Monday, October 31, 2011

Arusi ya Musau Kabongo na Orrin Kennedy Boston

Wadau, napenda kwajulisha kuwa ya binti tuliyemfanyia Kitchen Party mwezi uliopita ameolewa jana, jumapili 30.10.11 hapa Boston. Binti Musau Kabongo ameolewa na kijana Orrin Kennedy ambaye asili yake ni kisiwa cha Trinidad.  Musau ni mtoto wa Dada Margaret Kabula kutoka Mwanza lakini anakaa Boston sasa. Baba Musau anatoka Congo. Arusi ilifanyika kwenye kanisa la Seventh Day Dorchester, MA na Reception ilifanyika DAV Function Hall Braintree, MA.
Mimi na Wana Arusi Musau na Orrin

Musau na Orrin Kabla ya Kukata Keki

Dada Doreen Kutoka Rhode Island Akisimamia Chakula

Bwana Arusi Akitafuta Garter kwenye mguu wa Bibi Arusi
Kama Kawaida Akina Mama waTanzania walipika Chakula Kingi

Orrin na Musau Wakikata Keki

Wageni Wakijipatia Mlo
Mama wa Bibi Arusi, Margaret Kabula (amesimama) na Vicky Mareaelle na mume wake

Mimi, wana arusi na kulia kabisa ni Rafiki yangu na msanii mwenzangu Charles Jackson Aka. Mzee Matumbi

Happy Halloween!

Kwa wenye watoto wanaoenda Trick or Treat, wa Trick or Treat Salama. Pia wapige mswaki kabla ya kulala hizo pipi zisioze meno.

Kumbukumbu - Bernadette Wawuda Msafiri


Marehemu Bernadette Wawuda Msafiri (pichani)

October 24, 1943 – November 1, 2010

Hatukujua asubuhi ile Mungu angekuita.Katika maisha tulikupenda na katika kifo hivyo hivyo. Tulivunjika moyo kukupoteza, hukwenda peke yako bali sehemu yetu ilikwenda pamoja nawe siku ile Mungu alipokuita nyumbani. Umetuachia kumbukumbu nzuri, upendo wako ni muongozo wetu. Japo hatukuoni wakati wote uko pamoja nasi. Kiungo katika familia yetu kimevunjika, maisha yetu hayako sawa tena. Lakini kadri Mungu atakavyotuita mmoja mmoja viungo vitaungana tena.

Unakumbukwa na Mume wako, watoto, wajukuu, jamaa na marafiki.

Kutakuwa na Misa ya Kumbukumbu siku ya Jumatano tarehe 2 Novemba 2011 saa 11 jioni katika makaburi ya KONDO ( Tegeta ), Dar es salaam

Nyote mnaalikwa.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lesbo Amwua Mke Wake!

Jamani, tumezoea ndoa za mke za mume. Mara kwa mara tunasikia kuwa moja kamwua mwenzie. Lakini hapa Marekani mikoa kadhaa kama hapa Massachusetts, mwanamke anweza kuoa mwanamke au mwanaume anaweza kuoa mwanaume. Gay/Lesbian marriage. Nao pia kumbe wana matatizo kama waliokwenye ndoa za kawaida. Wanaachana, wana wivu, wanagombana, wanapigana na hata kuuana.

Leo kuna habari kuwa mwanamke kamwua mke wake hapa Massachusetts.  Ndiyo ni malesbo. Habari zinasema kuwa ndoa ya ilikuwa na matatizo mengi, hatimaye moja kamwua mwenzake.

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) - Prosecutors say a Rhode Island woman had a turbulent relationship with her wife and they both faced severe financial problems before she strangled her spouse in their Massachusetts home.

Prosecutors allege 45-year-old Cara Rintala tried to cover up the killing by cleaning the crime scene and throwing paint on the body of 37-year-old Annamarie Rintala.

A Hampshire Superior Court judge on Friday ordered her held without bail, but her attorney may ask for another bail hearing after reviewing the case again.

Cara Rintala is charged with the March 2010 slaying in Granby. She was arrested in Narragansett, R.I., and has pleaded not guilty to murder.

Annamarie Rintala's body was found in the basement of the home. The victim worked as a paramedic.

Sweet Eazy Fundraiser on November 5, 2011

Dear All

On Saturday, 5 November 2011, the Rotary Club of Dar es Salaam Oysterbay and the Wonder Workshop jointly organize a fund raising dinner and dance.

You will be treated to a delicious Buffet Dinner at Sweet Eazy Oysterbay. The Mark Band will entertain throughout the night. You can win fabulous Prizes donated by the Wonder Workshop, Ras Kutani, Seacliff Hotel and other generous sponsors. In brief: it is an evening you do not want to miss.

The price of dinner & dance is TZS 50'000/= pp. Dance only tickets (from 11pm) are sold @ TZS 10'000/= pp. All proceeds will be donated to the Wonder Workshop. Tickets are now available at Sweet Eazy.

For more details see the below flyer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gaddafi Aliwatendea WaTanzania Mabaya - Vita Vya Kagera

Inaelekea waTanzania wengi wamesahau historia kati ya Libya na Tanzania. Marehemu Gaddafi alikuwa rafiki yake mpenzi nduli mshenzi Dikteta Idi Amin Dada wa Uganda!  Gaddafi alitaka Amin amwoe binti yake! Gaddafi alituma wanajeshi kutoka Libya kuwasaidia Uganda katika vita vya Kagera mwaka 1978-79.  Sisi wazee tunaukumbuka huo vita na miezi kumi na nane (miaka 18) ya shida iliyofuata!  Maoni chini yameandikwa na mwanachama la kundi - Wanabidii
Gaddafi alipotembela Uganda mwaka 1973

Binafsi nachukia sana kuandika bila ya ushahidi! Na zaidi sipendi kuandika "propaganda" na taarifa za uzushi; isipokuwa napenda kuandika taarifa zilizotafitiwa kwa kuandikwa na mtafiti mwenyewe (na au mwandishi aliyeandika matokeo ya utafiti au kufanya upembuzi wa utafiti husika). Takriban wiki moja sasa (tangu Alkhamis ya tarehe 20 Oktoba, 2011) uwanja wa "Wanabidii" na majukwaa mengine ya kijamii yamekuwa yakijadili "Kuuawa kwa Kanali Muammar Gaddafi" kulikofanywa na wale wanaoitwa waasi (wa NTC) wakisaidiwa na NATO wakiongozwa na Uingereza, Marekani, Ufaranza na washirika pamoja na Waarabu (Saudia na Qatar). Gaddafi ameuawa; kwa jinsi gani, kila mmoja amesoma, ameona (kwenye picha za mnato) na au kwenye picha za video!

Ninachotaka kuandika na pengine kuanzisha "mjadala" wa kiakili ni juu ya "GADDAFI KUMSAIDIA IDI AMIN DADA KWENYE VITA VYA KAGERA [UGANDA DHIDI YA TANZANIA MWAKA 1978 HADI 1979]". Napenda niweke wazi kwamba, "historia haisomwi ili kufufa 'chuki' bali husomwa kujua yaliyopita, kuyasanifu yaliyopo na kupanga mipango kwa yajayo!". Hivi ndivyo tunavyosoma historia iwe yenye kuhuzunisha au kufurahisha! Tanzania ilipigana vita na Uganda, vita iliyoitwa VITA YA KAGERA (japokuwa ilipiganwa hata ndani ya Uganda na Idi Amini Dada kufurushwa na kuikimbia Ugnda!).

