Monday, May 30, 2016

Miss Tanzania USA Atembelea Shule ya Kenton Dar

Miss Tanzania USA 2015-2016 Aeesha Kamara akiongea na wanafunzi wa Kenton High School ya Tabata jijini Dar es Salaam siku alipotembelea shuleni hapo katika moja ya majukumu yake ya kuhudumia jumuiya. Miss Kamara anadhamini wanafunzi wawili shuleni hapo
Miss Tanzania USA Pageant Aeesha Kamara akimkabidhi msaada mwalimu mipira siku alipotembela shule ya Kenton High School ya Tabata jijini Dar es Salaam.
Miss Tanzania USA Aesha Kamara akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na wanafunzi wawili anaowadhamini kwa kuwasomesha shuleni hapo.
Picha ya pamoja

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Waziri wa Serikali ya Zanzibar Afumaniwa Gesti Akiwa na Binti yake wa Kambo!

Aliyekuwa Mkuu wa Kkoa wa Kaskazini Pemba na Katibu Ikulu Ndogo ya Pemba Mh.Faki Dadi Faki.amekutwa guest akiwa na mtoto wa mke wake wa ndoa!

Iinasemekana ni mtu na mpenzi wake. Ila baada ya mtoto kutiliwa mashaka akajaribu kuficha ficha leo ametegwa na kunaswa kwenye mtego ulioshuhudiwa na mama yake mzazi (mtoto akikutwa kitandani na baba wa kambo) hayo yalifanyika katika hotel ya Excutive iliopo pembeni ya makao makuu ya uhamiaji.

Hali ya Sukari Tanzania sasa Shwari!

HALI ya upatikanaji sukari nchini, imeanza kuwa kwenye mwelekeo mzuri, baada ya tani zaidi ya 10,000 kuingizwa kutoka nje. Nyingine 31,000 zinasubiriwa kuwasili huku viwanda vya bidhaa hiyo pia vikianza uzalishaji wiki hii.
Waziri wa Viwanda, Biashara na Uwekezaji, Charles Mwijage alitoa taarifa hiyo jana bungeni wakati mjadala wa bajeti ya Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi ukihitimishwa.
Akielezea sukari inayoingia kutoka nje, Mwijage aliwataka wafanyabiashara wote wanaojishughulisha na bidhaa hiyo, kujitambulisha kwa wakuu wa mikoa na wakuu wa wilaya ili wanayopewa Dar es Salaam, waifikishe kwa viongozi hao waione.
Kuhusu viwanda ambavyo awali vilitarajiwa kuanza uzalishaji Julai mwaka huu, Mwijage alisema, “Adha ya sukari iliyokuwepo, sasa inakwenda kuisha. Kuna sukari ya kutosha…kwani leo kiwanda cha Kagera Sugar kimeanza kuzalisha tani 250.”
Waziri Mwijage alisema pia Kiwanda cha Kilombero (K One), kimeanza kuzalisha na kitazalisha tani 600 kwa siku. Wakati matumizi ya nchi ni tani 1,200 za sukari kwa siku, Mwijage alisema tofauti iliyobaki ndiyo imeagizwa kutoka nje.
Aliwataka wabunge kutambua kuwa uamuzi uliochukuliwa na serikali, ulijenga imani na kuleta wawekezaji. Alisema hivi sasa, Kiwanda cha Sukari Kagera kinapanua eneo la Kitegule na kuzalisha tani nyingine 60,000 na pia kukiwa na mwekezaji kutoka Oman, ambaye ataongeza uzalishaji katika kiwanda hicho na kufikia tani 300,000.
Alisema adha ya sukari ambayo nchi inapitia sasa ni kwa ajili ya kudhibiti uingizaji sukari na kisha kuleta wawekezaji kwenye uzalishaji wa sukari. Mwijage alisema hali ya sukari ni ya kutosha na sasa wamechukua hatua ya kujenga kiwanda cha Kigoma Sugar katika eneo la hekta 47,000.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Vijana wa Parking Mjini Mwanza Walalamikiwa!

