Sgt. Victoria never identified Queen's father. The man listed on Queen's documents as her biological father, Robert Butahe, who is said to be deceased, is actually alive and well and lives in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The justice system in Tanzania can prosecute those who abused Queen. They are waiting for her to say the word to bring her abusers to justice, however all I have spoken with say that they are not aware that any such abuses ever took place. They need Queen to talk to them but she has cut off communication with her Tanzanian family.
Sgt. Kutta/Banda alikuwa anafanya kazi pale kituo cha polisi Msimbazi.
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Queen Butahe, Franklin, Massachusetts |
Haki ya mungu nilipoona tangazo ya hiyo story kuwa binti kateswa Afrika, nilidhani watasema Congo, nikabaki mdomo wazi waliosema Tanzania!
( Story ilitoka Fox 25 tarehe 10/Mei/2011. Mnaweza kuona Kideo hapa: )
Kilichonishutua ni kuwa alidai kabakwa na watu wengi sana, ndugu, madereva wa school bus (tena kwa kupokezana), walimu. Katoa mimba akiwa Primary! Duh, nikasema hivi Tanzania wanaume wetu wamekuaje siku hizi.
Baada ya kuposti taarifa kwenye Blog, Niligundua kuwa huyo binti, alililewa katika familia enye uwezo na waliokuwa wanampenda.
Mjomba wake Queen aliniletea ujumbe na niliongea naye kwa simu. Mjomba alililia kwa hasira na kusema hawezi kukubali Queen achafue jina na familia yake na Tanzania kwa ujumla.
Rev. Gilbert Kutta said...
I am her Family Member Senior Guardian, her Mother's Brother and second to the mother in our Family! Her mother passed away, what a tragedy to our family! She calls herself Queen Butahe? ----- Better the media call her again and get the name of her real Father! You may call me +255766551733! I did contact her when this sad news just came to my notice through the Web! She finally ended up blocking my email to her and said "It is bye bye to you"! She has a mission in mind. I will never allow it to take place the way she has planned by putting to shame my Lovely country TANZANIA and my good family! --- and me in effect! I want her to come out again and say the Truth. I don't brush out all what she said! But we have descent ways to deal with all that took place and not the way it seems her new American Caretaker is using! We do not work on half truth/half false and cooked up stories pitched for gain! I am in contact, and continue to contact all who did that interview to get to know what motivated them to shoot it to the mass! To defame? To what gain? How much did they first make due effort to search for truth? Is it just because a simple girl has come up with a story they see interesting they shoot it to the mass? I have plenty more to say! I have entered this debate because I feel this the only way to seek for cure!
god Bless TANZANIA my mother land! I love you and will protect you!
Please Contact me at If you can help me clear THIS MESS and help Queen come back to her senses not to defame her Mother, please do!
I need that help!
thank you all-
God bless and keep my daughter safe!
regards to you all-
its me:
Rev. Gilbert Phillip Kutta
Morogoro, Tanzania!
Mimi nilipeleka habari kwa huyo Mwandishi wa Fox 25, Maria Stephanos na kumwelezea kuhusu mjomba wake. Maria kimya! Nadhani hatasema kitu, si mnajua jinsi hao waandishi wanvyojaribu kutafuta awards.
Soma Story ya Queen kwa maneno yake mwenyewe hapa:
Wadau, ninaendelea kujaribu kuwasiliana na Fox 25 ili watoe story au correction, kuwa nchi yetu si ya watu washenzi kama walivyotupakazia.
Posti yangu wa awali mnaweza kusoma hapa:
Niligundua kuwa huyo binti, alililewa katika familia enye uwezo na waliokuwa wanampenda.
Hapo dada itabidi ifanyike kazi kubwa kusafisha sifa ya taifa. Baada habari ya mauaji ya albino kusambazwa kila kona ya dunia hii ya huyu binti ni rahisi kuipa credibilty na kuiuza hata kama ni ya uongo.
Da Chemi,
hongera sana kwa kazi yako nzuri. Ila kama ulivyosema sio rahisi kusema haraka ni uongo au ni kweli upande wa mjomba ambae hakuishi nae ni vigumu kukubalika ushahidi. Kuna njia kadhaa zinazoweza kusaidia kujua ukwel mfano aliposema niiacha kutumia school bus na kupanda daladala what was the reaction ya walezi? Aunty na watoto wa Aunty wanaweza kusema iwapo waliona chochote kinachoweza kueleza ukweli wa jambo hili.