Kwa ujumla, tangu pale kifo cha Muammar Gaddafi kilipotangazwa kwa mara ya kwanza na kituo cha runinga cha Al-Jazeera na kukaririwa na vituo vingine na mashirika ya habari ya kimataifa kama BBC, CNN, Reuters, Xinhua, AFP, AP na IRNA (Press Tv) kumekuwa na mchanganyiko wa "mawazo" kwa wananchi wa Tanzania juu ya "hali" ya Gaddafi kisiasa katika mtazamo wa kifalsafa...hususan wengi wa wachangiaji kwenye mijadala hiyo wanamuona Muammar Gaddafi kama "shujaa" na "mwanamapinduzi" na "kiongozi mtukuka" na "aliyejitolea kuunganisha Afrika" na hata wengine kufikia kiasi cha kuonyesha kwamba hajawahi kutokea kama Muammar Gaddafi na hata kumpa "daraja" ya kuwa "Baba wa Afrika" na mshumaa uliyozimika! Hata hivyo wengi wamesahau kamba ni Muammar Gaddafi ndiye aliyemsaidia Idi Amin Dada kwenye Vita vya Kagera! Naomba sasa tuangalie nini alifanya Gaddafi wakati wa vita vile.

Vita vinahitaji rasilimali watu (askari na wataalamu wa kijeshi), fedha za kuendeshea vita na zana (za kivita na za mawasiliano ya kivita). Kwa mujibu wa taarifa rasmi na zinazothibitishwa na taarifa rasmi za kihistoria Muammar Gadafi alimpa Idi Amin Dada usaidizi ufuatao:

1. WANAJESHI (WAPIGANAJI) 3,000 (Elfu tatu kutoka Libya na nchi zilizokuwa na mahusiano na Libya ambazo Gaddafi likuwa anazisaida na zenye uzowefu wa mazingira ya vita [military knowhow and skills on interlocustrine terrain]);

2. ZANA KAMA VIFARU AINA YA T-54, T-55, BTR, APCs, BM-21, Katyusha MRLs;

3. MIZINGA; na

4. NDEGE ZA KIJESHI AINA YA MiG-21s na Tu-22 Bomber.

Wanajeshi wa Libya waliyotumwa Uganda walikuwa katika makundi yafuatayo: ASKARI WA KAWAIDA; WANAMGAMBO; NA ASKARI WA VITA VYA MSITUNI (WENYE UZOWEFU WA VITA VYA KIENYEKI KUTOKA JANGWA LA SAHARA [MAARUFU KAMA WATUAREG KUTOKA TCHAD, NIGER, ALJERIA NA DARFUR]). Hata hivyo, shukrani za pekee kwa Jeshi la Wananchi wa Tanzania (TPDF) waliyefanyakazi ya ziada ya kujitoa mhanga kupigana "kiume" na hatimaye kuyashinda majeshi ya Idi Amin Dada akisaidiwa na Muammar Gaddafi. Hata ilipofika mwezi wa Aprili, 1979 na Idi Amin Dada alipopoteza udhibiti wa nchi ya Uganda aliamua "kuikimbia" Uganda na kituo chake cha kwanza kilikuwa Libya (kwa Muamar Gaddafi) na alipewa "hifadhi" ya muda na baadaye kwenda "uhamishoni" nchini Saudi Arabia (alikoishi hadi kufa kwake akiwa Jeddah).

Kwa wasomaji na "wanabidii" na wengine wanaomtazama Muammar Gaddafi kwa kusahau "aliyoyafanya" dhidi ya kumsaidia Idi Amin Dada kuendesha vita na Tanzania nadhani wana wajibu wa kujiuliza masuala haya (hii ni pamoja na Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ambayo inawajibu wa kusema ukweli):

1. Wamesahau "hadithi" hii ya Vita vya Kagera? Au, vita hivi vilikuwa "propaganda" ya kisiasa?

2. Gaddafi alidhamiria nini kumsaidia Idi Amin Dada aliyeapa kuisambaratisha nchi (Tanzania) na kwa kuanzia aliteka Kagera na kuifanya sehemu ya Uganda?

3. Kama Idi Amin Dada wa Uganda alitangazwa "dikteta", "bundi", "joka", "fisi mla watu", na masimulizi mengine ya kutisha (hata ya kula nyama za watu); mtu aliyekuwa akimsaidia mtu wa aina hiyo (kama Gaddafi) anaitwaje?

4. Je, historia ya Vita vya Kagera iliandikwa kwa wino "gani" hadi leo imesahaulika?

5. Au, wote wanaodhani kwamba Muammar Gaddafi ni "shujaa" wa Afrika wamezaliwa miaka ya 1980? Na kwa jinsi hiyo hawajui kilichotokea kati ya miaka ya 1978 na 1979?

Mwisho, siandiki haya katika kuwakumbusha "majonzi" wananchi wa Kagera waliyeuawa kikatili na Idi Amin Dada; siwakumbushi machungu ya kutiwa vilema vya maisha; siwakumbushi madhila ya "kubakwa" wanawake kulikofanywa na askari wa Idi Amin Dada; na wala siwakumbushi jinsi mali zao (mashamba na nyumba) zilizvyoharibiwa na "ushenzi" wa Idi Amin Dada! Nataka niwakumbushe kwamba, "hatuwezi kurudisha nyuma historia; lakini ni wajibu kuisoma ili vizazi vijavyo vipate kumbukizi yenye kujenga mujtamaa wao." Gaddafi alikuwa "rafiki" na wakati huohuo alikuwa "adui" kwa vile alikuwa na "sura mbili ndani ya moja".

Na kwa serikali (iliyoonekana kumuunga mkono); hii ni dhana (binafsi) inawezekana Muammar Gaddafi alilipa sehemu ya "maumivu" ya vita alivyomsaidia rafiki yake mpenzi Idi Amin Dada...kama ndivyo, basi ni vema watuambie! Hatuwezi kusomeshwa historia ya "uongo" juu ya Muammar Gaddafi kumbe "mtu" huyu (yaani Gaddafi) alikuwa "mtu mwema" na kiongozi "mzuri" kuliko hata Mzee Mandela na Mwalimu Nyerere...naomba tuwe "wakweli" na kwa kusisitiza: UKWELI UTATUWEKA HURU; KAMA GADDAFI ALIKUWA RAFIKI WA AFRIKA KWA NINI ALIMSAIDIA IDI AMIN DADA KUTUPIGA? TAFAKARI SEMA UKWELI JAPOKUWA UKWELI WENYEWE NI DHIDI YA NAFSI YAKO!

Bakari M Mohamed, BBA[PLM], CPSP[T], MSc (PSCM)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Message from Aunt Dorothy to Herman Cain

GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Received Via Email:


The greeting on your website says, "we are looking forward to hearing from you", but I'm not sure you will be looking forward to hearing from me, Mr. Cain.

I saw on the internet that you called the President a liar. I deplore what you are doing and the things you are saying about the President in order to gain favor with these greedy, thieving, selfish, Republicans. How dare you call President Obama a liar. You are a pathetic, obviously brainwashed black man who has lost his way and his mind. You have had opportunity and a smattering of privilege in America that has made you forget your roots. I despise people like you and Clarence Thomas, and you both have Georgia roots.

What is it with you black men from the south who grow up in an oppressed environment and end up siding with the oppressor? The recent case of Troy Davis in Georgia is an excellent example of the present day oppression and legal lynching that still takes place in that state and in this country. The political party that you praise so highly is presently enacting laws to suppress the black vote, the student vote, and many elderly voters across this entire country. Yet, you choose to stand with people who display such obscene and un-American behavior. You would throw black people (including the President of the U.S.) and others under the bus to curry favor with these non-caring and hedonistic people.

You were there when your Republican cohorts cheered about the death penalty which disproportionately affects black men and women in this country - some of whom have been proven to be innocent. You should be ashamed to stand with these people and yet, you appear to be proud of such an association.

Yes, President Obama does believe in fairness and sharing the responsibility of the tax burden, it is not socialism nor is it class warfare, and he is not a liar for saying it. That kind of rhetoric from you and those with whom you identify is nothing more than a weak defense for the greedy and despicable philosophy that you choose to embrace.

You had the unmitigated gall to tell Wolf Blitzer on CNN that two thirds of African-American people are brainwashed and incapable of thinking for themselves. You are surely touched in the head. The millions of us who are capable of thinking for ourselves - we know who is really brainwashed - you - brainwashed whiter than snow.

