Jab - Film Made in Boston by Patrick Jerome

    Pat Jerome

    I need your help to support my movie AGAINST THE JAB. We have an important screening this Saturday April 19 at 7:30pm at AMC loews Theater Boston Common. I will have a Q & A after the showing with the audience. The goal for this screening is set up a wider distribution or influence more distribution outlets around the country. I hope you can come and support. The tickets is $12.00 if you cannot make it. Please tells a friend that may be available that day. I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions please let me know. You may need the set the theater location if you don't live in Boston. It usually say showtime is not available in your area. You need to set the location by enter the theater zip code 02111, MA. Patrick
    Session 28B- Against the Jab
    On this installment of AMC Movie Talk (Wednesday April 16th 2014) we discuss: New X-MEN Trailer review Ferrell and Reilly re-team for BORDER GUARDS Walker's brothers join FAST 7 MAGIC MIKE XXL gets...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mpiga Gitaa Chiri Challa Afariki Dunia


Mpiga Gitaa wa Skylight Band maarufu kwa jina la Chiri Challa(pichani) amefariki dunia ghafla usiku wa kuamkia April 17 katika Hospitali ya Muhimbili.

Taarifa za awali zimethibitishwa na uogonzi wa bendi hiyo kuwa mpiga gitaa huyo machachari amefariki baada ya kuugua kwa siku mbili ugonjwa wa kupooza nusu ya mwili wake na kuepelekea kutofanya kazi ipasavyo.

Kwa mujibu wa Meneja wa bendi hiyo Aneth Kushaba AK47 Ugonjwa wa kupooza ulipelekea mishipa ya damu kichwani kupasuka hivyo na kumsababishia maumivu makali sehemu kichwani.


Kutokana na msiba huo uongozi unapenda kutoa taarifa kuwa Show ya Escape One iliyokuwa ifanyike Alhamis ya April 17 imeahirishwa hata hivyo uongozi unasikitika kumpoteza msanii huyo ambaye alikuwa ni kiungo muhimu wa bendi na inaungana na familia ya marehemu Chiri Challa kuomboleza kifo cha mpendwa wao na inatoa pole kwa familia na mashabiki wa Skylight Band na wapo bega kwa bega katika kipindi hiki kigumu.

Msiba na shughuli za mazishi zinafanyika maeneo ya Mwanyamala Ujiji mtaa wa Mpunga.

Kwa mawasiliano zaidi namba ya Meneja wa Bendi +255 715 677 499.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kumbe Wazee bado Wamo!

Jamani, jamni hebu tuach ule tabia ya kuanika wazee juani na eti kutokurushu hata kucheza ngoma!  Huyo Bi Kizee anafanya vijana waone haya kwa kipaji chake cha kucheza ngoma!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Waziri Membe Akutana na Gavana wa Maryland

Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (Mb.) akisalimiana na Gavana wa Jimbo la Maryland la nchini Marekani, Mhe. Martin O'Malley walipokutana jijini Washington D.C kwa mazungumzo kuhusu namna ya kuimarisha ushirikiano kati ya Jimbo hilo na Tanzania katika masuala ya uchumi, jamii na siasa. Mhe. Membe alipata fursa ya kukutana na Gavana huyo alipokuwa mjini humo kwa ajili ya kumwakilisha Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kwenye upokeaji Tuzo ya Kiongozi mwenye Mchango Mkubwa zaidi katika Maendeleo ya Bara la Afrika kwa Mwaka 2013.
Mhe. Gavana O'Malley akisalimiana na Balozi wa Tanzania nchini Marekani, Mhe. Liberata Mulamula
Mhe. Waziri Membe akitoa salamu maalum kwa wajumbe kabla ya mkutano kuanza. Pembeni ni Mhe. Gavana O'Malley.
Mhe. Membe akizungumza huku Gavana O'Malley akimsikiliza.
Mhe. Membe akiendelea na mazungumzo huku Mhe. Gavana O'Malley na wajumbe wengine wakimsikiliza.
Mhe. Gavana O'Malley akizungumza.
Balozi Mulamula akiwa na wajumbe wengine wakimsikiliza Gavana O'Malley (hayupo pichani)
Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano Ikulu, Bw. Salvatory Rweyemamu akimsikiliza Gavana O'Malley (hayupo pichani). Wengine ni Balozi wa Nigeria nchini Marekani Prof. Adebowele Adufye pamoja na Bi. Mindi Kasiga, Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali, Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa.
Wajumbe wengine wakati wa mkutano kati ya Mhe. Membe na Gavana O'Malley (hawapo pichani). Kushoto ni Bw. Thobias Makoba, Katibu wa Waziri Membe na Bi. Redemptor Tibaigana, Afisa Mambo ya Nje.
Wajumbe wengine
Mhe. Membe akimweleza jambo Mhe. Gavana O'Malley mara baada ya mazungumzo yao.
Mhe. Membe akisalimiana na Bw. John Kennedy Opara, Katibu Mtendaji wa Tume ya Mahujaji Wakiristo wa Nigeria ambaye pia ni Mshauri wa Rais Goodluck Jonathan wa nchi hiyo kuhusu Uhusiano wa Kidini nchini Nigeria. Bw. Opara pia alipokea Tuzo ya Heshima siku hiyo.
Mhe. Gavana O'Malley katika picha ya pamoja na Bal. Mulamula
Mhe. Gavana O'Malley katika picha ya pamoja na Bi. Kasiga.
Mhe. Membe na Mhe. Gavana O'Malley katika picha ya pamoja na wajumbe wengine.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Ras Kikwete Achaguliwa Kiongozi Boara Afrika

Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Mhe. Bernard K. Membe akiongea na katika ubalozi wa Tanzania nchini Marekani  mjini Washington DC, Marekani, ambako atapokea tuzo ya Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year kwa niaba ya Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamahuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania mjini humo leo.

Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete amechaguliwa kuwa Kiongozi Mwenye Mchango Mkubwa Zaidi katika Maendeleo Barani Afrika kwa mwaka 2013 .
Heshima hiyo kwa Rais Kikwete imetolewa na jarida maarufu la kimataifa la African Leadership Magazine Group na Tuzo la heshima hiyo itatolewa jioni ya kesho, Jumatano, Aprili 9, 2014, katika sherehe iliyopangwa kufanyika Hoteli ya St. Regis mjini Washington, D.C ikiwa ni pamoja na chakula cha jioni.
Tuzo hiyo itapokelewa kwa niaba ya Rais Kikwete na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Mheshimiwa Bernard Membe, ambaye tayari amewasili mjini Washington kwa sherehe hiyo kubwa.
Tuzo hiyo ya heshima kubwa hutolewa kwa viongozi wa Afrika ambao hutoa mchango mkubwa zaidi wa kiuchumi na kijamii kila mwaka kwa watu wao na limetolewa kwa Rais Kikwete kwa mwelekeo wake usiokuwa wa kawaida na wenye mafanikio makubwa kwa masuala ya utawala bora.
Jarida hilo linasema kuwa ukweli wa hali hiyo bora ya utawala bora chini ya  uongozi wa Rais Kikwete umeendelea kumiminiwa sifa kimataifa na leo umeifanya Tanzania kuwa nchi ya kuigwa mfano kama kituo cha uhakika cha uwezeshaji kutokana na mageuzi makubwa yaliyofanywa katika sera na mifumo ya uchumi.
          Jarida hilo linasema kuwa Rais Kikwete alikuwa chaguo kubwa na la kwanza la wasomaji wa Jarida hilo ambao walipiga kura kupitia njia mbali mbali za mawasiliano za jarida hilo.
Linasema Jarida hilo, “Kuhusu maoni ya wasomaji wetu juu ya kiongozi yupi wa Afrika ambaye ni hodari zaidi kwa maendeleo ya kiuchumi na maendeleo, matokeo ya majibu ya swali hilo yamedhihirisha bila shaka yoyote kuhusu nafasi ya Rais Kikwete katika uongozi wa nchi yake. Na ushahidi uko kila mahali – ameweza kusimamia uchumi ambao umekuwa kwa wastani wa asili mia saba kwa miaka yote ya uongozi wake.”
 Sherehe za kesho, miongoni mwa mambo mengine, zitaliwezesha Jarida hilo kutangaza mafanikio ya Tanzania chini ya uongozi wa Rais Kikwete kwa Jumuia ya Kimataifa, ikiwa ni pamoja na Jumuia ya Kimataifa ya Kibiashara, wanadiplomasia na taasisi nyingine zenye ushawishi mkubwa katika medani za kimataifa na zenye makao yake katika Jiji la Washington na maeneo ya jirani.
Imetolewa na:
                                            Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,



Monday, April 07, 2014

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