Yaani siku hizi za 'political correctness' si vizuri hata kusema kuwa Senator Obama ni mwanaume mweusi. Watu wanataka kuonekana kuwa si wabaguzi. Leo maneno ambayo watu walikuwa wanangojea kusikia yametamkwa na Hilary Clinton. Kasema kuwa wazungu Marekani wanamtaka yeye kuwa rais siyo mtu mweusi! DUH!
Na bado, sehemu kama Indiana kuwa watu ambao walisema kuwa hawawezi kumpigia mtu mweusi kura. Basi tu, kwa vile ni mweusi. History ya ubaguzi Marekani ni mbaya sana na ingawa siku hizi hali si mbaya kama ulivyokuwa bado upo!
Na bado, sehemu kama Indiana kuwa watu ambao walisema kuwa hawawezi kumpigia mtu mweusi kura. Basi tu, kwa vile ni mweusi. History ya ubaguzi Marekani ni mbaya sana na ingawa siku hizi hali si mbaya kama ulivyokuwa bado upo!
Na Obama akiwa mgombea tutazidi kusikia maneno ya kibaguzi kutoka kwa watu.
Watu watauliza, "Unataka N-iga awe raisi wenu?" Na bado! Pia Hao masekreti service wamlinde maana wapo wale wazungu wabaguzi wenye siasa kali wanaotaka kumtungua, kisa mweusi!
May 8, 2008
Clinton touts support from 'white Americans'
Posted: 12:03 PM ET
(CNN) — In what appear to be the New York senator's most blunt comments to date regarding a racial division in the Democratic presidential race, Hillary Clinton suggested Wednesday that "White Americans" are increasingly turning away from Barack Obama’s candidacy.
"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," Clinton said in an interview with USA TODAY.
Clinton cited an Associated Press poll "that found how Senator Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."
"There's a pattern emerging here," she said.
Exit polls from Tuesday's primaries in Indiana and North Carolina show Clinton won about 60 percent of the white vote in both states. That percentage is down from the Ohio primary on March 4, in which Clinton won upwards of 65 percent of the white vote. Meanwhile, Clinton garnered 63 percent of the white vote in Pennsylvania on April 22.
Speaking with the paper, Clinton rejected the notion her comments were racially divisive in any way.
"These are the people you have to win if you're a Democrat in sufficient numbers to actually win the election," she said. "Everybody knows that."
Obama spokesman Bill Burton called Clinton's statements "not true and frankly disappointing."
From: CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," Clinton said in an interview with USA TODAY.
Clinton cited an Associated Press poll "that found how Senator Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."
"There's a pattern emerging here," she said.
Exit polls from Tuesday's primaries in Indiana and North Carolina show Clinton won about 60 percent of the white vote in both states. That percentage is down from the Ohio primary on March 4, in which Clinton won upwards of 65 percent of the white vote. Meanwhile, Clinton garnered 63 percent of the white vote in Pennsylvania on April 22.
Speaking with the paper, Clinton rejected the notion her comments were racially divisive in any way.
"These are the people you have to win if you're a Democrat in sufficient numbers to actually win the election," she said. "Everybody knows that."
Obama spokesman Bill Burton called Clinton's statements "not true and frankly disappointing."
From: CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
Yaani nimeingia kwenye hiyo blogu/web na kusoma hiyo article zaidi nimesoma comments ziko kama 171 hivi au 170. Nimecheka mpaka machozi yamenitoka jinsi wazungu tena wanawake wanataja na umri wao kuwa hawamtaki huyo madame!
Ukitaka kutoa stress nenda kasome comments zao humo!
Huyo mama hana haya! Anazidi kujiangusha!
Kuna mtu kasema Hillary alikuwa ni "Historical" figure. Sasa eti ni "Hysterical" figure.
Taifa lina watu milioni 300 na ushee inashangaza linataka kukumbatia usultani/ufalme/uchifu kwa Baba-Mtoto, Mke/Mume kuwa Rais? Hakuna watu wengine wanaoweza kuongoza?
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