Friday, November 30, 2007

Ofisi ya Hillary Clinton imetekwa nyara New Hampshire

Senator Hillary Clinton
UPDATE: 4:14Pm Eastern - Mateka wote wawili wameachiwa huru

Watu wawili wametekwa katika ofisi ya mgombea rais wa chama ca Democrats wa Marekani, Senator Hillary Clinton. Ofisi enyewe ni ya kampeni yake na iko Rochester, New Hampshire.

Sakata umeanza saa 7 mchana huu na hivyo navyoandika bado inaendelea. Mama moja aliyekuwa ndani ya hiyo ofisi na mtoto wake wa miezi sita aliachiwa huru pamoja na mtoto.

Jamaa aliyeteka nyara ofisi amejifunga mkanda ambayo anasema ina bomu! Ofisi sasa imezungukwa na polisi, SWAT (FFU) na Secret Service. Kama jamaa hajisalimishi msishangae mkisikia kuwa jamaa katunguliwa kwa kupigwa risasi kichwani na FFU.

Pia polisi wameamuru ofisi za wagombea rais wengine maDeomcrats, Barack Obama na John Edwards zifungwe kwa usalama wa raia na wafanyakazi.

Marekani bwana!


Je, msosi kama huu unafaa kulika kwa bia au soda? Ila hiyo nyama ya pembeni hapo ni mafuta tupu.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mwalimu Mwingereza afungwa Sudan!

Mwalimu Gillian Gibbons

Macho ya waiingereza yamekuwa Sudan tangu jumapili kwa sababu ya mwalimu kutoka Uiingereza anayefundisha katika shule ya International huko. Mwalimu Gillian Gibbons ana miaka 54. Wanafunzi wake wana miaka saba na lazima bado wako kwenye umri wa kupenda toys (vitu vya kuchezea). Walikuwa na mdoli wa darasa. Aliwapa zoezi la darasa kumpa jina. Wengi walichagua jina Mohamed. Kwa kidemokrasia wengi wanashinda. Hao watoto wa miaka 7 ndo waliochagua jina la Mohamed. Majina mengine yaliyopendekezwa ni Hassan na Abdullah.

Huyo mwalimu namhurumiwa sana. Lazima hakuelewa uiislamu vizuri. Hakuna picha ya mtume Mohamed na wala hakuna sanamu yake. Hivyo kumwita huyo mdoli Mohamed ilikuwa tusi kubwa kwa waislamu. Pia kaanza kufundisha Sudani juzi juzi tu. Kwa wazungu kutoa jina kwa midoli ni kawaida. Sasa anashitakiwa kwa kosa la kutukana uislamu.

Sasa nauliza hivi, hao waSudani hawakuweza kumwelezea kuwa kafanya kosa na kumwelimisha. Baadala yake walitishia kumchapa viboko 40 na kufungwa jela.

Leo mahakama huko wameamuru afungwe siku 15 na awe deported akitoka. Tayari waSudani wanaonekana wabaya duniani kwa kuua raia wao wanye asili ya Afrika hasa kabila la Dinka huko Darfur.

Nawauliza wasomaji waislamu, je, walivyofanya waSudani ni sawa au walizidisha kipimo na hii tukio?

Na hao watoto je, waadhibiwe kwa kuchagua hiyo jina au waelimishwe sheria za uisilamu? Lazima wataathirika maishani mwao wakikumbuka mwalimu wao mpendwa alivyonyanyaswa kwa kosa hiyo.

Hii kesi inasisitiza umuhimu wa watu wanaoenda nchi zingine kuelewa mila na desturi na dini za huko!

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Simu ya Kifo kweli!

Siku hizi watu wengi wana simu za mkononi. Lakini zina athari zake. Siku nyingi watu wamesema zinapunguza nguvu za kiume au kuua mayai ya mwanamke! Mara waseme zinaleta tumours (uvimbe) kwenye ubongo.

Sasa leo kuna habari kuwa baba moja huko Korea ya Kusini kafa kazini kwake baada ya simu yake ya mkononi kulipuka kwenye sharti yake na kumwua. Wanasema betri ndo ililipuka ndani ya poketi kwenye sharti aliyovaa. Simu enyewe iliyeyuka kifuani mwake! DOH!


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- An exploding mobile phone battery apparently killed a South Korean man in the first such known case in this gadget-obsessed country, police say.

The man, identified only by his family name Suh, was found dead at his workplace in a quarry Wednesday morning and his mobile phone battery was melted in his shirt pocket, a police official in Cheongwon, 135 kilometers (85 miles) south of Seoul, told The Associated Press.

"We presume that the cell phone battery exploded," the police official said on condition of anonymity.

The official said the phone was made by South Korea's LG Electronics, the world's fifth-biggest handset maker.

LG Electronics confirmed its product was involved in the accident but said such a battery explosion and death was virtually impossible.

Duniani wawili wawili!

Mwigizaji maarufu wa Namibia marehemu 'N!xau' katika sinema ya The Gods Must be Crazy!

Huyo Usher kafanana sana na yule mwigizaji mkuu wa sinema ya The Gods Must be Crazy! Utadhani ndugu yake! Ama kweli duniani wawili wawili!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mhindi aingia benki Florida na kudai tiketi ya kwenda India!

DUH! Habari kutoka Orlando, Florida zinasema kuwa mhindi aliingia kwenye tawi la Wachovia bank na kudai tiketi ya ndege kwenda India. Alikaa kwenye kiti na kusema kuwa haondoki mpaka apate hiyo tiketi!

Wazungu wasiojua tofauti katia ya mhindi au mwarabu waliita polisi wakidhani katumwa na Al Qaeda. Alikaa mle masaa mawili akisema anataka kwenda India.