Tanzania kuna mambo magumu sana kuhusu watoto,
Habari kuhusu Albino ni za ukweli zimeletwa na waandishi waliyofanya uchunguzi wa kina na Waziri Mkuu Pinda amehojiwa na muandishi aliyetoa habari hizo kimataifa na kukiri.Na kibaya zaidi Mauaji hayo bado yanendelea kutokana ni IMANI potofu za USHIRIKINA.Huyu mtoto hao wahusika haswa ndugu wajitokeze nakujisafisha wenyewe zidi ya Kashfa na tuhuma walizo bebeshwa.
Nimesoma historia yake, ila imeniacha na maswali mengi... iweje ni wewe tu unabakwa kila unapokwenda?
Na kama ni kweli basi atupe na hali halisi ya mazingira ambayo hupenda kujiweka..
Hongera Da' Chemi kwa kazi nzuri ya uchunguzi, endelea dada.
Ndugu zangu Watanzania, na wote wapenda Utu duniani! Nimeona hii katika Bolg "by: Anonymous
Habari kuhusu Albino ni za ukweli zimeletwa na waandishi waliyofanya uchunguzi wa kina na Waziri Mkuu Pinda amehojiwa na muandishi aliyetoa habari hizo kimataifa na kukiri.Na kibaya zaidi Mauaji hayo bado yanendelea kutokana ni IMANI potofu za USHIRIKINA.Huyu mtoto hao wahusika haswa ndugu wajitokeze nakujisafisha wenyewe zidi ya Kashfa na tuhuma walizo bebeshwa. toka ---- Mimi ndiye msemaji wa Familia husika: Napenda kuwaomba radhi kwa kuchafuliwa jina na mtoto wangu Queen! Nafanya juhudi zote kuwasilian naye na ndgu zangu kusawazisha jambo hili. Ila kwa kweli Queen ana Mama Yake mdogo, Mdogo wangu ambaye amesononeshwa mno na habari zake! Siwezi kusema kuwa hana chembe ya ukweli ndani ya aliyosema. Nataka kusema kuwa tunazo taratibu zetu zenye maadili mema kushughulika yote hayo na sivyo kama jijni hao waliomsaidia kuandika na kutoa taarifa zake walivyojionyesha kuwa wao ni malaika kwa kumsaidia kutukana Mama, Wajomba na Taifa letu hadharani! Nawataka wajitokeze kuongea nasi pia kama walivyofanya kwa Queen, la Sivyo WAELEWENI KUWA NI WAONGO NA WAZUSHI TENA WANASTAHILI KUOMBA RADHI HADHARANI KWA NCHI YANGU TANZANIA NA WANAFAMILIA WEMA JUU YA QUEEN! Eti nasikia huko Marekani kuna mtu anamlea Queen! Queen hajakosa wa kumlea tena vizuri sana! Alikuja Marekani kwa sababu Sisi familia yetu ni marafiki wema wa Marekani! Tumesoma Marekani! Yupo mdogo wetu sasa ni raia wa Marekani! si ajabu yeye kuja huko! Lakini SIO KWAMBA kakimbia Dhuruba huku! Hajawahi kunidokezea hilo hata mara moja muda wote yupo hapa nchini tena akiishi vizuri kuliko wengi wa Watanzania aliowatukana!
Nawaomba Radhi na nawataka kama mlivyonilazimisha kujitokeza sasa Wawajibijishwe wote waliomsaidia Queen kumlea huko Marekani hadi kukosa maadili hivi wahojiwe tujue nia yao!
Ni mimi Rev. Gilbert Phillip K. Kutta
Morogoro -Tanzania!
