Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mkapa Hajajibu Hoja - Prof. Baregu

Prof. Baregu hachoki! Mwaka jana aliuliza maswali kadhaa kuhusu enzi za Mh. Mkapa. Hakupata majibu. Na jana kaongea tena!



Mkapa hujajibu hoja - Baregu


Na Lucy Lyatuu

Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Profesa Mwesiga Baregu, amemshangaa rais mstaafu Benjamin Mkapa kwa kutoa majibu ya jumla dhidi ya tuhuma nzito zinazomkabili. Alikuwa anazungumza na Nipashe kwa njia ya simu kuhusu utetezi alioutoa Bw. Mkapa huko Masasi mkoani Mtwara kuwa wanaodai kuwa ni `fisadi` wana chuki binafsi kwa vile aliwanyima madaraka akiwa Ikulu.

Profesa Baregu ambaye ni mtaalamu wa sayansi za siasa alisema tuhuma dhidi ya Rais mstaafu zinajulikana na zinaeleweka, hivyo hakutakiwa kutoa majibu ya jumla na ya juu juu. Alimtaka kiongozi huyo kuweka wazi idadi ya watu aliowanyima vyeo au madaraka wakati akiwa madarakani ili kuipa nguvu hoja yake.

``Kwa mfano mimi sijawahi kutafuta kazi kwake sasa atatoaje majibu ya jumla kuwa wanaotoa madai hayo wana chuki binafsi wakati masuala ya Benki M na mgodi wa makaa ya mawe wa Kiwira unafahamika?`` alihoji Profesa Baregu.

Aliongeza kuwa kama Bw. Mkapa anataka kujibu tuhuma dhidi yake azungumze kwani mambo mengi yameandikwa kwenye vyombo vya habari. Alimtaka asiandame watu kwa ujumbe mbaya na kumkumbusha kuwa ni vyema akafahamu kuwa majibu ya jumla hayamsaidii.
" Asitake kumuua tarishi kwa kuleta ujumbe mbaya,`` alisema Profesa Baregu.

Kwa upande wake, Waziri Mkuu wa awamu wa pili, Jaji Joseph Warioba alipohojiwa hakuwa tayari kutoa maoni na kuongeza kuwa yaliyosemwa dhidi ya kiongozi huyo yanatosha. Rais Mkapa alipochukua madaraka mwishoni mwa 1995 alianza kazi kwa kuunda Tume ya Kuchunguza Kero za Rushwa iliyoongozwa na Jaji Warioba.

Mkapa aliyeingia madarakani kwa jina la aliyetakata (Mr Clean) aliahidi kutumia ripoti ya Jaji Warioba kupambana na rushwa na kuondoa ufisadi serikalini, kitu ambacho hakikuwahi kuonekana waziwazi.

Katibu Mkuu wa CHADEMA, Dk. Wilbroad Slaa, akizungumzia utetezi huo alisema , Bw. Mkapa hajajibu hoja badala yake ameleta propaganda na poroja za kisiasa. Akitoa maoni yake kwa njia ya simu kufuatia majibu ya Rais mstaafu, alisema Bw. Mkapa alitakiwa kujibu taarifa zilizopo kuwa amesajili makampuni wakati akiwa Ikulu na sio kuleta hoja za kwamba kuna waliokuwa wakitaka madaraka.

``Kama itakumbukwa, mwaka jana Septemba 27. mimi na Bw. Tundu Lissu, tulikuwa watu wa kwanza kutaja orodha ya mafisadi 11 akiwemo Bw. Mkapa,`` alisema. Alisema binafsi hajawahi kupiga magoti akimuomba Bw. Mkapa ampe cheo au madaraka na alichonacho ni uchungu na rasilimali za Watanzania.

Alisema Bw. Mkapa akiwa madarakani alisajili makampuni ya ANBEN na Tanpower Resources Ltd ambayo rais huyo mstaafu na Waziri wa zamani wa Madini na Nishati, Bw. Daniel Yona walitajwa kuwa na hisa ndani ya Tanpower Resources.

Aliongeza kuwa hajawahi kufanya kazi serikalini na hategemei kuwepo na pia hana chuki ya kutokuwa na madaraka kama anavyodai Bw. Mkapa, kwa misingi hiyo anadhani kauli aliyoitoa haina ukweli.

Alisema anachotakiwa kufanya mtuhumiwa huyo ni kujibu hoja ya kwamba ni kweli alisajili kampuni hizo kwa anuani ya biashara ya Luthuli Street namba 15 ambayo ni ya Ikulu.