Polisi walituma SWAT team (FFU)! Mtu mwenyewe hata hakuwa na silaha alikaa kwenye kiti na kudaia tiketi ya ndege tu. Huyo baba angekufa bure! SWAT walimchukua na anashikiliwa na polisi!


Man Demanding Plane Ticket To India Forces Bank Evacuation In Orlando

November 27, 2007

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orlando bank was evacuated Tuesday when an East Indian man walked into a bank and demanded a plane ticket to India, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators said bank workers inside the Wachovia Bank located on Sand Lake Road in Orlando noticed the man acting suspiciously and called 911.

When officers arrived, the man refused to leave the bank and said "he wanted to go to India," Orange County sheriff's representative Jim Solomons said.

A bank worker who flagged down an officer said the man sat in a chair and did not moved after entering the building. Witnesses said they saw the man praying inside the bank.

A SWAT team took the man into custody after a two-hour standoff at the building.

There were no injuries in connection with the standoff.

A lane of traffic near Orange Blossom Trail and Sand Lake was closed over the incident.

Obama - Nimevuta bangi na kutumia unga!

Mgombea nafasi ya rais wa Marekani kutoka chama cha Democrats, Senator Barack Obama, amekiri kuwa alitumia madawa ya kulevya akiwa kijana.

Akiongea na vijana wa NewHampshire alisema kuwa akiwa anasoma shule ya sekondari alitumia unga aina ya Cocaine na pia alivuta bangi. Alisema kipindi hicho hakufanya vizuri shule na ni sababu ya hayo maovu. Anasema kuwa ana majuto na kipindi kile. Anasema alivyoacha alianza kufanya vizuri shuleni mpaka aliweza kusomea sheria chuo kikuu cha Harvard na kuwa mhariri wa Harvard Law Review.

Si mara ya kwanza kusema kuwa alitumia madawa ya kulevya. Akigombea uSenator alisema, na pia kwenye kitabu chake, ' Dreams from my Father, A story or Race and Inheritance' anasema pia.

Obama si mgombea wa kwanza kukiri kuwa walitumia madawa ya kulevya. Rais Bill Clinton alisema kuwa alijaribu kuvuta bangi, na rais Bush wa sasa anasema alikuwa mlevi wa pombe (bado ni mlevi)! Pia kuna watu ambao wanadai kuwa Bush alitumia unga.

Navyoona Obama aliamua kusema alifanya nini akiwa kijana maana kuna watu wangemwumbua. Aliona ni bora aseme mwenyewe kulikoni aonekane kama alijaribu kuficha. Sasa kuna watu ambao wanadai kuwa Obama si mfano mzuri kwa vijana maana wao wataona kuwa ni sawa kutumia madawa ya kulevya maana baadaye wataweza kugombea urais! Haya!

Hapa Marekani, ukiwa mgombea nafasi ya siasaa hasa hizi kubwa kubwa uwe msafi! Maana yangu si msafi wa nguo au mwili. Uwe msafi kabisa na usiwe na kitu cha kuficha. Viongozi wengi wameabikia baada ya kugundulika walikuwa na vimada pembeni au walitembea na malaya! Usiwe umezaa nje ya ndoa yako! Usiwe unatumia madawa ya kulevya au mlevi.

Watu kama Newt Gingrinch, Henry Hyde, Gary Hart, waliaibika baada ya siri zao na kuwa na vimada kugundulika! Na lazima unakumbuka kuwa Rais Clinton karibu avuliwe urais shauri ya kunyonywa ume wake na Monica Lewinsky ofisini kwake!

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Mtaa wa Bagamoyo

Hii picha nimeona kwa Michuzi. Ni ya barabara mpya huko Bagamoyo. Sasa nauliza hii ni barabara ya matofali ni ya magari au ya waenda kwa mguu? Naona kuna watu wanatembea kwa mguu na nyuma naona gari inakuja. Sasa hii njia itadumu kweli kama ni ya magari? Hebu nyie wahandisi tuambie.

Sasa wakarabati na nyumba basi papendeze.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Ama kweli nimeona matako makubwa leo! Huyo dada anataka kuwa Model wa wanene.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bi Kidude ana miaka mingapi?

Hivi Bi Kidude ana miaka mingapi? Sasa anadai kuwa ana mika 113. Lakini anasema hajui alizaliwa lini. Mimi nilimwona Zanzibar mwaka 1993 na wakati huo alisema ana miaka 80. Kwa hiyo nahisi kama ana miaka 94.

Aliolewa kwa mara ya kwanza katika miaka ya 1930's. Alikuwa mwanafunzi wa marehemu Siti Binti Saad ambaye alifariki 1950.

Ni Kungwi na mwenyewe kwa mafundisho ya Unyago. Huenda ni kweli wazungu wanavyosema, "sex makes you younger" (yaani ngono inakufanya uwe kijana).

Je, umemwona kwenye show zake. Ngoma zikianza kulia anageuka kijana!


Rappers wamtukana Dr. Jan Adams

Rappers hawana dogo. Wametoa wimbo wa kumtukana Dr. Jan Adams aliyemfanyia mama yake mzazi Kanye West, upasuaji wa urembo na kusababisha kifo chake.

- Dr. Jan Adams alikuwa na TV show kwenye Discovery Channel, Plastic Surgery Before & After
- Alikuwa siyo Board Certified
- Oprah amekaa kimya. Alimwalika kwenye show yake kama mtalaam wa upasuaji wa urembo kumbe jamaa ni feki! Watu wengi waliamini 'utalaamu' wake kwa vile alikuwa kwenye Oprah.

Cheki website ya jamaa, mambo mengi eti yako "down for maintenance" LOL!