Do you really think those people with whom you stand on the debating platform really respect you and see you as their equal? They as well as others see you as a joke and a person who is engaging in buffoonery. A Republican majority House and Senate would never pass your "so called" 999 plan. They would never deem it in their best interest. Besides, there are many who believe your plan is a coded message from Satan. If you flip the numbers they become the 666 plan.

You will never be President of this country, and I thank God for that. I must say, you certainly live up to your last name. Just as Cain in the Bible so blatantly slew his brother, you are equally willing to do the same politically and economically to millions of black and middle class citizens of this country. Such behavior is extremely ugly, and need I remind you, Mr. Cain, that God does not like ugly.

P.S. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm having a nice day, I would tell you what I really think about you. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF WHITE AND BLACK REPUBLICANS CALLING PRESIDENT OBAMA A LIAR- PLEASE FORWARD THIS SO OTHERS MAY KNOW THE TRUTH.

Have a Blessed Day!

Aunt Dorothy

Monday, October 24, 2011

Polisi Kenya Watoa Onyo Kuhusu Nairobi na Mombasa!



Police have issued a statement giving areas, we should avoid in Nairobi and Mombasa.

In Nairobi

Avoid Corner House, Burger Dome, Ambassadeur Hotel, Akamba Bus, Marble Arch Hotel, River Road, Bus Station and Betty’s Pub.

In Mombasa:

Be on the lookout the Mtongwe ferry and Nakumatt Nyali.

If you must be in these places, be on high alert for suspicious activity or characters.

Report anything un-toward by calling 999 or 112.
The calls go directly to Vigilance House.

Listen to the radio (esp. 98.4 Capital FM Radio Jambo) for more updates as they come.

Stay Safe!

Onyo Kwa Watalii Kenya!!! (Travel Warning for Kenya)

Halahala kwa wanaosafiri kwenda Kenya! Magaidi waSomali wamepania kulipua sehemu wanazotembelea watalii Kenya!


Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- The U.S. Embassy in Kenya warned it has credible information of an imminent terror attack, days after the east African nation announced it is sending troops to Somalia to battle Islamist militants.

The attack is likely to target places that foreigners congregate in Kenya, including malls and night clubs, the embassy said.

The U.S.Embassy did not offer details on who might carry out such an attack, but said it has taken measures to limit official U.S. government visits. It urged its citizens to consider deferring travel to Kenya.

The warning comes after Kenya sent troops across the border into Somalia to pursue Islamist Al-Shabaab militants. The terror group has threatened Kenya with retaliatory attacks, saying it considers the forces' incursion an affront to Somalia's sovereignty.

Al-Shabaab, which is linked to al Qaeda and has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, is fighting to impose its own interpretation of Islamic law, or sharia, on Somalia.

Kenya has blamed some recent abductions of tourists and aid workers on the terror group, which has heightened tensions.

On September 11, armed bandits broke into a beachfront cottage where Britons Judith and David Tebbutt, both in their 50s, were staying. David Tebbutt was shot dead while trying to resist the attack. His wife was grabbed and spirited away on a speedboat, and is believed to have been taken into Somalia.

On October 1, pirates made another cross-border raid, this time snatching a French woman in her 60s, who used a wheelchair and was believed to be in bad health, from a holiday home on Manda Island where she lived part of the year. She later died, likely because of the kidnappers' refusal to give her medicine, according to the French Foreign Ministry.

Also this month, gunmen abducted two Spanish workers from the medical charity Doctors Without Borders from the Dadaab refugee complex, about 80 kilometers (about 50 miles) from the Somali border.

Al-Shabaab has denied responsibility for the abductions.



Monday 10/24/11
(CNN) -- Twelve people were injured when someone either placed or threw a grenade into a Nairobi night club early Monday morning, Kenyan police said.

Police have not linked the attack to any particular group, but it comes a day after the U.S. Embassy in Kenya warned it had credible information of an imminent terror attack.

"We have not yet linked attacks to anybody as we are still investigating," said police spokesman Charles Owino. "We will give you an answer when we're satisfied with what we have. It could be Al-Shabaab or an individual. We are still investigating."

Kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA:

‘Rushwa ya Ngono Inatumika Kupata Ubunge’

Ni Kweli rushwa za Ngono zimezidi Tanzania!
Kutoka Gazeti la Habari Leo.

UTAFUTAJI wa vyeo kama ubunge na vingine vya maofisini miongoni mwa wanawake wasiojiamini, ni sababu kubwa ya kuendelea kuwepo kwa rushwa ya ngono nchini.

Aidha, imeelezwa kuwa matumizi mabaya ya madaraka yanayofanywa na baadhi ya wanaume ni kichocheo kingine cha rushwa hiyo, inayochangia nchi kuwa na viongozi wasio na uwezo, maadili mema, kwa asilimia kubwa.

Akizungumza wakati wa mkutano wa Kamati ya Bunge ya masuala ya Ukimwi iliyokutana Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa wiki, kujielimisha kuhusu unyanyasaji wa jinsia nchini, Mbunge wa Viti Maalum, Hilda Ngoye (CCM) alisema rushwa hiyo ipo na inarindima hata kwa wabunge.

Huku akiungwa mkono na Waziri Kivuli wa Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii, ambaye pia ni Mbunge wa Biharamulo Magharibi (CHADEMA), Dk.Gervas Mbassa, Ngoye alisema anachokizungumza kinafanyika si tu katika kuutafuta ubunge, bali hata katika kutafuta vyeo maofisini.

Wakati akisema hayo, Mbunge wa Viti Maalu, Margret Mkanga (CCM) alishtuka kwa mshangao ulioashiria kuisikia habari hiyo kwa mara ya kwaza na ndipo Ngoye alipomwambia, “Usishangae! It is a practical example, akimaanisha kuwa alichokizungumza ni mfano hai uliopo.

Kwa upande wake, Mbassa aliliambia gazeti hili kuwa hali hiyo ipo kweli na kwamba inatokana na kukosa utu miongoni mwa wanaoomba na wanaotoa rushwa ya ngono.

Alisema, wengi wanaojihusisha na rushwa hiyo na kushindwa kupata wanachokitaka huishia kuaibika au kupata maambukizi ya VVU huku walioigawa na kuupata uongozi wakiiharibu nchi kwa njia tofauti kutokana na kukosa maadili ya uongozi pamoja na uwezo wa kazi.

“Alichokisema Ngoye ni sahihi kabisa, rushwa ya ngono ipo hata kwa wabunge. Lakini pia ipo katika nyanja zingine ambazo si za siasa. Watu wanataka uongozi wakati wanajua hawana uwezo na matokeo yake wanaamua kutumia miili yao.

“Ufike wakati Watanzania tuikatae na kuthamini utu vinginevyo nchi itajaa viongozi watakaotusababishia matokeo mabaya,” Ndassa alisema.

Wakati huo huo, baadhi ya wabunge wanaounda kamati hiyo wamewataka wanafunzi wanaoombwa rushwa ya ngono kutoa taarifa kwa maofisa wa Taasisi ya Kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa (TAKUKURU) ili wahusika wakamatwe na kushitakiwa, kwa sababu kitendo hicho, licha ya kuwa kosa la jinai, kinatumiwa na wengi kusambaza VVU.

Mbunge wa Viti Maalum, Rosweeta Kasikila (CCM) na Mbunge wa Kilindi, Beatrice Shelukindo (CCM), walisema hayo kwa nyakati tofauti wakati wakitoa michango yao, kuhusu unyanyasaji wa kijinsia, unaohusisha ngono nchini.

Kasikila ambaye ni Kaimu Mwenyekiti wa Kamati hiyo, alisema kuwa wanafunzi ni waathirika wakubwa wa rushwa ya ngono na kwamba wanahitaji kupewa elimu zaidi juu ya athari za rushwa hiyo ya ngono kwa watu mbalimbali wanaowarubuni ili waikatae na kuwaripoti wanaowashawishi kuishiriki.

“Wapo wasichana na hata wavulana jasiri wanaowaeleza maofisa wa Takukuru kuhusu kuombwa rushwa ya ngono na hivyo kuandaa mitego inayowezesha kunaswa kwa wengi wao na kushitakiwa.

