Jamani, leo naongelea mambo nyeti. Kwa hiyo nyie watoto wadogo...ONDOKENI!
Kuna huo mchezo katika ngono wa kumfurahisha mpenzi kwa kunyonya huko sehemu za siri. Sasa wataalamu wanasema kuwa mwanaume anaweza kuambukizwa HPV, yaani virusi vinavyosababisha ugonjwa wa kansa ya kizazi.
Mungu atunusuru, kwanza tunaambiwa kuwa wanaume wanaweza kuambukiza wanawake hiyo HPV na kusababisha kansa ya kizazi. Sasa wanaume nao wanaweza kuambukizwa na kupata kansa ya koo na mdomo! Duh!
Licha ya HPV kuna HIV unaosababisha ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Nadhani mwisho watu wataishia kujifurahisha wenyewe maana magonjwa yamezidi! Kila siku kuna kipya!
Nawashauri kila mwaka mfanye physical check-up. Kwa wanawake in maana mfanye Pap Smear, hapo watajua kama una HPV au la. Daktari anakata kipande cha mlango wa kizazi (cerivx) na kuipima. Uzuri unatibika ukikamatwa mapema.
ATLANTA (AP) -- The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men, according to a new study.
The HPV virus now causes as many cancers of the upper throat as tobacco and alcohol, probably due both to an increase in oral sex and the decline in smoking, researchers say.
The only available vaccine against HPV, made by Merck & Co. Inc., is currently given only to girls and young women. But Merck plans this year to ask government permission to offer the shot to boys.
Experts say a primary reason for male vaccinations would be to prevent men from spreading the virus and help reduce the nearly 12,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in U.S. women each year. But the new study should add to the argument that there may be a direct benefit for men, too.
"We need to start having a discussion about those cancers other than cervical cancer that may be affected in a positive way by the vaccine," said study co-author Dr. Maura Gillison of Johns Hopkins University.
The study was published Friday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. It also can cause genital warts, penile and anal cancer -- risks for males that generally don't get the same attention as cervical cancer.
Previous research by Gillison and others established HPV as a primary cause of the estimated 5,600 cancers that occur each year in the tonsils, lower tongue and upper throat. It's also been known that the virus' role in such cancers has been rising.
The new study looked at more than 30 years of National Cancer Institute data on oral cancers. Researchers categorized about 46,000 cases, using a formula to divide them into those caused by HPV and those not connected to the virus.
They concluded the incidence rates for HPV-related oral cancers rose steadily in men from 1973 to 2004, becoming about as common as those from tobacco and alcohol.
The good news is that survival rates for the cancer are also increasing. That's because tumors caused by HPV respond better to chemotherapy and radiation, Gillison said.
"If current trends continue, within the next 10 years there may be more oral cancers in the United States caused by HPV than tobacco or alcohol," Gillison said.
Studies suggest oral sex is associated with HPV-related oral cancers, but a cause-effect relationship has not been proved. Other researchers have suggested that even unwashed hands can spread it to the mouth as well.
Gillison pointed toward sex as an explanation for the increase in male upper throat cancers. However, HPV-related upper throat cancers declined significantly in women from 1973 to 2004.
Merck's vaccine, approved for girls in 2006, is a three-dose series priced at about $360. It is designed to protect against four types of HPV, including one associated with oral cancer.
Merck has been testing the vaccine in an international study, but it is focused on anal and penile cancer and genital warts, not oral cancers, said Kelley Dougherty, a Merck spokeswoman.
"We are continuing to consider additional areas of study that focus on both female and male HPV diseases and cancers," Dougherty said.
Merck officials praised Gillison's research, saying it will elevate the importance of HPV-related oral cancers.
Government officials and the American Cancer Society say they don't know yet whether Merck's vaccine will be successful at preventing disease in men. No data from the company's study are available yet.
Indeed, it's not clear yet that the vaccine even prevents the HPV infection in males, let alone cancer or any other illness, said Debbie Saslow of the American Cancer Society.
Merck plans to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for the vaccine in men later this year, meaning a government decision would be likely in 2009
Dada Chemi, unafurahisha..
Hilo ni somo muhimu sana kwetu sisi, hususan kina dada..
Huu ugonjwa umeingia sana huku Europe, kiasi ya kwamba kwa nchi ya Ireland, serikali imeamua kuweka database ya WANAWAKE WOTE WANAOISHI IRELAND, ambao hawajapimwa haya maradhi.
Kila baada ya kipindi cha mwaka hivi, serikali ya ireland kupitia kwa wizara ya afya inawapelekea wanawake wote barua ya wazi, na info kuwahimiza kupima gonjwa hili, na lets say unaignore basi wanakutumia barua ya kukumbusha, na ukipima tu your info inaonekana kwenye database yao kama umefanya hivyo.
If you're one of those squeamish people it would be best if you remained ignorant of what genital warts look like. You might want to read the information gathered on thia site, but if the thought of anything to do with your bodily functions leaves you nauseous, you should avoid these completely.
Ignorance really is best in this case and if you believe you might be suffering from genital warts and want to know what genital warts look like you might be better off gathering the courage to go see your doctor instead, to confirm or deny that you have genital warts.
Sometimes the direct approach is the best, and this way you will also be assured of getting the necessary treatment. And if you really want to see what genital warts look like, you can always go back to any of these sites.
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on Genital Warts for years. For more information on genital warts look like, visit his site at GENITAL WARTS LOOK LIKE
Kuna wanawake hawaridhiki mpaka ulimi umeenda huko. Sasa hii ni balaa!
Piga ua galagaza, lakini chumvini lazima niende !! kama ni domo cancer poa tu wandugu !!!
Da Chemi asante sana kwa post yako hii. Mi ninafikiri tatizo hili litawakumba wazinzi, ila kama mtu ameoa mke/wake zake wa ndoa na wakawa wamepima tatizo hakuna kabisa. Maana mnapokuwa kwenye ndoa nia ni kufurahishana na kila mtu ana njia yake tofauti ya kumfanya afurahie uroda. Cha msingi ni kwamba wajameni fanyeni ngono na wake ama waume zenu mnaowaamini na ambao mmedhibitishwa ya kwamba hamna magonjwa ya zinaa. Chumvi mama ina raha yake maana kuna wengine bila kufanya ama kufanyiwa hivyo yaani shughuli nzima inakuwa kama vile ni zero. Haya hayo ndo yangu kwa leo jamani. Lakini ushauri wa Da Chemi uzingatiwe.
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