Mimi nimefuatilia tangu mwanzo story ya huyu binti na pia kusoma maelezo hasa yale toka kwa ndugu zake wakidai kua anadanganya. Simfahamu huyu binti wala familia yake ila kuna vitu nimeviona na ningependa ku caution watu esp ndugu zake wasiwe wepesi kumponda na kudai anadanganay. Tunapofikiria neno kubaka tunadhani labda ni la kinguvu wakati kubaka kunaweza kua kwa upole( mbakaji especially kama ni ndugu) ana kua anamuandaa victim wake kwa muda mrefu ili kujenga trust, kuna uwezekano mkubwa kabisa kua hizo incidences zote za kubakwa kwake huyu binti ni za kweli, nasema hivyo sababu yalishanitokea hata mimi. Enzi hizo kuishi na extended families au kwenda kulelewa na uncle au bibi ilikua kitu cha kawaida wakati mimi nakua, na uncles walikua wana molest mabinti na binti hawezi kutamka chochote maana ilikua kama taboo, utaanzia wapi, ilikua ni aibu na lazima kutunza heshima ya familia.I was molested several times na ndugu wa kiume wa familia na wala sikuthubutu kusema kitu(tangu miaka 10 hadi 15) ilikua sio culture yetu kujadili mambo kama hayo kwenye familia im now 40 years old married with 1 child. Im sure sasa hivi nikiamua kusema haya kwa ndugu hawata amini na watasema mimi ni mwongo, imeathiri r'ship zangu na trust yangu kwa watu mbalimbali hizi ni athari chache tu zipo nyingi na ni ngumu kumwelezea mtu ambae hajapitia hayo. Haijalishi kama umetoka kwenye familia inayojiweza au maskini, molestation na rape ni kitu kipo Tanzania sana sana kwenye familia. Watu wengi wame react sababu TZ hakuna utamaduni wa kudiscuss child molestation, ubakaji na sexual abuse japo sheria zipo. Pia kuna uwezekano mkubwa kua ndugu wengi wa Queen waliopinga hizo accusations hawakujua kilichokua kinaendelea kwa siri kwa huyu binti, wengi wamejitokeza ili kusafisha jina la familia na la TZ lakini anayejua ukweli ni Queen peke yake. Story yake inaweza ikawa ina maswali mengi lakini whether ina ukweli au la tusiwe wepesi wa kuanza kumponda na kusema mwongo. Im a victim of rape and molestation tena toka kwa ndugu mbalimbali wa familia trust me hicho kidonda hakiponi kamwe!! Inawezekana huyu binti amejikanyaga kanyaga kwa sababu azijuazo yeye lakini kumponda na kusema hakubakwa oo katoka kwenye familia nzuri sijui nini haimaanishi anachokisema ni uongo !! For once ametokea mtu ambae ameeleza yanayotokea kweli kwenye familia za kitanzania watu wamepata shock, trust me hii ipo sana bongo. Naruida tena kubaka sio lazima iwe kitendo cha nguvu, it's a process and the victim is groomed to think it's okay, it's disgusting to imagine wapo watanzania wanaouliza eti inakuaje kabakwa yeye tu? are you serious?? kuna victims kibao wa kibongo tena hapa US walio kua molested na kubakwa ila wengi hawana sauti!! Tusubiri ukweli tutajua yote, lakini kwa wale wanaodai eti anadangaya kubakwa you should be ashamed of yourselves, mnataka kusafisha jina la Tanzania lakini kukubali mambo yanayoendelea kwenye jamii zetu hamtaki. Do not judge her if you don't know what she went through!! Betty
Nimesoma story ya huyo binti. hivi inakuwaje kwa mfano anasema madreva wa basi walimbaka kila siku, kwanini asingetoa ripoti kwa watu watakaoweza kumsaidia? au kwanini asingegoma kupanda hiyo basi? alikuwa hasikii maumivu? ina maana alikuwa ana enjoy kitendo hicho. halafu kama alivyosema ndugu yake hapo kwamba kulingana na tamaduni zetu sisi watanzania huwa tuna taratibu zetu za kutatua mambo kama haya. sasa huyo binti sijui tuseme ni Ushamba, tamaa au njia nyingine wa kujipatia umaarufu kwa kutusi nchi yako. Tanzania kuna asasi nyingi tu za kisheria zinazotetea dhidi ya vitendo kama hivi. kwanini asiengeenda huko? tena ana bahati kwamba kazaliwa D'slaam ambako kuna asasi kibao zinazoweza kumtetea, je wa huko kijijini naye atasemaje. kwa kweli yaani kuna umuhimu sana wa kuanza kupewa elimu ya uzalendo.