Kinachonisikitisha katika hii kesi ni kuwa huyo jamaa ni mweusi, alikuwa anaonekana kama mtaalamu wa mambo ya plastic surgery. Kumbe jamaa tapeli!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Sofia Productions wataandaa Fimbo ya Mnyonge Awards

Kampuni ya Sofia Productions, inayoshugulika na mambo ya filamu na muziki Tanzania imechaguliwa kuandaa tuzo za filamu Tanzania zitakazoitwa 'Fimbo ya Mnyonge Film Awards 'kutoka Baraza la Sanaa la Taifa. Naona ndo zitakuwa Oscars zetu Tanzania!

Habari hizo zimethibitishwa na meneja mkuu wa Sofia Productions, Bwana Musa Kissoky.

Tuzo hizo wanatarajia kuzifanya mapema mwakani kati ya mwezi March na April.

Kwa kweli fani ya sinema inashamiri siku hizi Tanzania, tunangojea kwa hamu kuona washindi wa Awards!

Producer wa Big Brother Africa II Amefukuzwa Kazi!

LOH! Fall-out ya Big Brother II inaendelea! Producer wa Big Brother II, Bwana Martins Ngubane amefukuzwa kazi kutokana na vituko vilivtyotokea kwenye Big Brother Africa II na kuonyeshwa kwa umati wa waafrika na dunia kwa ujumla! Nawaambia 'Fingergate' haijaisha!

Walisema kuwa Ngubane, alikuwa na sheria za kufuata lakini hakuzifuata! Na bado tutasikia mengine!

Yalioyofanyika ni mazito, japo watu wanaona matendo ya Richard ya kunyanyasa wanawake ni ya kishujaa wengi wanaona sivyo!

Nigeria: MNet Sacks BBA Producer


Posted to the web 23 November 2007

Stanley Nkwazema in Abuja

Mulitichoice yesterday confirmed that the producer of the Big Brother Africa (BBA) Programme, Martins Ngubane who produced the show on the day the Nigerian representative in the programme Ofunneka Molokwu was harassed by one of the Housemates has been relieved of his duties.

This followed pressure from the House of Representatives that the Nigerian girl was not adequately protected and the viewers treated with obscene pictures during the period.

The Operations Director of MNET Africa, Mr Joseph Hunda who appeared in the House Committee Room 13 with eight other officials of the company including Ofunneka apologised to Nigerians that there were certain editorial guidelines spelt out for the producers of the programme which were not adhered to and we have relieved the producer of the programme of his job and the superior who was supposed to supervise the day has equally been sanctioned accordingly.

Ngubani apologised to Nigerians "that those things were not supposed to come on anyway and we are sorry that it appeared and we will not allow it again".

He explained to the House of Representatives committee on Information and National Orientation that "we commissioned MNET to come out with something that will project the image of Africa. We agree that there were certain things that were not acceptable to a large part of Nigerians. We had discussions with NBC and agreed that we are going to continuously use parental control on all DSTV channels. Our customers should be able to control their homes. "

Chairman of the Committee Honourable Dino David Melaye who represents Buunu/Kaaba federal constituency of Kogi state told the Multichoice officials that Nigerians were fed with too much pornography during the period the programme lasted. NBC actually invited Multichoice twice but they never honoured the invitation.

"We will not allow our image to be dragged on the floor.Ofunneka projected the image of Nigeria and we are proud of her. We earlier banned clips, preview and full airing of the programme and we want you to apologise to Nigerians over what happened,"

Hundah however explained to the lawmakers that Multichoice has made serious efforts towards encouraging more local content in the programmes while confirming that six local stations, AIT, Channels, Silver Bird, MITV, NTA and Minaj broadcast International are already collaborating with Multichoise to improve on the content. He also disclosed that Hollywood, has not only become a household name in Africa, but acceptable the world over while a new Programme Moments with Mo aired thrice daily and produced in Nigeria is now on the DSTV channels.

Melaye also wants the company to join the Nigerian stock exchange so that Nigerians can buy into the company as they have done in NewYork andJohannesburg where the company's shares are being traded.

He also told Hundah that Nigerians would want his company to go into more serious poverty reduction programmes so that the subscribers could have a sense of belonging that at least the heavy money they are paying is being ploughed back in some way.

Ofuneka Molokwu , the runner up of the 2007 Big brother Africa show who was at the hearing said she is" proud to be a Nigerian and Delta state origin. I thank Multichoice for giving me the opportunity and the Nigerians that kept me on. I take every stride as they come. And am proud to show that am a true Nigerian and African woman"

Mnet waomba Msamaha kwa serikali ya Nigeria! -Big Brother Africa II

Nilisema mambo yaliyofanyika kwenye Big Brother Afria II ni mazito. Serikali ya Nigeria wamesema kuwa Big Brother Africa isionyeshwe nchini mwao tena kutokana na vitendo vya aibu (hasa mshindi Richard kumtia vidole Offuneka) vilivyofanyika na kuonyeshwa kwa umati.

Mnet sasa wameomba msamaha kwa serikali ya Nigeria na wameahii kuwa hawataonyesha scenes kama hizo tena!

Pia Producer wa Big Brother Africa II, Martins Ngubane AMEFUKUZWA KAZI!


BBA: Mnet apologises to Nigerians over pornographic scenes

Written by Torue Salem

Friday, 23 November 2007

Mnet, a South African distributor network, yesterday apologized to the Nigerian government over some sexually offensive video clips on the just concluded version of the Big Brother Africa reality show.

Joseph Hunda, Director, Africa Operations for Mnet, made the apology while briefing the House of Representatives Committee on Information and National Orientation on some of the immoral scenes on the show.“We want MNET to bring out something we believed would be entertaining to Nigerians and Africans and I think it went a long way in projecting the local content.

It is important for one to highlight that there were certain aspects of the show that were not acceptable to the public. The NBC called our attention to certain aspects that were not acceptable to the public. We agreed to use material with parental advisory.

