Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Heri ya Krismasi!


Ninawatakia sikukuu ya Kirismasi Njema! Pamoja na shamrashamra, mapochopocho na zawadi tukumbuke kuwa ni siku ambayo tunasherekea kuzaliwa kwa bwana Yesu Kristo. Na hapa Boston kama mmesikia kwenye taarifa ya hbari tumepigwa na Snow/Theluji kibao! Watu wanaomba summer ije haraka!

Heri ya Krismasi! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Mwalimu Nyerere Dodoma 1995

Da Subi ametuletea hii:

J.K.Nyerere, Dodoma - Tanzania 1995

Marehemu Baba wa Taifa la Tanzania, Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere alipozungumza na WanaCCM mwaka 1995 katika ukumbi wa Chama cha Mapinduzi huko Dodoma (nadhani ilikuwa ni Chamwino) kwenye mchakato wa kumtafuta mgombea wa kiti cha uraisi kwa tiketi ya CCM, Mwalimu alisema yafuatayo:http://nukta77.blogspot.com/2008/12/jknyerere-dodoma-tanzania-1995.html


Ilitokea kweli - No. 1

Hapo zamani za kale, wabongo walichukuliwa kwa wingi na serikali ya USSR (Soviet Union) Urusi, kwenda kusoma huko.

Sasa si mnajua ubaridi wa kule. Yaani baridi hasa. Theluji na barafu kibao. Sasa kuna mBongo fulani, mwanaume alipenda sana kunywa vodka ya Urusi. Yaani baada ya kazi ngumu ya kubukua kazi kunywa vodka.

Siku moja baada ya kunywa alitoka na kawa anatembea barabarani. Theluji ilianguka kwa wingi mpaka jamaa akaona taabu kutembea. Aliamua kusimama na kupumzika kidogo mtaaani huko theluji inazidi kuanguka kwa wingi. Mwisho kalala hapo hapo alipokuwa.

Asubuhi yake, warusi walikuwa wanasafisha mitaa na kuzoa ile theluji iliyoanguka. Wakakuta maiti ya mwafrika mle kwenye snowbank (mlima wa theluji). Wakaita gari la kuja kuchukua maiti. Ile gari likaja na wakatia maiti ya mwafrika mle.

Kufika mortuary, wakailaza maiti mapokezi. Kumbe ile joto ndani ya gari la maiti na ndani ya jengo ilikuwa inafanya mambo. Jamaa ambaye alidhani maiti kakaa wima halafu kaongea Kiswahili! Wacha wazungu wakimbie!

Wataalam wanasema na sikumbuki vizuri lakini ilikuwa kama ile pombe ilipunguza metabolism sijui na ile theluji ilikuwa insulation ndo maana hakufa.

Nafurahi kusema jamaa alimaliza masomo yake Urusi na alirudi Bongo miaka ya 90.

Kipanya Asema


Sign on the Desk: Big Shots

Kipanya (rat character): All of them are at the witchdoctors getting their fortunes told!

Shujaa wa Taifa - Major Alex Nyirenda Afariki Dunia

Kutoka Michuzi Blog:






Mnakumbuka ule wimbo wa halaiki, maneno sikumbuki vizuri hivyo naomba mnisahishe:
Sisi tumeuwasha Mwenge
na kuiweka Mlima Kilimanjaro
Kuwasha Mwenge
Kuwasha Mwenge

Na kuiweka Kilimanjaro

Saturday, December 20, 2008


WWW.NIFAHAMISHE.COM ni website mpya ambayo inakuja na mambo mbalimbali kwaajili ya watanzaniaBaadhi ya vipengele vilivyopo kwenye nifahamishe.com ni kama ifuatavyo:

* Breaking news za bongo na duniani
* Habari mbali mbali za Tanzaniana za kimataifa
* Habari katika picha na video
* Live radio
* Online Games
* Habari za burudani na wasanii wa bongo*

Utaweza kusikiliza nifahamishe nonstop bolingo na lingala mix->Kuuza kwa kuweka tangazo lako bure au kununua nyumba,magari,vitu vyaelectronics na kadhalika->Kushare picha na watanzania duniani KARIBU NIFAHAMISHE.COM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tatizo la Maji DSM - Maoni ya Mdau

Tanzania sijui ni Shida sijui ni Umaskini sijui ni nini?

Baada ya wiki nzima ya mateso ya kukosa maji leo asubuhi maji yametoka hapa jijini Dar es saam na umeme ukakatika kwa hivyo vimepokezana,na kutoka kwenyewe yaani yale sio maji ni mchanganyiko wa udongo yaani kama maji ya Cocoa vile.Nikisoma baadhi ya maoni ya wabeba mabox hapa kwenye kijiji chetu cha jamii,uwa wanasema wao wanakunywa maji moja kwa moja toka bombani na bila kudhurika,nikasema lo! Wenzetu wanafaidi sana,na wanapunguza gharama za kuchemsha maji ya kunywa kwenye mkaa,maana ukidhubutu kunywa maji ambayo hayajachemshwa hapa bongo ni kujitakia kupelekwa hospitali ya rufaa kwa kipundupindu na hata kuweza kupoteza maisha kabisa.

Je vipi kuhusu mbanano wa ndani ya mabasi, imagine umepanda basi la kivukoni mbagala au Kariakoo-Mbagala,mwanangu iyo harufu ya samaki na mchanganyiko wa jasho la siku nzima kama ni mgeni lazima utazimia tu,najiuliza ni kwa nini Serikali yetu kama wao hawawezi wakaruhusu wawekezaji wakaja kuwekeza kwenye usafiri wa jumuia hapa mjini ili kuepukana na hii adha ya usafiri ambayo inaweza ikakuambukiza magojwa ya ngozi,mafua,TB na magonjwa mengine ya kuambukiza kwa hewa na mgusongamano?.

Pia uwa najiuliza wapanga miji wako wapi,wewe Mtanzania unayeishi Masaki,Mikocheni,Osterbay Mbezi beach n.k,je umewahi fika maeneo kama ya mburahati ndani ndani ukaona wenzako wanavyoishi huko,choo bado ni passport size,mifereji ya kupitisha maji taka hakuna,mvua ikinyesha vyoo vinatapishwa,unaambiwa utakuta watoto wanaogelea juu ya vinyesi vya binadamu maana ya hapo nenda sasa Amani hosp utakutana na watoto kibao wanapoteza maisha kwa kipundupindu, Tena maeneo kama hayo ukipita usithubutu kifungua kifurushi kilichofungwa cheusi cheusi hivi,wewe yaani kwa jina lingine vinaitwa vibomu huko uswahilini,basi utakutana na kinyesi nyumba zima wamejiachia humo,hii inatokea pale choo kimejaa na hakuna mvua kwa muda kuwezeka kukifungua choo kiondoke mtaani.

Yaani unaweza kusema kipindupindu ni ugonjwa wa maskini,maana idadi kubwa ya wagonjwa ni hao ni wakipato cha chini mno,

Vipi kuhusu Uchafu barabarani na barabara mbovu sizizo na mpangilio hapa town,yaani ni balaa tupu,mimi niliwahi kukaa pale Upanga toka nizaliwe hadi leo,unaambiwa hata siku moja sijaona wakiweka barabara ya rami,kipindi cha kiangazi ni vumbi hadi chumbani,kipindi cha mvua ni kukanyaga maji ya mvua nje yaliyochanganyika na maji taka yaliyoziba kwa sababu ya uchakavu wake ,maana nahisi toka wahindi waijenge enzi hizo hadi leo haijaweza kurekebishwa na watu ndo ivyo wanazidi kuongezeka,Sasa hapo Serikali za mitaa zinafanya nini au ziko kwa ajili ya nini.

Achana na hilo,hadi leo tumekosa kabisa wazoa taka wa kuweza kusema taka zinazolewa hakuna,magari ni mabovu yaani sio Gari la takataka ni Gari taka.na wale wanaozoa wenyewe hawana groves,mabuti wala mask za kuzuia harufu ya uchafu,na utakuta wanakaa juu ya uchafu.

Elimu yetu je ikoje,leo hii ukitaka kuomba kazi lazima waandike uwe unajua kiingereza safi cha kuandiaka na kuongea,mimi kajamba nani vyeti ninavyo lakini School bus huko sekondari na primary sijapanda(yaani sijasoma shule ya kizungu)hivyo kiingereza changu si salama sana. Na watu kama mimi hapa bongo tuko wengi kuliko hao waliopanda School bus,sasa hapo hauoni wametutenga?.

Mimi nasema viongozi wetu wanabahati sana,wanatoa ahadi na hawatekelezi vilevile lakini wananchi wao tumetulia tuli kama maji mtungini tukiomba ipo siku tutakuwa kama angalau mazingira kama Ulaya(Lol)

Umewahi kutembelea mbuga za wanyama kama mkiwa group hivi mmetoka Dar mnakwenda huko,labda vyumba mlivyofikia jirani na vyumba vya wazungu watalii,basi mkiongea na kucheka kwa nguvu,wahudumu wanawafuata,nyie mbona mnapiga makelele kuna wageni watawashangaa.mnyamaze au tutawahamisha,lakini huko mnawasikia hao wageni wazungu wakiongea na kupiga makelele kweli,wangine wanaimba na kucheza hadi usiku kweli,tena nyie mlionyamaza sasa hata usingizi mnakosa kuwasubiri hao wageni hadi nao wachoke walale.Sasa sielewi makelele ya wazungu watalii ni mazuri kuliko makelele ya Wa Tz watalii.

Kuna vitu vingi sana vinaumiza Bongo,kama Rushwa,Kodi kubwa zinazomuumiza mTanzania,Mikataba inayonufaisha wachache n.k

Wadau mimi nafikiri hii Blog inasomwa hata na Serikali yetu sasa tunaweza labda kuwapa maoni wafanye nini ili na sisi tuwe na unafuu hapa Nchini kwetu.

Mdau Dar es Salaam

Tatizo la Maji Dar!

