Yaani hii inachekesha. Huyo mama, Yvonne Pampellonne (30) pichani alijifanya mtu mwingine na alitumia credit card ya huyo mtu kujipatia matiti! Madaktari walimshutukia wakati hakuonekana kwenye appointment zake mara baada ya kuwekewa (Follow up). Kituko kimetokea Huntington Beach, California.
Anatafutwa na polisi na matiti yake feki! Sijui wakimkamata watazitoa! Ukimwona piga simu polisi (714) 536-5959.
Cops: Woman Sought for Stealing Breast Implants
March 24, 2009
HUNTINGTON BEACH -- Police are searching for a 30-year-old woman accused of stealing someone's identity and a pair of new breast implants.
Yvonne Pampellonne is accused of using a fake id to pay for liposuction and new breast implants valued at more than $12,000.
According to Huntington Beach police, Pampellonne opened a line of credit in someone else's name in September 2008.
Huntington Beach police detective Larry Pitcher said Pampellone lied to her doctor and the staff at the Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery about her name and other personal identification.
She used the credit to have the procedures done and never showed up for any follow-up appointments, Pitcher said.
Employees at the plastic surgery center identified Pampellonne based on a photo line-up.
A $20,000 arrest warrant has been issued for Pampellonne's arrest on charges of commercial burglary, grand theft and identity theft.
Pampellonee has had several traffic related convictions, including driving on a suspended or revoked license and driving without proof of insurance.
Anyone with information about Pampellonne's whereabouts was asked to call Huntington Beach Police at (714) 536-5959.
Kwa habari zaidi tembelea:
Duh!, dunia ina mambo!!!
Wengine wanasumbuliwa na hizo matiti feki, yakimsumbua atafanyaje? Hawezi kwenda kwa daktari!
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