Nimesoma story ya huyo binti. hivi inakuwaje kwa mfano anasema madreva wa basi walimbaka kila siku, kwanini asingetoa ripoti kwa watu watakaoweza kumsaidia? au kwanini asingegoma kupanda hiyo basi? alikuwa hasikii maumivu? ina maana alikuwa ana enjoy kitendo hicho. halafu kama alivyosema ndugu yake hapo kwamba kulingana na tamaduni zetu sisi watanzania huwa tuna taratibu zetu za kutatua mambo kama haya. sasa huyo binti sijui tuseme ni Ushamba, tamaa au njia nyingine wa kujipatia umaarufu kwa kutusi nchi yako. Tanzania kuna asasi nyingi tu za kisheria zinazotetea dhidi ya vitendo kama hivi. kwanini asiengeenda huko? tena ana bahati kwamba kazaliwa D'slaam ambako kuna asasi kibao zinazoweza kumtetea, je wa huko kijijini naye atasemaje. kwa kweli yaani kuna umuhimu sana wa kuanza kupewa elimu ya uzalendo.
Regards kwa Wote!
Nimeona hii katika Blog "Anonymous said...
Mimi nimefuatilia tangu mwanzo story ya huyu binti na pia kusoma maelezo hasa yale toka kwa ndugu zake wakidai kua anadanganya. Simfahamu huyu binti wala familia yake ila kuna vitu nimeviona na ningependa ku caution watu esp ndugu zake wasiwe wepesi kumponda na kudai anadanganay. "
Napenda kumshukuru kwa yote aliyosema.
1. Naomba Umma unielewe kuwa hakuna hat mara moja sisi kama wanandugu tumeonesha kufurahishwa na yaliyomtokea binti yetu!
2. Mimi binafsi, mbali na kumkanya kutoa lugha isiyo na maadili mema hata kwa Mama yake na Wengine wote (TANZANIA) waliomlea vema tena kwa upendo, sikumkemea kutoa taarifa za kweli juu ya yaliyomkuta! Kama kuna Tamaduni Mbovu Duniani zisizo na Hofu ya Dini na Ustaarabu wa Lugha, sio Tanzania!
3. Kwa maslahi ya Taifa, wote WATANZANIA tunawajibika! Sio Viongozi tu! Na kwa utamaduni huu, ilibidi walezi wake Queen, kwa kubeba majukumu hayo kuzingatia background na Natinality ya mtoto wanayemlea!
4. Hivi, ni kweli Hao wanaojiita walezi wazuri wa Queen hawaoni Mada hii, au ni Dharau au kwa kuwa wameshajua kwamba sasa Queen amepakwa matope vya kutosha na wao hawana hasara basi wameamua kukaa kumya? ----- Mimi kama mhusika mkuu wa hili sitokaakimya hadi niwafahamu! Naiomba Ofisi yangu Tukufu ya Ubalizi hapo Marekani kufuatilia jambo hili!
5. Kama Queen anaona kaonewa kwa namna yoyote na Mjadala huu, namwomba Mwanangu tuwasiliane katika email yangu au atumie hata njia hii kunijibu!
6. Kwa kutojua nin nini hasa kilimsibu Queen, nawaomba wadau wote wa Mjadala huu kuelewa kuwa Lengo letu sisi wanandugu ni kujaribu kumsaidia Queen asiangamie katika hila za wote walijaribu kumhadaa hadi kutoa taarifa zenye mbwembwe potofu kwa jamii Njema ya Watanzania na Ngugu/Wazazi wake wema waliomlea!
Naamini mtoa hoja hiyo hapo juu amenielewa!
Ni mimi, Rev. Gilbert Phillip Kutta -Not an anonymous Figure!
Regards to you all!
Naendelea kushukuru kwa wote wachangiaji katika hoja hii! Ila nakuja kwenu hasa baada ya kusoma hoja hii -"Tusubiri ukweli tutajua yote, lakini kwa wale wanaodai eti anadangaya kubakwa you should be ashamed of yourselves, mnataka kusafisha jina la Tanzania lakini kukubali mambo yanayoendelea kwenye jamii zetu hamtaki. Do not judge her if you don't know what she went through!! Betty" toka
Ni vema kweli kusubiri kupata ukweli.Lakini hili "you should be ashamed of yourselves" naona kama imezidi kidogo! Mimi, ni mtu mzima na haiba ya wazi, sifichi hata jina langu hapa! What should make feel ashamed of in this matter? Ninayo mengi ya kujibu katika hoja hii. ila tu naomba kusema, lengo langu mimi kama ndugu pekee wa Queen niliyejitokeza hadharani humu kujibu hoja sio kumwumbua Mwanangu! Nampenda. Tena natafuta jinsi atakavyo pata haki zake bila kudhalilisha waliomlea na kumpenda na kumlinda kwa nguvu zao zote kama Binadamu! Je hii ndiyo sababu naambiwa "you should be ashamed of yourselves"?