Hivi jamani, kwa nini baada ya siku kumi maji bado ni tatizo mjini Dar es Salaam. Na ni miaka mingapi baada ya Uhuru? Ni aibu kwa Dar kuwa na tatizo la maji kama Harare au Monrovia enzi za vita! Aibu kubwa sana.

Wale wataalam wa maji waliosomeshwa na Chuo cha Maji nk. wako wapi? Kuna nini hasa kinachofanya maji yaye ya shida hivyo wakati tumebarikiwa ma maziwa makubwa kama Ziwa Victoria, Tanganyika na Nyasa na mito kibao!

Nakumbuka enzi zile sisi tuliokuwa tunaishi Chuo Kikuu cha DSM tulikuwa tunachekwa kwa sababu ya matatizo ya maji. Walikuwa wanashindwa kuyapandisha mlimani eti.

Serikali infanya nini kutatua matatizo ya maji? Wasipofanya kitu tutasikia watu wanaugua kipindupindu na magonjwa mengine ya kuharisha.


Kutoka ippmedia.com

Dar vendors pray for prolonged water scarcity

By Correspondent Gadiosa Lamtey

An acute water shortage that had hit Dar es Salaam and its outskirts for the past ten days, had turned into a blessing in disguise for others.

Vendors selling the precious liquid have been making lucrative business, praying for the scarcity to continue a little bit longer.

A vendor, Hamisi Majaliwa, said God had listened to their prayers as they could now afford to celebrate the year end festivals.

``The scarcity guarantees my daily bread. I no longer worry about celebrating Christmas because I have earned quite a sum over the past few days,`` said Majaliwa.

A survey conducted by The Guardian across the country`s commercial hub found out that the scarcity was getting worse, with a 20-litre gallon of tap water selling at between 800/- and 1,000/- respectively.

The high prices have forced some low income earners in the city to resort to drawing water from the drainage system, thus inviting grave health risks.

Margaret Richard, a resident of Ubungo suburb, said she resorted to buying bottled water as it was safe to cook and brush her teeth with.

``I am skeptical with the water sold by street vendors,? said Margaret.

She said the scarcity had made vendors fetch water from any place for the sake of money, while ignoring all the health risks.

``Worse still, their prices are unfair,`` she said. Margaret, however, wondered how the unemployed and housewives afford buying water from street vendors.

``I can`t blame vendors because survival is for the fittest. Everyone must earn their bread. However, I call upon Dawasco to speed up their efforts to restore water supply.

Dar es Salaam is densely populated. No one will survive should it happen that there is a cholera outbreak,`` said Margaret.

Alfa Laizer of Kinondoni said some people had already suffered after consuming salty water drawn from shallow wells.

Laizer said: ``Salty water is only good for washing clothes and house cleaning, but you can`t use it to cook or drink. Some people are already becoming allergic from bathing salty water.``

``We are not comfortable with what is going on, although we are aware what the problem is.

The authorities should find a solution before the situation gets worse, especially for children,`` he said.

A resident of Chang`ombe, Fatuma Kamugisha, said water had become as precious as gold but the digging of boreholes had in a way helped to avert the problem.

When contacted for comments, Dawasco public relations officer Mary Lyimo said their engineers were busy working on a defective transformer.

``Since last Saturday, our engineers have been tirelessly working on the transformer and by tomorrow (yesterday) things will be back to normal,`` she confidently said.

Last week, Dawasco announced that the city would temporarily go without water because of a defective transformer that supplies power to water pumps at Lower Ruvu.

As we went to press, Dawasco public relations officer Mary Lyimo said water supply had been restored in several Dar es Salaam suburbs, except Magomeni, Sinza, Mwenge and Ilala.

She said problems affecting such areas would be sorted out within the shortest possible time
``It will not take long to normalize the city supply. The delay has been caused by low pressure from our pumping machines,`` she said.

SOURCE: Guardian

Watoto wafa Nigeria baada ya Kupewa Dawa enye Sumu!

Hao watu wanaofikiria pesa kabla ya usalama wa watoto wana dhambi ile mbaya. Kuna habari kutoka Nigeria kuwa wataoto karibu 30 wamekufa baada ya kupewa Gripe water enye sumu. Sumu enyewe ni 'anti freeze' ambayo tunaweka kwenye magari yetu hapa Marekani wakati wa msimu wa baridi!

Nina wasiwasi na Tanzania itakumbwa na mkasa kama huo tusipokuwa makini, kwani wanasema kuwa ni counterfeit/fake dawa ambayo tayari imekuwa tatizo.

Mungu alaze roho za watoto waliokufa mahala pema mbinguni. AMEN


LAGOS, Nigeria (CNN) -- Nneka and Chimezie Ononaku unwittingly poisoned their own four-month-old son Chinonso. Giving him what they thought was a baby teething medicine, they were in fact dosing him with anti-freeze.

The bottle had been contaminated with a toxic chemical called diethylene glycol.

More than 30 Nigerian children are thought to have died recently after taking the medicine. Nneka is angry.

"It's not easy carrying a pregnancy for nine months, [and] after that getting a drug from a pharmacy to kill your own child," she says.

When Nigeria's Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) tested the medicine, "My Pikin," the results were terrifying.

It found the medicine contained almost 90ml of diethylene glycol per 100ml.

"It's a bottle of poison," the NAFDAC laboratory said.

The "My Pikin" factory's managing director and eight others have been charged with negligence. The company could not be reached for comment.

Undercover NAFDAC officers have taken to the streets in order to combat unregistered and often harmful drugs. Hawkers are charged with selling counterfeit drugs and forced to pay a fine.

NAFDAC claims most of the counterfeit drugs come from India and China.

And it's big business -- America's Centre for Medicines in the Public Interest predicts counterfeit drug sales will reach $75 billion in 2010.

NAFDAC's director-general Dora Akunyili warns counterfeiting is not just a Nigerian problem.

"These criminals are cooperating, so we too need to cooperate if we can face them. Not only in Nigeria but internationally, because drug counterfeiting involves a trans-national criminal network and can only be dismantled through international co-operation."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rest in Peace - Prof. Aggrey Nzali

Marehemu Prof. Aggrey Nzali

Nimepokea habari hii leo kwa masikitiko mno. Prof. Nzali alifariki mwezi Oktoba baada ya kupata ajali ya gari.

Mungu ailaze roho yake mahala pema mbinguni. AMEN.
Kwa habari zaidi tembelea Jamii Forums:

Nimesoma habari ambayo kwa kweli ni vigumu kuamini.

Ninaomba sana mwenye taarifa juu ya Prof. Aggrey Nzali wa Department of Engineering UDSM anitumie e-mail chemiche3@yahoo.com.

Prof. Nzali alikuwa rafiki wa marehemu mume wangu Prof. Henry Kadete, tulikuwa naye Uholanzi mwaka 1986 na alisimamia ubatizo wa mwanangu.

Casting Call - Beauty and the Geek

Boston Casting Inc. is looking for Men 21-30 ETHNICALLY OPEN with high IQ's for the hit reality show "Beauty and the Geek".

Spend the month of January in L.A. living in a mansion with beautiful girls and a chance to win a cash prize of $250,000.

Auditions are taking place thurs.12/18 and friday 12/19.

EMAIL: Ashley@bostoncasting.com

Kipanya Asema


President Bush: Duh! So shoes are also weapons. From now on when I give a speech, people in the hall must be naked!

Casting Call - Uingereza

Actors needed

TimeLine Media are looking for both male and female actors to play different roles in upcoming Tanzanian Film based in England.

Applicants must be black or mixed race with the ability to speak and understand Swahili. East African Swahili can also be considered.20-35 playing age.

We have huge demand for NEW talent including extras in a wide variety of roles for this film.
If you would like the opportunity to audition you could either attend auditions on 21st December 2008 at:

Tropicana Club53 Cheapside LutonBedfordshire LU1 2HN
Or you could contact Nassir Mohammed on 07971224493 for more information or send your details to nassirmo@gmail.com

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information if you could not attend the date mentioned above.

NOTE: Experience preferred but not needed.

Filamu na Tamthiliya zinapotosha Waadili

(Pichani l-r Kathy Flewellen, Geri Augusto, naWalter Bgoya 1974)

Nakubaliana nao kabisa. Mnakumbuka miaka ya sabini Mwalimu alipopiga maarufuku mtindo wa 'Jiving' na kuimba nyimbo za kizungu. Alisema kuwa si maadili yetu na pia alitaka tukuze utamaduni wa Tanzania. TV na filamu za nje zilikuwa marufuku. Mnakumbuka kulikuwa na censorship board chini ya Tanzania Film Company.

Na Beda Msimbe (Lukwangule Entertainment Blog)

TAMTHILIYA zinazoonyeshwa katika vituo mbalimbali vya televisheni, zimeelezwa kuwa ndiyo chanzo cha kuharibu jamii na kusababisha wanajamii wengi kuiga utamaduni wa magharibi badala ya ule wa Tanzania na Afrika.

Hayo yalisemwa na Godfrey Mngereza, kutoka Baraza la Sanaa la Taifa, BASATA wakati akichangia mada kwenye mkutano wa sita wa Sekta ya Utamaduni, unaoendelea kwenye Hoteli ya Oasis mjini Morogoro.

“Ikifika nyakati za usiku, watoto wetu hasa wasichana wamekuwa wakiangalia tamthiliya ambazo nyingi zinakuwa haziko katika maadili ya Kitanzania, hizi ndizo zinasababisha kuporomoka kwa maadili ya kitanzania.

Mngereza alisema kuwa kuna kila sababu ya televisheni mbalimbali kuonyesha tamthiliya zenye kuonyesha maadili na utamaduni wetu. “Mfano, tunataka kuona televisheni ya taifa, TBC1 inapigania maadili mazuri ya utamaduni, lakini si kuwa mfano mbaya katika ujenzi wa maadili,” alisema.

Alisema pia kuwa vibanda vya mitaani vinavyoonyesha sinema, vimekuwa chanzo cha kumomonyoka kwa maadili kwa kuonyesha filamu za ngono. “Utashangaa watoto hawaendi kulala na utasikia wanakwenda kwenye pilau…wenyewe wanaziita hizi filamu za ngono pilau, sasa huwezi kuelewa, lakini wenyewe wameshazipa jina,” alisema.