``Tunataka tu kujua alilipa kiasi gani kama gharama ya pango la kutumia Ikulu?`` alihoji. Dk. Slaa aliongeza kuwa jambo lingine ambalo alitakiwa kujibu ni umiliki wa ANBEN, kampuni iliyokopa Sh. milioni 500 NBC na kushinikiza benki hiyo ibinafsishwe.

Aidha alisema jambo lingine ambalo anatakiwa kujitokeza na kulijibu ni nyaraka zilizoko kwa Wakala wa Kusajili na Kutoa Leseni kwa Kampuni (BRELLA) kwamba anamiliki makampuni hayo akiwa kama mjasiriamali.

Alimtaka kujitokeza hadharani na kujibu hoja hizo ili zionyeshe wazi ukweli wa kauli alizozitoa. Jitihada za kuwapata kwa simu Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA Bw. Freeman Mbowe na Katibu Mwenezi wa CCM Bw. John Chiligati hazikufanikiwa.

SOURCE: Nipashe


Anonymous said...

Kama hiyo kampuni ilisajiliwa kwa anuani ya Ikulu ina maana ni mali ya wananchi wote!

Anonymous said...

Mr Mkapa, why speak now?

2008-05-28 09:09:27
By Editor

At last, former President Benjamin Mkapa has ended his silence and attempted to answer the serious allegations made against him over the past year or so.

The allegations include gross abuse of office, administering a government as chief executive at a time whereby the country`s central bank occasioned embezzlement of hundreds of millions of dollars under a hitherto regarded as a competent president, not to mention his controversial involvement in the acquisition and partial ownership of the Kiwira Coal Mine, and should we go on? Yes, we can go on, and on, and on.

The lopsided mining contracts, for which the people of this country are paying through the nose as the country`s natural wealth is siphoned abroad at throwaway price, the jagged natural gas supply contract that has not made the people`s lives any easier, but only pinned them to paying unjustifiable amounts of capacity charges, a case that has been replicated by his own Kiwira Coal Mine.

Much as the allegations have kept surfacing through the country`s media, the former President, to his questionable credit, chose to keep tightlipped; perhaps hoping that perpetual silence could bail him out somewhat.

However, as the heat intensified around him, Mr Mkapa came to a realization that he had to respond in one way or another.

When he spoke at last, he did so at his home village of Lupaso, in Masasi District, Mtwara Region. His audience was well-chosen.

He told the villagers `do not listen to their lies there is no truth in the allegations but hatred.` Etcetera, etcetera.

To do justice to the former President, he knew very well that the greater segment of his audience did not grasp the full implications of charges being made against him, and being so remote from the country\'s capital city, hardly knew how some incorrigible members of the country`s political and economic elite were milking the country dry.

In addition, the people of his village could naturally be expected to be inclined towards sympathizing with him, and that is why even the famous prodigal son went back to his people not to defend himself at any cost, but to repent.

Could the former President please go back to re-reading that age-old famous story?

For the retired president to lower the understanding of his own people by telling them that he is only living on government pension, and that `I am not financially well off,` is to stretch to the limits the imagination of right-thinking Tanzanians, who are really bitter about the way the country`s wealth had been mismanaged during his tenure of office.

So in the final analysis, by skipping to address the issues which he must face squarely, the former President said exactly nothing.

One wonders that how come that Mr Mkapa who lives in Dar es Salaam-where the major media houses are located-would choose to have a well-covered monologue with Lupaso villagers on a complex subject of bad governance, rather that call a media conference in Dar es Salaam where he would avail himself an opportunity for proper grilling and live coverage?

Time has come for those entrusted with leading the people of this continent to realize that they are answerable-in the full context of the phrase-to the people who elected them.

Much as he is protected through immunity from prosecution to a large degree, we hope that the ex-president fully realizes that he is not above the law, just like any other citizen of Tanzania.

It would have been wiser of him to come out in public to apologise to the people and announce steps which are within his power to redress the wrongs that he has committed, including helping to fill up the country`s corruptly-thinned Treasury through his presumed income, which in African tradition can be equated to returning a cow to its owner.

The final question that we want to ask Mr Mkapa is this: Why break the silence precisely at the time when former BoT governor Daudi Ballali is dead? Are you helping to solve the puzzle or simply bringing it out in the open? Why now?

SOURCE: Guardian