Queen anayo haki ya kudai Haki zake popote na wakati wowote ule! Lakini hana haki ya kuitukana Familia yake! hana haki ya kulidhalilisha Taifa lake hivyo!
Ukiendelea kusoma unakuta haya "Inawezekana huyu binti amejikanyaga kanyaga kwa sababu azijuazo yeye lakini kumponda na kusema hakubakwa oo katoka kwenye familia nzuri sijui nini haimaanishi anachokisema ni uongo !! " Naomba kujibu kusema kuwa sentensi hii ni kama mfano wa wale wote waliomsaidia kutunga haja zake na sasa wanajitahidi kujibu angalau kupunguza makali! Maana hata hapa inaonesha jinsi mtoa mada anavyokosa umakini --- yani, kusema "Inawezekana huyu binti amejikanyaga kanyaga kwa sababu azijuazo yeye "----- unabariki yeye kutukana hata Mama yake? Halfu tena.... "lakini kumponda na kusema hakubakwa" .... Hakuna aliyewahi kumponda Mwanangu na kusema hakubakwa! Ila, utamjuaje mtu mkweli wakati yapo ayasemayo na Ni Uongo wa wazi? Ninachdai hapa ni kuwa Queen anayo nafasi ya kusema Ukweli tena bila kutia chachu ya Uongo na Dunia nzima ikamsikiliza. Hata Mimi nitamsaidia!
Jamani, tujaribu kumsaidia queen apate haki zake bila kujiingiza katika kashfa binafsi na kwa jamii yake nzima!
Its me -Rev. Gilbert Phillip Kutta
Pole Rev Kutta na endelea kuweka hili jambo katika muonekao sahihi. Tusiwe wepesi kuhukumu kabla ukweli haujawekwa wazi. Mimi binafsi nimesikitishwa sana na hii habari haswa baada ya kugundua mama yake Queen alikuwa classmate wangu pale Wailesi primary school miaka ya 70. Sikuwa na habari za Vicky tangu 1979 tulipomaliza std 7 mpaka nilivyosoma habari zake. Hili limenisikitisha sana.
Hi. My name is Hadija. It is very unfortunately to follow up the story of Queen and how the so called Rev. Gilbert Kutta is trying to do. I know this family very well. I know Queen’s dad in Boston. I actually met with him recently trying to get the story right. I know Gilbert too. What I have learned so far brings suspicious feelings about the agenda of Gilbert Kutta. There a lot of things about this Kutta family need to scare out with Queen’s dad in Boston.
First of all, I want to tell the world that the so called Rev. Gilbert Kutta is not a Reverent at all of any church. He is simply a teacher and he was my teacher. He used to be work with Assemblies of God church in Morogoro with Rev. Maboya and he got busted. He has never be a pastor.
The reason I am bring it up is to raise a question. Why is mwalimu Gilbert use Uongo to try to clear “oungo”? What gain is he getting here by calling himself a Reverent? If he lies about himself how can we trust what he is saying? Second to this is the way mwalimu Gilbert Kutta is trying to defense the sexual offenders and especially his brother-in-law Robert Butahe whom Queen she identify him by name. When I talked to Queen’s dad in Boston, he made it very clear that he, as a loving and caring dad, his job is not to protect his sister’s husband Robert Butahe. He is now asked the Government of Tanzania to lead the investigation about the whole allegations and explore all possible legal actions after the investigation is over. I asked him why he does not write and respond in these blogs, and he said, his way of dealing with things is not by posting in public blogs. I have found him more reasonable. If you listen him and compared with his brother Gilbert Kutta, you will see two different motives: one is trying to cover up the truth and protect the public shame of Kutta’s family and the so called Robert Butahe, and Queen’s dad is seeking the justice of his daughter for such an insane act.