Naye mtunzi na mchapishaji wa vitabu, Walter Bgoya alisema kuwa Tanzania imeendelea kuwa jalala la filamu za Kinaijeria hata kama hazina ubora na nyingine hazifundishi.
Alisema wasanii wa Tanzania hawana mbinu wala hawawezi kutengeneza filamu bora ndiyo maana kumekuwa na kumwagika kwa filamu hizo. Hata hivyo, alisema kuwa wasanii wa Tanzania wanatakiwa kujifunza zaidi mbinu za kisasa na kuweza kutengeneza filamu bora.

Bgoya alisema kuwa wasanii wa Tanzania hawataki kusoma na kuongeza wigo wa kujifunza. Hii ni wazi kuwa wanatakiwa kusoma sana ili kuweza kutengeneza mwongozo bora utakaotoa filamu bora.

Akizungumzia utandawazi, Katibu Mtendaji Baraza la Sanaa Tanzania , BASATA, Ghonche Materego alisema kuwa Watanzania wameathiriwa na utandawazi na sehemu kubwa huendesha utamaduni kwa kuangalia umagharibi.

“Hata wasanii wa bongo fleva, wamekuwa wakifanya kazi zao kwa kuangalia mitindo ya mataifa ya Magharibi, hatuwezi kukwepa utandawazi, utaendelea kuharibu jamii ya wasanii kwa kuiga.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Funga Mwaka Arusha


Wasanii wa muziki wa kizazi kipya Ambwene Yesaya (AY) na Hamis Minyijuma (MwanaFA) wanaotesa katika anga ya muziki kwa sasa, wanatarajia kutoa burudani ya aina yake kwenye uzinduzi wa kundi la C4 DJs linaloundwa na wachezeshaji muziki ambalo linatarajiwa kuzinduliwa rasmi katika mkesha wa sikukuu ya Krismas ndani ya Ukumbi wa Triple ‘A’ jijini Arusha. Kundi hilo linaundwa na Ma-DJ wenye uzoefu wa siku nyingi wakiwemo DJ Joe, DJ Peter, DJ Gerry na DJ A-Plus. Pia kutakuwa na Madj wengine wakali kusindikiza uzinduzi huu wa aina yake.

Aidha maandalizi kwa ajili ya uzinduzi huo na sherehe za funga mwaka yanaendelea vizuri hivyo mashabiki wakae tayari kupata burudani ya aina yake. Uzinduzi huu ndiyo mwanzo wa mfululizo wa burudani ndani ya Ukumbi wa Club Triple ‘A’ hadi mwaka 2009.

MaDJ hao wa kitanzania waliobobea katika fani hiyo wameamua kuzindua umoja huo ili kuonyesha kwamba wapo pamoja na watatoa kipaumbele kwa wahusika wote katika tasnia hii. Baada ya uzinduzi kutakuwa na program ya burudani kabambe ndani ya Ukumbi wa Triple ‘A’.
Siku ya Krismasi kundi la C4 litaandaa onyesho litakalofahamika kama ‘White Party’ambapo wateja watakaopendeza ndani ya mavazi meupe watapewa zawadi kemkem za papo kwa papo.
Na kwa mara ya kwanza katika historia ya burudani katika Ukumbi wa Triple ‘A’ Arusha kutakuwepo na shindano la kumsaka malkia wa Desemba (Miss Desemba). Shoo hiyo itafanyika usiku wa tarehe 26 Desemba. Shoo hii ya aina yake itawahusisha warembo kumi wenye vipaji mbali mbali.

Burudani ya Funga Mwaka katika jiji la Arusha inatarajia kuleta mageuzi makubwa katika fani ya muziki na burudani nchini Tanzania.

Funga mwaka hii itatoa fursa kwa C4 DJs kupata fursa ya kuonyesha umahiri wao katika kupangilia muziki ikiwa ni moja ya lengo la kuendeleza fani hiyo ya muziki ambao ulishika chati zaidi katika miaka ya 80 na 90 kabla muziki wa dansi haujateka soko na watu kuwapa kisogo maDJ.

Katika kuhitimisha Funga Mwaka Kundi la C4 limeandaa bonge la Bethdei party kwa ajili ya kusherehekea mafanikio ya Club Triple ‘A’ zaidi ya miaka kumi.


Rais Bush arushiwa Viatu

Jana Rais Bush, alienda kutembea Iraq kimya kimya bila kuaga hapa Marekani. Tulivyosikia habari kuwa yuko Iraq walisema kuwa eti alienda kuaga huko kwa hiyo siku zake za kuwa rais karibu zinaisha.

Kufika jioni tukasikia kuwa rais Bush alikuwa kwenye mkutano na waandishi wa habari wa Iraq na mojawao alimrushia viatu vyake kwa hasira na kumtuka Bush kuwa eti ni mbwa! Kwa kweli watu wengi hapa walicheka. Mbavu hawana. Kisa huyo Bush hapendwi kwa jinsi alivyoharibu nchi na kuchafua jina la Marekani kwa nchi za nje. Kati ya marais wote 43 wa Marekani yeye Bush Jr. ndo hapendwi kuliko wote katika historia ya Marekani.

Watu wengine wanasema kuwa bado ana siku 37 za kukaa kama rais, na tutasikia vituko vinginwe. Mambo Bado. Sijui Letterman, Leno na Saturday Night Live watasema nini kuhusu hii tukio la viatu.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kesho nitakuwa kwenye TV show - Brotherhood

Kesho jumapiili Desemba 14, 2008, nitakuwa kwenye TV Show iitwayo Brotherhood. Inaonyeshwa kwenye Showtime. Nimejiona kwenye trela ya kipindi cha kesho saa 2 jioni (8:00pm Eastern). Baada ya kesho itakuwa kwenye cable kwenye On Demand.
Mimi ni 'extra' (background) hivyo siongee. Nitakuwa kwenye scene ambayo mafioso Nozzoli anaongea na Tommy mhusika mkuu wa Brotherhood kwenye mgahawa. Nimekaa nyuma ya Nozzoli nakunywa kahawa, nimevaa koti ya jeans.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Zilipendwa ziko kwa Da Subi

Zilipendwa za RTD hizi hapa...

Zimepatikana zile za enzi ile ya External Service of RTD, Kijaluba hoyeee, (na watangazaji mahiri Mikidadi Mahamoud, Uncle J Nyaisanga...) na matangazo ya Vicks Kingo na sijui Meza Action mara ukiumwa na misuli tumia Salimia Liniment... tangazo la Revola (Vipi Mama Mariam! mbona unalalamika hivi? Ah, nguo hizi, kila ninapokazana kuzifua, hazitakati sijui nitumie nini?)...., zile hadithi za Bi Deborah Mwenda za Ua Jekundu, Binti Chura, Mbalamwezi Nyota Begani nk..... kiasi zipo: http://nukta77.com/burudani.aspx ama http://nukta77.blogspot.com/ (mwisho wa ukurasa).....Wikiendi njema! -Subi

Asante sana Da Subi!

Msimu wa Mafua

Wadau samahani kwa kuwa mvivu wa kuposti wiki hii. Nimekumbwa na mafua. Kichwa kinauma. Macho yanawasha. Nakohoa. Ofisini karibu kila mtu anakohoa na kupiga chafya ovyo. Tunamlaumu aliyetulea huu ugonjwa, tunamhisi mtu aliyeipata kutoka kwa mtoto wake ambaye yuko vidudu. LOL! Huenda kuna mtu kambukizwa kwenye treni (subway) utajuaje? Mafua ni malaria ya Marekani.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Machifu wa Kingoni walivyonyongwa 1906

Wadau, niliwahi kuanzisha mada hapa kuhusu machifu wa Kingoni walionyongwa na Mjerumani hapo zamani za kale. Niliona hii article kwenye Habari Leo. Ushenzi wa Mkoloni!


Mashujaa ya Kingoni Walizikwa bila Sanda katika Kaburi Moja
Juma Nyumayo
Daily News; Sunday,August 10, 2008

Wiki iliyopita tuliona vivutio mbalimbali vilivyopo mkoani Ruvuma, kama vile mto Ruvuma, Ziwa Nyasa, Mlima Matogoro na mji mdogo wa kihistoria wa Peramiho. Pia, tuliona kwa ufupi juu ya Jumba la Makumbusho lenye sanamu za machifu 12 wa Kingoni. Leo tunaendelea na sehemu ya mwisho ya simulizi hii.Upande wa kulia wa Jumba hilo la Makumbusho, kuna majina ya mashujaa waliopigana Vita ya Maji Maji mwaka 1905-1907na majina yote hayo yanaanza kufutika.

Katika jumba hilo kwa nyuma, kuna kaburi la pamoja ambalo walizikwa mashujaa 57.Miongoni mwa mashujaa hao 57, kulikuwa na Chifu mmoja na machifu wasaidizi (Nduna) saba.Chifu Songea Mbano alizikwa kaburi la peke yake.Mashujaa wengine 10 kati ya hao 57, majina yao hayakupatikana, hivyo majina yaliyopo ni 47 tu.

Mashujaa hao wa Kingoni pia walipigana Vita ya Maji Maji mwaka 1905 – 1907 na walinyongwa jirani na eneo hilo.Eneo hilo kuna miti mitatu na kamba walizonyongewa, kwa ajili ya kumbukumbu. Katika eneo hilo, kuna ukumbi maarufu mjini Songea wa Songea Club.Baada ya kunyongwa katika eneo hilo, mashujaa hao walizikwa bila sanda katika kaburi la pamoja kwenye jumba hilo la makumbusho.

Mashujaa hao walinyongwa Februari 27, 1906, ambapo Februari 27 kila mwaka, Mkoa wa Ruvuma huwa na sikukuu ya mashujaa ya kuwakumbuka mashujaa hao wa Kingoni.Kwa mujibu wa Kitabu cha Harakati za Ukombozi wa Mkoa wa Ruvuma, mashujaa hao walikuwa wakibatizwa kabla ya kunyongwa. Lakini, Chifu Mpambalyoto alikataa kubatizwa, akidai kuwa haina maana yoyote kubatizwa halafu nanyongwa. Padri aliyekuwa akibatiza mashujaa hao wa Kingoni, aliitwa Yohanes.

