Friday, September 27, 2013

Si Huyo Tu, WaBongo Wengi Wanakuwa Malaya Ughaibuni!!!

Yaani ni bora kubaki nyumbani kulkioni kujingiza kwenye biashara ya umalaya. Na si wanawake tu, hata wanaume siku hizi malaya. Wanaume wanatembea na vizee wa kizungu ili wapate hela ya chapuchapu!  Wengine wananyonya dhakari a wasenge na hata kuamua kifrwa kwa ajili ya dola!  Hao wanaojiuza wanajikuta wantumia madawa ya kulevya pia.  

Anayofanya huyo dada chini si modelling bali ni kujiuza kwenye site za wanaotaka kupiga punyeto, au kukutana na mtu kama malaya! 

Kutoka gazeti la Mpekuzi

Sakata zima la mwanamke wa kitanzania aliyeamua kuugeuza mwili wake kuwa KITEGA UCHUMI huko ughaibuni

Ni  mwanamke  anayejulikana  kwa  jina  la  Florah Lymo  ambaye alijipatia  umarufu  mkubwa  baada  ya  kujitokeza  hadharani  na  kudai  kubakwa  na  mbunge  Lema....

Wengi  waliyaamini  madai hayo kutokana  na  ujasili  aliokuwa  nao wakati  akiieleza  dunia  kuhusu  tendo  la  ubakwaji  alilotendewa....

Hakika  jambo  usilolijua  ni  kama  usiku  wa  giza...Amini  usiami, mwanamke  huyu  hakubakwa  .Ujasili  wake ulikuwa  ni  mchezo  wa  kuigiza na  tayari  mtandao  huu  umefanikiwa  kupata  sehemu  ya  mchezo  huo ambao  ni  komedi  tupu.

Baada  ya  mchezo  huo  kukosa  mafanikio  na  hali  ya  maisha  kuwa  ngumu  kifedha, mtandao  huu umedokezwa kuwa   Florah  amejikuta  akiwa  ni mtumwa  wa  mwili  wake ndani  ya  nchi  za  watu....

Utumwa  huo  unadaiwa  kutokana  na  kitendo  cha  yeye  kuugeuza  mwili  wake  kuwa  kitega  uchumi..

Zifuatazo  ni  picha  chafu  za  mwanamke  huyo  ambazo  zimekuwa  zikitundikwa  katika  mtandao  wake  kwa  lengo  la kujiongezea  wateja....


PICHA  YA  PILI:         << BOFYA  HAPA >>


Picha  si  nzuri  na  hatuwezi  kuzianika  moja  kwa  moja.Bofya  hapo juu  kuziona( kwa  watu  wazima  tu )

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Westgate Mall Massacre in Pictures

The horror of the Westgate Mall Massacre in Nairobi, Kenya. May the souls of those killed rest in eternal peace. Amen. WARNING - It is graphic.

Shooting victim being led to safety

Shooting victim being led to safety

Kenyan woman mourns the loss of her loved one
Names of the Injured

Nursery school Children at a Cooking competition were also shot & killed! The killers had no mercy!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Al Shaabab ni Nani?

Al Shaabab Ni Nani? ( Makala Raia Mwema)

Na Maggid Mjengwa,

ULIMWENGU umepatwa na mshtuko mkubwa kwa kuona picha za tukio kubwa la kigaidi kwenye moja ya maduka makubwa jijini Nairobi. Hili ni shambulio kubwa la kigaidi kupata kutokea Afrika Mashariki tangu lile la mwaka 1998. Na ajabu ya kihitoria ni kuwa matukio mengi ya kigaidi yametokea katika mwezi wa Septemba.

La Nairobi ni shambulizi la kigaidi la kulaaniwa vikali na wapenda amani wote ulimwenguni. Hata hivyo, moja ya tafsiri ya vitendo vya kigaidi tunavyovishuhudia Nairobi ni kuwepo kwa hali ya vita vya kigaidi vyenye kuendeshwa kwenye maeneo ya mijini (Urban terrorism).

Ni shambulizi lenye athari mbaya kiuchumi si tu kwa nchi ya Kenya, bali hata majirani zake ikiwemo Tanzania. Ni shambulizi lililowaogopesha wageni wengi wakiwamo wawekezaji pia. Kwamba Al Shabaab inalenga pia nchi za Magharibi. Hivyo basi, hata raia wake. Kunahitajika jitihada za pamoja kuwaondoa hofu watu wa mataifa ya nje, kuwa kilichotokea Nairobi kitadhibitiwa kwa njia zote, kisitokee tena.
Na hakika, aina hii ya ugaidi ni ngumu sana kudhibitika hatakama nchi ina jeshi kubwa na lenye vifaa vya kisasa. Inahitaji ushiriki wa raia wema katika kutoa taarifa za wahalifu hata kabla hawajafanya matendo yao maovu. Inahitaji pia maandalizi makini, ya kuwa na vikosi vilivyo tayari wakati wote kukabiliana na matukio kama haya.

Ni dhahiri, kuwa mbinu inazotumika kikundi cha kigaidi cha Al Shaabab ambacho maana hasa ya jina hilo ni ' Vijana', ni moja ya changamoto kubwa katika mapambano dhidi ya ugaidi.

Al Shabaab iliundwa mwaka 2006. Kinasemekana kuwa na wapiganaji wenye silaha wapatao 10,000. Al Shabaab katika miaka ya karibuni wamepoteza maeneo mengi ya mijini waliyokuwa wakiyadhibiti, ikiwamo mji wa Kismayu ambao majeshi ya Kenya yaliudhibiti baada ya kuwasambaratisha Al Shabaab. Kwa sasa Al Shabaab bado wana nguvu maeneo ya vijijini katika Somalia.