Gari la mmoja wa wagonjwa katika kituo cha afya cha Bio Health kilichopo mtaa wa liberty jijini Mwanza likiwa limepigwa cheni.
Vijana wanaokusanya ushuru wa tozo za maegesho ya magari jijini Mwanza, wamelalamikiwa kwa namna wanavyotekeleza majukumu yao kinyume na taratibu.

Vijana hao wamelalamikiwa kutokana na tabia yao ya kuvizia magari yanayoegeshwa katika maeneo mbalimbali jijini Mwanza huku baadhi ya maeneo hayo yakiwa ni halali kwa ajili ya magari kuegeshwa kwa muda.

Katika mtaa wa Liberty jijini Mwanza, vijana hao wamelalamikiwa kutokana na kuvizia magari binafsi yanayowapeleka wagonjwa katika kituo cha afya cha Bio Health kwa ajili ya matibabu.
Picha Zaidi Bonyeza HAPA

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Anusurika Kifo Baada ya Kujirusha Kutoka kWneye Mnara wa simu Mjini Mwanza

Kijana Mmoja (picha) Jijini Mwanza amenusurika kifo baada ya kujirusha kutoka katikati ya mnara wa simu.
Tukio hilo limetokea hii leo na kuvuta watu wengi waliofika kumshuhudia kijana huo ambae amepanda katika mnara huo tangu majira ya asubuhi na kukatalia mnarani hadi majira ya saa sita mchana.

Mashuhuda wa tukio hilo ambao pia ni marafiki wa karibu na kijana huyo, wamesema huenda kijana huyo amefikia maamuzi hayo kutokana na ugumu wa maisha ambao amekuwa akiulalamikia huku wengine wakisema ni kutokana na kuathiriwa na matumizi ya dawa za kulevya ikiwemo gundi ambayo amekuwa akiyatumia.

Akizungumza kwa niaba ya Kamanda wa jeshi la uokoaji na zima moto mkoani Mwanza, mmoja wa maafisa wa uokoaji Mussa Kaboni, amsetoa rai kwa makampuni yenye minara ya simu kuimarisha ulinzi katika minara hiyo ili kuondoa hatari inayoweza kujitokeza kutoka kwa raia wasio wema.

Baadhi ya mashuhuda wa tukio hilo walionekana kuchukizwa na kitendo cha kijana huyo na kusikika wakifoka kwa hasira na makelele ya hali ya juu "rukaa, ruka sasa, jirushe kama wewe ni mwanaume" hali ambayo ilikuwa ikimuongezea morari kijana huyo na hivyo kujirusha kweli kutoka katikati ya mnara huo.

Baada ya kijana huyo kujirusha kutoka katikati ya mnara hadi chini, alipoteza fahamu na kukimbizwa katika hospitali ya rufaa ya mkoa wa Mwanza, Sekour Toure kwa ajili ya huduma ya kwanza.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Shukurani Kutoka Kwa Familia ya Michuzi - Msiba wa Maggid Muhidin

Familia ya Ankal Muhidin Issa Michuzi inapenda kutoa shukrani nyingi sana sana kwa ndugu, jamaa, majirani, marafiki na wafanyakazi wenzie kwa kujitoa kwa hali na mali katika wakati huu mgumu wa msiba wa mawanae Maggid (pichani) aliyefariki huko Durban, Afrika Kusini Jumapili ya wiki iliyopita na kuzikwa katika makaburi ya Kisutu jijini Dar es salaam juzi Jumamosi.
Ni vigumu mno kumshukuru mtu mmoja mmoja kutokana na wingi wenu na kwa jinsi kila mmoja wenu alivyojitoa na kuonesha upendo wa dhati kabla na baada ya mazishi. Tunaweza kujaza kurasa 200 kama hizi na tusiwe tumehitimisha robo tu ya shukrani zetu kwa kila mmoja wenu. Hivyo tunaomba radhi kwa yoyote ambaye hatutomtaja, kwani wafadhili wetu nyie mko wengi mno.
Pamoja na hayo shukrani za kipekee ziwaendee Mheshimiwa Rais Dkt. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli na Mama Janeth Magufuli na familia yao yote, Rais Mstaafu wa awamu ya Nne Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete na Mama Salma Kikwete na familia yao yote, Rais Mstaafu wa Awamu ya Pili Alhaj Ali Hassan Mwinyi na familia yake yote, Rais Mstafu wa awamu ya Tatu Mzee Benjamin William Mkapa na Mama Anna Mkapa na familia yao yote, Waziri Mkuu Mstaafu Jaji Joseph Sinde Warioba na Familia yake yote, Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Mhandisi Allan Kijazi, Katibu Mkuu Ikulu Mhe. Peter Ilomo, Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Mstaafu Mhe. Ombeni Sefue pamoja na wafanyakazi wenzie wote wa baba mfiwa kwa kuwa karibu naye katika wakati wote, na kuhakikisha kuwa kila kitu katika msiba huu kinaenda sawasawa. TUNAWAOMBEA KWA MOLA AWAPE BARAKA ZAKE ZOTE...