Katika eneo hilo walikonyongewa mashujaa hao, huimbwa nyimbo mbalimbali za maombelezo katika maadhimisho ya kuwakumbuka mashujaa hao. Nyimbo hizo huimbwa kwa lugha ya Kingoni.Nyimbo hizo za maombolezo ni kama zile nyingine zinazoimbwa kwenye misiba mingine.Kitabu hicho kinasema kuwa mashujaa hao waliaga kabla hawajanyongwa, kwamba wataonana ng’ambo.

Wengine waliomba wavute kwanza ugoro (tumbaku) kabla hawajanyongwa.Katika mashujaa hao wa Kingoni, wanne walinyongwa kwa mkupuo jirani na eneo lililoitwa Boma la Wajerumani, ambako leo ndiko kuna ofisi za Mkoa wa Ruvuma.Leo hii hakuitwi Bomani tena, bali Mkoani; wakati na eneo ambako walinyongewa mashujaa wengine wengi, kunaitwa Songea Club.

Hata hivyo, jumba hilo la makumbusho liko katika hali mbaya, kwani rangi iliyopo kwenye sanamu ya askari aliyeshika bunduki, imechujuka.Jumba hilo la mashujaa limezungushiwa wigo na ndani yake kuna majengo matatu, yaani jengo kubwa na mengine mawili madogo.Jengo kubwa ni la ghorofa moja na liko katikati. Majengo madogo mawili yako pembeni mwa jengo hilo kubwa. Majengo yote hayo matatu, yamejengwa kwa mtindo wa mviringo, kama nyumba nyingi za watu wa mkoa huo zilivyokuwa zikijengwa.

Mwenyekiti Kamati ya Utendaji ya Baraza la Makumbusho, Said Mkeso, anasema kwamba jengo kubwa ni maalumu kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wangoni, ambao maskani yao ni Songea mjini.Jengo moja dogo ni kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wamatengo, ambao maskani yao ni wilaya ya Mbinga.Jengo dogo la mwisho ni kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wayao, ambao maskani yao ni wilaya ya Tunduru.

Mkeso anasema jengo linalotumika ni moja tu kubwa, linalohifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Kingoni.Majengo mawili madogo, yameachwa tupu, baada ya kukosekana vifaa vya makumbusho vya makabila ya Wayao na Wamatengo.Jumba hilo la makumbusho liligunduliwa mwaka 1962 na Mkuu wa kwanza wa mkoa wa Ruvuma, Martini Haule. Aliligundua likiwa limejaa nyasi. Haule alifariki Januari 17, 1993 mkoani Morogoro na kuzikwa eneo la Mahenge mkoani Ruvuma.

Jirani na eneo hilo, kulikuwa na makaburi mengine 65 ya Wajerumani waliouawa kwenye Vita ya Maji Maji. Makaburi hayo yalikuwa yakitunzwa vizuri na kulindwa, ambapo baada ya Tanzania kupata Uhuru Desemba 9, mwaka 1961 ndugu zao walikuja kuyafukua na kuchukua miili waliyokwenda kuizika kwao.

Nje na ndani ya jumba hilo, kuna mambo mengi ya kuvutia, ikiwemo sanamu 12 za machifu wa Kingoni jamii ya Njelu.Majina ya sanamu za machifu hao, waliowahi kutawala Songea miaka ya 1902 ni Mpambalyoto Soko bin Msarawani, Nduna Songea Mbano bin Luwafu, Nduna Chabruma Gama bin Hawayi, Zimanimoto Gama Bin Fusi, Nkosi Mputa Gama bin Gwazerapasi, Nduna Zamchaya Gama bin Gwazerapasi.

Wengine ni Mtepa Ntara bin Kanyoka, Nduna Usangira Gama bin Mharule, Magodi Mbano bin Mbamba, Njorosa Mbano bin Mbamba, Masese Parangu Mbano bin Songea, Nyunyusea Mbano bin Njenje na Njorosa Mbano bin Mbamba.Ndani ya jumba hilo la makumbusho kuna picha kubwa ya Rais wa kwanza wa Zanzibar, hayati Abeid Amani Karume ambaye Februari 5, 1977 Chama chake cha ASP kiliungana na TANU na kuunda Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).

Pia, kuna picha ya Mwalimu Julius Nyerere akikabidhiwa hati ya Muungano na Rais Abeid Amaan Karume. Pia, kuna picha kubwa ya Nyerere akiapishwa kuwa Waziri Mkuu.Aidha, katika jumba hilo la makumbusho kuna picha kubwa ya mkutano wa wajumbe walioanzisha chama cha TANU Julai 7 1954.Ipo pia picha kubwa ya mnara wa kumbukumbu ya Azimio la Arusha. Kuna pia picha kubwa ya Mwalimu Nyerere akipelekwa mahakamani, kufuatia harakati zake za kudai uhuru.

Eneo jingine linalovutia ni misitu ya miyombo, yenye wanyama na wadudu mbalimbali. Misitu hiyo imeenea na kuunganisha Hifadhi ya Selous na ile ya Niasa nchini Msumbiji ambapo katika eneo la Kilimasera kuelekea Tunduru, kuna ushoroba (corridor) wanayopita wanyama kutafuta chakula. Wanyama hao ni pamoja na tembo wanaovuka kwa makundi makubwa.

Katika wilaya ya Tunduru kuna maeneo ya uwindaji wa kitalii. Uwindaji huo hufanywa zaidi na wageni. Wawindaji wa ndani ya nchi wanatakiwa wahamasishwe ili kufaidi raslimali za nchi.Mbuga ya Mwambesi tarafa ya Lukumbule katika wilaya hiyo ya Tunduru, kwenye bonde la Mto Ruvuma, ni eneo maarufu kwa uwindaji huo.

Wiki iliyopita tuliona vivutio mbalimbali vilivyopo mkoani Ruvuma, kama vile mto Ruvuma, Ziwa Nyasa, Mlima Matogoro na mji mdogo wa kihistoria wa Peramiho. Pia, tuliona kwa ufupi juu ya Jumba la Makumbusho lenye sanamu za machifu 12 wa Kingoni. Leo tunaendelea na sehemu ya mwisho ya simulizi hii.Upande wa kulia wa Jumba hilo la Makumbusho, kuna majina ya mashujaa waliopigana Vita ya Maji Maji mwaka 1905-1907na majina yote hayo yanaanza kufutika.

Katika jumba hilo kwa nyuma, kuna kaburi la pamoja ambalo walizikwa mashujaa 57.Miongoni mwa mashujaa hao 57, kulikuwa na Chifu mmoja na machifu wasaidizi (Nduna) saba.Chifu Songea Mbano alizikwa kaburi la peke yake.Mashujaa wengine 10 kati ya hao 57, majina yao hayakupatikana, hivyo majina yaliyopo ni 47 tu.

Mashujaa hao wa Kingoni pia walipigana Vita ya Maji Maji mwaka 1905 – 1907 na walinyongwa jirani na eneo hilo.Eneo hilo kuna miti mitatu na kamba walizonyongewa, kwa ajili ya kumbukumbu. Katika eneo hilo, kuna ukumbi maarufu mjini Songea wa Songea Club.Baada ya kunyongwa katika eneo hilo, mashujaa hao walizikwa bila sanda katika kaburi la pamoja kwenye jumba hilo la makumbusho.

Mashujaa hao walinyongwa Februari 27, 1906, ambapo Februari 27 kila mwaka, Mkoa wa Ruvuma huwa na sikukuu ya mashujaa ya kuwakumbuka mashujaa hao wa Kingoni.Kwa mujibu wa Kitabu cha Harakati za Ukombozi wa Mkoa wa Ruvuma, mashujaa hao walikuwa wakibatizwa kabla ya kunyongwa. Lakini, Chifu Mpambalyoto alikataa kubatizwa, akidai kuwa haina maana yoyote kubatizwa halafu nanyongwa. Padri aliyekuwa akibatiza mashujaa hao wa Kingoni, aliitwa Yohanes.

Katika eneo hilo walikonyongewa mashujaa hao, huimbwa nyimbo mbalimbali za maombelezo katika maadhimisho ya kuwakumbuka mashujaa hao. Nyimbo hizo huimbwa kwa lugha ya Kingoni.Nyimbo hizo za maombolezo ni kama zile nyingine zinazoimbwa kwenye misiba mingine.Kitabu hicho kinasema kuwa mashujaa hao waliaga kabla hawajanyongwa, kwamba wataonana ng’ambo.

Wengine waliomba wavute kwanza ugoro (tumbaku) kabla hawajanyongwa.Katika mashujaa hao wa Kingoni, wanne walinyongwa kwa mkupuo jirani na eneo lililoitwa Boma la Wajerumani, ambako leo ndiko kuna ofisi za Mkoa wa Ruvuma.Leo hii hakuitwi Bomani tena, bali Mkoani; wakati na eneo ambako walinyongewa mashujaa wengine wengi, kunaitwa Songea Club.

Hata hivyo, jumba hilo la makumbusho liko katika hali mbaya, kwani rangi iliyopo kwenye sanamu ya askari aliyeshika bunduki, imechujuka.Jumba hilo la mashujaa limezungushiwa wigo na ndani yake kuna majengo matatu, yaani jengo kubwa na mengine mawili madogo.Jengo kubwa ni la ghorofa moja na liko katikati. Majengo madogo mawili yako pembeni mwa jengo hilo kubwa. Majengo yote hayo matatu, yamejengwa kwa mtindo wa mviringo, kama nyumba nyingi za watu wa mkoa huo zilivyokuwa zikijengwa.

Mwenyekiti Kamati ya Utendaji ya Baraza la Makumbusho, Said Mkeso, anasema kwamba jengo kubwa ni maalumu kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wangoni, ambao maskani yao ni Songea mjini.Jengo moja dogo ni kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wamatengo, ambao maskani yao ni wilaya ya Mbinga.Jengo dogo la mwisho ni kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Wayao, ambao maskani yao ni wilaya ya Tunduru.