Kufuatia Kenya kujiingisha kijeshi kupanbana na Al Shaabab, kikundi hicho kimeifanya Kenya kuwa adui na kutangaza wazi azma yake ya kuishambulia Kenya. Mwezi Aprili mwaka huu watu watano walipoteza maisha nchini Kenya baada ya wapiganaji wa Al Shabaab kuingia kwa nguvu wakiwa na silaha kwenye mgahawa mmoja kwenye mji wa Garissa nchini Kenya.

Mwaka 2012 ndipo Al Shabaab walipojiunga rasmi na mtandao wa kigaidi wa Al qaida chini ya kiongozi wa Al qiada, Ayman al- Zawahiri.
Hakika, hapa duniani matukio ya kigaidi yameongezeka.
Kwa faida ya wasomaji, nitaanza kwa kuangalia chimbuko la ugaidi kihistoria. Ni rahisi kusema kwamba ulimwengu umebadilika baada ya ugaidi wa Septemba 11 mwaka 2001 kule Marekani. Kwamba ugaidi umesogea karibu zaidi katika fikra zetu. Watanzania bado tunakumbuka tukio la shambulizi la kigaidi dhidi ya jengo la Ubalozi wa Marekani jijini Dar Es Salaam Agosti 7, 1998.

Sura ya ugaidi imeonekana vema zaidi miongoni mwa walimwengu. Bila shaka, picha ya filamu ya televisheni yenye kuonesha majengo mawili ya World Trade Centre kule Marekani yakitunguliwa na kuanguka, zimeonwa na takribani asilimia 75 ya watu wa ulimwengu huu. Katika hili la kuchambua ugaidi, hebu
basi tuanze na kujiuliza; Ugaidi ni nini?

Itakumbukwa wabunge wa bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano walipokutana Dodoma mwaka 2002 walipitisha Muswaada wa Ugaidi. Wabunge wetu walitumia muda mwingi sana kujadili tafsiri ya neno "ugaidi".
Kwa kifupi, ugaidi ukitafsiri kutoka neno la Kiingereza "Terrorism" tunapata maana ya "hofu". Neno la Kiingereza "Terror" lina maana ya hali ya "kutisha".

Vitendo vya kigaidi hutumiwa na mtu au makundi ya watu ili kuwaingizia watu hofu ndani ya mioyo yao na pengine hata kuchukua madaraka ya kisiasa. Ugaidi ni njia ya mnyonge na hata mwenye nguvu kutimiza malengo yake. Hili litafafanulika zaidi kadri utakapofuatilia maandiko haya.

Kihistoria tunaona kuwa, vitendo vingi vya kigaidi humu duniani vimefanywa pia na dola zilizo madarakani kwa minajili ya kuendelea kushika hatamu za dola. Mathalan, msemo wa " Utawala dhalimu" kwa tafsiri ya Kiingereza "Terror regime" hutumika tunapoielezea dola yenye kutumia mabavu na nguvu nyingi kupita kiasi. Dola au mtawala asiyezingatia sheria wala haki za kibinadamu.

Msamiati huu wa utawala dhalimu unatokana na lugha ya Kifaransa na una chimbuko la Mapinduzi ya Wananchi kule Ufaransa kati ya mwaka 1789 hadi 1799. Utawala dhalimu wenye kutisha" la terreur" ulikuwepo kule Ufaransa kunako miaka ya kati ya 1792 hadi 1794. Katika kipindi hicho watu takribani 40,000, wengi wao wakiwa wakulima na wahunzi waliuawa.

Mifano ya tawala dhalimu na za kutisha katika sehemu nyingine za dunia ni kama Urusi ya zamani chini ya dikteta Stalin, utawala wa Kinazi wa Ujerumani kati ya 1933-1945 chini ya Fashisti Hittler.
Katika Afrika, tuna pia mifano kadhaa ya tawala dhalimu na za kutisha ambazo kimsingi ni tawala za kigaidi. Uganda ya Idd Amin, Afrika ya Kati ya Bokassa, Zaire ya Mobutu, na nchi nyingine nyingi. Hizi zilikuwa tawala dhalimu.

Ugaidi kimsingi ni ile hali ya mtu, kikundi au dola, kwa maana ya taifa,kutumia nguvu nje ya wigo wa sheria ili kufikia malengo yao. Mwenye kuendesha vitendo vya kigaidi huchagua watu wake watakaoathirika na vitendo hivyo. Si lazima mtu au watu hao watakaoathirika wawe ni wahusika wa moja kwa moja wa mgogoro husika, isipokuwa, waathirika mara nyingi huchaguliwa na huonekana kama wawakilishi wa malengo ambayo magaidi wanataka kuyafikia.

Malengo au sababu za ugaidi zaweza kuwa ni za kidini, kijamii na kisiasa.
Ugaidi huwa wa kimataifa pale tukio la kigaidi linapofanywa nje ya mipakaya yule anayatenda tendo la kigaidi, au raia wa nchi moja wanapokuwawalengwa na kauthirika na tendo la kigaidi katika nchi ya tatu, mathalan,magaidi kutoka Colombia wanapofanya tendo la kigaidi dhidi ya raia waUingereza katika nchi ya Zambia.