My fellow Tanzanias, this family has a lot of issues. There are so many factors which need to be addressed here. For example, do you know that their mother who was brought here in Boston by Queen’s dad is also living in Shelters? Franklin Butahe, who is Queen’s brother who was also adopted and brought to USA, is living in foster care homes? What is thins Tanzanias? The family which is posting itself as descent and rich their mother is homeless in USA streets? Where is Wanyenda Kutta who is rich in Dar-es-salaam and high officer in Tanzania government asking her own mother to go live in USA streets. I asked Queen’s dad about this and he told me that his Sister Wanyenda Kutta is the one who told their mother to go and live in shelters in what is look like to be the deep hatred against their brother in Boston.
I think Queen’s dad in Boston can tell us more credible stories about this family than the self-appointed Reverent Gilbert Kutta.
Hi. My name is Hadija. It is very unfortunately to follow up the story of Queen and how the so called Rev. Gilbert Kutta is trying to do. I know this family very well. I know Queen’s dad in Boston. I actually met with him recently trying to get the story right. I know Gilbert too. What I have learned so far brings suspicious feelings about the agenda of Gilbert Kutta. There a lot of things about this Kutta family need to scare out with Queen’s dad in Boston.
First of all, I want to tell the world that the so called Rev. Gilbert Kutta is not a Reverent at all of any church. He is simply a teacher and he was my teacher. He used to be work with Assemblies of God church in Morogoro with Rev. Maboya and he got busted. He has never be a pastor.
The reason I am bring it up is to raise a question. Why is mwalimu Gilbert use Uongo to try to clear “oungo”? What gain is he getting here by calling himself a Reverent? If he lies about himself how can we trust what he is saying? Second to this is the way mwalimu Gilbert Kutta is trying to defense the sexual offenders and especially his brother-in-law Robert Butahe whom Queen she identify him by name. When I talked to Queen’s dad in Boston, he made it very clear that he, as a loving and caring dad, his job is not to protect his sister’s husband Robert Butahe. He is now asked the Government of Tanzania to lead the investigation about the whole allegations and explore all possible legal actions after the investigation is over. I asked him why he does not write and respond in these blogs, and he said, his way of dealing with things is not by posting in public blogs. I have found him more reasonable. If you listen him and compared with his brother Gilbert Kutta, you will see two different motives: one is trying to cover up the truth and protect the public shame of Kutta’s family and the so called Robert Butahe, and Queen’s dad is seeking the justice of his daughter for such an insane act.
My fellow Tanzanias, this family has a lot of issues. There are so many factors which need to be addressed here. For example, do you know that their mother who was brought here in Boston by Queen’s dad is also living in Shelters? Franklin Butahe, who is Queen’s brother who was also adopted and brought to USA, is living in foster care homes? What is thins Tanzanias? The family which is posting itself as descent and rich their mother is homeless in USA streets? Where is Wanyenda Kutta who is rich in Dar-es-salaam and high officer in Tanzania government asking her own mother to go live in USA streets. I asked Queen’s dad about this and he told me that his Sister Wanyenda Kutta is the one who told their mother to go and live in shelters in what is look like to be the deep hatred against their brother in Boston.
I think Queen’s dad in Boston can tell us more credible stories about this family than the self-appointed Reverent Gilbert Kutta.
And here I am again -being forced to answer some allegations from this anonymous student of mine Hadija! -You are still anonymous! Where are you and where did I teach you?
1. You say "I know this family very well. " - and yet you were my student, very strange! My family has roots well beyond your mere contact with me as your teacher! -here I am simply saying to the World,
2. Hadija has a hidden agenda to disguise and act on behalf of this other anonymous being she calls "Queen’s dad in Boston" and yet "I know Gilbert too." -Mh! Hadija, were you taught to call me Gilbert in the school where I was your teacher? Why? Does "Queen’s dad in Boston" not have a name? I suppose Hadija doesn't know the name of this Queen’s dad in Boston ..... but only came to know my name to shame in the world as she pleases! ---- point here is, this kind of presentation is key symbol of one with technical hidden intent to undo the reality by deceit!
3. "There a lot of things about this Kutta family need to scare out with Queen’s dad in Boston."------------ Now here, this very big non sense! Kutta family has no fear of who ever you call "Queen’s dad in Boston"! Why should it scare him on the first place" Can you kindly put to light what should be the cause to your proverb?