Hiyo ni njia mojawapo inayoweza kusaidia kupunguza kuenea kwa maambukizi ya VVU ambayo wengi wao huyapata wanaposhiriki kujamiiana huko”, Kasikila alisema.

Naye Shelukindo alisema kuwa wanafunzi wanastahili kujengewa ujasiri wa kuwaeleza wakubwa wao na taasisi zinazoshughulikia masuala ya haki zao ili kukomesha vitendo vya unyanyasaji vinavyofanywa dhidi yao, kama vile kuhisishwa katika masuala ya kujamiiana kwa kurubuniwa kupata wanachokihitaji.

Alisema, rushwa ya ngono haistahili kuwepo mahali popote pale kwa kuwa ni njia mojawapo inayochochea maambukizi kutokana na ukweli kuwa mara nyingi wahusika wanaoishiriki hawapati muda au kukumbuka

CHANZO: Gazeti la Habari Leo

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Poem for the Late Colonel Gaddafi

I had a dream that the death of Gaddafi is a seed for the unification of Africa,
It is a wake up call for African leaders to mend and stop a fragmented Africa,
To heal Africa that is tormented by globalization statutes and mystica,
People of Africa must cry before the Holy Throne of God for a United Africa,
As we mourn Gaddafi we must endevour to eradicate oppression from Africa, 
The people of Africa must remember hundred and twenty years in the past, 
West domination in a conference in Berlin fragmented the African Continent,
African countries since then was colonized and put under a painful start,
Each country wa ruled and manourveered individually to deepened its lone root,
Colonialism disregarded that Africa was one people and one Continent.
Africa emerged from colonialism and was to begin the union struggle,
The struggle for the African togetherness, unity, freedom and independence,
Nkurumah, Lumumba and Nyerere, as Fathers of African Unity came,
And all wanted the unification of Africa to be one as it was before,
But they encountered the new world economic order as a stiff resistance.
In our midst stood neo-colonialism in form of support strain,
Globalization came as a gizmo and weapon for domination,
Brain drain out of Africa was a giant beast at its elevation,
Africa intensified the struggle for economic freedom to sustain,
But the economic freedom of lone countries was in suppression.
As they struggled, world economic giants expressed hidden joy,
They continued to rejoice in Africa's suffering, torments and agony,
They set massive arsenal to these poor countries to destroy,
Africa became a market for, political manoeuvre and technology,
Hour by hour, day by day; poorer Africa became each passing year.
As a Leader of the African Union; Gaddafi was a dazzling light in the Libyan capital,
A light that wanted Africa united; against all traits of neo-colonial cynical,
Before African leaders united; and took the lead to embrace the unification call,
Gaddafi was vanquished by NEO-COLONIAL mighty; the dream for one Africa fell,
A wave of revolution in the name of democracy has engulfed countries in the Sahel.
Gaddafis' call was vivid and clearer as the African Union was a vehicle to compel,
To let globalization be the vehicle of a regional grouping and strengthen trail,
Now African Leaders need to rekindle the tempo for unification to grow tall,
Gaddafi remains an icon of one Africa that will on that day stand on the union stall,
The day Africa will be the United States of Africa to dominate the economic ball.
By: Dr Dalaly Peter Kafumu

Matapeli Wameanza eti WaLibya Sasa!

Hao matapeli hawana haya hata kidogo!


My Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this mail with tears and sorrow to seek for your assistance regards to my situation since the death of my parents, I know this letter might come to you as a surprise because we have not met each other or see face to face before. My name is Kadia Abdel Fattah Younes; from Benghazi –Libya, 23 yrs old female, Religion Muslim.

 My father of blessed memory by name late General Abdel Fattah Younes who was shot death by Islamist-linked militia within the anti-Gaddafi forces on 28th July, 2011 and after two days later my mother with my two brothers was killed one early morning by the rebels as result of civil war that going on in my country Libya.

I am now writing to seek for your assistance from Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso where I managed to escaped nearby country through the help of United Nation after the death of my parents, and now seeking asylum in Refugee Camp here in Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso, you can find more of my story through the BBC/

 Meanwhile, the main reason why I am seeking for your assistance is because of some money my late father was deposited in one of the banks here in Burkina Faso in my name as his next of kin which amount is (Six Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6.8M). However, I have being advised by the bank manager to look for a foreign partner who will stand as my trustee to claim the fund due to my refugee status. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital investment in your country through your help.

 Please get back to me if you are interesting by assisting me claiming the fund, so that I will give you all the details /contact of the bank where the fund are deposited.  Honestly i want the fund to be transferred into your account before I come over to your country to continue my education, honestly I am really suffering since I arrived in this country, it is too painful, but i hope with your help I will have the fund transferred into your account to enable me to come over to your country and have a better life to live in your country.

 As soon as i receive your interest in assisting me, i will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, i shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

Yours Faithfully,
Ms. Kadia Abdel Fattah.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rais Obama Atuma Wanajeshi Uganda!

Nilipokuwa mwandishi wa habari Daily News miaka ya 1990's niliwahi kuhudhuria reception Ubalozi wa Marekani Dar. Kuna mgeni  kutoka serikali ya USA ambaye alilewa. Katika ulevi wake alisema kuwa hakuna haja ya Marekani kuingilia hizi migogoro za Afrika.  Wache waafrika wauane mpaka wachoke wenyewe.  Tulishangaa. Lakini tumeona walivyokaa mbali Rwanda na Burundi, Congo, Liberia na nchi zingine. Jana, Walitangaza kuwa Rais Obama ametuma wanajeshi 100 kwenda kusaidia kuondoa huyo mgaidi Joseph Kony na Lords Resistance Army huko Uganda. Kuna nini mpaka Marekani wameamua kuingilia? 

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Why is the U.S. sending its troops to finish off a fractured band of bush fighters in the middle of Africa? Political payback for the quiet sacrifices of Uganda's troops in Somalia could be one reason.

President Barack Obama announced Friday he is dispatching about 100 U.S. troops - mostly special operations forces - to central Africa to advise in the fight against the Lord's Resistance Army - a guerrilla group accused of widespread atrocities across several countries. The first U.S. troops arrived Wednesday.
Long considered one of Africa's most brutal rebel groups, the Lord's Resistance Army began its attacks in Uganda more than 20 years ago. But the rebels are at their weakest point in 15 years. Their forces are fractured and scattered, and the Ugandan military estimated earlier this year that only 200 to 400 fighters remain. In 2003 the LRA had 3,000 armed troops and 2,000 people in support roles.

But capturing LRA leader Joseph Kony - a ruthless and brutal thug - remains the highest priority for Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, a 25-year-leader who has committed thousands of troops to the African Union force in Somalia to fight militants from al-Shabab, a group with ties from al-Qaida.
 The U.S. has not had forces in Somalia since pulling out shortly after the 1993 Black Hawk Down battle in Mogadishu in which 18 American troops died, raising the possibility that military advisers in Uganda could be payback for U.S.-funded Ugandan troops in Somalia.

"I've been hearing that. I don't know if our group necessarily agrees with that, but it definitely would make sense," said Matt Brown, a spokesman for the Enough Project, a U.S. group working to end genocide and crimes against humanity, especially in central Africa.

   "The U.S. doesn't have to fight al-Qaida-linked Shabab in Somalia, so we help Uganda take care of their domestic security problems, freeing them up to fight a more dangerous - or a more pressing, perhaps - issue in Somalia. I don't know if we would necessarily say that but it's surely a plausible theory," Brown said.

Col. Felix Kulayigye, Uganda's military spokesman, told The Associated Press previously that Ugandan forces have long received "invaluable" support from the U.S. military, including intelligence sharing, in the fight against the LRA.

That support got a huge boost this week.

  Though the deployment of 100 troops is relatively small, it marks a possible sea-change for Washington in overcoming its reluctance to commit troops to Africa. Even the U.S. Africa Command, which oversees U.S. military operations on the continent, is based in Germany. The U.S. maintains a base in the tiny East African nation of Djibouti, but most troops there are not on combat missions.