Mkeso anasema jengo linalotumika ni moja tu kubwa, linalohifadhi utamaduni wa kabila la Kingoni.Majengo mawili madogo, yameachwa tupu, baada ya kukosekana vifaa vya makumbusho vya makabila ya Wayao na Wamatengo.Jumba hilo la makumbusho liligunduliwa mwaka 1962 na Mkuu wa kwanza wa mkoa wa Ruvuma, Martini Haule. Aliligundua likiwa limejaa nyasi. Haule alifariki Januari 17, 1993 mkoani Morogoro na kuzikwa eneo la Mahenge mkoani Ruvuma.

Jirani na eneo hilo, kulikuwa na makaburi mengine 65 ya Wajerumani waliouawa kwenye Vita ya Maji Maji. Makaburi hayo yalikuwa yakitunzwa vizuri na kulindwa, ambapo baada ya Tanzania kupata Uhuru Desemba 9, mwaka 1961 ndugu zao walikuja kuyafukua na kuchukua miili waliyokwenda kuizika kwao.

Nje na ndani ya jumba hilo, kuna mambo mengi ya kuvutia, ikiwemo sanamu 12 za machifu wa Kingoni jamii ya Njelu.Majina ya sanamu za machifu hao, waliowahi kutawala Songea miaka ya 1902 ni Mpambalyoto Soko bin Msarawani, Nduna Songea Mbano bin Luwafu, Nduna Chabruma Gama bin Hawayi, Zimanimoto Gama Bin Fusi, Nkosi Mputa Gama bin Gwazerapasi, Nduna Zamchaya Gama bin Gwazerapasi.

Wengine ni Mtepa Ntara bin Kanyoka, Nduna Usangira Gama bin Mharule, Magodi Mbano bin Mbamba, Njorosa Mbano bin Mbamba, Masese Parangu Mbano bin Songea, Nyunyusea Mbano bin Njenje na Njorosa Mbano bin Mbamba.Ndani ya jumba hilo la makumbusho kuna picha kubwa ya Rais wa kwanza wa Zanzibar, hayati Abeid Amani Karume ambaye Februari 5, 1977 Chama chake cha ASP kiliungana na TANU na kuunda Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).

Pia, kuna picha ya Mwalimu Julius Nyerere akikabidhiwa hati ya Muungano na Rais Abeid Amaan Karume. Pia, kuna picha kubwa ya Nyerere akiapishwa kuwa Waziri Mkuu.Aidha, katika jumba hilo la makumbusho kuna picha kubwa ya mkutano wa wajumbe walioanzisha chama cha TANU Julai 7 1954.Ipo pia picha kubwa ya mnara wa kumbukumbu ya Azimio la Arusha. Kuna pia picha kubwa ya Mwalimu Nyerere akipelekwa mahakamani, kufuatia harakati zake za kudai uhuru.

Eneo jingine linalovutia ni misitu ya miyombo, yenye wanyama na wadudu mbalimbali. Misitu hiyo imeenea na kuunganisha Hifadhi ya Selous na ile ya Niasa nchini Msumbiji ambapo katika eneo la Kilimasera kuelekea Tunduru, kuna ushoroba (corridor) wanayopita wanyama kutafuta chakula. Wanyama hao ni pamoja na tembo wanaovuka kwa makundi makubwa.

Katika wilaya ya Tunduru kuna maeneo ya uwindaji wa kitalii. Uwindaji huo hufanywa zaidi na wageni. Wawindaji wa ndani ya nchi wanatakiwa wahamasishwe ili kufaidi raslimali za nchi.Mbuga ya Mwambesi tarafa ya Lukumbule katika wilaya hiyo ya Tunduru, kwenye bonde la Mto Ruvuma, ni eneo maarufu kwa uwindaji huo.

Ni Dhambi kula kwa Mama Ntilie?

Jamani! Hivi ni dhambi kula kwa Mama Ntilie? Ni lazima kula chakula cha kizungu kwenye hoteli za kifahari ili uonekane mtu? Khaa! Sielewi kwa nini magazeti wanamchora mrembo Miriam Odemba kwa kula kwa Mama Ntilie. Nakumbuka nilivyokuwa Daily News kulikuwa na Mama Ntilie waliokuwa na chakula kizuri kweli kweli tena kitamu! Of course usafi ni muhimu, na wengi walijitahidi kwa usafi kuliko hata ungekula hotelini.

Wadau mnaonaje?

Uhuru 9-12-61

Bendera ya Tanganyika

Uhuru wa Tanganyika ulikuwa Disemba 9, 1961. Ni miaka 47 iliyopita. Pichani ni mezi kadhaa kabla ya uhuru mwaka 1961, Mwalimu akiwa na Mama Barbro Johansson nyumbani kwake Kahororo, Bukoba. ( Picha kwa hisani ya Maggid Mjengwa Blog)

Ufisadi Marekani - Gavana wa Illinois Akamatwa!

Gavana wa Illinois, Rod Blagojevich

Ni aibu kweli hapa Marekani kusikia kuwa Gavana mzima kakamatwa kwa kuomba rushwa! Yaani ni jambo la aibu sana.

Habari zinasema kuwa Gavana wa Illinois, Rod Blagojevich alikuwa anauza nafasi ya uSenator ambayo iko wazi kwa vile aliyekuwa na kiti hicho, Barack Obama ni rais mteule. Gavana ndiye ana wajibu wa kumteua mtu wa kuchukua nafasi aliyoacha Obama.

Wanasema pia kuwa alikuwa anamtafutia mke wake kazi nono.

Kwingine, haya ni mambo ya kawaida, lakini kwa Marekani haya makosa ni makubwa kweli kweli. Itabidi ajiuzulu kama wa ushahidi kuwa ni kweli kaomba rushwa!

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Monday, December 08, 2008

Vifaa Vya Jikoni

Badala ya kwenda SEARS, Best buy, Ikea, Pier 4 etc. kununua vifaa vya jikoni, nyumbani tunaenda dukani au gengeni kupata mahitaji yote!

Kipanya Asema

Top Left - Kipanya (Rat Character): You are a Minister and a crook, JK must imprison you!

Top Right- Minister: I agree that I will go to jail but do you remember when I was the Minister of Finance?

Botton Left- Minister: I forgave your taxes on that business of yours, so you are a tax evader!

Botton Right: Kipanya: Okay it's over with let's start afresh.

Ndugu wa Marehemu Nampelenga Wanatafutwa!







Saturday, December 06, 2008

Kweli Kabisa!

Kama umewahi kuingia kwenye elevator na mzungu ni lazima muangalie hii:


Friday, December 05, 2008

Miss Uganda

(Pichani ni Miss Uganda 2008)

Wadau, hivi kwenye mashindano ya Miss Tanzania kuna kigezo cha Urefu? Katika Miss Uganda kuna kigezo kuwa mshiriki ni lazima awe na urefu wa futi 5'7" na zaidi.



Bila shaka wengi wenu mna ndugu ambao walikuwepo vikosi vya askari. Hii picha ya kikosi cha askari kilipigwa enzi za mkoloni (mjerumani) mwaka 1914. Sijui ni Mirambo Barracks, Tabora hapo?

Ni Binadamu au Sokwe!

Jamani kuna wazungu wana manywele mwili mzima Duh! Huyu ni mcheza sinema maarufu, Andy Garcia!

Waheshimiwa Yona na Mramba watoka jela

Hatimaye mawaziri wa zamani, Mh. Basil Mramba na Mh. Daniel Yona, wamefanikiwa kutoka jela kwa dhamana. Tuone kesi itaishaje.

Kutoka ippmedia.com

Mramba, Yona warejea uraiani

Na Hellen Mwango na Joseph Mwendapole

Mawaziri waandamizi wa zamani, Basil Mramba na Daniel Yona ambao wanakabiliwa na kesi ya kutumia madaraka vibaya jana waliachiwa kwa dhamana katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu baada ya kutimiza masharti.

Hata hivyo, watuhumiwa hao walizongwa na wananchi wenye hasira baada ya kuachiwa, huku wengine wakitoa maneno ya kuwakejeli na hata kudiriki kuzonga magari yao walikuwa wamepanda.

Umati mkubwa uliokuwa nje ya Mahakama, ulikuwa ukizomea kwa kuwaita `wezi hao...`wezi hao` na kugonga gonga vioo vya magari yaliyowabeba washitakiwa hao, ambayo yaliondolewa kwa kasi kutoka eneo hilo la Mahakama.

Mara baada ya kuachiwa, Mramba alipanda Land Cruizer GX namba T521 AFS ambalo lilikuwa limeegeshwa mbele ya mlango wa kuingia kwenye mahakama hiyo na Yona alipanda gari aina ya Suzuki Vitara T822 ANR lililokuwa limeegeshwa mbele ya gari la Mramba.

Mpaka kufikia jana, washitakiwa hao walikuwa wamekaa gereza la Keko kwa siku saba baada ya shauri lao la dhamana kuwa gumu.

Tafrani hiyo ilitokea nje ya mahakama hiyo mara baada ya Hakimu Mkazi Hezron Mwankenja kukubali hati za dhamana za washtakiwa na kutangaza kuwa, watakuwa nje kwa dhamana mpaka Januari 2, kesi hiyo itakapotajwa.

Mshitakiwa wa kwanza, Mramba alifanikiwa kupata dhamana baada ya kuwasilisha hati za mali zenye thamani ya Sh. bilioni 3.1, na Yona zilikuwa na thamani ya Sh. bilioni 3.063.

Washitakiwa hao walitakiwa kujidhamini kwa kutoa fedha taslim Sh. bilioni 2.9 kila mmoja au mali zenye thamani kama hiyo.

Walifikishwa mahakamani hapo jana saa 1:20 asubuhi, lakini shauri lao lilianza kusikilizwa na Hakimu Hezron Mwankenja saa 5:00 asubuhi katika ukumbi namba mbili wa mahakama hiyo.

Mawakili wanaowatetea washtakiwa, waliwasilisha hati za mali mbele ya hakimu huyo ambaye baada ya kuzipitia, alisema hana shaka nazo.