0754 678 252,

Sunday, September 22, 2013

More News on Deaths in Kenya Mall Shooting

Renowned Ghanaian poet killed in Kenya mall attack

Published September 22, 2013

ACCRA (AFP) – Renowned Ghanaian poet and statesman Kofi Awoonor was among the 59 people confirmed dead so far in an attack by Somali Islamist militants on a Nairobi shopping mall, Ghana's president said Sunday.
John Dramani Mahama said in a statement: "I am shocked to hear the death of Prof. Kofi Awoonor in Nairobi mall terrorist attack. Such a sad twist of fate..."
Awoonor, 78, was killed while shopping with his son in the Westgate Mall, Ghana's Deputy Information Minister Felix Kwakye Ofosu said.
His son was injured and has been discharged from the hospital, Ofosu said.
Awoonor was Ghana's representative to the United Nations under the presidency of Jerry Rawlings from 1990 to 1994, and was also president of the Council of State, an advisory body to the president, under former president John Atta Mills. He stepped down from that role earlier this year.
He was a renowned writer, most notably for his poetry inspired by the oral tradition of the Ewe people, to which he belonged.
Much of his best work was published in Ghana's immediate post-independence period, part of which he spent in exile outside of the country after the first president Kwame Nkrumah, whom Awoonor was close to, was overthrown in a coup.
His books included "Rediscovery and Other Poems," published in 1964.
Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor, TV anchor Ruhila Adatia die in attack
Updated Sunday, September 22nd 2013
On Sunday, top celebrities, media personalities and hundreds of fans across Africa joined family members in mourning the deaths of celebrated Kiss TV presenter Ruhila Adatia and Ghanaian poet and diplomat, Kofi Awoonor, who were caught up in the Westgate Mall attack on Saturday.
The Ghanaian government confirmed Awoonor’s death early Sunday morning.
Awoonor was in Nairobi to speak at the Storymoja Hay Festival, a four-day celebration of writing, thinking and storytelling — when the attack — for which Somali militant group Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility — occurred.
Condolence messages to Ruhila’s family poured in from her former Radio Africa colleagues including Caroline Mutoko, Churchill, Kalekye Mumo and Shaffie Weru.
The local media personalities expressed their grief following Ruhila’s shocking death from gunshot wounds.
“Such a sad day for Kenya and for Radio Africa. Rest in peace Ruhila Adatia. Words alone cannot begin to explain the shock I’m in,” celebrated radio presenter, actress and musician Kalekye Mumo mourned, minutes after the Kiss E-News presenter succumbed to her wounds after she was rushed to the Aga Khan University Hospital in Parklands, Nairobi.
“My heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased. Rest in peace Ruhila Adatia,” a shocked Churchill commented.
The beauty had cut a niche for herself in the local media thanks to her popular Kiss TV E-News segment as well as her East FM drive show.
At the time of going to press, 64 people had been confirmed dead and 175 hospitalised with injuries following the terror attack, the first of its kind to happen in Kenya.
Heavily armed attackers captured the busy uptown mall mid Saturday morning and put the mall under siege with heavy gunfire and grenade blasts occasioning what was to become one of the deadliest attacks ever to be experienced in Kenya.
Ms Ruhila Adatia (centre), an East FM presenter, in a photograph she posted on Instagram moments before the gun attack at Westgate Shopping Mall Saturday.

In Summary

  • East FM radio presenter Aleem Manji, who was also with Ms Kaur, was reported injured.
  • She posted a total of eight photos on Instagram, with her fans, with her colleagues and some of those who won prizes with bags of rice in their hands.
  • A fun-loving person, Ruhila is described on the East FM website as a “TV presenter by day and superhero in the evenings as I get you home in the traffic mess.”
By NATION TEAMMore by this Author
A few hours after she arrived at the Westgate shopping mall Saturday morning, Radio Africa Group presenter Ruhila Adatia-Sood posted several photographs on her Instagram account and linked that to Twitter.
She was clad in a loose black top and black trousers with a blue and orange necklace completing the look.
Ruhila was in the parking lot of the upscale mall for Sungold Sunrice Superchef, a cooking competition sponsored by the rice brand, which she was hosting.
She posted a total of eight photos on Instagram, with her fans, with her colleagues and some of those who won prizes with bags of rice in their hands.
That was her last activity on social media.
About three hours after news of an attack on Westgate mall began spreading on social media, the first Twitter posts about her emerged.
Of the many who lost their lives in the attack yesterday, Ruhila may be the most familiar.
Kenyans are most likely to recognise her bubbly voice reading entertainment news on Kiss TV, Kiss 100 and XFM. Perhaps as a sign of her popularity, there was a page in her memory on Facebook last evening.
On her Twitter page, Ruhila Adatia-Sood described herself as a “food lover, thrill seeker and a bungee jump away from sanity.” “Always looking for my next meal,” she also says on her profile on the East FM website.
A fun-loving person, Ruhila is described on the East FM website as a “TV presenter by day and superhero in the evenings as I get you home in the traffic mess.”
She adds, with a twist of that familiar fun-loving person that she, “believes there’s not enough reality television. Farhan Akhtar (an Indian filmmaker, writer, singer TV host and actor) is my hubby, DiCaprio is my iceberg.”
A graduate of Rhodes University in Grahamstown in South Africa, she used to co-host The Rush on Metro East FM with Gupz Saund.
Ruhila married Ketan Sood in January 2012 in what The Star on January 9 said was a three-day Swahili-themed wedding. She was pregnant with their first child.
In an interview published in The Star in September 2012, the last-born in a family of four girls is described by her sisters as a go-getter.
Said Farah Adatia Gomes: “Ruhila loved reading, listening to music and watching TV though she never really got to watch what she wanted as most of the time we used to bully her into watching and listening to what we wanted. She was charming and outgoing, always a leader.”
East FM, a radio station whose target audience is Kenyan Asians, was holding a children’s event at the roof top parking of Westgate Mall when gunmen struck Saturday.
Information posted on the firm’s Facebook page a few hours before the fatal shooting shows that the occasion was the second round of the SunGold SunRice Junior Super Chef Competition, the first of which was held at the same time and place last Saturday.
The children competiting were to prepare a starter or main dish accompanied by a desert.
“We are super excited!! Do join us on Saturday from 11am onwards at Westgate roof top for the 2nd round of Sungold Sunrice SuperChef Junior! See you there and do share this post!,” Kamal Kaur, an East FM presenter, wrote.
Ms Kaur attended the event which she tells the Sunday Nation was “packed with kids”.
And after the competition began, Ms Kaur said they heard popping noises.
“We heard what sounded like firecrackers,” she said, narrating how the group then ran to the edge of the parking lot and looked over to see people streaming out of the mall.
She then ran to find her son and they tried to get the children out through the Java service entry.
“One man shot at my son, but he managed to duck. He was wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt, sunglasses and an Arabic headscarf (kaffiya) wrapped around his head. He was holding a big automatic weapon, and I could see a pistol sticking out of his pocket.”
East FM radio presenter Aleem Manji, who was also with Ms Kaur, was reported injured. 
The Late Ruhila Adatia-Sood