Salamu zingine za kipekee ziwaendee watumishi wote wa Ubalozi wetu Afrika kusini mjini Pretoria ambao wakiwa chini ya Brigedia Jenerali Kimaryo na Afisa wa Ubalozi kaka Awesi walisimamia maswala yote ya kuusafirisha mwili kutoka Durban kuja Dar es salaam. MOLA AWAONGEZEE PALE MTAPOPUNGUKIWA...

Vile vile shukrani za kipeke ziwaendee Viongozi na wanachama wa Jumuiya ya Watanzania waishio Durban pamoja na Muslim Burial Society ya hapo hapo Durban ambao walihakikisha mwili wa marehemu unahifadhiwa, unakafiniwa na unasafirishwa kwa heshima zote. ALLAH AWAJAALIE KATIKA KILA JAMBO...

Kwa Uongozi wa msikiti wa Maamur uliopo Upanga Dar es salaam pia familia inatoa shukurani za kipekee kwa yote mliotutendea ikiwa ni pamoja na mwongozo wa kidini katika wakati wote wa msiba na mazishi.
Tutakuwa watovu wa fadhila endapo kama hatutatoa shukurani za kipekee kwa magrupu ya WhatsApp yote ambayo baba mfiwa Ankal ni mwanachama. Shukurani hizi maalum ziwaendee Ma-Admin na wanachama wa Kariakoo Family Group (KFG), Dar es salaam Old Friends (DOF), Ma Best Group (MBG), Wanahabari, Tasnia ya Habari, Uongozi, Siasa na Matukio Mix, The New Team, TSJ Alumni, Zama Zile, The Brain Team, Jazz Fans, The Kop in Tanzania, LFC Bongo, Uswazi Academia, Tanzania Bloggers Network (TBN), The Legends Family, SID Tanzania Chapter, Mawasiliano, Team Michuzi, Amani Kwanza Group, Photojournalists TZ, PPAT Members, P Mamas, RUBY 15, Warembo wa KA, Mambachoz Group, Ndanshau Group, Empress Group kwa Fundi Mussa na wengi wengine wote katika Social media wakiongozwa na Jamii Forum na VIJIMAMBO BLOG ya Marekani. TUMEHEMEWA MNO NA KUFARIJIKA SANA KWA MICHANGO YENU YA HALI NA MALI. WE ARE HUMBLED. MBARIKIWE SANA, SANA, SANA...
Mwisho, lakini sio kwa umuhimu bali kwa nafasi na mpangilio, tunatoa shukrani za kipekee kwa shirikia la ndege la Emirates kwa kufanikisha usafiri wa mwili wa marehemu, hali kadhalika kampuni mahiri ya SWISSPORT kwa kusaidia logostics zote katika Uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, Dar es salaam.


Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mazishi ya Maggid Muhidin Leo

Mwili wa marehemu ukiingizwa katika msikiti wa Maamur Upanga jijini Dar es salaam leo tayari kwa kuswaliwa kabla ya mazishi.
Mbunge wa Chalinze Ridhiwani Kikwete (kushoto) akimfariji baba wa marehemu Ankal Issa Michuzi.
Mama wa marehemu (aliyevaa nguo nyeupe) akiwa na ndugu wa karibu wakiomboleza.
Baba wa marehemu akiwa na viongozi wa dini wakiombea mwili wa marehemu dua.
Mke wa Rais mama Janeth Magufuli (kulia) akiwa na ndugu wa marehemu.
Baba wa marehemu Ankal Issa Michuzi akipata chakula.
Mke wa Rais mama Janeth Magufuli (kulia) akiwasili msibani Wazo hill akiwa na baba wa marehemu Ankal Issa Michuzi.
Baba wa marehemu akiwa na Balozi Cisco Mtiro na baadhi ya waombolezaji.
Baba wa marehemu (mwenye kofia), Ankal Issa Michuzi akipewa pole na baadhi ya waombolezaji mara baada ya maziko ya mtoto wake Maggid Muhidin Michuzi (18)yaliyofanyika katika makaburi ya Kisutu jijini Dar es Salaam leo.
Waziri Mkuu mstaafu Jaji Joseph Sinde Warioba akimpa pole Issa Michuzi.
Rais Mstaa mstaafu wa awamu ya nne, Jakaya Kikwete akimfariji Ankal Issa Michuzi.
Issa Michuzi (mwenye kofia) akifuatiwa na Rais mstaafu Dkt Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, kulia kwake ni Waziri Mkuu Mstaafu Jaji Joseph Sinde Warioba na Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Mstaafu Mhe Ombeni Sefue. Kulia ni Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Balozi Mhandisi John Kijazi, Katibu Mkuu Ikulu Mhe. Peter Ilomo wakati maziko.
Waumini wakiomba dua.
Baba wa marehemu Issa Michuzi (katikati) akiwa na huzuni akiwa na Rais mstaafu Dkt Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, kulia kwake ni Waziri Mkuu Mstaafu Jaji Joseph Sinde
Baba mkubwa wa marehemu, Ismail Issa Michuzi akitoa shukrani kwa walioshiriki mazishi ya mtoto wao.
Mroki Mroki ambaye aliyekuwa MC akitoa ya muongozo wakati wa mazishi.
Waombolezaji wakiweka udongo kwenye kaburi la marehemu.
Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi, Balozi Mhandisi John Kijazi akiweka udongo.
Waziri Mkuu mstaafu Jaji Joseph Sinde Warioba akiweka udongo kaburini.
Rais mstaafu Jakaya Kikwete akiweka udongo kaburini.
Baba wa marehemu Ankal Issa Michuzi akiweka udongo kaburini.
Mwili wa marehemu ukiwekwa kaburini.
Mwili ukiwasili makaburini.

Rais mstaafu Jakaya Kikwete akimpa pole baba wa marehemu, Ankal Issa Michuzi. Kulia ni Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Balozi Mhandisi John Kijazi. Picha zote na Francis Dande

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Msiba Boston - Mr's Gaudentia Nzigire

The family of Pastor and Mrs. Mlongecha regrets to announce the passing of their beloved Mother Gaudentia Nzigire that happened on May 11, 2016 at 4:00 am. Their mother was a beautiful soul. She was generous and served the Lord with her whole heart. She was loved by so many. They have set up the below account and we kindly request your generous support towards these plans by contributing here. Mama Gaudentia's wake (last respect) will be on Friday, May 13th from 5pm to 8pm at Buonfiglio Funeral Home. Address: 128 Revere St, Revere, Ma 02151. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, May 14 from 10 am to noon at Buonfiglio Funeral Home. For those who would wish to extend a hand of condolences please visit the Mlongecha Family at their home located at 57 Eliot Road, Revere, Massachusetts 02151 There will be Prayers on Wednesday and Thursday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at their above home address. For more information please contact. Mr. Alex Kamau 618 509 1386 Bonome Bahati 857 251 4934 Mama Rony 857 928 1093 Ezekiel Luhigo 781 632 3605 They are grateful for the outpouring of love, Prayers and continuing support from friends and church members while they are dealing with this heavy loss. On behalf the family, Ezekiel L

Monday, May 09, 2016

Tanzia - Maggid Muhidin (Mtoto wa Kaka Michuzi)

Ankal Issa Michuzi anasikitika kutangaza kifo cha mwanae Maggid Muhidin kilichotokea jana Jumapili huko Durban, Afrika Kusini, alikokuwa masomoni.

