Mwandishi wa habari maarufu wa Somalia, Said Talil Ahmed, ameuwawa jana huko Mogadishu. Bwana Ahmed alikuwa Mkurugenzi wa HornAfrik Radio. Habari zinasema kuwa Bwana Ahmed alikuwa anaelekea kwenye mkutano na waandishi wa habari wengine ndipo wakataokea 'waislamu wenye siasa kali' (islamic fundamentalists) na kumwua.
Wadau, tunajua jinsi Somalia ilivyokosa uongozi na amani kwa miaka mingi. Siku hizi ni jambo la kawaidia kusikia watu wamelipuliwa na mabomu au kupigwa risasi ovyo. Tangu Siad Barre, aondolewe hali huko Somalia umekuwa ovyo!
Mola ailaze roho yake mahala pema peponi. Amin.
Kutoka CNN.com
Kutoka CNN.com
From Mohammed Amiin Adow For CNN
(CNN) -- A prominent Somali journalist was shot and killed by suspected Islamist gunmen in broad daylight on Wednesday, as one of his colleagues watched in horror.
(CNN) -- A prominent Somali journalist was shot and killed by suspected Islamist gunmen in broad daylight on Wednesday, as one of his colleagues watched in horror.
The journalist who witnessed the assassination of Said Tahlil Ahmed in Mogadishu said the two gunmen also intended to kill others.
"First, they shot him in the back and then one of the armed men came over him and fired more shots into his head to finish him off," he said. "One of the gunmen was shouting, 'Kill the other one,' which they meant another one of us."
The journalist did not want his name released for security reasons.
Tahlil, the director of independent HornAfrik Radio and host of a popular radio talk show, was on his way to a meeting that had been called by the Islamist militia Al-Shabaab, when gunmen from the group attacked him, his colleague said.
The National Union of Somali Journalists issued a statement strongly condemning Tahlil's assassination, which it blamed on Al-Shabaab -- a radical Islamist militia that controls parts of Mogadishu and four regions in southern Somalia.
"This is an outrageous and appalling assassination," said NUSOJ Secretary-General Omar Faruk Osman, in a prepared statement. "Said Tahlil Ahmed was assassinated because of his strong and professional commitment for independent journalism."
The surviving journalist -- who suffered injuries to his legs after he fell down while fleeing the attack -- said Al-Shabaab had called for a meeting with Mogadishu radio station directors, but the group would not say what the meeting was about, according to the witness and NUSOJ.
"This is absolutely shocking and the journalists in Mogadishu are in a state of fear," the journalist said. "We are extremely worried about our safety."
Local radio and television stations in the Somali capital had been broadcasting live coverage of last week's Somali presidential election held in Djibouti, which many Islamist groups -- including Al-Shabaab -- have rejected.
Al-Shabaab has imposed harsh Islamic law, or sharia, in the areas of Somalia that it controls. It seized the city of Baidoa, where the transitional government is based, preventing the newly elected government from returning to Somalia.
Last year, the United States put Al-Shabaab on its list of terrorist organizations because of its ties to al Qaeda.
Tahlil is the second journalist to be murdered in Somalia this year. Militias shot and killed Hassan Mayow Hassan, a reporter for Shabelle Radio, on January 1 in the agricultural town of Afgoye.
The Committee to Protect Journalists lists Somalia as the seventh most deadly nation in the world for journalists. Members of the news media work under duress there amid a war between a weak transitional government and insurgents, the committee said, and 10 Somali journalists have been killed in the last two years.
Tahlil's predecessor, HornAfrik chairman Ali Iman Sharke, was killed by a roadside bomb in Mogadishu in 2007, after he had returned from the funeral of another radio director who was killed on the same day by unknown gunmen in Mogadishu.