We assured the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) that we would refrain from showing certain scenes of the Big Brother Africa and we complied with that, but what happened (during the show) was beyond our control. So we apologize for those scenes that were shown and in the future such scenes will never be shown.”

The apology followed the decision of the Committee on information to ban Multichoice and its distributor networks from airing the reality show on Nigerian Television networks. The Chairman of the Rep. Dino Melaye(Bunu/Kabba/Ijumu-Kogi PDP) who spoke earlier, said Multichoice and other networks had no right whatsoever to continue showing obscene clips of the show.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Kesho ni sikukuu ya Thanksgiving yaani siku ya kushukuru hapa Marekani. Ni sikukuu kubwa hapa Marekanai karibu kila kitu kinafungwa kusudi watu waweze kwenda kusherekea na familia zao.

Asili ya Thanksgiving ni kutoka mwaka 1620, wale wazungu wa kwanza walivyotoka uingereza kuja Marekani. Walitua hapa Massachusetts shemu ambako sasa tunapaita Plymouth. Walifika zaidi ya watu mia mbili lakini wengi wao walikufa shauri ya njaa na ugonjwa. Waliponea watu 51 tu! Watu wa asili wa pale, wahindi wekundu, waliwasaidia na kuwaonyesha jinsi ya kulima vyakula kama mahindi na kula bata mzinga (turkey).

Zaidi ya wale watu 51 kuponea kifo, Thanksgiving ni siku ya kushukuru na kukumbuka familia.

Kesho kutakuwa na maandamano za kusherekea na za kuipinga. Kuna watu amabao wamechukia maana wale wahindi wekundu waliowaokoa wale wazungu waliangamizwa! Na ilikuwa mwanzo wa ukoloni Marekani na kuangamizwa kwa wahindi wekundu pote Marekani.

WaBongo wengi hapa wanasherekea sehemu mbalimbali kwa party na ma dinner.

Nawatakia Thanksgiving njema.

Big Brother Africa II Clip - Onyo

Onyo hii ni clip ni Rated X (maana unaona nyeti ya mtu)! Ni kipande tu cha tukio enyewe. Mnet wanao footage yote.

- Wote walikuwa hoi kwa ulevi

- Richard anaingiza vidole kwenye uke wa Offuneka

- Richard anafukuzwa kitandani

- EMT's wanaingia

Wazungu wanawaita horny Africans.

Dokta aliyempasua mama yake Kanye West amkimbia Larry King

Mama yake mzazi Kanye West alifariki dunia majuzi baada ya kufanyia opresheni ya urembo. Opresheni eneyewe ilikuwa ya kupunguza matiti (breast reduction), kupunguza nyama kwenye tumbo (tummy tuck) pamoja na kuondoa mafuta (liposuction). Daktari mwenyewe ni Dr. Jan Adams.

Navyoona walimfanyia huyo mama opresheni nyingi kwa mpigo. Kawaida wangefanya moja wasubiri, wafanye nyingine, halafu wasubiri tena. Lazima alikuwa na maumivu makali.

Kanye West mwenyewe amesema alikubali kulipa gharama za hiyo opresehni lakini alitaka mama yake aende kwa trainer. Alisema kuwa mama mwenyewe alisisitiza kuwa alitaka hiyo opresheni.

Jana Dr. Adams alialikwa kwenye show ya Larry King ili ajitetee. Alikaa dakika moja halafu alikimbia. Baada ya kifo cha mama Kanye, utalaamu wake wa kufanyia opresheni za urembo ulianza kuchunguzwa na bodi ya madaktari. Pia iligundulika kuwa Dr. Adams, alikamatwa na polisi akiwa anaendesha gari amelewa.
Pia baada ya kifo cha mama Kanye, wanawake wengi walijitokeza kulalamika juu ya huduma anayotoa. Wengine wanasema kuwa Dr. Adams aliwacheka baada ya kulalamika mfano matiti yameenda upande! Mwingine anasema alienda kwa Dokta mwingine na kukutwa kuwa Dr. Adams aliacha sponji ndani!
Unaweza kuona Video ya Larry King hapa:

Dr. Donda West alizikwa kwao Oklahoma City jana.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bongoland II Trela

Huko New Jersey sasa ruksa kula Maskwereli!

Kama uko Marekani lazima umeona hao wanyama wadogo wadogo wenye mikia mirefu. Wana vichwa kama sungura lakini wana masikio madogo. Wanakimbia haraka haraka. Wako kila sehemu ambako kuna miti. Na kutegemeana na sehemu unayokaa unaweza kuwaona wenye rangi nyesusi, wekundu au wenye rangi ya kijivu. Hao wanyama ni watundu na wajanja.

Kuna wakati niliweka bird feeder kwenye balcony. Ndege walikuwa wanakuja kula. Sasa kuna siku nilitazama na kuona squirrel anahomoa chakula cha ndege akiwa kichwa chini miguu juu. Nilishangaa alifikaje maana feeder enyewe ilikuwa inaing'inia katikati ya balcony. Kumbe aliruka kutoka kwenye mti karibu na pale! DOH!

Kumbe hapa Marekani hao wanyama walikuwa wanaliwa kama kuku! Tuseme siku hizi kwa vile watu wanapata chakula supermarkets wamesahau chakula cha mababu zao na sasa wanaona hao squirrels kama pets. Nimeona sinema kadhaa za historia ya Marekani na watu walikuwa wanatafuta squirrels. Vijana wadogo walikuwa mafundi wa kuwakamata. Na walisifia nyama yao kuwa ni laini.

Juzi umati wa waMarekani walikumbushwa kuwa wanaliwa mkoa wa New Jersey walipotangaza kuwa wanafaa kuliwa. Kwanza walisema kuwa watu wasile eti wana vipande vya vyuma. Sasa wamesema wako safi kabisa kuliwa!