Mipango ya kuusafirisha mwili wa marehemu inafanywa, msiba utakuwa Tabata Mawenzi jijini Dar es salaam ambako ratiba ya mazishi itatoka mara tu baada ya mwili kuwasili.

Habari ziwafikie ndugu, jamaa, majirani na marafiki popote pale walipo.

Innalillah wa inna ilayhi raajiun

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Jinsi ya Kuiibia Afrika!

How to steal from Africa, all perfectly legally

Posted on May 6, 2016 by Alex de Waal

When UK PM David Cameron opens the Anti-Corruption Summit on 12 May, we should be aware that the greatest fraud perpetrated on the majority of the world’s citizens is all perfectly legal.
The City of London, arguably the heart and headquarters of a international network of tax havens. Credit: Michael Garnett.
Africa loses at least $50 billion a year — and probably much, much more than that — perfectly lawfully. About 60% of this loss is from aggressive tax avoidance by multinational corporations, which organise their accounts so that they make their profits in tax havens, where they pay little or no tax. Much of the remainder is from organised crime with a smaller amount from corruption. This was the headline finding of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, headed by former South African President Thabo Mbeki, a year ago.

This amount is the same or smaller than international development assistance ($52 billion per year) or remittances ($62 billion). If we take the accumulated stock of these illicit financial flows since 1970 and factor in the returns on this capital, Africa has provided the rest of the world with $1.7 trillion, at a conservative estimate. Africa is a capital exporter.
The rest of the world didn’t take much notice of the Mbeki Panel’s findings until the Panama Papers revealed the extent to which this is just part of a global phenomenon. The rich aren’t being taxed. The rest of us pay for everything.
The OECD calls the phenomenon ‘base erosion’ (referring to the emasculation of the tax base of the affected countries) and ‘profit shifting’. The beneficiaries are a small fraction of the world’s wealthiest 1%, and the secrecy jurisdictions (aka tax havens) where they sequester their money. These locations include the City of London, numerous British overseas territories, Switzerland, and new entrants to the global business of looking after the monies of the hyper-wealthy and ordinarily wealthy, who would prefer not to pay tax. Countries including Mauritius, the Seychelles, Botswana and Ghana are seeking to enter this competition.
And the vast majority of this is perfectly legal.

Accountants’ alchemy
Two hundred years ago, the slave trade was legal. One hundred years ago, colonial occupation and exploitation were legal. This time the legal immiseration is done by accountants.
This dimension of unethical financial activity isn’t captured by Transparency International (TI) and its Corruption Perceptions Index. That index is, as it says, a measurement of perceptions. But of what andby whom? As the UN Economic Commission for Africa recently observed, it relies on asking key power players in a nation’s economy what they think of the level of corruption. Many of those are foreign investors. Using this approach a country like Zambia will unsurprisingly tend to rank high on corruption – 76 worst out of 168. Meanwhile, Switzerland will rank low – 7th.

But the perfectly legal transfer of the wealth of Africa to Europe isn’t captured by this index. As TI notes, “Many ‘clean’ countries have dodgy overseas records”. Consider this: the number one destination for Zambian copper exports is Switzerland, which in 2014 accounted for 59.5% of the country’s copper exports. Yet Switzerland’s own imports that year scarcely contained any mention of copper at all. Had the African country’s main exports just vanished into thin air? The 2015 figures suggest that in fact much of these exports were destined for China (31%), though Switzerland remained the number one destination (34%).
The answer to where the money goes lies in accountants’ alchemy. International corporations present their books in such a way that they pay as little tax as possible in either Zambia or China. And they don’t pay much in Switzerland either – because the Swiss don’t demand it.

Suddenly the ranking of Switzerland, 69 places ahead of Zambia in the honesty league, looks a bit suspect. But of course it’s all perfectly legal.