Ghanaian Author Killed in Kenya Mall Shooting

The late Prof. Kofi Awoonor

From Ghana Business News

By Emmanuel K. Dogbevi

A senior Ghanaian citizen and former Professor at the University of Ghana has been killed in the Kenya mall attack Saturday September 21, 2013.
Ghana government officials have confirmed that Prof. Kofi Awoonor, 78, is among the 39 persons killed by the gunmen.
A press statement from the Ministry of Information says “Government regrets to announce the death of former Chairman of the Council of State, Prof. Kofi Awoonor in Nairobi, Kenya this morning.
Prof. Awoonor died from injuries sustained during an attack on the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi this morning which Somali militant group Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for.
Ghana's High Commission in Kenya has confirmed Prof Awoonor's untimely passing and indicated that his son who also sustained injuries in the attack, survived and is currently responding to treatment.”
About 100 people were injured.
The Somali terrorist group al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the killings.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Magaidi Waua Watu Zaidi ya 20 Kwenye Mall Nairobi Kenya

Eti hao magaidi walisema waIslamu wote watoke, tunataka kuua waKristo! Jamani!  Hizi chuki za kidini zimezidi Afrika Mashariki!

A body lay outside the Westgate Mall in Nairobi on Saturday . Picha kutoka New York Times

Mwanamke aliyejerhuiwa leo huko Westgate Mall, Nairobi. Picha kitoka New York Times

Customers run following a shootout between unidentified armed men and the police at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi September 21, 2013. (Reuters / Thomas Mukoya)

From the Associated Press

   NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Gunmen threw grenades and opened fire Saturday killing at least 10 people in an attack targeting non-Muslims at an upscale mall in Kenya's capital that was hosting a children's day event, witnesses said.

   A local hospital was overwhelmed with the number of wounded being brought in hours after the attack, so they had to divert them to a second facility.

   Elijah Kamau, who was at the mall at the time of the midday attack, said that the gunmen made a declaration that non-Muslims would be targeted.

   "The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted," he said.

   Manish Turohit, 18, said he saw gunmen with AK-47s and vests with hand grenades on them inside the mall before he escaped to hide in a parking garage for two hours.

   "They just came in and threw a grenade. We were running and they opened fire. They were shouting and firing," he said after being marched out of the mall in line with about 15 people who held their hands in the air.

   Rob Vandijk, who works at the Dutch embassy, said he was eating at a restaurant inside the mall when attackers lobbed hand grenades inside the building. He said gunfire then burst out and people screamed as they dropped to the ground.

   It appears the attack began at the outdoor seating area of Artcaffe at the front of the mall, witnesses said.

   Patrick Kuria, an employee at Artcaffe, said:  "We started by hearing gunshots downstairs and outside. Later we heard them come inside. We took cover. Then we saw two gunmen wearing black turbans. I saw them shoot."

   Some people were shot at the entrance to the mall after volleys of gunfire moved outside and a standoff with police began. Ambulances continued to stream in and out of the mall area, ferrying the wounded who were gradually emerging from hiding inside the mall.

   Many of those running from the mall clutched small children. Others were crying. Mall guards used shopping carts to wheel out wounded children.

   Associated Press journalists at the mall said they saw at least 10 dead bodies and dozens wounded hours after the attack began. Officials did not yet give an official death toll.

   "We are treating this as a terrorist attack," said police chief Benson Kibue, adding that there are likely no more than 10 attackers involved. Gunfire continued to be exchanged outside the mall, as a group of people remained in hiding inside the building.

   Police did not say what group was responsible for the attack.

   Somali's rebel group al-Shabab vowed in late 2011 to carry out a large-scale attack in Nairobi in retaliation for Kenya's sending of troops into Somalia to fight the Islamic insurgents.

   The Westgate Mall is situated in Nairobi's affluent Westlands area and is frequented by expatriates and rich Kenyans.

Kwa habari zaidi  na Video BOFYA HAPA: 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mfalme Mswati Kuoa Mke wa 14!

Huyo Binti akishika mimba ndo ruksa Mfalme kuoa. Duh! Mila zingine.   Mchumba ana miaka 18.


 MBABANE - Swaziland’s King Mswati III has chosen an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 14th wife, a palace spokesman said Tuesday, days before a much-criticised parliamentary vote. ”I can confirm that the king has introduced to the nation a new liphovela (royal fiancee),” said Ludzidzini palace governor Timothy Mtetwa. Mswati, a 45-year-old who is sub-Saharan Africa’s last absolute monarch, introduced Sindiswa Dlamini at a Reed Dance celebration over the weekend, Mtetwa told AFP. She wore reed feathers on her head — a sign of royalty.

