This year ZIFF theme is "Enduring Links; Media, People and Environment" stressing the importance of forging coalition to create mass environment awareness.
Media can play a great role to promote sustainable utilization of resource and environmental protection. No matter what level of development we want to achieve, Festival Launch must compromising to environment.
The festival will be launched in Dar Es Salaam, where a press conference will be held and all major components of ZIFF 2009 will be highlighted.
The residents of Dar Es Salaam and Bagamoyo will have opportunity to see best African films produced by Africans, among them, will be film like Jerusalema, which already has won about 7 awards and Seasons of Life, a film from Malawi which now is being considered to be among the best film ever produced in Africa. It is a film that makes anyone who sees it want to see it again. It is has dared to reveal occurrences in many African families that kept as secret.
ZIFF is investing a lot of effort to promote film industry; this year several workshops to enhance film industry will be conducted; children film production, script writing, acting for camera, wild films, advanced film production, development and mobile cinema. ZIFF will host the East
African Film Makers/Producers Forum. Participants will share/exchange news and experience.
Tourism Conference
Tourism is a recognized global industry with a considerable impact on local development. It generates foreign exchange, creates employment, and promotes rural enterprises. ZIFF will invite 3 international tourism stakeholders from Europe, Asia and America to meet and network with local tourism stakeholders. The international guests will be able to meet with over 50 Tanzanian local companies/ tourism stakeholders including; Hoteliers, Airlines, Tour operators, Tourist boards. To establish links and create the international tourism.Local and central Governments will highlight their tourism potential to an international audience.
Visual Arts and Exhibition
An old saying that "Violence is the tool of ignorant" was manifested in Kenya, where people took weapons and started hunting their neighbors whose tribes where different from theirs. Burning Kenya exhibition will show how a human turned into savage animals and butchered their neighbors in a day light. Homes, schools, churches, fields were burnt.
Children Photo Exhibition
Featuring photos taken in Zanzibar by children will be exhibited, the rolling story telling and Jua Kali will be exhibited.
Women and Village Panorama
ZIFF will collaborate with TAMWA to run programs in villages, TAMWA will conduct workshops on gender issues and ZIFF will screen film on the subject of the workshops. Women panorama will arrange for dhow race in Matemwe to launch the opening of women panorama. Village panorama will run workshops on water rain harvest and conduct demonstration.
Children Panorama
Children and Youth Panorama highlights important issues concerning children and youths in Zanzibar, it works towards improving the quality of life for Zanzibarʼs most vulnerable children and youths by providing assistance through educational, health and community development programs. The panorama aims at improving the academic, social and cultural achievements of children and youths, meeting their diverse needs.
Young Journalism
Young journalism program initiated by UNICEF and ZIFF conducted workshop in Zanzibar, young people were given skills on HIV/AIDS, taught ABCs of journalism, like news gathering, story writing, and ethical reporting on sensitive issues. The workshop involved training both theoretical and practical aspects of journalism.
Children Film Panorama
The program is supported by Danish Film Institute and is sponsored by Queen of Denmark. DFI will run the film programs for young audiences and master class program for the profession film industry. The key objectives of the collaboration with the DFI are to equip local film producers with necessary knowledge to make and produce quality films for children.
Music and Performing Arts
Household name in the music industry in TanHousehold name in the music industry in Tanzania many of them with several music awards, will team up with foreign artists at Mambo Club Hall where audience will get opportunity to be entertained by music flavorszania many of them with several music awards, will team up with foreign artists at Mambo Club Hall where audience will get opportunity to be entertained by music flavors.
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