Hivyo usisahanagae ukialikwa kula squirrel stew!


Good news for New Jersey squirrel eaters

NEW YORK (AFP) - Squirrel eaters in the US state of New Jersey have been told that the bushy-tailed rodents are likely safe to eat, after earlier being advised the unlikely delicacies could contain toxic metals.
The Environmental Protection Agency said earlier this year it had discovered high levels of lead in a squirrel taken from near a waste dump in the Ringwood area and advised people to eat the rodents no more than twice a week.

Officials have now said the test results were an error.

"A blender that was used to process the tissues into usable samples was defective and was identified as the source of the lead contamination," the Environmental Protection Agency said in a statement dated Monday.

The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife describes squirrel as "good table fare," offering recipes for squirrel chowder, stew and barbecue.

Majambazi wavamia UDASA Club!



Majambazi yapora pesa Chuo Kikuu Mlimani

Na Mwanaidi Swedi, Jijini

Watu wawili wanaodhaniwa kuwa ni majambazi wamevamia bar ya UDASA iliyopo Chuo Kikuu Dar es Salaam kampasi ya Mlimani na kufanikiwa kupora simu za wateja, pesa na vitu vingine kadhaa .

Kamanda wa Mkoa wa Kipolisi wa Kinondoni, Jamal Rwambow, amesema tukio hilo limetokea jana mishale ya saa 5:20 usiku. Kamanda Rwambow amesema Polisi walipata taarifa kutoka kwa Meneja wa bar hiyo, Bw.Titto Raymond, 29, akidai kuwa jana akiwa kazini walifika watu wawili wakiwa na silaha na kuvamia bar ya Udasa na kukomba pesa zote za mauzo ya siku hiyo, simu za baadhi ya wateja na Vocha mbalimbali za simu.

Akasema Kamanda Rwambow kuwa inaonyesha watu hao walifika kwenye baa hiyo mapema na kujinganya miongoni mwa wateja waliokuwa wakijipatia kinywaji. Amesema ghafla watu hao wakaibuka na kuvamia kaunta ya bar hiyo wakiwa na silaha na kuwaamuru wateja wote kulala chini. Amesema baada ya wateja kutii amri ya kulala chini, wakawaamuru mhudumu wa kaunta awape pesa zote.

Amesema majambazi hao walipoona wahudumu wakisuasua kuwapa fedha, wakaamua kuvunja kaunta na kufanikiwa kuchukua pesa zote za mauzo kiasi cha shilingi milioni moja na vocha za simu zenye thamani ya shilingi 430,000. Akasema baada ya hapo walianza kuwapekua wateja waliokuwa wamelala chini na kuwapora simu zao hususani zile walizokuwa wakiziona kuwa ni za bei mbaya.

Amesema Kamanda Rwambow kuwa baadhi ya wateja waliokubwa na mkasa huo, wamesema kuwa watu hao walielezwa kuwa mmoja kati yao alikuwa mrefu mnene anakovu la kukatwa shavu la kulia ba mwingine alielezwa kuwa ni mrefu maji ya kunde. Kamanda amesema kuwa Polisi wanaendelea na msako kuwasaka majambazi hao. Aidha, Kamanda Rwambow ametoa wito kwa wananchi watakaowaona watu wa aina hiyo kutoa taarifa katika vyombo vya dola kwani ni watu hatari.

SOURCE: Alasiri

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tanganyika Enzi Za Mjerumani 1885-1918

Mjerumani asema "Tulia niwapige picha!"
Tumetoka mbali!

Hospitali ya Tanga 1914.

Tanga kulikuwa na mapigano makali 1914.
Hao wanawake walifungwa kama watumwa. Sikuweza kupata maelezo ya kisa cha wao kunfungwa na mnyororo.

Ocean Road Hospital ilijengwa na Mjerumani 1897.

Zamani ilikuwa kawaida kwa mabibi zetu kutembea vifua wazi. Hii picha ilipigwa maeneo ya Bukoba

" WHITE HUNTER" Waindaji wa kizungu waliua wanyama wengi kweli bila huruma!

Mjerumani alivyowakuta waCHAGGA

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Skandali ya Richard, Mshindi wa Big Brother Africa II - Sehemu ya Pili

Richard and Housemate Tatiana
Richard and his Wife Ricki

DUH! Ushindi wa Richard bado unazidi kuleta maneno.

Kuna watu wametoboa siri ya Big Brother Africa II. Wanasema kuwa baada ya Richard 'kumbaka' (kwa kumtia vidole) yule mNigeria Offuneka, Richard alifungwa chumba cha peke yake na ilibidi Offuneka ahudumiwe na EMT (Emergency Medical Technicians).

Offuneka mwenyewe anasema kuwa hakubakwa kwa vile hakumbuki ilitokea nini. Anasema kuwa bado hajaona tape za tukio. Huenda akiona hiyo kanda atabadilisha mawazo yake.

Watu wengine wamechachamaa na kukasirishwa na ushindi wa Richard. Wanasema kuwa Big Brother Africa inaongozwa na wazungu na nia yao ilikuwa ni kuonyesha kuwa waafrika ni washenzi. Mimi mwenyewe sijafurahia jinsi watu wanavyoshabikia Richard kumtia vidole mate wate, Offuneka. Bado tuko nyuma katika hakia za akina mama na hasa kunyanyaswa kijinsia.

Na sasa wanachambua familia nzima ya Richard. Wanasema kuwa baba yake Richard alikasirika sana na maneno ya mke wa Richard. Ricki alimwita Richard 'PIG'! baada ya Richard kusema anampenda Tatiana. Pia Ricki eti amesema kuwa anataka talaka na nusu ya hiyo $100,000 aliyoshinda Ricchard.