The young woman graduated from Mbabane’s St. Francis High School last year and is a finalist in the Miss Cultural Heritage beauty pageant. The winner will be announced on September 28. The king has come under fire for his household’s lavish lifestyle while the tiny mountain kingdom’s 1.2 million people struggle to make a living. – AFP.

 Kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:

King Mswati III

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Reginald Mengi Ajibu Suala la Gesi

 Kutoka Ipp Ltd.

Septemba 7, 2013 nilipokea barua pepe (email) yenye kichwa cha habari kisemacho “ubinafsi/ufisadi wa MENGI na Chuki/Fitina kwenye Maendeleo”.

Aliyetuma email hiyo alijitambulisha kama “CCM TANZANIA” na email ilisambazwa kwa vyombo vya habari, waandishi na watu wengine wengi wakiwamo wanasiasa. Kabla ya hapo nilifowadiwa nakala ya ujumbe (SMS) na watu ambao walitumiwa na Profesa Sospeter Muhongo, Waziri wa Nishati na Madini na Mbunge inayosema;

“Ambieni Watanzania: Kampuni za Mengi zimeshikilia vitalu 59 vya madini vyenye ukubwa wa mita za mraba 3,752.37 (sq km) Amevishikilia, ameshindwa kuviendeleza. Watanzania wanakosa mapato na ajira! Sasa anataka vitalu vya gesi na mafuta. Je huu ndio uzawa?

“Mengi hana uzawa bali ubinafsi. Anataka kufanya udalali wa vitalu vya raslimali zetu. Waelezeni Watanzania ukweli huu.”

Vile vile Septemba 5, 2013 Profesa Muhongo akijibu swali la Mwandishi wa habari lililouliza;

“Mhe. Waziri tunataka ufafanuzi kuhusu kauli yako ya hivi karibuni kwamba waTanzania hawana uwezo wa kuwekeza katika uwekezaji wa gesi asilia. Kwanza kauli hii ni kweli? Pili kauli kwamba Watanzania wanaweza kuwekeza kwenye sekta ya machungwa tu huoni kwamba si kwamba unawavunja moyo bali unadhalilisha wewekezaji wazalendo?”

Na Profesa Muhongo akajibu:

“Kila mtu alitoa mawazo ya sera ya gesi wakiwemo TPSF. Mengi na wenzake wanataka vitalu wafanye ulanguzi wa gesi na mafuta yetu. Tutatoa orodha ya vitalu vya madini vilivyoko mikononi wa Mengi ambavyo anafanya ulanguzi. Ukweli utaonyesha ubabaishaji na ulanguzi wa Mengi wa genge lake.”

Nimeona ni vyema nitumie haki yangu ya kujibu (right of reply), lakini kwa wale wanaohusika kusambaza taarifa hizo kuchafua jina langu wajue kwamba kujibu kwangu hakuondoi haki yangu ya kuchukua hatua za kisheria.

Kuingizwa kwa vitalu vya madini katika hoja ya gesi

Huo ni upotoshwaji wenye lengo la kututoa kwenye hoja ya msingi ya rasilimali yetu ya gesi. Sijawahi kufanya udalali kwenye vitalu vya madini. Huu ni uongo wa hali ya juu.

Tamko la TPSF na majibu ya Profesa Muhongo

Siku ya Agosti 28, 2013 Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) ilifanya kikao chake cha Bodi na baadaye kufanya mkutano na waandishi wa habari. Mambo mengi yalizungumzwa katika kikao hicho ikiwa ni pamoja na uwezeshaji wa Watanzania (Economic Empowerment).

Kuhusu uwezeshaji Watanzania, mambo muhimu matatu yalijadiliwa na kutolewa mapendekezo. Mambo hayo ni 1) Manunuzi ya Umma (Public Procurement); 2) Ardhi na uvuvi; na 3) suala la gesi asilia.

Kwenye mkutano na waandishi wa habari, mimi nikiwa Mwenyekiti wa TPSF, niliwasilisha maoni ya TPSF kuhusiana na Manunuzi ya Umma, wakati Makamu Mwenyekiti wangu, Salum Shamte, aliwasilisha maoni yetu kuhusiana na sekta ya ardhi na uvuvi na mwishoni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa TPSF, Godfrey Simbeye, aliwasilisha maoni TPSF kuhusiana na gesi asilia.

Katika maoni yake TPSF ilisisitiza umuhimu wa ushirikishwaji wa Watanzania katika uchumi wa gesi na kushauri kusitishwa ugawaji wa vitalu vya gesi hadi hapo sera ya gesi itakapokua tayari. Mwisho Bwana Simbeye alisema kwamba TPSF itaomba kukutana na Profesa Muhongo kuwasilisha mawazo na mapendekezo ya taasisi hiyo.

Siku chache baada ya TPSF kutoa maoni yake mambo mawili yalitokea. Kwanza Profesa Muhongo alijibu kupitia vyombo vya habari kwamba mpango wa kugawa vitalu vya gesi na kuingia mikataba utaendelea.

Profesa Muhongo pia alisema wazi kwamba hana mpango wa kukutana TPSF, kwani kufanya hivyo ni kupoteza muda.

Matokeo yake Profesa Muhongo hajajibu hoja kuhusiana na barua aliyoandikiwa na TPSF. Binafsi nilishitushwa na msimamo wa Profesa Muhongo kwani Serikali ya awamu ya nne imepiga hatua kubwa katika kudhihirisha kuwa ni “serikali sikivu”. Ingemgharimu nini Profesa Muhongo kukaa na kutusikiliza? Hakuna ambacho angepoteza zaidi ya dakika chache za muda wake.

