Marehemu Maggie Delvaux-Mufu, aliamua kujitoa roho mbele za umati wa watu huko Luxembourg baada ya kuchoka na ubaguzi uliokumba yeye na familia yake huko. Kabla ya kujimwagia petroli na kuwasha kibiriti alipiga simu kwenye vyombo vya habari na kuwaelezea nia yake. Bila shaka wengine walimcheka. Lakini polisi walitumwa kumtafuta. Aliamua kujiwasha kabla ya kufika sehemu alipowambia. Kisa alisema kachoka ubaguzi. Yeye na mume wake walikuwa wamenunua gereji lakini walishindwa kuisajili kutokana na ubaguzi wa rangi. Hali yao kifedha ilikuwa duni.
Alikuwa ameambatana na mume wake. Nashangaa huyo mume alikubali muke wake afanye hivyo. Kwa nini yeye hakujichoma moto? Si ajabu kashaoa mwanamke mwingine!
Baada ya tukio alitembelea hospitali na moja wa familia ya wafalme Grand Duchess.
Wazungu huko Luxembourg walijiuliza, hivi kuna ubaguzi kweli Luxembourg haiwezekani. Tukio la huyo mama umesaidia kuonyesha dunia kuwa UBAGUZI UPO!
Marehemu Maggie alijiua Agosti mwaka 2004. Ajabu hivi karibuni ndo habari za tukio zimeanza kuongelea tena na kusambaa duniani baada ya kuchapishwa kwenye gazeti moja huko New York ya 'Media Take-Out" Sijui walikosa cha kuandika Walibadilisha tarehe ya tukio na kusema ilitokea 2007 badala ya 2004.
Belgians shoppers in the middle of Place d’Armes, Luxembourg City were witness to the most horrendous sight of a woman caught on fire by her own doing in protest of perceived racism against her. The 44 year old Belgian of Congolese descent is now in Bon Secours hospital in Metz fighting for her life. The Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited her there.What could have driven this woman to take this desperate act to be heard and seen? Is it that the pain of exclusion, of racial discrimination could be more painful for her that hot fire burning her skin?
Belgians shoppers in the middle of Place d’Armes, Luxembourg City were witness to the most horrendous sight of a woman caught on fire by her own doing in protest of perceived racism against her. The 44 year old Belgian of Congolese descent is now in Bon Secours hospital in Metz fighting for her life. The Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited her there.What could have driven this woman to take this desperate act to be heard and seen? Is it that the pain of exclusion, of racial discrimination could be more painful for her that hot fire burning her skin?
Maggie Delvaux-Mufu, a mother of three in her forties, and her husband had been facing financial difficulties, alerted several national newspapers late on Tuesday morning last week that she would be burning herself alive on place des Martyrs at 12.45 am, before setting out accompanied by her husband to walk through the centre of town to her macabre rendezvous.
The police were alerted and officers were deployed to the Rousegärtchen. But the woman changed her plan when she came across a group of journalists gathered to cover an event organized by the ‘Movement écologique’ on Place d’Armes, opposite the Cercle municipal. She soaked herself in petrol before confronting the members of the press, announcing that she was about to sacrifice her life to protest against racism. Moments later, she struck a match, turning herself into a human torch in front of hundreds of people.
The 42-year-old Belgian citizen and her husband had been facing financial difficulties. They had recently indebted themselves by buying a Citroën garage in Oberwampach, before realizing they were missing the documents that would allow them to set up a business.
Delvaux-Mufu wrote a letter to Le Jeudi recounting her story of bureaucratic difficulties and economic despair. “I’m against all forms of violence, but day after day, my family and I have to endure moral violence, discrimination, insults and much more from Mr Juncker’s administration”, she said in the letter published last week.
Nakubaliana nawe kuwa mume alikuwa na lake jambo manake haiiniingii akilini kwa yeye kukubaliana na uamuzi wa mkewe kujiteketeza na kisha kujidai kukimbilia "kumwokoa" wakati moto ulipopamba. Well, huyo mama inawezekana alitaka kufikisha ujumbe - lakini kujitoa uhai na kuwaacha watoto bila malezi ya mama haukuwa uamuzi wa busara. Kuna namna nyingine ya kuprotest other than losing your life. Ikumbukwe you only live once on this earth!
kyoma, hata mimi nilifikiria kuwa huyo mama alikuwa na lake. Kujua utacha watoto watatu bila mama si kawaida. Huenda alikuwa na matatizo ya akili pia. Lakini amefanikiwa kumwulika macho ya dunia kwenye ubaguzi huko Luxembourg. Kifo chake haijawa bure.
Kifo cha kuungua moto kibaya kweli. Rest in Peace.
wewe chemi nawe bora ukapimwe akili tuu. Akili zako hazina tofauti sana na huyu aliyejiwesha moto.
Walitakiwa kufanya utafiti kabla ya kukopa au kununua hiyo biashara. Inawezekana sio ubaguzi.
Tatizo ni kuwa waliingia ktk biashara 'kichwakichwa' kwa lugha ya mtaani.
Kila nchi ina taratibu zake na yeye alikuwa sio m-luxembourg (bali mbelgiji?!). Kama mtu sio mzawa taratibu za kuanzisha biashara ni tofauti na za mzawa. hata kwetu Tanzania, mtanzania anaweza kuanzisha biashara kirahisi lakini Mkongo akitaka kuanza biashara hiyohiyo Tanzania atafuata taratibu ndefu.
Kwa hiyo naona walikosea kujiingiza ktk biashara kubwa au kukopa hela kubwa bila kutafiti utaratibu na sheria za nchi pia huenda hawakumtumia mwanasheria!
Suala la ubaguzi lipo ila ktk mkasa huu huenda ni kutojua taratibu za nchi husika ndio kulimponza mama huyu!
Nimefanya uchunguzi na hiyo kesi. Huyo mama hakufa papo hapo. Alikufa baada ya siku nne. Lazima aliteseka sana. Kama umewahi kuungua japo sehemu ndogo unajua ni maumivu makali. Hapa USA mtu aliyeungua sana wanamwinduce coma kusudi asisikie maumivu.
Huyo mama alijimwagia petroli. Hivyo alijua chensi ya kupona ni ndogo. Jamani.
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