4. "First of all, I want to tell the world that the so called Rev. Gilbert Kutta is not a Reverent at all of any church. He is simply a teacher and he was my teacher. He used to be work with Assemblies of God church in Morogoro with Rev. Maboya and he got busted. He has never be a pastor." -------- One is not a Reverend of a Church in the first place! And i would advice Hadija to contact the Church she mentioned to her defense! Just to help her out, they wouldn't dare discuss this in public since they have had their big share of consequences on the matter and had to let me be! I got my training and Ordination in effect, and It was Christ who called me into Ministry! Lets keep it closed there for now -Hadija, do you attend to any Church?
5. Please read my post in this Blog dated "Rev. Gilbet Kutta link
01/06/2012 06:54 -" and compare with what Hadija is saying here, "Second to this is the way mwalimu Gilbert Kutta is trying to defense the sexual offenders and especially his brother-in-law Robert Butahe whom Queen she identify him by name." ------ this only shows Hadija that she needs to think twice as she wants to disguise in the pretex of defending this Queen's dad in Boston!
6. Mh! Now this is very interesting! ----- "When I talked to Queen’s dad in Boston, he made it very clear that he, as a loving and caring dad," !!!!!! ???? ------ Very loving and caring dad he is that now Queen is not at his good care any more! Let alone his Own mother in who is far away from her loving caring Country in the United Stated States! ---- I wonder! This Queen's loving and caring Queen's dad is inthe same City with his real mother who made him to become a Citizen of the City, yet Hadija blames other people far away who did Care for his Mother, and him in an exceptional manner while she and he was here in Tanzania! !!!! What Shame! ----- I actualy did warn this anonymous contributor and one dedicated to defame me and my family in the name of being my student that she should try not to put dirt in her own drinking water!
... To continue!
continuing ------
7 Please do note that I do not live in Dar es salaam neither am I a high ranking Government Official! Now, It is me who is responding to all this out come of Queen's Presentation and now Hadija! Kindly do not put others in the show whom you realy do not know! -----
Reading this, "The family which is posting itself as descent and rich their mother is homeless in USA streets? Where is Wanyenda Kutta who is rich in Dar-es-salaam and high officer in Tanzania government asking her own mother to go live in USA streets.
Source:" --- I want you to kindly apologize in public or come to light with your true address so that we can solve this better in court! Not providing your true Identity here as I did only will show to the world that you ar very deceitful and should bear the sahme of your contributions in this blog!
Regards to all!
Rev. Gilbert Kutta
+255766551733, Morogoro -Tanzania!
7 Please do note that I do not live in Dar es salaam neither am I a high ranking Government Official! Now, It is me who is responding to all this out come of Queen's Presentation and now Hadija! Kindly do not put others in the show whom you realy do not know! -----
Reading this, "The family which is posting itself as descent and rich their mother is homeless in USA streets? Where is Wanyenda Kutta who is rich in Dar-es-salaam and high officer in Tanzania government asking her own mother to go live in USA streets.
Source:" --- I want you to kindly apologize in public or come to light with your true address so that we can solve this better in court! Not providing your true Identity here as I did only will show to the world that you ar very deceitful and should bear the sahme of your contributions in this blog!
Regards to all!
Rev. Gilbert Kutta
+255766551733, Morogoro -Tanzania!
"Nawaomba Radhi na nawataka kama mlivyonilazimisha kujitokeza sasa Wawajibijishwe wote waliomsaidia Queen kumlea huko Marekani hadi kukosa maadili hivi wahojiwe tujue nia yao!"......from -;
Nashukuru kwa kunisaidia kuweka wazi hili tatizo na mimi namalizia kutuma maoni yangu juu ya uzushi huu toka kwa Mtoto wangu Queen kwa kumtaka ajitokeze hadharani kubatilisha uvumi wake aliousambaza ndani ya blog yake, atoe tamko la kukazia hoja yake ama sivyo naiomba Dunia imwelewe kuwa kapotoka kimaadili, na wote wanaomsaidia hawana nia njema kwa Taifa letu Tanzania!
Mungu Ibariki Tanzania!
Rev.Gilbert Kutta!
rnaioth@yahoo,com; +255766551733
Dar es salaam -Tanzania.
ITS ME, Rev. Gilbert Phillip Kutta
WhatsAup +255719755397; 07/03/2017
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