Jambo la pili ambalo lilitokea ni mimi binafsi kushambuliwa kana kwamba maoni yaliyotolewa kuhusiana na gesi ni maoni yangu binafsi na si ya TPSF.

Mifano ya mashambulizi dhidi yangu ni kama nilivyoonyesha hapo juu katika email na ujumbe mfupi wa simu (SMS).

Msimamo wa Profesa Muhongo katika gesi ni upi?

Msimamo wa Profesa Muhongo mara baada ya kuteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Nishati na Madini ulikuwa ni kutaka kupitishwa kwanza kwa sera ya gesi asilia kabla ya kuendelea na ugawaji wa vitalu vya gesi.

Septemba 2012, Profesa Muhongo alisema;

“Some of the agreements are really shoddy and they need to be revoked” and “I can’t tolerate agreements which are not in the country’s interests but they benefit a few individuals”.

Tafsiri yake ni:

“Baadhi ya mikataba ni ya ovyo, na inahitaji kuvunjwa” na “Sitovumilia mikataba ambayo haina maslahi kwa nchi na inawanufaisha wachache”.

Baada ya hapo, Profesa Muhongo aliamrisha Bodi mpya ya TPDC kusitisha ugawaji wa vitalu vya gesi ambao ulipangwa kufanyika mwezi Septemba 2012 na kupitia upya mikataba yote. Profesa Muhongo alinukuliwa akisema:

‘Earlier this month, the state-run Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) delayed a licensing round for nine deep-sea oil and gas blocks previously set for this month until a parliamentary vote on a new gas policy in October. "Right now as a country, we are in the gas boom and we don't have gas policy in place.”


Recent gas strikes off east Africa's seaboard have led to predictions the region could become the third largest exporter of natural gas on the planet.

"Our country is reviewing its policy. Is that something new?" he said. "We want both the companies that are investing in the country and Tanzanians to benefit from the oil and gas projects."


"This is completely new business to us. We are learning," Muhongo said.’

Tafsiri yake ni:

‘Mwanzoni wa mwezi huu TPDC ilihairisha mchakato wa ugawaji wa vitalu tisa vya gesi asilia vilivyoko baharini hadi hapo Bunge litakapopitisha sera mpya ya gesi iliyowasilishwa bungeni mwezi Oktoba;

"Kwa sasa kama Taifa, tuko katika mazonge ya gesi na hatuna sera ya gesi.

"Nchi yetu inaandaa sera (ya gesi). Hicho ni kitu kipya?..."

"Tunataka kampuni zote, kampuni zinazowekeza nchini mwetu na Watanzania tunufaike na miradi ya gesi na mafuta."

"Hii ni biashara mpya kabisa kwetu. Tunajifunza."

Zoezi wa la kugawa vitalu vya gesi asilia lilisitishwa lakini hadi sasa matokeo ya kupitia upya mikataba hayajatolewa hadharani.

Miezi michache baadaye, Februari 26, 2013, Profesa Muhongo alisisitiza msimamo wake wa kutaka Tanzania kuwa na sera ya gesi kabla ya kugawa vitalu zaidi. Aliyasema hayo alipokua akihutubia mkutano uliofanyika Chatham House, mjini London. Mkutano huo uliopewa jina “Tanzania: An Emerging Energy Producer”. Ulikuwa na madhumuni ya:

“Tanzania is drawing growing attention as a pivotal country in East Africa for oil and natural gas exploration, having led the region in terms of new discoveries of natural gas in 2012. With known gas reserves of approximately 7.5 billion cubic feet, the potential to transform Tanzania's international standing and domestic electricity production is considerable. However, recent protests against the construction of a pipeline to Dar es Salaam highlight the challenges that Tanzania faces in ensuring that the benefits of its natural resources are widely felt.

Tafsiri yake ni:

“Tanzania inaonyesha kuja juu katika Afrika Mashariki kwa uvumbuzi wa mafuta na gesi asilia baada ya kuongoza kwa uvumbuzi wa gesi asilia mwaka 2012. Ikiwa na wastani wa futi za ujazo bilioni 7.5, ni dhahiri itasaidia Tanzania kupaa katika anga za Kimataifa na kusaidia uzalishaji wa umeme kwa matumizi ya ndani. Hata hivyo, vurugu za hivi karibuni kupinga ujenzi wa bomba la gesi kwenda Dar es Salaam inaashiria changamoto mpya ambazo Tanzania sasa inakabiliana nazo kuhakikisha kwamba manufaa ya gesi asilia yanawafikia watu wengi zaidi wa chini.”

Alichowasilisha Profesa Muhongo katika mkutano huo kwa ufupi kinapatikana katika tovuti hii;

Kama inavyonekana kwenye kiambatanisho, moja ya nyaraka aliyowasilisha Profesa Muhongo inaonyesha kwamba mchakato wa kuanza ugawaji wa vitalu ungeanza baada ya kupitishwa kwa sera ya gesi.

Hadi sasa hatuna sera ya gesi asilia.

Lakini jambo la kushangaza, Profesa Muhongo amebadilika na anataka vitalu vigawiwe kabla ya kuwapo kwa sera gesi.

Sababu za kubadilika kwa Profesa Muhongo hazina mashiko

Profesa Muhongo amenukuliwa na gazeti la Daily News la Agosti 31, 2013 akieleza sababu zake za kutaka vitalu vigawanywe kabla ya kupitishwa kwa sera ya gesi. Sababu kuu alizozisema ni tatu; (1) Ushindani wa soko na majirani zetu akitolea mfano wa Msumbiji (2) Sheria ya mwaka 1960 iliyoanzisha TPDC na Sheria ya Petroli ya mwaka 1980 kwamba zinatosha kusimamia ugawaji wa vitalu akimaanisha sera na sheria mpya zitafuata baada ya ugawaji wa vitalu; na (3) Watanzania hawana uwezo wa kuwekeza katika sekta hii akimaanisha waachiwe wageni peke yao.