Hakimu Mwankenja alisema amezipitia hati hizo kwa msaada wa waendesha mashitaka na mawakili na kubaini kuwa hazina kasoro.

Alisema kila mshitakiwa ametekeleza masharti yote ya dhamana aliyopewa na mahakama hiyo na kwamba hati hizo zitatunzwa na mahakama hadi mwisho wa kesi hiyo.

Baada ya kusema hayo, Hakimu Mwankenja aliwaamuru washitakiwa kusimama na waliposimama, alitangaza watakuwa nje kwa dhamana.

Baada ya hakimu kutangaza washitakiwa watakuwa huru, baadhi ya ndugu na jamaa walisikika wakimshukuru Mungu na wengine wakisali.

Baada ya mahakama kumaliza kazi zake, askari Magereza walianza kuwafukuza watu waliokuwa wamefurika katika ukumbi huo ili waweze kuwapitisha washitakiwa kuelekea nje ya Mahakama.

Hata hivyo, watu hao badala ya kwenda nje ya Mahakama kama walivyoamriwa, walibaki katika viambaza vya mahakama hiyo wakisubiri kuwaona washitakiwa kwa karibu zaidi.

Baada ya nusu saa hivi, washitakiwa walitolewa nje ya Mahakama wakiwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa askari Magereza wakiwa wamezungukwa na mawakili wao.

Walipopanda kwenye magari yao, baadhi ya watu waliokuwa nje ya mahakama hiyo, walianza kupiga kelele za `wezi hao`...`wezi haoo`, huku wengine wakigonga gonga vioo vya magari hayo.

Hata hivyo, washitakiwa hao hawakupata madhara yoyote kwani madereva waliyaondoa magari hayo kwa kasi ili kuepusha vurugu zaidi.

Washitakiwa hao wanadaiwa kutumia madaraka yao vibaya na kuisababishia serikali hasara ya Sh. bilioni 11.7.

Kusoma story nzima BOFYA HAPA:

Sasa Aninitwa ' Hasheem the Dream'

Wadau, kijana wetu Hasheem anapanda kwenye charts za Basketball hapa Marekani. Naona karibu tutamsikia kwenye NBA!


Kutoka Sports Illustrated.com

Hasheem The Dream

The odyssey of Hasheem Thabeet began in one of the most remote hoops hinterlands. Soon, perhaps, it will take the UConn 7-footer to an unimaginably big stage -- bigger even than the first round of the NBA draft.

Living up to a name that means "destroyer of evil" in Arabic, Thabeet is a record-breaking shot blocker.

Thabit Manka is up on the back step of his house in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, for good reason: If he posed on level ground with his eldest son, their height difference would be accentuated to the point of absurdity. Even like this, in the last photo they would ever take together, the top of Thabit's kufi only meets the giant boy's shoulders. It's April 2004, and the son, 17-year-old Hashim Thabit Manka, as his name was written then, is seven feet of limbs drowning in baggy jeans and a retro Philadelphia 76ers shirt, staring straight into the camera with only the faintest hint of a smile. The father's billowy kanzu and the gray edges of his facial hair give him a regal air at the age of 56; he is grinning, with his gaze fixed slightly off to the left.

Thabit was an architect, educated in England at the University of Bath and Oxford. He was a lover of soccer, world geography and English Scrabble, all of which he taught to Hashim. Thabit was also a diabetic, and when he fell ill in the days after the photo was taken, complications led him to be hospitalized and, in a week's time, took his life.

Hashim kept the picture in a scrapbook under his bed during his freshman year at Connecticut but has since returned it to his mother, Rukia, for safekeeping in Tanzania. He remembers his father now for his wisdom. Thabit had showed him maps of his travels through Africa, Europe and Australia, and said that their family identity -- being Tanzanian, Swahili-speaking, Muslim -- should never be a limitation. "You can live anywhere as long as you can get along with anybody," he told the boy. "You just have to adapt and overcome."

Four years ago Thabit couldn't have foreseen the odyssey in store for Hashim, who was in just his third year of organized basketball in soccer-mad Tanzania, which had never sent a soul to the NBA, much less the NCAA. Who could concoct a narrative that begins with a boy doing runway modeling in Dar es Salaam to earn money for his fatherless family, continues with him trying to get a basketball scholarship by e-mailing U.S. colleges he randomly Googled in an Internet café and ends with him in Storrs, Conn., as the starting center on a Top 5 team?

E-mail was not the solution; it wasn't until Hashim left Makongo High in Dar es Salaam to take a scholarship at Laiser Hill Academy in Nairobi, Kenya, that he was noticed by someone with international basketball connections. French businessman Oliver Noah, who organized the NOGA African All-Stars AAU team, saw Hashim play and offered to take him to the U.S., and, with Rukia's blessing, handled the paperwork for an I-20 visa.

Seven-foot-three Hasheem Thabeet -- the new, Americanized name on his passport -- arrived wide-eyed in Los Angeles in January 2005 and was placed at Stoneridge Prep, where neither the housing conditions (four players were packed into coach Ron Slater's home) nor the transcript situation (they designated him as an 11th-grader, rather than a 12th-) was ideal. By April he was on the move again, to Picayune, Miss., to live with a host family and attend a public high school. Transcript issues arose once again, prompting a move in June to Houston, where Mark McClanahan, a coach Thabeet had met at the Kingwood (AAU) Classic in Houston that spring, found him another host family and a spot as a senior on the Cypress Christian School team for the '05-06 season. By the following summer Thabeet was at UConn, where he is now a junior majoring in geography. The bedroom walls of his campus apartment are decorated with SpongeBob SquarePants dolls, and his dresser doubles as a trophy stand for being last season's Big East Defensive Player of the Year and NABC Defensive Player of the Year.

In Arabic, Hashim means "destroyer of evil," and the shot blocking that earned those awards (147 swats as a sophomore, breaking Alonzo Mourning's Big East single-season blocks record) is an instinctual talent. The crash course in post offense that Thabeet received at UConn has helped him grow from a comedic liability to someone who, says Huskies graduate assistant Justin Evanovich, "is conscious of his ability to dunk everything." Huskies coach Jim Calhoun laughs at his first memory of Thabeet ("He would get a rebound in Houston, throw it and then watch nine guys run") and beams with pride when he says that "no player I've ever had at UConn has improved to the level that Hasheem has improved."

Since his father's passing, all Thabeet has done is change cities five times, countries twice and his name once. He basically learned how to play offense from scratch while establishing himself as the nation's premier defensive game-changer. Thabeet has adapted, and he has overcome.

If Uconn, which finished 24-9 last season, were to win a national championship in April, it would be the first basketball team to visit the White House under Barack Obama, whose absentee father was an economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Finance -- only nine miles from the Nairobi school where Thabeet was discovered. The gravity of this African connection is not lost on Thabeet, but it wouldn't be his first presidential encounter, either.

On Sept. 21 he arrived at the Intercontinental Hotel in New York City wearing a Euro-cut suit, and he joined Tanzania's president, Jakaya Kikwete -- who was in town for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly -- in breaking Ramadan fast. This was their third meeting, and it came with a reminder from Kikwete "to keep representing the country well." At their first meeting, in Boston when Thabeet was a freshman, he showed up in a fitted New York Yankees hat, brown sweater and jeans. ("I wasn't grown up yet," he says sheepishly.) When a photo of him appeared on Michuzi, the highest-trafficked Tanzanian blog, he was lambasted by some Swahili-speaking commenters for being disrespectful and undeserving of such attention.

Kusoma story nzima BOFYA HAPA:

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Vilio Uwanja wa Ndege Dar

Nami nilivyokuwa Bongo 2006 na 2007 niliona mbinu huko Airport. Yaani wafanyakazi wengine hawana haya kabisa! Ni kama mradi vile kufanya kazi pale.

Kutoka Michuzi Blog:


Pole kwa vacation na pia kwa kukosa ndege. Nipe nafasi kidogo niongelee wizi mdogo mdogo hatimae mkubwa katika Julius Nyerere International Airport maana inakera na inauma ile mbaya Ni kwamba kuna utaratibu kwenye viwanja vya ndege kuzuia abiria kubeba vichupa vyenye vimiminika zaidi ya ml100. Kwa hiyo inalazimu abiria kulazimisha kupima mzigo hata kama una 6kg ili mradi kusalimisha mafuta na vi-manukato kwa namna moja ama nyingine.

Kitu kilichojitokeza pale ni kwamba kampuni ya kupakia na kupakua mizigo ya Swiss port imeshindwa kudhibiti wafanyakazi wake na hivyo kupoteza hadhi ya kuchukua dhamana ya mizigo ya abiria. Nilichokiona mimi ni kwamba wale jamaa wanaobeba mizigo hufungua zipu na kukagua kilichomo ndani. Wakiona kitu cha thamani wanaweka mifukoni mwao.

Na kinachoumiza ni kwamba kama kuna vitu vilikuwa kwenye mifuko midogo ndani ya begi ambavyo labda ulitaka visigusane na vingine basi utavikuta tofauti, maana wanachana vimifuko ili kutafuta wanachokitafuta wao (WIZI MTUPU), ustaarabu hakuna hata kidogo.

Sasa nataka kuuliza kuna usalama gani kama mtuu amepima mzigo ili kufuata sheria za usalama wa usafiri wa anga na hatimae wajinga wachache wapitie vitu vya thamani kwenye mizigo yake? Na je, hii itatoa picha gani kwa abiria wapendao kutumia viwanja vyetu kusafiri kwa kuchukulia kuwa ni salama kwa kwa mali na mizigo yao.

Naomba kuuongezea machache.Ni kweli kabisa,ni kweli tupu kuhusu huo wizi hapa Uwanja wa DIA...

