Hata hivyo, hayo makampuni yanayotengeneza dawa za cocktails wata zuia hiyo tiba. Watakuwa hawapati faida tena.
Man Cured of AIDS: ‘I Feel Good’
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Aliyepona UKIMWI, Timothy Brown |
The fact that Timothy Brown is a reasonably healthy 46-year-old is no small thing. Only a few years ago, he had AIDS.
“I feel good,” Brown told ABC News. “I haven’t had any major illnesses, just occasional colds like normal people.”
Brown is the only person in the world to be cured of AIDS, the result of a transplant of blood stem cells he received to treat leukemia.
“My case is the proof in concept that HIV can be cured,” he said.
Brown got lucky. The blood stem cells he received came from a donor with a special genetic mutation that made him resistant to HIV. The genetic mutation occurs in less than 1 percent of Caucasians, and far less frequently in people of other races. Before Brown got his transplant in 2007, doctors tested nearly 70 donors for this genetic mutation before they found one who was a match.
But doctors hope that a similar solution could help other people with HIV: umbilical cord blood transplants.
Dr. Lawrence Petz, medical director of StemCyte, an umbilical cord blood bank, said although Brown was cured by his transplant, the process was complicated because the blood stem cells came from an adult donor.
“When you do that you have to have a very close match between donor and recipient,” Petz said. “With umbilical cord blood, we don’t need such a close match. It’s far easier to find donor matches.”
But it’s still not that easy. Petz and his colleagues have tested 17,000 samples of cord blood so far, and found just 102 that have the genetic HIV-resistant mutation. The team performed the first cord blood transplant on an HIV-infected patient a few weeks ago, and they have another transplant planned for a similar patient in Madrid, Spain, later this year. It will still be months before researchers can tell if the transplants have any effect on the patients’ HIV.
Petz also noted that transplants aren’t performed solely to treat AIDS. Patients who get them have an additional condition that requires a blood stem cell transplant. Curing their AIDS would be an incredible bonus.
“It can be done. It’s just a matter of time,” Petz said.
Brown had his transplant in February 2007. Today, his body shows no signs of the virus.
Brown said he feels guilty being the only person to have been cured of the virus when millions still live with it. But he hopes his story will inspire others that a cure is possible.
”I don’t want to be the only person in the world cured of HIV. I want a cure for everyone,” he said.
Haina faia kwa bara la Afrika. Wazungu watajitibu.
Ni wazungu tu ndio hawafi, kwa sababu wanajijali. Na sio rahisi hio wao waumize kichwa zaidi ya miaka 30 halafu wampe muafrika tiba hio kwa bure , afrika sahau hio kitu.unless wale tu waliokuwa na uwezo kama mafisadi wanaweza afford gharama hizo.
Any way hongera kwa mafanikio yanayopatikana kila siku zinavyokwenda mbele, itafikia siku huo ugonjwa AIDS utakuwa history ya dunia kama syphillis, malaria,polio, na mengineyo ambayo yalikuwa hayawezekani.
HOORAY to STEM CELL research and treatment of various conditions in our lives. There'll come a time when a lot of conditions that are incurable now, will be curable for people all over the world.
Am Anyah kutoka Singapore. Ninataka kupitisha hili kwa kila mtu ambaye ni mgonjwa wa aina yoyote ya ugonjwa, suluhisho la magonjwa yote ni Dr Sagbo, niliponwa na mtu huyu Mheshimiwa Sagbo mponya mkuu baada ya kupita kwa maumivu. Sijui kamwe nitaponywa ugonjwa huu wa Hiv katika maisha yangu kwa sababu walisema hakuna tiba. Ninajaa msisimko na nina kutumia hii kati ili kukujulisha kuwasiliana na mtu huyu kwa aina yoyote ya ugonjwa na yuko tayari kusaidia kutatua tatizo lako. Ikiwa unapitia magonjwa yoyote kwa njia ya kumsiliana naye kwa njia ya barua pepe yake: drsagbo6088@gmail.com. Ninaweka ahadi yangu kwa kugawana ushuhuda huu ninawahakikishia wale wote ambao walisema kuwa hakuna tiba mbaya ya sababu nimekuwa tubiwa na dawa za dawa za Dr Sagbo mponyaji mkuu, lengo langu ni kushika ushuhuda juu ya kile ambacho Mungu ametumia wewe kufanya katika maisha yangu. Piga simu na nambari hii na whatsapp yake kwenye +2347019642881.
Am Anyah kutoka Singapore. Ninataka kupitisha hili kwa kila mtu ambaye ni mgonjwa wa aina yoyote ya ugonjwa, suluhisho la magonjwa yote ni Dr Sagbo, niliponwa na mtu huyu Mheshimiwa Sagbo mponya mkuu baada ya kupita kwa maumivu. Sijui kamwe nitaponywa ugonjwa huu wa Hiv katika maisha yangu kwa sababu walisema hakuna tiba. Ninajaa msisimko na nina kutumia hii kati ili kukujulisha kuwasiliana na mtu huyu kwa aina yoyote ya ugonjwa na yuko tayari kusaidia kutatua tatizo lako. Ikiwa unapitia magonjwa yoyote kwa njia ya kumsiliana naye kwa njia ya barua pepe yake: drsagbo6088@gmail.com. Ninaweka ahadi yangu kwa kugawana ushuhuda huu ninawahakikishia wale wote ambao walisema kuwa hakuna tiba mbaya ya sababu nimekuwa tubiwa na dawa za dawa za Dr Sagbo mponyaji mkuu, lengo langu ni kushika ushuhuda juu ya kile ambacho Mungu ametumia wewe kufanya katika maisha yangu. Piga simu na nambari hii na whatsapp yake kwenye +2347019642881.
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