Shabelle radio's acting director, Bashir Nor Gedi, was also killed in 2007 near his home in Mogadishu by unknown gunmen
chemi wewe ni mwandishi mzoefu. usipotoshwe na vyombo vya kimagharibi kwa kuutukana uislam. hao ni wauwaji kama wauwaji wengine sio waislamu wenye siasa kali. muuwaji akiuwa mtu haitumiki dini yake kubatiza jina. kwa mfano LRA wanauwa watu huko uganda mbna hawaitwi wakristo wa siasa kali? kuna uhusiano gani wa dini na makosa ya jinai?
dini zote zinapinga maovu hivyo mtu akiuwa asiitwe kwa dini yake. kule agola kulikuwa na savimbi akiuwa watu miaka kadhaa hakuitwa mkristo muuwa watu akiitwa kwa jina lake mbona akiwa muislamu mnapotosha.
hii ni propaganda ya kimagharibi ya kuuchafua uislamu kwa kuuhusisha na wahalufi wenye dini hiyo. sisi tunasema mhalifu hana dini ni mhalifu tu na atambuliwe kwa jina lake sio dini yake kwa sababu hakuna dini inayoamrisha mauwaji.
nataraji maelezo haya yatakusaidia katika kurekebisha lugha zako. naamini kwa elimu yako tutaona mabadiliko huko baadae.
Mwandishi wa hizi habari ni Mohammed Amiin Adow. Yeye ni mwislamu na yeye anasema hao waliomwua wana siasa zao za dini.
Inasikitisha kuona mtu anaua katika jina la dini iwe usilamu, ukristo, uhindi, upagani nk.
Mtu ametolewa uhai wake kikatili!
Mola amlaze mahala pema peponi. Amin.
hayo ndo mambo ya dini, yani ukiwa mdini unashida sana hofu ya Mungu kuwa ni vibaya haipo. bali mtu anajali maslahi ya dini tu ndo yanapelekea watu wafanye upuuzi. Mungu atunusuru na maudini dini haya. tuwe wacha Mungu kweli nakumwogopa Mungu na sio dini au dhehebu maana ukiangalia ni ubaguzi mtupu kila mtu kujiona ni bora kuliko mwenzake hazitupeleki peponi kama hatukakuwa wacha Mungu kweli kweli.
mimi sikubalianai na mwandishi wa kwnza hapo juu eti dini zote zina pinga maouvi .kwa maoni angu nasema si kweli sababu uislamu kwa kile nilichojifunza through a third hand info (inawezekana labda si kweli -samahani kama ni uzushi tuu wa watu wanaojaribu kupaka matope uislamu) but the truth of the matter is uislamu haupingi mauaji kwa sababu umeruhusu muumini wake kuilinda dini kwa njia zoote zile hata kufa ikibidi, au kuua in the name of god a mean kuupotect ule u-holliness wa allah kwa gharama zoote zile hata ikibidi kufa au kuua na nafikii kama ukitekeleza hili agizo ,ofcourse in consistenc with the povisions of the koran and the will of allah,una-guarantee za thawabu kutoka kwa allah.
kwa kweli hili suala limenifana nijiulize kila mara juu uislam hii ni almight God gani anahitaji kulindwa na mwanadamu? it's kinda hard to comprehend,just the fact that God would need an ami of faithful followers to defend him or his word kweli nashindwa kabisa hapa.And worse still ,kila nikisikia habari za wanamgambo au zile islamic paramilitari wings -jinsi wanavo-claim nazidi kuchangannikiwa na the kind of islamic image being displa ed to non muslims.
mtoa mada samahani kama nitakuwa nimekosea ktk maelezo angu.please usisite kunielimisha kama nimepotosha umma.
Ila Dada unaniudhi, huyo Mwandishi wa Magharibi amesema SUSPECTED MUSLIM...
Wewe unatoa wapi haki ya kusema ameuawa na Waislamu wenye siasa kali?
Mi nahisi ulaya wanatakiwa kuwanyima ukimbizi hao wasomali ili waache kuuwana huko kwao
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