The LRA poses no known security threat to the United States, and a report from the Enough Project last year said that Kony no longer has complete and direct command and control over each LRA unit.

 But the group's tactics have been widely condemned as vicious. Few are expected to object to Obama's move to help regional security forces eliminate a group that has slaughtered thousands of civilians and routinely kidnaps children to be child soldiers and sex slaves.

Kony is wanted by the International Criminal Court for his group's attacks, which now take place in South Sudan, Congo and the Central African Republic.
Still, Bill Roggio, the managing editor of The Long War Journal, called the Obama administration's rationale for sending troops "puzzling," especially since the LRA does not present a national security threat to the U.S. - "despite what President Obama said."

 "The timing of this deployment is odd, especially given the administration's desire to disengage from conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan," Roggio said. "It is unclear why the issue has resurfaced, but the administration may be rewarding Uganda" for its military contributions in Somalia, he said.

Obama said that although the U.S. troops will be combat equipped, they will not engage LRA forces unless it is in self-defense.

In recent months, the administration has stepped up its support for Uganda. In June, the Pentagon moved to send nearly $45 million in military equipment to Uganda and Burundi, another country contributing in Somalia. The aid included four small drones, body armor and night-vision and communications gear and is being used in the fight against al-Shabab.

 Last November, the U.S. announced a new strategy to counter the LRA's attacks on civilians. U.S. legislation passed last year with huge bipartisian support calling for the coordination of U.S. diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military efforts against the LRA. That's one reason, Brown said, Obama may be sending in advisers. He said that regional stability is also good for U.S. interests.

  "It really doesn't take that many U.S. resources," Brown said. "You've got 100 troops to go in and take care of the LRA problem once and for all."

Kenya Wachachamaa! Kampeni Dhidi ya Magaidi Kutoka Somalia

Hao magaidi kutoka Somalia wanaleta fujo nchini Kenya. Sasa serikali ya Kenya imechachamaa!

Associated Press

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Signaling a stepped-up campaign against Somali militants, Kenya's top security chiefs said Saturday that Kenyan forces will pursue militants into Somalia, a response to a spate of attacks in which four Europeans have been kidnapped and one killed since September.

Following the kidnappings of two Spanish aid workers Thursday and the abductions of British and French women in recent weeks, Minister of Internal Security George Saitoti said Kenyan forces will pursue al-Shabab militants into Somalia.

"For the first time our country is threatened with the most serious level of terrorism," Saitoti said.

The plan to pursue fighters inside Somalia signals a huge change in Kenya's approach to the security threat posed by the lawless state of Somalia. While the African countries Uganda and Burundi each have thousands of troops fighting al-Shabab militants in Mogadishu, Kenya has not actively engaged in the fight.
Al-Shabab has already carried out one devastating suicide attack in Uganda - killing 76 people last year - and Kenya's decision to increase military engagement against the militants could open it up to more attacks inside its borders.

Gunmen on Thursday entered the world's largest refugee camp, Dadaab, and snatched two Spanish women working for the aid group Doctors Without Borders. Dadaab is filled with nearly a half million Somali refugees fleeing conflict and hunger. Tens of thousands of Somalis have swelled the camp's ranks in the last three months after fleeing famine.

Saitoti said Saturday that because of the kidnappings, the border with Somalia would now be closed.
   "We have now closed the border and we have no apologies as far as that is concerned," he said. "You will recall yourself that when a very large number of refugees were coming from Somalia because of the drought there we did agree to receive them in fulfillment of our international obligation. We did of course warn the international community that while Kenya was willing to take these people there were inherent risks."

One such risk is that Kenyan officials have almost no way of telling apart legitimate refugees and al-Shabab militants posing as hungry Somalis.

A spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency noted Saturday that the border has officially been closed for three years, so it wasn't immediately clear if Saitoti's announcement signaled a new policy or a reiteration of the old one.

The head the Spanish office of Doctors Without Borders said Friday in Madrid that the group has had no contact with their workers after they were seized Thursday. Juan Antonio Bastos identified the women as Montserrat Serra i Ridao, 40, from Girona in northeast Spain and Blanca Thiebaut, 30, from Madrid.

The U.N. temporarily suspended all non-lifesaving aid operations in the Dadaab refugee camp following the kidnappings, a spokeswoman said. Hundreds of staff are confined to their offices, forcing the cancellation of services like education, counseling and relocation of families until further notice.

Security has long been a concern at Dadaab, where representatives from various factions seek to recruit disaffected young male refugees as fighters. Aid workers live in guarded compounds surrounded by high barbed-wire walls, and the U.N. requires its staff to travel in the camps with armed escorts.

On Oct. 1, Somali gunmen took a wheelchair-bound French woman from her home near the resort town of Lamu. Somalis also abducted a British woman from a Kenyan coastal resort in September. Her husband was killed in the attack.

Friday, October 14, 2011

RyanAir Wanataka Kuondoa Vyoo Kwenye Ndege Zao!

Duh! Si itakuwa balaa kama hakuna choo kwenye ndege! Mtu akibanwa haja kubwa au ndogo anaambiwa asubiri hadi ndege itue, milango ifunguke na uende kwenye restroom uwanjani. Je, mtu akihitaji kubadilisha nepi ya mtoto. Mtu ikibidi atapike. Uwongo mbaya kuna magonjwa ambayo yanamlazimisha mtu kwenda msalani mara kwa mara. Itabidi watu wavae nepi kwenye ndege.

Sasa RyanAir wanasema kuwa wanataka kuondoa ili waongeze viti ili watu wengi zaidi wasafiri. Wanasema kuwa watabakiza choo kimoja. Je, ikiwa mbovu? Na je, RyanAir wakiondoa vyoo, ina maana makampuni mengine yatfuata nyayo zao Wadau, manaonaje?


DISCOUNT airline Ryanair is to remove all but one toilet from their planes in exchange for extra seats.

The move would see seats replace two of the three toilets in the carriers’ Boeing 737-800 planes, the Daily Mail reports.

Ryanair head, Michael O’Leary, insists all three toilets are “very rarely” used during a flight and passengers would reap the benefits of the extra seating.

“It would fundamentally lower air fares by about 5 per cent for all passengers – cutting £2 ($3) from every £40 ($62) ticket,” he said.

However, the Association of British Travel Agents said the airline had gone "too far" and warned of the inconvenience for a toilet on a plane to be out of order.

Although there are no legal requirements surrounding how many toilets a plane is to provide, Boeing is declining to enter into Mr O’Leary’s plans.

The new, almost loo-less planes would initially be used for the carriers short-haul flights. But it’s a worrying prospect for passengers taking Ryanair’s longest UK route which lasts more than four hours.

Ryanair has become well known for its controversial ideas for cutting costs.

In 2009 the airline announced it would charge passengers £1 ($1.50) to use in-flight toilets and proposed £5 ($8) "standing-room only" seats.

The carrier’s standing seats would remove the last 10 rows of seats and replace them with 15 rows of “vertical seats”.

Aviation consultant, John Strickland has defended the airline’s budget-cutting measures saying: “High fuel prices are making it difficult to keep fares low, so anything which helps reduce costs is essential.”

Read more:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hali ya Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe ni Mbaya! Amepelekwa India kwa Matibabu


Dr Mwakyembe leaves for medical checkup in India

By Correspondent

10th October 2011

Works deputy minister Dr Harrison Mwakyembe has been rushed to India for treatment of a skin related disease.

Dr Mwakyembe, who is also Member of Parliament for Kyela, left the country yesterday morning accompanied by his wife, Linah.

To see him off at the airport was Works minister Dr John Magufuli and other people, including the IPP Executive Chairman, Reginald Mengi.

The family spokesperson, Victor Mwambalaswa, said Dr Mwakyembe is suffering from a skin disease.

Speaking on the phone from his home to our sister paper Nipashe before he left, Dr Mwakyembe said that he was going to India for further medical checkup but did not disclose what he was suffering from.

He dismissed reports that he was seriously ill, stressing that he was not in bad condition.