Maelezo kwamba tunashindana na Msumbiji haya halalishi ugawaji vitalu kabla ya sera. Utafiti wa gesi asilia ni jambo linachokua muda mrefu, ndio maana TPDC wanaingia kwenye mikataba ya muda mrefu (isiyozidi miaka 11 kwenye utafiti na miaka 25 kwenye uchimbaji). Kwa hiyo kusubiri miezi michache ili Bunge letu liidhinishe sera, haiwezi kuathiri ushindani wa kibiashara. Hata nchi Msumbiji anayoizungumzia hivi sasa inapitia upya mpango wake wa uwekezaji katika gesi asilia na kuingiza sera na sheria mpya zitakazo simamia rasilimali hiyo. Katika mahojiano yaliofanyika na jarida la Africa Report mwezi Julai mwaka huu, Naibu Waziri wa Nishati wa Msumbiji, Mh. Abdul Razak Noormahomed, alisema madhumuni ya mabadiliko hayo ni kuwapa kipaumbele wananchi wa Msumbiji.

Mohojiano haya yanapatikana katika anuani ifuatayo:

Kama nilivyoeleza hapo juu, mara baada ya Profesa Muhongo kuingia wizarani alisema kinaga ubaga kwamba sheria iliyopo haikidhi mahitaji ya sekta ya gesi asilia ndiyo maana akasimamisha ugawaji wa vitalu vya gesi na kuamrisha mikataba ipitiwe upya na sera ipatikane. Leo tunashuhudia Profesa Muhongo akila matapishi yake na kusema kwamba sheria zile zile alizoziponda sasa zinafaa.

Kauli ya Profesa Muhongo kwamba wafanyabiashara wa Tanzania wanaweza tu kushiriki biashara ya juisi na soda na hawana uwezo wa kushiriki katika biashara ya gesi yao ni dharau.

Kigezo gani Profesa Muhongo anatumia kutoa kauli ya jumla yenye kutawaliwa na hisia? Amefanya utafiti gani kupima uwezo wa kifedha wa wafanyabiashara wa kitanzania? Kwa taarifa yake, wapo wafanyabiashara wengi ambao wanaweza kupata fedha kwa ajili ya kuchimba visima vya gesi.

Ni dhahiri kwamba Profesa Muhongo anathamini tu kampuni za kigeni, anasahau kwamba kuna mifano ya kuwapo kampuni za kigeni ambazo zimekua zikifanya udalali hapa nchini kwa miaka mingi kwenye rasilimali za nchi yetu ikiwa ni pamoja na madini na gesi.

Uzalendo wangu:

Ningependa kupuuza tuhuma kwamba mimi si mzalendo Wantanzania wanafahamu ukweli. Vile vile ningependa kupuuza tuhuma kwamba mimi ni mbinafsi na sipendi maendeleo ya Watanzania wenzangu kwa hili pia Watanzania wanafahamu ukweli

Kuhusu Kilimanjaro Hoteli na mgogoro na Yussuf Manji n.k, mtizamo wako unategemea wewe upo katika kundi lipi kati ya kundi safi la waadilifu au kundi chafu la wala rushwa. Watanzania wanafahamu msimamo wangu kwenye hili.

Mimi sipingi kuwepo kwa wawekezaje wageni katika sekta ya gesi lakini kuna mambo mawili napigania. Kwanza Watanzania wanufaike na rasilimali yao ya gesi na pili iwepo sera ya gesi inayotoa kipaumbele kwa Watanzania

Mimi napenda maendeleo ya nchi yangu; kwa hiyo hata siku moja siwezi kupinga uwekezaji ama ubia na wawekezaji. Ninachosimamia ni manufaa kwa nchi yangu.

Tuhuma kwamba nafanya kampeni dhidi ya wizara

Tuhuma kwamba nimeandaa kongamano kwa ajili ya vijana wa Chadema si za kweli. Huu ni uzushi usio na kichwa wala miguu. Vile vile madai kwamba naitumia vibaya vyombo vya habari vya IPP Media si ya kweli hata kidogo ikizingatiwa kwamba hata mahojiano ya Profesa Muhongo kwa simu akiwa Austria, yalirushwa na kituo cha redio cha Radio Stereo kinachomilikiwa na kampuni yangu ya ITV-Independent Television Limited.


Julai mwaka huu, Rais wa Marekani Barack Obama, alihitimisha ziara yake ya Kiserikali nchini Tanzania, kwa kusema;

“Ultimately the goal here is for Africa to build Africa for Africans.”

Akimaanisha kwamba, Hatimaye Lengo ni Africa kujenga Africa kwaajili ya Waafrica

Profesa Muhongo asipingane na ushauri huu mzuri.

Nimalizie kwa kuwahakikishia Watanzania kwamba mashambulizi binafsi dhidi yangu yenye nia mbaya ya kunishushia heshima hayatakaa yafanikiwe.


Dk. Reginald A. Mengi

Dk. Reginald Mengi

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ziwa Lagunduliwa chini ya Jangwa Nchini Kenya!

