Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tanzia - Mama Betisheba Ketangenyi
Panya ni Mbogo huko China!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Uzazi wa Majira Usiohitaji Dawa- Akina Dada Mpoooooo!
Wasichana wengi Sekondari waliponea kupata mimba kwa kutumia njia hii ya Uzazi wa Majira (Rhythm Method) enzi zileeee. Unahesabu siku zako. Pia kupima ute. Pia tulionywa kuwa shahawa za mwanaume zinaweza kukaa ukeni siku nne zikisubiri yai!!!!
Mo Dewji Kuanzisha Benki Kwa Ajili ya Wafanyabiashara Ndogo ndogo
CEO wa Kampuni ya MeTL Group, Mohammed Dewji akiwa ofisini kwake.
Na Modewjiblog team
Mfanyabiashara Bilionea Mohamed Dewji ambaye hivi karibuni amepata tuzo ya Mfanyabiashara Bora wa Afrika wa mwaka 2015, katika kinyang’anyiro cha tuzo za wafanyabiashara bora wa Afrika (African Business Awards 2015) amebainisha kuwa lengo kuu la kampuni anayoiongoza ya MeTL Group, hadi kufikia mwaka 2022, ni kufikia dola bilioni 5 huku akitarajia kuajiri wafanyakazi zaidi ya Laki moja.
Dewji maarufu kama MO amebainisha hayo wakati wa mahojiano maalum ya moja kwa moja yaliyorushwa hivi karibuni na kituo cha BBC kupitia kipindi cha BBC SWAHILI DIRA YA DUNIA ambapo alibainisha hayo.
Kupitia kipindi hicho cha BBC Swahili, MO aliweza kuelezea mafanikio aliyofikia ikiwemo siri ya kufanya kazi kwa bidii na kujituma.
Ambapo ameeleza kuwa, alianza biashara akiwa mdogo sana kwani wakati huo Baba yake alikuwa akimfundisha kazi na yeye kujituma zaidi bila kuchoka.
Aidha, MO amebainisha kuwa, yupo mbioni kuanzisha Benki ya kuweza kutoa mikopo midogo kwa wafanyabiashara wadogo wadogo kujiendeleza.
Salim Kikeke aliweza kumuuliza swali juu ya vijana wengi wanapenda kufanyabiashara lakini hawana mitaji ambapo MO alifunguka kuwa:
“Unajua na mimi mwenyewe nataka kuanzisha ‘Micro credit bank’, ya kuweza kutoa mikopo midogomidogo kwa wafanyabiashara wadogo. Kwa sasa hivi kuna benk nyingi sana zimezidi ukilinganisha mwaka 1998, nilipotoka Marekani, benki zilikuwa ndogo sana kwa hiyo nimeanza kutafuta pesa kutoka benki za Afrika Kusini” ameeleza MO na kuongeza kuwa mtu unapokuwa na wazo la kuanzisha biashara unaweza kushirikiana na mwenye pesa ama kukopa kwa mtu mwenye pesa. alifafanua MO .
Katika mahojiano hayo, MO alibainisha kuwa, mapato katika akaunti ya MeTL GROUP ina kiasi cha dola bilioni 1.3 huku akiwa ameajiri watu zaidi ya 24,000 huku lengo hadi kufikia mwaka 2022, kuwa na wafanyakazi zaidi ya Laki moja huku mapato kuwa zaidi ya dola bilioni 5.
Tuzo aliyopata MO alikabidhiwa katika hafla hiyo iliyofanyika katika hoteli ya Four Season mkabala na jengo la Umoja wa Mataifa (Baraza Kuu) watu wengine waliopata tuzo ni Aliko Dangote, Daphne Mashile Nkosi, Strive Masiyiwa na Helen Hai.
