Hivi sasa analelewa na wapenzi wa wanyama huko Georgia
Six-legged fawn is recovering at West Rome Animal Clinic in Rome, Ga. after sustaining minor injuries this weekend from two dogs in Everett Springs, Goergia. Due to the injuries, one of its two tails had to be amputated. The fawn has two distinct pelvises and uses one leg from each pelvis to walk seen Monday, July 21, 2008. (AP Photo)
DAH! Anatisha!
Aisei, wachawai wa hapa kwetu wanamtafuta huy mnyama. Viungo hivyo vingekuwa mali kuliko vya albino.
hiyo ni picha ya kweli au feki. si unajua siku hizi sirahisi kuyatumbua wala kuyathibitisha.
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