Jamani, wewe unamwona mumeo au mkeo anatamka mbele ya umati kuwa anampenda mwingine utafurahi kweli? Bora hata kamwita hiyo 'pig' maana kuna maneno mabaya zaidi ya hayo ambayo angeweza kutumia!

Kwa kweli natoa Hongera na Pole kwa Richard.


Richard’s family gangs up against Ricki

From the City Press online:


THE love triangle involving Big Brother Africa 2 (BBA2) winner ­Richard and the two women in his life, Angolan contestant Tatiana and his estranged wife Ricki, continues to unfold, a week after he won the $100 000 (R672 000) prize money.

Now Richard’s family have closed ranks and are urging Tanzania’s hottest celebrity to divorce his wife for betraying and not supporting him during his 98-day stay in the enclosure.
To add more drama to the ongoing saga, this week’s homecoming party by the sponsors to welcome the winner, which was scheduled for this weekend, has been postponed to next week.
According to the spokesperson for M-Net in Tanzania, Lucy ­Kihwele, the party was postponed to give Richard an opportunity to settle his personal life.

“He is staying in a hotel until next week. We want to give him an opportunity to talk to Ricki and see if they can make up,” said Kihwele.

In the meantime, Richard’s ­father, Vincent Bezuidenhout, and his three siblings, sister Linda and brothers Edward and Louis, are all rallying around the BBA2 winner, urging him to part ways with his ­Canadian wife, arguing that she is not good enough for the Tanzanian golden boy.

“Even our neighbours are supporting us on this one. She must go. I have made up my mind, she is not good for the family” said a defiant Vincent, who was born in Uganda 67 years ago. He has five children – three boys and two girls.

The first-born, Brenda, passed away a few years ago, and Linda, who accompanied her twin brother Louis to last Sunday’s show in Johannesburg, is married and living in America.
Another brother, Edward, is a heavyweight professional boxer, and now doubling as Richard’s ­bodyguard.

Vincent’s mother, Kalinga, is a Tutsi from Rwanda. Cornelius, ­Richard’s granddad, is South African.

Richard’s mother died 14 years ago, making him very close to his father, Vincent.
Cornelius left Pretoria for Kanyonza in Uganda to open a ­diamond mine where he is a ­renowned businessman.

Vincent, who moved to Tanzania in the 70s, is an electrical engineer and has a farm outside Dar es ­Salaam. He says his anger against Ricki was fuelled on Sunday night when the Canadian allegedly insulted Richard as they watched him talk to BBA presenter Kabelo about his feelings for Tatiana.

“Ricki came home so that we could watch the final together,” said Vincent. “Soon after mentioning the name Tatiana, Ricki just hit the roof. She became angry and called him a pig.

“I was not happy with her calling my son a pig. I also lost it. I literally kicked her out of my house and she took a taxi. I don’t know where she went but that was the least of my worries.”
The elder Bezuidenhout said the only words he heard when Ricki was leaving was that they would meet her in court where she would ­demand half of the $100 000 winner’s cash.

“If he defies our call and reconciles with his wife, Richard will ­literally be placing a noose around his neck.
“Tanzania has lots of beautiful women whom he can marry – or even Tatiana,” he insisted.
“This woman is bad news for ­Richard,” said Linda, supporting her father. “She left for Canada, stayed there for more than two months, only to come back one week before the final.

“She wrote letters undermining my brother, calling him a womaniser. I have one of the letters and I can show it to you,” said an agitated ­Linda.

Louis said when they had asked Ricki to come with them to the ­airport to welcome Richard on Wednesday, she refused. “What type of a wife is she, who does not come to welcome her husband, you ask yourself?” said Louis.

While Richard has asked either his father or brother Louis to speak for him while he recovers from the hangover, Ricki was this week ­quoted in a Tanzanian blog saying she wanted to speak to Richard before giving interviews.

“I’m not prepared to talk to the media about anything regarding my future with Richard, myself, Tatiana or anything else,” said Ricki, whom Louis says has been to Richard’s hotel a couple of times.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vituko Marekani

Mona Lisa alihamia Marekani. Aliona kusudi awe na maisha bora abadilishe rangi ya nywele, atia silicone kwenye matiti na midomo, pua achonge, na macho yakazwe!

Niliwahi kuambiwa ukila kwe MChina huna uhakika unakula nini.

DOH! Huyo njemba alkikuwa na haraka kweli! Badala ya kuwahi alichelewa sana na kesi ya mahakama juu!

Big Brother 9 Casting Call

Haya hii ni nafasi yako kama unataka kuingia kwenye Big Brother House. Zawadi ni $500,000 kwa mshindi.


CBS presents 'Big Brother 9' Open Casting Call - Reality TV
Print Page -

Project Type: Reality TV
Audition Date: 11/18/2007 Time: 12-8pm
Pay Scale: TBD - chance at winning $500,000
Submissions must be received by: 11/19/2007

CBS presents "Big Brother 9!" NYC open casting call!! Imagine living with a group of strangers under one roof, cut off from the outside world, while cameras catch your every move 24 hours a day. All for the chance at winning $500,000! Are you up for the ultimate challenge?

Casting Date: Open Call - Sun., Nov. 18
Casting Time: 12 noon - 8pm
Shoot Date: TBD
Open Call Location: NYCastings 243 W. 30th Street, 3rd FloorBtwn. 7th and 8th AvenuesNew York, NY

Seeking: Talent: Males and females, any ethnicity, 21-60. Attractive, outgoing, energetic, fun. "Characters" a must, and New York accents a plus.

COME PREPARED AND CAMERA READY!! Be prepared to give us 2 minutes or less why you would be a great house guest and what sets you apart from the rest. Download and fill out the online application at bring it with you to the audition along with a printed copy of your photo ID.