For his part, Dr Mwakyembe’s personal assistant, Salum Nkambi said he has been receiving many calls from well-wishers seeking to know the condition of their lawmaker.

Nkambi said the health status of Dr Mwakyembe was not bad as reported in the media (not The Guardian).

Chama Cha Mapinduzi publicity secretary Nape Nnauye, who had driven the deputy minister to the airport, said Mwakyembe was flying to Mumbai, India where he will undergo medical checkup.

He said Dr Mwakyembe was not accompanied by a doctor because his condition was not bad.

President Jakaya Kikwete on Saturday saw Dr Mwakyembe at his residence at Kunduchi Beach in Dar es Salaam.

Water minister Prof Mark Mwandosya, who left the country in June for medical treatment in India was admitted at Applo Hospital where he is still undergoing treatment.

Prof Mwandosya started feeling unwell when he was attending the budget parliamentary session in Dodoma in June this year.
He was first rushed to Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) before being referred to India for specialised treatment.

On Saturday he spoke by phone to Radio One saying that his condition was improving.


Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe
Dk Mwakyembe Mgonjwa

Saturday, 08 October 2011

Naibu Waziri wa Ujenzi, Dk Harrison Mwakyembe


Na Mwandishi wetu

AFYA ya Naibu Waziri wa Ujenzi, Dk Harrison Mwakyembe, ni tete baada ya kuugua ugonjwa uliomsababisha kuvimba mwili wote.Habari zilizopatikana na kuthibitishwa na yeye mwenyewe zinaeleza kuwa, alianza kuwashwa ngozi miezi mitatu iliyopita kabla ya hali kubadilika siku za karibuni na hatimaye kuvimba sehemu kubwa ya mwili wake.

Mwakyembe alilieleza gazeti hili jana kuwa, baada ya hali yake kubadilika alianza kupata matibabu katika hospitali mbalimbali jijini Dar es Salaam akiwa nyumbani kwake Kunduchi Beach.Akizungumza na gazeti hili kwa shida, Dk Mwakyembe alisema hajui chanzo cha ugonjwa huo wa ngozi, daktari wake ndiye anaweza kuelezea kwa usahihi.

“Ni kweli naumwa nipo nyumbani, hata sura yangu imebadilika. Sasa hivi namsubiri daktari wangu, nilisikia natakiwa kupelekwa India kwa matibabu, nasubiri kauli yake si mimi niamue,” alisema na kuongeza;

“Siwezi kusema nimelishwa sumu, ninachosema mimi nimevimba kweli mwili mzima naumwa kweli hapa nimelala na sijui umenipataje kwa simu kwa sababu huwa siiwashi muda huu una bahati kweli”.

Mke wa Dk Mwakyembe Mkewe Linah Mwakyembe alipozungumza kwa njia ya simu na Mwananchi Jumapili, alisema kwa mujibu wa daktari wake, Dk mumewe anasumbuliwa na ugonjwa wa ngozi unaojulikana kitaalamu kama Exfoliative Dermatitis.

“Alianza kuugua muda mrefu kidogo, kama miezi mitatu iliyopita, hali hiyo ilikuwa inatokea na kupotea hadi sasa ambapo hali imekuwa mbaya zaidi,” alisema.

Alisema madaktari waliomfanyia uchunguzi kwa nyakati tofauti katika kipindi hicho walitoa majibu tofauti na kuongeza kuwa wapo waliosema hali hiyo ilisababishwa na kisukari na mwingine ambaye hakutaka kutaja jina lake, alisema kulikuwa na chembechembe za sumu katika damu yake.

“Baada ya ngozi yake kubadilika sana na hali kuwa mbaya, tulienda hospitali na madaktari walitupa majibu tofauti, wapo waliosema ni kisukari na kuna mwingine alisema kuna chembechembe za sumu,” alisema Linah na kufafanua kuwa daktari aliyedai hivyo hakuwapa maelezo zaidi.

Kwa mujibu wa Linah, ngozi ya Dk Mwakyembe inawasha na inakuwa kama inatoa mba mwili mzima hadi kichwani.

Aliongeza kuwa daktari wake ameshauri ufanyike uchunguzi wa kina zaidi ili kujua kama atahitajika kupatiwa matibabu nje ya nchi.

“Walipendekeza afanyiwe uchunguzi zaidi, hivyo kama kutakuwa na ulazima wa kupatiwa matibabu zaidi nje ya nchi basi watatueleza,” alisema Linah.

Alisema kuwa leo ndio watapata jibu kama atahitajika kwenda nje au kuendelea na matibabu hapa nchini.

Alisema kumekuwa na uvumi mwingi juu ya ugonjwa wa Dk Mwakyembe na kusisitiza kuwa wao kama familia wanasikiliza kinachosemwa na madaktari na kile watakachoshauri.

“Sisi tunaendelea kusubiri kile kitakachogundulika baada ya uchunguzi huo na kama kutakuwa na mengine tutajulishwa na kujua hatua itakayofuata,” alisema Linah.

Exfoliative Dermatitis Kwa mujibu wa maelezo ya kitabibu, ugonjwa huu huweza kusababisha madhara makubwa ya mwili na matatizo mengine hivyo kuhitaji uangalizi wa karibu wa kitabibu.

Ugonjwa huu ukikomaa husababisha ngozi ‘kuwaka moto’ na huathiri wanawake na wanaume lakini zaidi wanaume wenye umri kuanzia miaka 55.

Dalili Dalili za ugonjwa huu ni kuwashwa, mwili kuishiwa nguvu pia sehemu ya juu ya ngozi hupukutika.

Chanzo kwa mujibu wa maelezo ya kitabibu, sababu za ugonjwa huo bado hajizulikani, hata hivyo matukio ya ugonjwa huu mara nyingi yanahusishwa na magonjwa mbalimbali ya ngozi, madhara ya dawa kama penicillin, sulfonamides, isoniazid na phenytion.

Rais Kikwete amtembelea Baadaye mchana Rais Jakaya Kikwete alifika nyumbani kwa Dk Mwakyembe Kunduchi Beach kumjulia hali.

Mwakyembe ambaye ni Mbunge wa Kyela mwaka 2008, aliongoza Kamati Teule ya Bunge iliyochunguza kashfa ya Mkataba wa Kampuni ya Kufua Umeme ya Richmond.

Katika baraza jipya la mawaziri ambalo Rais Kikwete aliliunda mwaka jana, alimteua Dk Mwakyembe kuwa Naibu waziri wa Ujenzi akimsaidia Dk John Magufuli.

Mikasa ya Mwakyembe

Mei 21 mwaka 2009 Dk Mwakyembe alinusurika kufa katika ajali mbaya ya gari eneo la Ihemi kilomita 40 kutoka Iringa mjini akiwa safari kutokea Mbeya kwenda Dar es Salaam.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa za Polisi, gari alilokuwa akisafiria Toyota Landcruiser T362ACH, liliacha njia saa moja asubuhi baada ya kukanyaga shimo na tairi ya upande wa kulia kuchomoka na dereva wake, Joseph Msuya (30), kupoteza mwelekeo kabla ya gari hilo kutoka nje ya barabara upande wa kushoto na kuparamia mti kisha kupinduka.

Ajali hiyo ilitokea wakati dereva wa Dk Mwakyembe akijaribu kulipita lori kabla ya kukanyaga shimo hilo.

Dk Mwakyembe na abiria wengine waliokolewa na Wasamaria wema pamoja na trafiki wawili waliokuwa kwenye basi dogo wakisafiri kutoka Iringa kwenda Njombe.

Baada ya ajali hiyo alilazwa katika Hospitali ya Mkoa wa Iringa. Ilifahamika kuwa aliumia taya kisha alihamishiwa Dar es Salaam kwa matibabu.

Mkuu wa Jeshi la Polisi (IGP) aliunda tume iliyoongozwa na Mkuu wa Kikosi cha Usalama Barabarani wakati huo, Kamanda James Kombe, kuchunguza chanzo cha ajali hiyo. Matokeo yalionesha kwamba ilisababishwa na uzembe wa dereva wake, Msuya.