Walikuwa wanatafuta mafuta, badala yake wakagundua maji! Kuna maji kibao chini ya janwa la Kenya. Wataalamu wanasema kuwa hayo maji yanaweza kutosheleza mahitaji ya nchi ya Kenya kwa miaka 70! Hiyo sehemu ambapo wamegundua maji ina ukame ile mbaya! Je, wakifanikiwa kuweka mabomba hayo maji yatatumika vizuri?  Na kumbuka wamegundua maji chini ya Sudan lakini bado hawajachimba kwa sababu ya vita.

 Kutoka Christian Science Monitor
Delaware-sized lake discovered beneath Kenya desert

Scientists say the aquifer may have enough water to fill the parched area's needs indefinitely.

Scientists using technology for discovering oil have found a vast underground water reservoir in one of Kenya’s driest regions that could supply the country's needs for nearly 70 years, potentially turning arid zones into lush farmlands
The new reserves are located in a basin in the extreme northwest that has a surface area the size of Delaware, and is estimated to hold billions of gallons, nearly nine times Kenya’s current reserves.
Almost half of Kenya’s 41 million people have no access to clean water, and farmers in arid areas struggle to raise crops without adequate irrigation.

Scientists say it is possible that, along with water run-off from surrounding hills and plains that replenish the aquifer, the newly discovered resources could fulfill the country's water demands indefinitely.

Tapping the new reserves in the basin, located in Kenya's northern Turkana region, may allow for vast new zones of farmland in landscapes where today even the hardiest plants struggle to survive.
“The news about these water reserves comes at a time when reliable water supplies are highly needed,” Judi Wakhungu, cabinet secretary at the Kenyan environment, water, and natural resources ministry, said in a statement.
“This newly found wealth of water opens a door to a more prosperous future for the people of Turkana and the nation as a whole," Ms. Wakhungu added. “We must now work to further explore these resources responsibly and safeguard them for future generations."

If there is one hitch, the basin is in a remote area in the extreme northwest. It lies close to Kenya's borders with South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Uganda in an area sparsely populated and prone to conflict over existing scarce resources.
The land that lies above the reservoir is among the most hostile in Kenya. There are few roads or electricity supplies, and the Turkana, Samburu, and Pokot tribes that live there are regularly at war with each other.
The border area between Kenya, South Sudan, and Ethiopia, known as the Ilemi Triangle, has never been officially delineated.
Constructing, fueling, and maintaining boreholes, and building pipelines to bring the water supplies to remote communities, can pose significant difficulties.
The discovery was made by researchers from a Texas-based company, Radar Technologies, with assistance from the Kenyan government and Unesco. The team layered satellite, radar and geological maps on top of each other and then used seismic techniques developed to find oil, to identify the reservoir.
“It is important to say that these are early estimates, and these resources must be managed well in order that they benefit the people of Kenya,” says Mohamed Djelid, Unesco’s East Africa director. “But if all goes well, we can say that this really is a game changer.”

Kenya’s government will now carry out further drilling in areas surrounding the sites where the new water supplies were first drawn to the surface, to gather more data on their full extent.
In the past there have been similar announcements of massive new water finds beneath Africa’s driest areas. In 2007, scientists said that they had identified an underground “megalake” in Sudan’s war-torn Darfur region that was 10 times the size of the Kenyan discovery, but its bounty has yet to be tapped.
“Knowing there’s water there, and then getting it to the surface, are two different things,” says Brian McSorley, a water expert at Oxfam in Nairobi. He added that, "There will need to be decent follow up studies and then proper investment to ensure that these newly-discovered resources benefit the poorest people.”

The aquifers lie as deep as 1,000 feet, which poses significant technological and cost challenges compared to shallower reserves, Mr. McSorley says but notes that, “Having said all that, the figures are encouraging and I think this needs to be cautiously welcomed.”

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Mtalii Auwawa na Tembo Tanzania!


The late Dr. Thomas McAfee
University of California, San Diego dean and doctor Thomas McAfee was tragically trampled to death over the weekend by an elephant while on safari in Tanzania at the Tarangire National Park, the Daily Mail reports.

McAfee, 58, had been spending the last of his vacation in the country, just days before he was about to start his new job as chief executive of the Keck Medicine of USC Medical Foundation on Sept. 3.

His sudden death has been met with shock by family and colleagues, as little details have been released so far surrounding the exact circumstances of what happened that fateful Saturday, though the Daily Mail reports that it was an elephant that attacked McAfee.
"It's a true tragedy and great loss to all of us at UCSD. We are planning several events in celebration of Dr. McAfee's life," Mounir Soliman, assistant vice chancellor and executive director of Health Sciences International, wrote in an email to NBC San Diego.

"Dr. McAfee served us and worked alongside us for more than 11 years, and his death is a great loss - both to many of us personally, and to the field of health care which would have benefited enormously from his talent and dedication in coming years," David Brenner, MD, along with Paul Viviano and Larry Friedman, MD, released in an email on Sunday to the UCSD staff.

"Dr. McAfee was adventurous in spirit, loved to visit new places and to meet new people," they wrote. "A celebration of his life will be held in coming weeks for the Health Sciences community."
According to the Daily Mail, it is estimated that 500 people a year are killed by elephants in Africa and Asia, as when angry and charging, these enormous land animals can be a deadly force. Although most elephant charges are "mock" threats, if the elephant's ears are pinned back flat against its head and its trunk is curled inward, chances are it is likely to follow through with its charge
While his death certificate is being made, McAfee's body will remain in the African country, as there is no word yet on when he will be flown back to the U.S.

Dawa ya Kuzuia Busha

Hawatokwenda kunywa dawa za kuzuia upofu, ngirimaji-busha na watagoma kupasuliwa busha kwa imani potufu lisha ya mabango haya vijijini na mijini. NGO hadi za nchi ya nje zipo kutuelimisha na kutugharimia lakini matokeo madogo lawama tu.