MO alimshinda Aliko Dangote ambao walikuwa kwenye Kategori moja wakiwania tuzo hiyo ya mfanyabiashara bora wa Afrika, huku wengine walioshindanishwa kwenye kategori hiyo ni CEO wa Paramount Group, Ivor Ichikowitz, CEO wa Groupe Loukil, Groupe UADH, Bassem Loukil, na Oscar Onyema DG wa Nigerian Stock Exchange.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Mkuu wa Majeshi CDF Jenerali David Mwamunyange Yu Buheri wa Afya - Yupo Italia Kikazi
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Ibada ya Kiswahili Katoliki - Dayosisi ya Cleveland East
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Mke Atalakiwa baada ya kuondoa Make-Up Usoni. Kumbe ana sura mbaya!
Raha ya Mitumba!
Haya cheki huyo jamaa anavyofurahia mtumba wake, nguo ya kulala (pajama) ya kike!
Saturday, September 19, 2015
MKenya Agundua Tiba ya COPD - Ugonjwa wa Kupumua Kwa Shida
BREAKING NEWS...Kenyan Man in Boston Discovers COPD treatment, Featured in Nursing's Leading Journal
The piece, titled "inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program in a long-term care facility" was featured from page 44 to 52 of the most recent issue (August 2015) of the nursing care journal that is published only once a month.
Currently, there is no any other Kenyan known to have been published in the world renowned journal.
Following the success of Dr. Kiongera's study findings and recommendations in treating patients stuck in long term care facilities due to COPD, a debilitating breathing problem with no previously known cure, and as a result accepted and featured nursing care journal, Dr. Kiongera's research now officially becomes a resource for healthcare providers and medical students all over the world dealing with COPD patients. KWA HABARI KAMILI BOFYA HAPA FULL STORY >>>>>
Nafasi ya Kazi Shinyanga - LIbrarian
- Job Title: Librarian Assistant
- Department: Geology
- Report to: Head of Geology Department
Qualities, Skills and Qualifications:
- Posses a certificate or diploma in library and documentation from a accredited institute
- Able to mentor and inspire students
- Posses training skills
- Knowledge of customer care
- Knowledge of ms excel and access database
- Team player and self motivated
- Transparent and trustworthy person
- Able to work under high pressure and long hours
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Facilitate orientation to staffs and students on library usage
- Checkin and checkout library users
- Allow library users to only use library materials
- To ensure that only qualified library users are allowed to use the library services
- Ensure that the library windows and doors are closed at the end of its service
- Selecting, developing, cataloging and classifying library resources
- Filling the books cards, shelving books and recording daily statistics
- Providing library service to library users including responding to inquiries, educating, creating and inducing books reading behaviors
- Assist student in searching book/website references online
- Instructing, guiding and inspiring library users on library effective and proper usage
- To ensure that the library structure, resources and its environments are always clean, neat and secure
- To prepare and keep record of library users.
- Design and maintain orientation and library usability material
- Participate in curricula reviews and development process
- Evaluate, promote the emerging technologies that fosters reading behaviors among library users
- Understanding copyright, fair use, and licensing of intellectual property, and assisting users with their understanding and observance of the same
- Submit to the supervisor and maintain the improved library usage code
- Supervise library staffs/volunteers under his/her command
- Prepare and submit to the supervisor a library analytical and substantiated budget proposal
- Advice the supervisor on important issues that need college attention
- Report all irregularities in library and its surroundings like theft, student behaviors, special needs and library code misconduct etc
- To prepare submit a library administration report to the Head of Department (Geology) each month
- To carry out any other duties as may be assigned by his/her supervisor.
Application Instructions
- Application letter,
- updated CV
- certified copy of your certificate/diploma
Application Deadline:
United States Welcomes Mozambique Announcement on Landmine Clearance
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Land Mine Warning in Mozambique |
Too many have been maimed and killed by landmines in Mozambique. Why were they put there. I am posting this as a Thank You for the efforts to clear Mozambique of landmines! My uncle was killed by a landmine when he was visiting Mozambique. Rest in peace Uncle Joseph.
United States Welcomes Mozambique Announcement on Landmine Clearance
Press Statement
Department Spokesperson