To Kill a Mockingbird in Boston

The play. 'TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD' will be at  Roxbury Community College this month!

Tanzania Imechaguliwa Kuwa Mjumbe wa Baraza la Utendaji la Shirika la Dunia la Utalii - UN WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION







Tanzania imechaguliwa kuwa mjumbe katika Baraza la Utendaji (Executive Council) la Shirika la Utalii Duniani – United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Nafasi hiyo ilipatikana wakati wa Mkutano Mkuu wa Shirika la Utalii Duniani (UNWTO General Assembly) ambao ulianza za siku ya Jumamosi tarehe 08 Oktoba, na utakamilisha shughuli zake tarehe 14 Oktoba, 2011 nchini Korea.

Katika Mkutano huo, ujumbe wa Tanzania unaongozwa na Waziri wa Maliasili na Utalii, Mheshimiwa Ezekiel M. Maige ambaye ameambatana na viongozi na wataalam waandamizi kutoka wizara hiyo.

UNWTO ni shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloongoza masuala ya Sera, Mafunzo, Uendelezaji na Utangazaji katika sekta ya utalii duniani.

UNWTO inatekeleza majukumu na maamuzi kuhusu maendeleo ya utalii na kutetea maslahi ya nchi zinazoendelea. Aidha, Shirika hili linahimiza utekelezaji wa Maadili katika Utalii kwa kuhakikisha nchi wanachama zinanufaika kiuchumi na wakati huo huo kupunguza athari za kijamii na kimazingira.

Hadi wakati wa Mkutano huu wa Korea, UNWTO ilikuwa na nchi wanachama 154. Idadi hii itaongezeka hadi kufikia 155 baada ya Liberia kukubaliwa ombi lake la kuwa mwanachama.

Kazi kuu ya Baraza la Utendaji la UNWTO, ambalo Tanzania imefanikiwa kuwa mjumbe ni kuchukua hatua zinazostahili, kwa kushirikiana na Katibu Mkuu wa Shirika hilo kutekeleza maamuzi yanayotolewa na Mkutano Mkuu (UNWTO General Assembly). Baraza hukutana mara mbili kwa mwaka. Tanzania itakuwa mjumbe wa Baraza hilo hadi Mwaka 2015.

Akizungumza baada ya uchaguzi huo, Waziri Maige alielezea sababu ya Tanzania kugombea nafasi hiyo muhimu ni kutaka kuwa ndani ya chombo cha maamuzi na hivyo kushawishi maamuzi yatakayoinufaisha Tanzania na kujitangaza zaidi Duniani katika uwanja wa kimataifa wa masuala ya Utalii.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Futeni Tuition!

Hii imeandikwa na Mdau SK. Hata mimi naona siku hizi tuition imeua maana ya kusoma shule ya msingi, sekondari za serikali.
Tuition Imeua Vipaji Vya Wanafunzi
Jamani kama kuna shimo la kufukia vipaji, na uwezo wa kufikiri kwa wanafunzi wetu ni TUITION. Sijui wazo hili lilitoka kwa nani. Tution ilizaliwa miaka ya 1990s na mbaya zaidi baada ya mwaka 2000. 
Tuition inafanya wanafunzi wasijiamini kabisa. Wanaona mwalimu wake darasani hawezi kumfundisha hadi aelewe na ndio maana anamtafuta mwalimu mwingine huku akijua msemo wa kiswahili usemao, wapishi wengi huharibu mchuzi.
Wanafunzi wa siku hizi hawapewi tena HOME WORK,  badala yake akitoka shule akienda nyumbani anamkuta mwalimu mwingine akimngojea. Wanafunzi wetu hawajui kujisomea wenyewe au kutumia maktaba, hata kufungua vitabu na kutafuta mada anayokusudia hawajui, maana muda mwingi wanazunguka na vipeperushi vilivyochakachuliwa na waalimu wa Tuition. Vitabu vya literature ambavyo enzi za 1980s tulivisoma vizima kama vile MINE BOY, THINGS FALL APART, THE RIVER BETWEEN, nk siku hizi wanafunzi hawavijui hata sura yake kwani wanasoma vipeperushi tu. Uwezo wa watoto wetu umewekwa kapuni.
Enzi zangu nikitoka shule nikenda nyumbani nilikabidhiwa jembe kulima ili kuchangia ada. Siku hizi wanafunzi wetu hawana nafasi ya kazi za mikono maana wamezungukwa na waalimu pande zote. Wamezoea kulishwa tu, SPOON FEEDING. Tunakwenda wapi?
Zamani tulifundishwa na kuzoeshwa kuwa ili ufaulu 60% ni juhudi ya mwanafunzi mwenyewe na 40% ni msaada wa mwalimu. Siku hizi wanafunzi wetu wamegeuzwa, wanajitegemea 20% na 80% ni kutegemea mwalimu. Wanafunzi hata wenye uwezo hawajiamini kufaulu bila dudu hili TUITION. 
Ninaomba serikali ifute mchezo huu mchafu wa TUITION kwani HUUWA VIPAJI NA UWEZO WA WANAFUNZI WETU KUFIKIRI. Serikali ilipe waalimu vizuri ili nao wafundishe vya kutosha na si ovyo ovyo kama ilivyo sasa na hatamae wanawaelekeza wanafunzi kuwa ukitaka kujua zaidi njoo jioni. Hii njoo jioni mabinti zetu hugeuzwa kuwa wake za waalimu. Mnafahamu hilo 

Friday, October 07, 2011

Worship Leadership Seminar - Arusha, Tanzania


Leading People to Experience God’s Presence

Charles Stanley once said that he believed that most Christians in most churches have never worshiped God. We go to church, but we don’t worship. We sing songs, but we don’t worship. We listen to sermons, but we don’t worship. All of these things are elements of worship but they are not worship in and of themselves which means that you can do all of them and yet have failed to truly worship God. We Christians often mistake the means of worship for worship itself.

According to famous researcher, George Barna, “Worship is a non-negotiable obligation and privilege of every Christian…We agree that when it comes to worship, God deserves it, the Bible commands it, and churches try to facilitate it," he stressed. "But we have a problem when it comes to worship. ... True worship is rare.”

The church in our times faces major challenges related to the renewal of worship. I believe one of them, if not the main one is a lack of understanding what a true biblical worship is. What you hear and understand you believe, and what you believe you’ll obviously do. That is life because life is not only in knowing but in doing.

A seminar for Worship Leadership will be held in Arusha that aims in tackling the challenges on Worship.

Date and Time: October 14-15, 2011 9am – 5pm

Venue: TAG Spiritual Power Center, Mbauda ARUSHA

The target audience: Worship Leaders/Pastors, Church Leaders, Musicians/Singers, Audio Technicians/Engineer, Recording Artist and any one related with Worship Ministry.

Seminar program will cover some topics in three areas but not limited to; Introduction to Biblical Worship: Understanding What is Biblical Worship, Applied Worship Ministry: Integrating Leadership and Team Dynamics, and The Role of Music in Worship: Balanced Approach to Music Ministry in Corporate Worship


Pastor Nick

+255 788 740296, +255 717 425279

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tanzania is Safe for Tourists - Tanzania ni Salama Kwa Watalii




Tanzania is a Safe Tourist Destination


Tanzania is land of peace and the country is determined to sustain that positive reputation.

Following recent incidents of kidnapping tourists, which happened very far from the territorial borders of Tanzania in the North, we have noted a growing concern about the safety of visitors to the East Coast of Africa. Indeed, there have been several travel warnings pointing at East Africa, including Tanzania.

As the Minister responsible for Tourism matters in Tanzania, I would like to reassure our visitors, both those who are already in the country as well as prospective ones that Tanzania continues to be one of Africa’s safest and most enjoyable destinations.

Due to the threats, Tanzania has intensified security measures to ensure that its people and the visitors remain safe. Security apparatus in the country are working closely to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to tighten security in the Tanzania territorial waters as well as in the hinterland.

