Wadau, kijana Edward Rupia, ana miaka 12.( Pichani yuko na Hasheem Thabit) Namfahamu tangu azaliwe. Wazazi wake ni waTanzania Godfrey na Bupe Rupia. Kwa sasa anakaa na mzazi moja tu, mama yake. Baba yake yuko Tanzania.
Naomba wadau wenye moyo msaidie kusudi aweze kwenda kuwa Student Ambassador, huenda ndo Obama wa kesho.
March 27, 2008
Edward Rupia
27 Langen RD
Lancaster, MA
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Edward Rupia, and I am a 6th-grade student at Browning Elementary School in Lancaster. I was recently interviewed and accepted to participate as a member of the People to People Student Ambassador Program to Holland this summer. The objective of the program is to promote international understanding while building leadership skills among America's youth. The 20-day experience includes meetings with government officials, interaction with other students my age, educational activities, and compete in basketball-sanctioned tournament.
I am currently seeking financial sponsors to help me with tuition, and hope I can count on your support. In case you haven't heard of People to People, please allow me to share some history with you. President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded the organization in 1956. He believed that if people from different cultures could come together in peace and friendship, so eventually would countries. Since its founding, People to People has launched many international programs, including Sister Cities and Project HOPE.
People to People Student Ambassadors are carefully interviewed and evaluated before their acceptance and I am honored to have been selected. Personally, I am looking forward to broadening my perspectives of the world and gaining a better understanding of Western European history. Upon my return, I plan to share my experience with schools and civic clubs in our community. As an Ambassador, I can also earn high school and college credit because of the many educational elements in my program.
The program tuition is $5,600, which includes all transportation, accommodations, meals and educational activities. I am asking any contributors to each donate any amount to help me reach my goal. Is it possible for you to assist me by making a contribution? Any amount of contribution would be appreciated. I will plan to give a speech and share my journal, photographs, and experiences with contributors upon my return.
My program tuition is due May 5, 2008. Check may be made payable to people to people ambassador. Please feel free to contact me at 978-413-0235 if you need more information. Your generous contribution would enable me to share in this wonderful opportunity. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Sincerely yours,
Edward Rupia
Student Ambassador
Naomba wadau wenye moyo msaidie kusudi aweze kwenda kuwa Student Ambassador, huenda ndo Obama wa kesho.
March 27, 2008
Edward Rupia
27 Langen RD
Lancaster, MA
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Edward Rupia, and I am a 6th-grade student at Browning Elementary School in Lancaster. I was recently interviewed and accepted to participate as a member of the People to People Student Ambassador Program to Holland this summer. The objective of the program is to promote international understanding while building leadership skills among America's youth. The 20-day experience includes meetings with government officials, interaction with other students my age, educational activities, and compete in basketball-sanctioned tournament.
I am currently seeking financial sponsors to help me with tuition, and hope I can count on your support. In case you haven't heard of People to People, please allow me to share some history with you. President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded the organization in 1956. He believed that if people from different cultures could come together in peace and friendship, so eventually would countries. Since its founding, People to People has launched many international programs, including Sister Cities and Project HOPE.
People to People Student Ambassadors are carefully interviewed and evaluated before their acceptance and I am honored to have been selected. Personally, I am looking forward to broadening my perspectives of the world and gaining a better understanding of Western European history. Upon my return, I plan to share my experience with schools and civic clubs in our community. As an Ambassador, I can also earn high school and college credit because of the many educational elements in my program.
The program tuition is $5,600, which includes all transportation, accommodations, meals and educational activities. I am asking any contributors to each donate any amount to help me reach my goal. Is it possible for you to assist me by making a contribution? Any amount of contribution would be appreciated. I will plan to give a speech and share my journal, photographs, and experiences with contributors upon my return.
My program tuition is due May 5, 2008. Check may be made payable to people to people ambassador. Please feel free to contact me at 978-413-0235 if you need more information. Your generous contribution would enable me to share in this wonderful opportunity. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Sincerely yours,
Edward Rupia
Student Ambassador
Wakenya wangemfanyia huyo kijana HARAMBEE! Hebu changamkeni. Mbona hatusiti kuchanga kama ni party enye mapombe. Hii jambo zuri sana.
Be a good Ambassodor, Master Rupia.
I'm very impressed. Tumezoea kusikia vito vya bongo vimeharibika Marekani. Huyo anafanya la maana. Tumchangie. Hii habari peleka kwa Michuzi pia Da Chemi ana audience kubwa.
Jinsi alivyoandika hiyo requst..mhh. kama kule nyumbani ni maombi ya kazi ya post ya director.. Kweli kuna tofauti kubwa kati ya elimu ya watoto tunaowalea kule nyumbani na wale waliopata bahati ya kuvuka maji..Inabidi Africa tukubali tumeshindwa ili tuwe na hasira ya kujinyanyua hapo tulipo..kugombana na mafisadi kwenye magazeti hakusaidii ..inatakiwa wote tuwe na hasira ya maendeleo..tuchukie umasikini ndani ya mioyo yetu..God bless Africa!!
Chemi siupitishe mchango kwa ma celebrity wenzio wa Hollywood ni ngumu uko ukienda kwenye scene
Kwa nini tusimjangie kama kijana wetu Mtanzania? Ndo hiyo mentality ya kusuburi donors wa nchi za nje. Ndo maana hatuendelee. Angekuwa Mnigeria au Mkenya watu wangemshamchangia.
Hivi nyie wabeba mabox si huwa mnatupigia kelele kila siku, kwamba mna mapesa, tena us dollar sio hela za madafu, sasa inakuwaje haka katoto mnakaacha kanakuja kulia lia kwenye blog, hamkachangii mara moja,jee hamuoni aibu sie walavumbi tukiwasaidia kuchangia? Sasa jamani kunafaida gani yakwenda huko marekani, kama mnashindwa kusaidiana kwenye mambo muhimu kama hayo! Sisi wala vumbi huku tufanye kazi ya kuwasomesha shule za msingi wadogo zenu, basi pia kwa vijisent hivi hivi (sio kama vya chenge) tuwatumie na nyie?! Alaa hem kuweni na aibu kidogo, kasaidieni hako katoto, kako bright sana,au mnakaonea donge, labda hakata beba mabox kama nyie kakisoma?!
Jamani yaani tu dola 2,600 tu! Hee si box za wiki 4 tu au...?
Lakini wabongo ndo zetu, michango yetu ni kitchen party, vikao vya harusi, pombe, na misiba!
Maana hapo mngesikia huyo kijana amefairiki, aah haraka haraka dola za kusafirisha maiti zingepatikana, lakini kwenda kusoma aah kila mtu anajidai changieni! Sasa we da chemi kila siku watwambia sijui umeshirki kwenye cinema hii mara hii, hivi ndo ukashindwa kumpiga tafu huyo dogo, mpaka umuanike hapa?!
Ama kweli "Jivuli la mvule hifunika walo mbali"
Samahani kwa swali, hivi ubalozi wetu hauna fungu la kusaidia mambo kama haya?
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