Send photos/resume/ reels via DIRECT SUBMIT link. Please include cover note.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Gavana wa Georgia aomba mvua - Mungu ajibu

A Drying Lake in Georgia
Governor Sonny Perdue and his wife pray for Rain

Siku ya jumanne wiki hii watu walimcheka Gavana Sonny Perdue, wa Georgia alivyongoza mamia ya watu kuomba mvua kwenye maombi maalum mbele ya Ikulu ya huko mjini Atlanta. Walivyokuwa wanaomba kulikuwa hakuna dalili ya mvua hata kidogo! Siku hiyo ya jumanne watu walilamika kwa nini Gavana analeta mambo ya dini hapo! Walisema anatia aibu.

Jumatano na jana alhamisi, Mungu alijibu na kuwapa mvua. Mvua eneyewe haitoshi kumaliza ukame mbaya huko lakini itasaidia. Sasa sijui waliokuwa wanamcheka na kumsanifu wanasemaje sasa. Mungu yupo! Nani anacheka sasa?

Kama hamjasikia huko kusini mwa Marekani kuna ukame mbaya sana mabayo haijawaji kutokea. Kwa sasa kuna vizuizi kwenye matumizi ya maji huko. Wanasema kuwa bila mvua wamebakiza maji ya kutosha siku chache tu.

Wengi wenu mnafahamu waMarekani hawajazoea shida, kama kukosa maji au umeme.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sasa kutakuwa na 'The Apprentice Africa'

Tumeona Big Brother Africa, sasa kutakuwa na The Apprentice Africa. Zawadi kwa mshindi ni dola $2000,000 pamoja na gari ya fahari! Ukiona unafaa kuwa The Apprentice Africa hii ni nafasi yako...


The Apprentice’ TV Series Goes African; Candidate Auditions Slated for

November 29-30 in Washington, D.C.

Africans ex-patriots living in the U.S. and Africans (in Africa) will compete for a luxury car plus $200,000 corporate job in Africa.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – A spin-off of “The Apprentice” business reality television series, made popular on NBC, with billionaire real estate businessman Donald Trump as its host, goes to Africa next season with the debut of “The Apprentice Africa.”

Auditions for the coveted competitive positions are being held Nov. 29-30, 2007, at 1425 K Street N.W., Suite 350, in Washington, D.C. from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Video auditions and online applications also will be accepted. Chosen candidates will compete for a luxury car and a corporate job in Africa that pays $200,000 annually. With its African spin-off, “The Apprentice” has now been replicated in at least 24 countries outside the U.S.

The Apprentice Africa” is a co-production of The Executive Group (TEG), a U.S.-based business investment firm that builds consortiums between the U.S. and Africa, and Storm Vision Ltd., Nigeria’s premier television production company and producers of “Big Brother Nigeria.” TEG secured legal rights to replicate “The Apprentice” in Africa, and its subsidiary, Storm Vision will produce the 16-week reality series. Bank PHB, one of the fastest growing banks in Nigeria and an emerging icon for banking excellence, is the title sponsor of the series.

In each episode of “The Apprentice Africa,” as in the original “The Apprentice,” candidates compete in teams. The losing team is sent to the boardroom where at least one member is fired. In the African series, one of Africa’s top business moguls, Biodun Shobanjo, chairman of the Troyka group, Nigeria’s largest and most innovative marketing communications firm and co-founder of Nigeria's largest and most successful advertising agency, Insight Grey, and his associates will judge candidates.

Typically, one person is fired and sent home during each segment, although on rare occasions, 63-year-old Shobanjo, popularly known as Nigeria's “Father of Advertising,” may fire more than one candidate at a time, as did Trump.

"Many people are unaware of the burgeoning business opportunities in Africa," said Chantelle Abdul, executive producer and president of The Executive Group. “Not only is there growth and development throughout Africa, but many nations on the continent are integrating Western ‘best business practices,’ making for exciting and attractive opportunities here.

“We plan to showcase the varying and combined skills of Africans in Africa and African ex-patriots who have moved to the United States,” she continued. “It will be interesting to see how they work together in business in Africa, bridging obvious lifestyle and cultural gaps for the betterment of our beloved continent. Our show also will increase understanding of the important differences in doing business in Africa compared to other parts of the world, and overall, will be much more than ‘business as usual’."

The Apprentice Africa” will select 18 African candidates living in the U.S., U.K. and Africa who have exceptional business acumen, personality, professional savvy and sophistication to compete in Lagos, Nigeria against their brothers and sisters living on the African continent. The series will air in 2008 Africa-wide.

The Apprentice,” starring Donald Trump and created by Mark Burnett, the mind behind the TV reality series “Survivor”, originally showcased a 16-week job interview process through which 18 Americans competed in a series of rigorous business tasks. Many of those tasks included candidates interacting with prominent Fortune 500 company executives.

Candidates had to use their business acumen, education, creative skills and street smarts in their quest to hear Trump, the boss, utter the coveted phrase, “You’re hired,” instead of the dreaded words “You’re fired!”

Persons interested in being candidates for “The Apprentice Africa” are required to submit their resumes and detailed information online at: Candidates meeting the screening criteria will be contacted for individual interviews scheduled in Washington, D.C. on Thurs., Nov. 29 and Fri., Nov. 30, 2007.

For more information on “The Apprentice Africa,” please call 301.350.3437 or contact Mofolusho Agboola by email at or Lola Ogungbade at

Kideo cha marehemu Justin Kalikawe

Kibira Films wametoa video ya marehemu Justin Kalikawe. Alichangia muziki katika sinema ya Bongoland (2003). Kalikawe alikuwa mwimba reggae maarufu wa Bongo na alipata tuzo kadhaa.