It is my sincere hope that the incidents that happened far away from the territorial borders of Tanzania should not be the cause for panic nor cancellation of travel plans to Tanzania.

We would therefore like to assure all our esteemed visitors intending to travel to Tanzania at any time that they are welcome and that all necessary precautions have been taken to make sure they are as safe as possible.

‘Karibu Tanzania’.

Hon. Ezekiel M. Maige

Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism

6th September, 2011




Tanzania ni Salama kwa Watalii

Tanzania ni kisiwa cha amani na nchi imenuia kudumisha sifa hiyo nzuri.

Kufuatia vitendo vya kuteka nyara watalii ambavyo vimetokea upande wa Kaskazini, mbali na mipaka ya nchi yetu, tumeshuhudia hofu inayoendelea kukua kuhusiana na usalama wa watalii wanaotembelea Mashariki mwa Afrika. Kwa hakika wasafiri wanaotembelea Mashariki mwa Afrika, ikiwemo Tanzania, wamekuwa wakionywa wachukue tahadhari.

Kama Waziri mwenye dhamana ya masuala ya Utalii, ningependa kuwahakikishia wageni, ambao tayari wako nchini, na wale ambao wanajiandaa kuja, kuwa Tanzania bado inaendelea kuongoza katika Bara la Afrika kwa kuwa na amani na vivutio vya kitalii vya kufurahisha.

Kutokana na hayo matukio ya hivi karibuni, Tanzania imeongeza udhibiti wa hali ya usalama ili kuhakikisha kuwa wageni na wananchi wanakuwa salama. Vyombo vya usalama nchini vinafanya kazi kwa karibu na Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii kuongeza hali ya usalama baharini na nchi kavu.

Ninayo imani kubwa kuwa matukio yaliyotokea mbali kabisa na mipaka ya nchi yetu hayawezi kuwa sababu ya kuogopa na labda kukatisha safari za kuja Tanzania.

Kwa hiyo, tungependa kuwahakikishia wageni wetu ambao wanatarajia kusafiri kuja Tanzania kuwa wanakaribiswa waje wakati wowote, na kuwa tahadhari zote muhimu zimeshachukuliwa za kuhakikisha kuwa kadri inavyowezekana watakuwa salama.

Karibu Tanzania.

Mhe. Ezekiel M. Maige

Waziri wa Maliasili na Utalii

6 Septemba, 2011

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Mzee Kenyatta Achachamaa!


Kumbe Hayati Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Baba wa Taifa wa Kenya alikuwa na hasira!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Uzazi wa Majira Wasambaza UKIMWI Afrika!

Duh! Mbona hii habari inatisha. Eti wanawake waathirika wa UKIMWI wanaotumia zile sindano za uzazi wa majira wanaweza kusambaza virusi vya UKIMWI kwa wanaume wao. Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa kuna hatari zaidi ya wao kuambukiza kuliko wasiotumia!  Pia wanasema kuna vidonge vya uzazi wa majira ambayo unaongeza uwezo wa mwanamke mwathirka kumwambukiza mwanaume.

Lakini pia wanasema kuwa mwanamke akitumia uzazi wa majira na si mwathirika wa UKIMWI, basi ni rahisi yeye kuambukizwa virusi na mwanaume aliyeathirika! 

Ajabu ni uzazi wa majira ambayo inatumika Afrika tu!  Bado hamjaamini kuwa UKIMWI ulitengenewa maalum katika maabara ya wazungu ili kumaliza waafrika?

Mungu Atunusuru!



HIV could if Birth Control Injections Increase, Warn Scientists

Researchers call for new guidelines for women using family planning services in Aids-hit areas

Research shows that women who use hormonal contraceptives in Aids hit parts of the developing world may double their risk of contracting HIV and passing it to their male partner.
Campaigns to increase the number of women opting for long-lasting contraceptive injections in Aids-hit parts of the developing world could be helping to spread the epidemic, scientists are warning.

New research shows that women who use hormonal contraceptives may double their risk of contracting HIV and of passing it to their male partner, throwing up a new dilemma for global development.

The authors of the large-scale study, published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, call for urgent guidance to be drawn up andgiven to women using family planning services in HIV-endemic areas. The study showed particularly that the risk of HIV transmission was raised by the long-lasting injections that are most widely used and most popular in the sub-Saharan regions worst hit by the Aids epidemic.

The results present a significant problem for global health and development. Unwanted pregnancy is a threat to a woman's life and can lead to greater poverty and deprivation for her family. The more children she has, the harder it will be to feed and educate them.

While family planning is still resisted in parts of the developing world, campaigns to promote injectable contraception have met with some success. Many women have sought out the injections that last for months and that they can sometimes get without their husband's knowledge if he refuses permission.

But the study of 3,800 couples shows that there is a risk which has previously been suspected but unconfirmed. The risk was present for those who took the pill too, but it was not statistically significant because most women in the study had opted for injections.

"These findings have important implications for family planning and HIV-1 prevention programmes, especially in settings with high HIV-1 prevalence", said Jared Baeten from the University of Washington, Seattle, one of the study's authors.

"Recommendations regarding contraceptive use, particularly emphasising the importance of dual protection with condoms and the use of non-hormonal and low-dose hormonal methods for women with or at risk for HIV-1, are urgently needed," said lead study author Renee Heffron, also from the University of Washington.

More than 140 million women worldwide use some form of hormonal contraception.

The study group comprised 3,790 couples where one partner had HIV (usually the woman) although the other did not. They were drawn from two existing studies of HIV incidence in seven African countries – Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

The researchers found that women who did not have HIV were twice as likely to be infected by their partner if they were using hormonal contraception. Those who had HIV themselves were twice as likely to give it to their partner. Tests showed that women with HIV using injectable contraception had raised concentrations of virus inside the cervix. Researchers are unclear why and a larger study specifically designed to look at this issue should be carried out, they say.

Meanwhile women should be told there may be an increased risk of HIV infection if they use hormonal contraception and should be counselled that condoms will give them dual protection.

In a comment published by the journal, Charles Morrison from Clinical Sciences, Durham, USA, said: "Active promotion of DMPA [injectable contraception] in areas with high HIV incidence could be contributing to the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa, which would be tragic. Conversely, limiting one of the most highly used effective methods of contraception in sub-Saharan Africa would probably contribute to increased maternal mortality and morbidity and more low birth weight babies and orphans—an equally tragic result. The time to provide a more definitive answer to this critical public health question is now; the donor community should support a randomised trial of hormonal contraception and HIV acquisition."

Monday, October 03, 2011

Sinema 'Historia ya Khanga" Cheki Mimi na Kaka Michuzi!

MaStaa wa Bongowood 1991 Michuzi & Chemi

Kabla ya Kanumba na Ray kulikuwa na Chemi na Michuzi!

Wadau, kwenye mwaka 1992 nilishiriki katika sinema ya TAMWA, "The History of Khanga".  Hebu itizame, Utaniona mimi na Kaka Michuzi, "Tunajiandaa kulala"

Mwongozaji alikuwa Dada Fatma Alloo. Pia kuna mahojiano na marehemu Bibi Titi Mohamed.

Sinema sasa iko YOU TUBE kwa hisana ya Dada Fatma na Kaka Michuzi:

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Mzee Mark Kisamecha Mfunguo Ampeotea

Mzee Mark Kisamecha Mfunguo

Ndg. Mark K. Mfunguo mkazi wa Ubungo Msewe(karibu na kanisa la Deeper Life) amepotea tangu tarehe 01/10/2011 kabila lake ni mchagga wajihi wake ni maji ya kunde na ana mvi kichwani ana umri wa miaka 65 na ana tatizo la kupoteza kumbukumbu (Dementia). Mara ya mwisho kuonekana ilikuwa ni tarehe 01/10/2011 siku ya jumamosi maeneo ya UBUNGO-EMAUS alipokwenda kwa ajili ya huduma ya maombi.

Mwenye taarifa zozote za kuonekana kwake atoe taarifa kwenye kituo chochote cha Polisi kilichopo karibu naye na namba zifuatazo