Kweli huwa mabegi yanafunguliwa tena wana utaalamu kuliko unavyodhani wanafungua zipu bila kuiharibu,na wanatoa vile wanavyovitaka wao kama Camera,Simu ,I-pod ,Laptop... na biashara kubwa ya kuviuza inafanyika huko NJIA PANDA sehemu ya kwenye Bar na Makazi ya watu....na huwa wanajisifu sana, na isitoshe ni kweli wana maisha mazuri sana LOADER AMA PORTER WA BONGO NI SAWA NA PORTER AMA LOADER WA ULAYA nikiwa namaana ya kwamba maisha yao yako juuu na ni matawi kuliko hata Maboss wao waliopo maofisini ,maana wao hupata Pesa kila aingiapo Shift.

Kulikuwa na utaratibu wa kuwapekua wakati wakitoka kazini,lakini sasa hakuna ila hata hivyo ni wajanja sana mara nyingine wanauza humu humu jengoni.na tunapata sana malalamiko mengi kutoka kwa wageni wetu watakao na kuingia nchini.Binafsi inaniuma sana maana ni juzi tu nilitumiwa na ndugu yangu mzigo wa Camera na wakailamba.
Na Juzi kuna wawili walijaribu kuiba mzigo wa mama mmoja Mmalawi waliushusha kwenye Air Malawi wakadai kuwa unaenda na Precision Air lakini Askari aliwashuku na kuwakamata sasa sijui kesi imeendaje.... WIZI WIZI WIZI KILA KONA......

Nini kwenye mabegi ya abiria, na wizi wa mafuta ya ndege je??? tena hiii ni issue sana kubwa maana hadi baadhi ya watu ambao hawastahili kuwepo wanashiriki kwenye hiii....jaribuni kufuatilia.

USHAURI WANGU kwa TAA na SWISSPORT wangetengeneza bango kubwa kuwasaidia wageni wanaondoka Departure liwekwe Getini pale nje kabla ya security liandikwe kwa kiingereza na kiswahili hata french kuwa ABIRIA ASIWEKE CAMERA, SIMU, LAPTOP AMA HELA MAANA NASIKIA KUNA WATU HUWA WANAWEKA HELA KWENYE MABEGI...PLEASEACHENI AIRPORT IMEKUWA MBAYA..


Monday, December 01, 2008


Wadau mnakumbuka hii tangazo?

" Philips ndio enyewe....Sauti safi sauti kubwa!"

Enzi hizo wewe mtu kama una redio kama hii, short wave, universal etc.! LOL!


Leo ni siku ya UKIMWI duniani (World AIDS Day). Tukumbuke waliopoteza maisha yao na waliothairika na ugonjwa huo. Pia tumwombe Mungu kuwa tiba utapatikana siku za karibuni.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Matapeli wa Nigeria sasa wajifanya Wazee!

Hivi Mzee wa miaka 87 anaweza kuingia kwenye internet na kuandika hii kweli? Kwa experience yangu wazee wengi wanaogopa na kudharau computers na internet.

I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to choose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world, precisely I cannot say why I have chosen you but do not be worried for I come in peace and something very positive is about to happen to your life and the lives of others through you, if only you can carefully read and digest the message below.
The internet has made the world global villages where you can reach anybody you have not met before.

Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Mother Emily Olivier, 87 Years old woman and the wife of Late Sir Jackman Olivier who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 4:22 UK while they were flying from New York to Geneva. Please see site below for more information: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissair.victims.list/index.html

After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life with my family and loved ones whom I never had time for during the course of my business life, but before the death of my husband we had a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we have worked for to the less privilege and charity homes and the other half for ourselves, family members and close friends. Unfortunately, my husband is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now, hence I have decided to do this philanthropic work on behalf of my late husband and I.

Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several charity homes and to some of the less privilege in different countries.

Despite the agreement between my late husband and I to give aid to the deprived, we also agreed to render support to an unknown individual we have not met before due to the fact that when we were still young in life we receive an anonymous help from an individual we did not know and which we have not being able to know till date, the impact we got from such gesture gave us the impression to pay it forward by doing same to an unknown person.

I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know me nor will I respond to your next email because I have just concluded the assignment which my husband and I have agreed upon before his sudden death and you happened to be the Unknown beneficiary of our last WILL, irrespective of your previous financial status, hence I need you to do me a favor by accepting our offer that will cost you nothing.

Three weeks ago I deposited a cheque in the sum of $5,800,000.00 United State Dollars with FedEx to deliver to you,but i have not been able to notify you because of my ill health. What you have to do now is to contact the FedEx Delivery Service as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date on the cheque. For your information, I have paid the delivering Charge, the Insurance premium and clearance Certificate fee of the cheque. The only money you are expected to pay is $255.34 United State Dollars for the Security Keeping of the cheque so far. I would have paid the fee but the company insisted that I should not because they don't know when you will be contacting them and to avoid demurrage or further cost.

You have to contact the FedEx COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your cheque with this information bellow;
Contact Person: Mr. Mark Robbins
Email Address: fedex.ng@btinternet.com
(anwani sahihi ingekuwa @fedex.com)

You are to reconfirm the below information to them to avoid any mistake on the Delivery and ask them to provide you with the method they wish to use in
receiving their security keeping fee of $255.34 United State Dollars for their immediate action.

Postal address:
Full Names:
Direct telephone number:
Security Keeping Code: (SCT/0433/UY)

Below is the security keeping code: (SCT/0433/UY) of you draft, you are to also present it to them for verification before delivery.

Note: Please I do not want you to thank me or my husband, all I need you to do is to invest wisely with it and do the same good to someone`s life someday as this world would be a better community if we render selfless services to one another.

Also, be notified that I will no longer be reading my emails or surfing the internet as I have retired completely from the outside world to my ranch, at this moment all further correspondence should be forwarded to the courier company for the delivery of your cheque to you.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Emily Olivier Jackman

Friday, November 28, 2008

Watu karibu 500 walikufa katika Ajali ya Moto mjini Boston mwaka 1942

Ukiwa unatembea maeneo ya Piedmont st. karibu na Arlington St. tafuta hii Plaque. Iko kwenye sidewalk usipoangalia vizuri unaweza kuikanyaga.
Watu wakingojea mortuary kwenda kutambua maiti za ndugu na marafiki zao

Klabu baada ya moto
Jitihada za kuokoa watu

Usiku wa Novemba 28, 1942, miaka 66 iliyopita watu 492 walikufa katika moto uliozuka katika klabu ya Cocoanut Grove. Watu walikuwa wanastarehe huko nakusikiliza muziki na kunywa vinywaji na kula chakula wakati motomkali ulizuka.

Habari zinasema kuwa kuna vijana huko waliokuwa wanataka kupiga mabusu katika giza. Waliondoa taa iliyokuwa juu yao. Kuna mfanyakazi aliyeamuriwa airudishe. Aliporudisha aliwasha kibiriti na kusababisha mapambo yaliyotengenezwa na karatasi kuwaka moto. Moto ulivyosmbaa mle watu walishindwa kutoka maaan mlango wa kutoka ulikuwa moja tu. Mwenye klbau alifunga milango kwa hofu kuwa watu watatoroka bila kulipa bili zao. Na kun watau waliopona huo ajali wanaosema kuwa wakati moto una waka kuna mfanyakazi alikuwa anadai watu walipe madeni yao.

Siku zingine ukipita eneo hiyo karibu na Arlington St., Boston utasikia kwa mbali milio ya watu.

Kutokana ma moto huo sheria za klabu mjini Boston zilibadilishwa. Mfano milango yote inafunguliwa kwenda nje, badala ya ndani.
Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Maoni ya Wananchi Tanzania - Afrobarometer


Key Findings for Tanzania

Introduction to the Survey

The Afrobarometer survey seeks citizen’s opinions on the way their countries are managed economically, politically and socially. This is a regional survey, currently involving 20 countries in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa . Prior surveys were held in Tanzanian in 2001, 2003 & 2005.

Further information can be obtained from: www.afrobarometer.org.

The questionnaire is standardised across the countries participating in the surveys, with subjects covering: democracy, rule of law, politics, corruption, management of the economy, service provision, governance, citizens’ trust in the leadership and institutions of governance, and livelihood. In addition, 14 Tanzania specific questions relating to the East African Community; the selection process for the Cabinet, and the process for contracting large international tenders were posed to the survey participants.

Overall Summary

Looking at the overall survey results for the last four surveys (2001-2008), a major difference is the confidence in responses of the respondents, which is a positive trend. The confidence level for responding is high, though there are still some questions where some people are reluctant to give their opinion, particularly on questions relating to democracy. However, there is a clear overall decrease in the proportion of this type of non-committal response as compared to the survey findings for 2005. There could be many reasons for this, perhaps the fact that 2005 was the year of national elections had an influence on the volume of “Don’t Knows”. In addition, increasing communication efforts since 2006, particularly the growth in the strength of the media may have aided citizens to feel more informed.

In our findings, we have picked those responses with highest percentages. In this case, the remaining percentage is therefore, distributed to the rest of the response options in each respective question.

Generally, people are satisfied with democracy in Tanzania , there is a marked improvement from the last survey conducted in 2005, and to a lesser extent since the surveys commenced in 2001. Variations exist, especially with the Zanzibar findings, notably Pemba .

Respondents’ opinions indicate that the political environment appears healthier in Mainland Tanzania than in Zanzibar , particularly Pemba . There is room for improvement regarding political expression, especially in Zanzibar , where there has been a marked decrease from previous surveys.

Respondents’ trust in President Kikwete is high, along with satisfaction with his performance. Respondents trust the institutions of governance, with slight differences between the Mainland and Zanzibar . These levels of trust have been more or less maintained across the survey questions, with some variations.

There is need for improvement in the application of the rule of law, as there is a perception of discrimination against ‘ordinary’ citizens.

Respondents do not perceive institutions of governance as being highly corrupt, and these results have been fairly consistent over the four surveys. However, the responses indicate that there is much room for improvement regarding tax officials and police.

There is general dissatisfaction with the management of the economy, especially inflation, job creation, livelihood and the income gap between the rich and poor. There is deterioration in respondents’ opinions on economic issues in the surveys from previous years, though this might reflect to some degree the then ongoing impact of the global issues of rising fuel and food prices (the survey was conducted in July 2008).

Water and sanitation remain as the major areas of dissatisfaction in the social sector.

