Huko Lawrence, Massachusetts nyoka aina ya chatu alikutwa kwenye nguzo ya simu amepigiliwa misumari mitano. Waokoa wanyama hapa wanasema kuwa angebaki huko muda mrefu zaidi angekufa.
Hivi sasa huyo chatu yuko kwenye hospitali ya wanyama hapa Boston akipewa dawa ya kupunguza maumivu.
Kuna reward ya dola $5oo kwa ambaye atamwumbua aliyemtesa nyoka huyo. Wanasema aliyemtesa nyoka huyo ana roho mbaya kupindukia! Unaweza kupiga simu namba 617-522-6008 kutoa ripoti kama unajua aliyemtesa!
Python found nailed to telephone pole
Python found nailed to telephone pole
May 24, 2008
LAWRENCE, Mass., May 24 (UPI) -- A 2-foot python found nailed to a telephone pole in Lawrence, Mass., is recovering at a Boston animal hospital.
LAWRENCE, Mass., May 24 (UPI) -- A 2-foot python found nailed to a telephone pole in Lawrence, Mass., is recovering at a Boston animal hospital.
The snake was discovered Wednesday, attached to the pole by six 2-inch roofing nails, the Boston Herald reported. Investigators say it may have been there for as long as 20 hours.Brian Adams of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the snake is still in considerable pain."
People seem to think that animals don't feel pain," he said. "They absolutely do, and snakes are no different."The snake has been nicknamed Trent by its caretakers at the Angell Memorial Animal Medical Center.
Veterinarians said none of its internal organs were damaged.The MSPCA has offered a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person who nailed the snake.
Kwa habari zaidi someni:
Mizungu kwa kupenda mijoka! Mimi ningeliona ningelimaliza na fimbo!
Eti nyoka anasikia maumivu. Who cares! Liue!
makubwa lol
nyie wapumbavu nini?mimi hapa ndo niliemtesa
Dada Chemi ivi huyo nyoka alikuwa akifugwa?au ni mzururaji?ujue huyo nyoka ni hatari sana sasa kama anazurura si anaweza kuuma?je sheria za huko zinasemaje kuhusu wanyama wakali kama nyoka wanapowaingilia watu wanapoishi?
Huku kwetu watu wanatumia dawa na pia kumung'oa meno nyoka ili hasiume sasa sijui huyo mtu aluemtundika nyoka akifanyafanyaje?
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