From Zambia’s point of view, what counts as corruption is defined by the rich and powerful. When their country is robbed blind by clever accounting tricks, against which their government and people have no recourse, it is just the operation of a free market controlled – as free markets so often are – by corporations that have enough power to set the rules.

Political money in a political marketplace
Another little noticed but significant feature of illicit financial flows from Africa is that there are occasional reverse flows. The movements back into African countries aren’t as big as the outflows, but they are important. What is happening here is “round-tripping”: spiriting funds away to a safe place so they can be brought back, with their origins unexplained, and no questions needing to be asked.

The same multinational corporation that is defrauding an African country can pay money into the offshore account of one of its political leaders. Or that leader can whisk funds away by other means. Our main concern here isn’t the money invested in real estate in France, yachts, fast cars, or foreign business ventures. These are personal insurance policies in case things go wrong at home, or tickets to the global elite club. Rather, our concern is the cash kept liquid, to be brought back home when needed – the money brought back to fix elections, buy loyalties and, in sundry other ways, secure leaders in power. These are political budgets par excellence: the funds used for discretionary political purposes by political business operators.
In the United States, almost any kind of political funding you can think of can be done in a perfectly legal manner, given a smart enough accountant and lawyer. Political Action Committees can spend as much money as they like in support of a candidate. Campaign finance is essentially without a ceiling.

In Africa, political finance laws range from lax to non-existent. Spending vast amounts of money on winning political office – or staying in office – offends no law. The monetisation of politics is one of the biggest transformations in African political life of the last 30 years. It is generating vast inequalities, consolidating a political-commercial elite which has a near-monopoly on government office, fusing corporate business with state authority, and making public life subject to the laws of supply and demand. Political markets are putting state-building into reverse gear, transforming peace-making into a continual struggle against a tide of mercenarised violence, and – most perniciously – turning elections into an auction of loyalties.

Political money is discrediting democracy. Some of the transactions that constitute Africa’s political markets are blatantly corrupt, but many are simply the routine functioning of political systems based on the exchange of political services for material reward.
Yes, there is corruption in Africa, just as there is corruption in international trade and finance. But when Prime Minister David Cameron opens the Anti-Corruption Summit next week on 12 May, we should be aware that the greatest fraud perpetrated on the majority of the world’s citizens – notably those living in Africa – is all perfectly legal.

Alex de Waal is the Director of the World Peace Foundation. 
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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Walioshinda Green Card Lottery 2015 (DV2017)

US Green Card Office announces 2015 (DV2017) Lottery winners-Check whether you won here!

AJABU AFRICAN NEWS, Wednesday, May 4, 2016--The US Green Card Office has announced winners for the Green Card Lottery applicants who submitted their Lottery applications in October 2015 for the DV-2017 Program.
Hopeful applicants can now can now check if they have been selected online by visiting
Diversity Visa is indeed one of the easiest and cheapest ways to obtain permanent residency known as Green Card in the United States. The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is administered annually by the Department of State.Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for a class of immigrants known as "diversity immigrants" from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States.
According to the U.S. Department of State, DV-2017 Entrants may enter their confirmation information through E-DV website to see if they are selected. 
Entrant Status Check is the sole means by which entrants will be notified if they are selected, provided further instructions on their visa application, and notified of their immigrant visa interview appointment date and time. 
The Department of State will not send any notification letter.The U.S. government has never sent emails to notify individuals that they have been selected, and there are no plans to use email for this purpose for the DV-2017 program.If you are a selectee, you will only receive email communications regarding your visa appointment after you have responded to the notification instructions on Entrant Status Check. FULL STORY HERE >>>

Monday, May 02, 2016

Waziri wa Congo Afukuzwa Kazi Baada ya Kupiga Punyeto Ofisini

Naibu Waziri wa Habari, Mawasiliano na Teknolojia wa Congo, Enock Ruberangabo Sebineza amefukuzwa kazi baada ya kupiga punyeto ofisini kwake. Kitendo hicho kilinaswa na kamera aka webcam!