Katibu Tawala wa Mkoa wa Iringa, Getrude Mpaka (anayecheka) akiwa ndani ya kiwanda cha Crispo cha Iringa kinachotengeneza viazi vya kutafuna pamoja na Bodi ya wakurugenzi ya DANIDA iliyofadhili kiwanda hicho kupitia mpango wa B2B . Picha hii ni kwa hisani ya Frank Leonard ambaye ana makazi yake kwa watani zangu wala mnyama.
Haya wapenzi wa crisps/potato chips mtafaidi sasa. Kiwanda cha kutengeneza snacks tamu kimefunguliwa huko Iringa. Frito Lay na Utz mlie tu.Mlioko huko Bongo hebu tuambie ladhaa ikoje. Nina imani zitakuwa tamu sana na zenye 'quality' safi.
Lakini natumani haitakuwa kama kile kiwanda cha SIHA mikate. Wadau mnaoikumbuka. Ilikuwa lazima itumie unga ngano kutoka Canada tu ndo mkate iwe nzuri. Je, hiki kiwanda cha Iringa kinatumia viazi kutoka wapi?
Umenikumbusha mikate ya SIHA ilikuwa mitamu! Mwalimu alivyowalazimsha kutumia ule unga mweusi wa Bongo mitambo iliharibika!
kweli watu wanafanana mi nilidhani dr Mary Nagu. duh watu wana plan jamani mpk kiwanda cha crips i like ubunifu kama huu, ebu na sie watz tuamke jamani sio kuiga biashara inafanywa na flani na wewe unataka ujaribu hiyo hiyo.
Kwa vile si mtaalam wa masuala haya, nina dukuduku kuhusu vyakula vya aina hii, kama nilivyoeleza hapa
JUNK FOOD! Watoto watalishwa crisps mpaka wanapata marasmus na kwashiokor!
Ah! we acha tu! tutasahau wapi SIHA? wengine sie ndo tulikuwa wapangafoleni zote za ration na mikate wa familia, tukigoma basi hali mtu! dada anaonekana mkubwa wadogo wanaonekana wadogo mie ndo kajamba nani! saa ingine unapanga foleni ukifika karibu mikate imeisha! Inauziii!
Our core problem is NOT having industries in our country as we had many after our independence but only few have survived to date.
The main issue with 'us' is how to maintain them and subsequently make them produce high quality products at competitive price.
Needless to say, today's fragile market needs all of above. But unfortunately all of them go against our 'culture' as a nation. Shame to point out, as a country; we lack quality as well as maintenance in our culture’s vocabularies to say the least.
While I'm 110% supporting manufacturing sector as a springboard for [our] economic betterment, caution has to be made on health side of the crisps as mentioned by previous honourable contributors. In many cases, crisps are produced with unhealthy amount of ingredients such as salt and unsaturated oils. We know crisps are kids’ friend! If we’re not careful enough, 20 years down the line, the nation would have unhealthy ‘Nguvu Kazi’ which again would add burden to our already over- stretched health services!
I’m adamant our crisps industry will be different! Different in a sense that it will offer something that is focused on our needs as a country. And my hope, just like all well-wishers is for this industry to play a big part in improving people’s life and not being one of those ‘tax evaders’.
Jua Kali
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