Sample Methodology

There were 1,208 respondents aged from 18 to 75, an even split of male and female respondents. Nearly 55% of the respondents had completed primary school, and 74% of the respondents were living in rural areas. The survey was conducted during July 2008.

The sample was randomly drawn from every region of the country, with each Mainland region’s share of the sample in proportion to its share of population. Using this formula Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba) should have had a sample of less than 30 respondents, yet the final sample was Mainland 1,096 respondents = 91%, and Zanzibar 112 respondents = 9%. As Zanzibar has autonomy in many respects of issues investigated, there was a deliberate over sampling of Zanzibar , thus the results from Zanzibar can be interpreted with a high level of confidence. The sample was based on the National Master Sample and the margin of error was +/-3%.


In general, there is a high level of satisfaction with the degree of democracy and its mechanisms for implementation.

· 74% of the respondents overall perceive Tanzania as democratic; Zanzibar 64%. This is the highest percentage overall since the surveys commenced in 2001. The lowest response was 40% for the 2005 survey.

· 70% of the respondents overall are satisfied with the way democracy works; Unguja 57%%; Pemba 43%. This is an upward trend from the surveys of 2005 at 39%, and 2003 and 2001, where 62% was recorded for both surveys.

· However, 63% of the respondents overall believe that their voice is not heard between elections; Unguja 76%, Pemba 73%.

· 87% of the respondents overall believe that the 2005 general election was free and fair; Unguja 68%, Pemba 33%.


People are generally satisfied with the current political environment.

· 48% overall believe that there is freedom of expression on issues of politics; this is a marked decrease from the 70% recorded in the 2005 survey, and the lowest record for all four surveys. Furthermore, 82% of the Zanzibaris believe that one has to be careful when expressing political opinions.

· 71% overall do not fear political intimidation or violence during election campaigns; in strong contrast 81% of the respondents from Zanzibar fear political intimidation during campaigns.

· 60% do not believe that competition between parties leads to conflict; this is up from 45% and 51% for 2005 and 2003 respectively, and reflects a ‘healthy’ and stable political environment. However, 71% of Zanzibaris believe that it does lead to conflict; Pemba 88%.

· 81% of the respondents overall trust the ruling party; a decrease from the peak recorded in 2005 of 89%, however this is still a high level of trust. Unguja 68%, Pemba 48%.

· 56% overall do not trust the opposition political parties; a slight decrease form the 62% recorded in the 2005 survey. Unguja 54%, Pemba 48%.

· 82% overall feel close to a political party; 76% reported this in the prior survey. Unguja 74%, Pemba 90%.

· 71% overall indicated that they are close to CCM; a slight increase from 69% in 2005. Unguja 64%, Pemba 43%.

5% overall indicated that they are close to CUF; a slight increase from 4% in 2005. Unguja 6%, Pemba 45%.

· 79% of the respondents overall would vote for CCM if elections were held the day after this survey (July 2008), this was 83% in 2005. 5% would vote for CUF, 4% in 2005. Unguja 63%, Pemba 45%.

Trust in the President

Citizens’ trust in President Kikwete is high, this perception cuts across the entire country, including Unguja and Pemba .

· 88% of the people overall trust the President; this is within the range of the results for the three previous surveys (which ranged from 87% to 94%), indicating that perhaps it is the position of President which is regarded as trustworthy, as there was a change of the President during this survey’s history. Zanzibar 78%.

· 90% approve of the way that President Kikwete has performed his job over the last 12 months (ending July 2008). The three prior surveys recorded a range of 84% to 93% for his predecessor. Zanzibar 80%, Pemba 70%.

· 76% believe the President complies with the laws of this country; Zanzibar 57%.

Trust in the Institutions of Governance

In general, there is a high level of trust in the institutions of governance.

· 82% of citizens overall trust Parliament. There has been a decrease in the level of trust from the peak recorded in 2001 of 90%, but this is still a high level of trust. Zanzibar 70%, Pemba 65%.

· 65% of citizens overall are satisfied with the performance of their Member of Parliament during the preceding 12 months; Unguja 50%, Pemba 75%.

· 66% of citizens overall indicated that businessmen who win parliamentary elections should not be appointed to Cabinet positions, due to potential conflicts of interest.

· Generally, Tanzanians are undecided about the appointment of cabinet ministers from the Parliament. However, 65% of the Unguja respondents had no problem with ministers appointed from Parliament, while in contrast 73% of Pemba respondents thought that there should be separation of powers between the executive and the legislature.

· 77% of citizens overall trust the National Electoral Commission; this is a decrease in the level of trust from the peak recorded in 2005 of 86%, perhaps this was a reflection of the Commission’s prominence in the public arena, as 2005 was the year of National Elections. Zanzibar 64%, Pemba 53%.

· 74% of citizens overall trust elected local government councillors; Zanzibar 68%, Pemba 75%.

* 68% of citizens overall are satisfied with the performance of their elected local government councillor; Unguja 58%, Pemba 68%.

· 73% of citizens overall trust the courts of law; Zanzibar 63%, Pemba 58%.

· 61% of citizens overall trust the police; Unguja 50%; Pemba 60%.

· 66% of citizens overall are satisfied with the Government’s efforts to reduce crime; a small decrease from the 2005 survey findings of 69%. (The lowest rating was 56% recorded in 2003). Unguja 36%, Pemba 73%.

Rule of Law

In general, people are unhappy about discrimination in the application of the rule of law.

· 45% believe that there is unequal treatment under the law; this is a slight increase from 2005 (42%). Zanzibari respondents recorded 72%.

· 50% believe officials who commit crimes go unpunished; Zanzibar 76%.

· 84% believe ordinary people who break the law are punished.

Corruption within the Institutions of Governance

There is a general perception that there is not a high level of corruption within the institutions of governance.

· 56% overall believe that the Government is fighting corruption; this finding is down from the overall survey high of 61% recorded in 2005. Zanzibar 64%.

· 64% overall indicated that the President and the officials in his office are not involved in corruption; Zanzibar 44%. This perception could be influenced by the level of interaction between the Office of the President and the public on this issue.

· 72% overall indicated that Members of Parliament are not involved in corruption.

· 85% of citizens overall indicated that Parliament should review government contracts on behalf of citizens.

· 72% overall indicated that elected local government councillors are not involved in corruption.

· 65% of citizens overall indicated that government officials are not involved in corruption.

· 71% of citizens overall indicated that any public official under investigation for corruption should immediately resign to protect the integrity and credibility of Government; Unguja 65%, Pemba 93%.

· 63% overall indicated that judges and magistrates are not involved in corruption; Zanzibar 69%.

· 57% overall indicated that tax officials were not involved in corruption; Zanzibar 68%.

· 53% overall indicated that the police are not involved in corruption; Zanzibar 59%. However, only 43% of the respondents from Pemba believed that the police were not involved in corruption.

Management of the Economy

In general, there is dissatisfaction with the way the economy is managed.

· 51% overall are dissatisfied with the management of the economy; this is a marked increase from prior surveys – 19% in 2005 and 25% in 2003. Zanzibar 59%, Pemba 53%.

· 64% overall are dissatisfied with Government’s efforts to create jobs; (in the three prior surveys this has ranged from 65% in 2003 to 53% in 2005). Zanzibar 76%, Pemba 80%.

· 82% overall are dissatisfied with Government’s management of keeping prices down, a sharp increase to the prior surveys, from 50% in 2001, to a 41% in 2003 and 42% in 2005.

· 78% overall are dissatisfied with Government’s efforts in narrowing the income gap between the rich and the poor. This dissatisfaction has ranged from 54% (2005) to 70% (2001) in prior Afrobarometer surveys.

· 61% overall are dissatisfied with the Government’s efforts in providing a reliable supply of electricity.

· 56% overall expressed satisfaction with Government’s efforts in maintaining roads and bridges.

· 70% overall expressed satisfaction with the Government’s efforts to protect rivers and forests; Unguja 48%, Pemba 90%.


There is a general dissatisfaction with living standards.

· 70% overall are dissatisfied with Government’s efforts to improve standards of living.

· 56% overall are dissatisfied with Government’s efforts to ensure everyone has enough to eat; this is an increase of the 2005 findings of 47%. Unguja 64%, Pemba 53%.

Provision of Social Services

There is general satisfaction with the provision of social services, except for water and sanitation.

· 78% overall are happy with Government’s efforts in addressing educational needs; a decrease from the 2005 high of 85%, but still up on the findings for 2003 and 2001. Unguja 42%, Pemba 63%.

· 63% overall are happy with the Government’s efforts in improving basic health services; a decrease form the high of 70% recorded in the 2003 and 2005 surveys. Unguja 40%, Pemba 63%.

· 83% overall are satisfied with Government’s efforts in combating HIV/AIDS; this positive perception has grown each survey round, with 2005 recording 80%. Unguja 57%, Pemba 88%.

· 55% overall are unhappy with Government’s efforts to provide water and sanitation services; this result is consistent with the 2005 and 2003 surveys, 54% and 52% respectively. Unguja 60%, Pemba 48%.

East African Community

In general, Mainland Tanzanians support economic integration of East African, however many respondents, especially those from Zanzibar , did not reveal their preference on various aspects of the integration. In addition, Mainland Tanzanians do not support political and military unification.

Further Information:

REPOA will be publishing briefs relating to this survey during January 2009.

Afrobarometer has a website which contains reports and data for all the countries involved: www.afrobarometer.org

Readers are referred to another public perception survey, which covers similar material:

‘Views of the People 2007. Tanzanians give their opinions on: Growth and Reduction of Income Poverty, Their Quality of Life and Social Well-being, and Governance and Accountability’.

This is the largest perception survey conducted in Mainland Tanzania to date. 7,879 Tanzanians, aged from 7 to 90 years, from ten mainland regions, were asked for their opinion on aspects of: economic progress, their standard of living, quality of and access to economic and social services, and trends in governance. This publication was produced by the Research and Analysis Working Group of the MKUKUTA Monitoring System, Ministry of Planning, Economy and Empowerment, and is available from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and REPOA.

Sonja Tiscenko

Website: http://www.repoa.or.tz