Leo wataalam wametangaza kuwa Bibi Gertude Baines (pichani), mwenye miaka 114 ni mtu mzee kuliko wote duniani. Bibi Baines, ni mtoto wa watumwa. Alizaliwa mwaka 1894 huko Atlanta, Georgia.
Kwa sasa anakaa Los Angeles,California kwenye nyumba ya wazee.
Ni baraka kuweza kuishi muda wote huo tena katika karne tatu! 1800's, 1900's, 2000's. Ila wakati mwingine nafikiria kuna wakati utakuwa mpweke hasa ukifikiria watu wote uliokuwa unawafahamu wamekwisha kufa.
Hivi huko Afrika hakuna watu wenye umri mkubwa hivyo? Maana naona hao wataalam wanachunguza nchi zilizoendelea na hata siku moja sijasikia walienda Afrika kuchunguza.
Namtakia Bibi Baines, maisha marefu zaidi. Mungu amlinde.
Na kitu kingine, hapa Marekani kuna usemi "Black Don't Crack!" yaani ngozi nyeusi haivunjiki. Wana maana kuwa watu weusi hawazeeki kama wazungu ambao ngozi yao inasinyaa vibaya.
Wadau, kama mnafahamu watu wenye umri mkubwa zaidi ya miaka 100 hebu tutoe ripoti kwa hao wanaojiita watalaam wa umri waingie kwenye record books.
Najua watu wanatania, au kuna mzee fulani asubuhi tunamtoa na kumanika juani. Je, ana miaka mingapi?
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Gertrude Baines, ma 114-year-old California resident, will likely be crowned the world's oldest woman, according to the organization that keeps track of such honors.
Gertrude Baines told CNN two years ago that she has taken good care of herself, "the way (God) wanted me to."
The previous oldest woman was Maria de Jesus, who died this week in Portugal at age 115, Guinness World Records said.
Baines -- born to former slaves in a small town south of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1894 -- now lives in a Los Angeles nursing home.
Baines appeared cheerful and talkative when the Los Angeles Times interviewed her in November as she cast her vote for Barack Obama for president, whom she said she supported because "he's for the colored people."
"I'm glad we're getting a colored man in there," she said.
Baines apparently prefers using the older term for her race. She was well into her 70s when "African-American" became the common reference in the United States. Watch Baines speak to CNN
She told the Times she spends most of her time "doing nothing but eating and sleeping."
When CNN interviewed Baines two years ago, she was asked to explain why she thought she has lived so long.
"God. Ask him. I took good care of myself, the way he wanted me to," Baines said.
Her only child, a daughter, died of typhoid fever at age 18.
Much of her long life was lived in Ohio, where she worked as a "house mom" at a state university. She eventually divorced and traveled to Los Angeles, where she retired.
Baines will not officially be given the title until after Guinness World Records completes an investigation, the organization said.
"Maria was crowned the world's Oldest Living Woman by Guinness World Records on 28 December upon the death of Edna Parker," the group said.
Parker -- an American -- was 115 years, 220 days old when she died November 26, 2008, in an Indiana nursing home, it said.
Kijijini nilikotoka mimi kuna mzee ambaye alikuwa mtoto mwenye fahamu za kumbukumbu wakati wajerumani wanaingia kilimanjaro kati ya mwaka 1880 na 1890.Huyu mzee bado yu hai
Kwa wenye habari za wazee hao wenye umri mkubwa wanaweza kuwasliana na Guinness Book of Records:
Huyo bibi haonekani kama ana miaka zaidi ya 70! Kweli Marekani watu wanatunzwa!
Mbona yule mzulu ana 130 na kitu. Au sababu ni Africa?
Si ndio! Hao 'wataalam' wanatakiwa waseme oldest person in North America na siyo the world.
Gertrude Baines votes for Obama
dada chemi naamini wapo wazee wenye umri mkubwa lakini tatizo wengi hawajui miaka yao, kutokana na elimu au kupoteza kumbukumbu, mimi nilishiriki ktk kuandisha daftari la kudumu la kupiga kura wazee wengi waliokuwa wanakuja kuandikisha walikua hawajui umri wao baadhi wanaweza wanakumbuka tukio la miaka hiyo kama ilikuwa njaa anasema nilizaliwa wakat wa njaa n.k.
Ms Bennett
Dada Chemi wapo wazee wenye umri mkubwa tu ila ni kwa sababu wako Afrika na wachunguzi hawaji kufanya utafiti Afrika. Bibi kidude naye ana umri refu tu.
Ni kweli wapo watu hawajui mwezi na tarehe waliyozaliwa ila wanakumbuka mwaka waliozaliwa. Mfano bibi yangu pale Matufa Babati anasema aliambiwa na wazazi wake kuwa alizaliwa mwezi wa Madenge. Nikamuuliza mwezi wa madenge ndio nini ? akasema ni mwezi wa mvua nyingi yani mwezi 4. Ila mwaka aliambiwa ni 1922. Anasoma na kuandika bila miwani na ana kumbukumbu zote.
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