Kwa habari zaidi za maisha ya marehemu Kalikawe soma:

Enzi za Mjerumani Tanganyika 1885-1918

Hii picha ilipigwa 1903. Sijui ni shule gani Dar. Je, ni shule ya Uhuru? Hakuna msichana hata moja darasani!
Mjerumani alivyowakuta mabibi na mababu zetu.

Hii picha ilipigwa 1910. Hotel zu Stadt - Sijui ilikuwa mtaa gani Dar?

Nani kasema Mjerumani mbaguzi! Huyo njemba alifanikiwa kwenda Ujerumani na kujiunga na jeshi lao huko huko!

Waafrika walikuwa wanabeba wazungu bila wasiwasi. Wazungu hawakupenda punda kwa sababu walikuwa wana jamba ovyo.

Kabla ya King's African Rifles (Mwingereza) kulikuwa na German Native Infantry (Mjerumani). Hao native infantry walipgana katika vitu kuu ya dunia ya kwanza (World War I).

Kwa habari na picha zaidi someni:

Jibu la Michuzi

Je, Michuzi ni Oprah wa Bongo? Michuzi mwenyewe amechangia hoja...

Asante Kaka Michuzi!



U have made me blush. I guess as other contributors have said, to compare me with Oprah is... well, flattering, but frankly speaking I must also admit that I am an anthill against the Oprah mountain.

However i thank u and those who have discussed about me which however blunt is a mileage to urs truly. To u and them I say i respect all their suggestions and ideas, but habits die hard and what's good for the goose is bad for the hen. in other words its tough to satisfy all and sundry.

As for urself i admire u both professionally and socially and you are one of my role models in terms of standing up for what u believe in. lastly, but not least, allow me to say that though i have yet to reach home, but revolutionalising the media in TZ is one of my fundamental resolves. ever since the ICT bug has bitten me i have always strived to send the message home that give the people what they want/need and be fast at it.

Gone are the days of waiting to read stale news and i am happy to note that many media houses are edging towards that end.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Je, Michuzi ni Oprah wa Bongo?

Juzi, nilikuwa naongea na marafiki hapa Boston. Tukawa tunajadili habari za Tanzania kama serikali kuongeza mishahara ya wafanyakazi na madhara yake. Watu wameachishwa kazi shauri ya waajiri kushindwa kulipa mishahara mikubwa. Tuliongea kuhusu wasichana wanaopata mimba shuleni Bongo na kasi ya UKIMWI. Tuliongea kuhusu kuingiza magari Bongo na barabara zilivyojaa magari mpaka yanashindwa kutembea.

Ajabu tulijadili kwa kirefu zaidi kaka Michuzi na blogu yake maarufu ambayo karibu kila MTanzania nje ya nchi ana habari nayo. Tulisema amekuwa kama Oprah hapa Marekani, mtu ambaye watu wanamwamini na wanamtegemea kwa mambo kadhaa. Kuna watu ambao hawana raha mpaka wameona blogu ya Michuzi kama vile watu hawaoni raha mpaka wameona show ya Oprah.

Watu wakitaka habari za Bongo hawaendi kwanza au site ya Daily News wanakimbilia blogu ya Michuzi. Na sasa kwa vile watu wengi wanasoma blogu ya Michuzi basi watu wanataka habari zao zionekane pale maana wanajua wengi wataziona.

Michuzi akibandika kitu watu wanakimbilia kwenye blogu yake kutoa maoni yao maana wanajua wengi watasoma. Kama kuna msiba watu wanatoa habari pale, pia kama kuna haja ya mchango watu wanatoa habari pale. Juzi tuliona habari ya mtoto mdogo aliyehitaji msaada wa kutengeneza uso. Watu walitoa pesa na ushauri mara moja. Pia Michuzi kaanzisha lugha ya 'Michuzi talk' yaani kuandika kiingereza kwa kiswahili. Wabongo wanaipenda kweli.

Na Michuzi akitoa maoni yake watu wanaona kama ndo sheria. "Michuzi kasema!" Lakini hasa navyoona waBongo wa nje ya nchi wanampenda kwa sababu anatoa picha za nyumbani na kufanya watu wajisikie hawako mbali na nchi yao.

Tulibishana kuhusu habari ya kuwa eti anatoza watu kubandika habari zao kwenye blogu. Ilibidi nimpigie Michuzi kumwuliza. Alisema hiyo habari si kweli. Hatozi hata senti tano kubandika kitu kwenye blogu yake. Alisema wakati mwingine anaweza kupewa kitu kama shukurani lakini hatozi.

Kwa kifupi uhusiano wangu na Michuzi ulianza zamani hata kabla hajawa mpiga picha wa Daily News. Alikuwa ni kijana tu mwenye kamera aliyekuwa anapiga picha za watu wakiwa disko. Msemo wake ulikuwa, " Natafuta michuzi!" Ndo kapewa jina la Michuzi. Tukamshauri awe mpiga picha wa kujitegemea Daily News, yaani freelance. Akawa analeta picha nzuri kuliko hata wapiga picha walioajiriwa pale.

Nakumbuka alivyoajiriwa Daily News mwanzoni wahariri waligoma kumwita Michuzi, wakasema atumie jina la Muhidini Issa. Lakini kila mtu alikuwa anamwita Michuzi na watu wa nje wakawa wanamwita Michuzi, mwisho walikubali aitwe Michuzi. Kwanza ilikuwa kwenye brackets, 'Michuzi'. Mwisho waliachia vizuizi na Michuzi ndo ilikuwa jina lake.

Michuzi ana moyo ya kazi anayofanya. Na kwa wasiojua Michuzi ni mwigizaji mzuri sana.

Karibuni mtoe maoni yenu.

Skandali ya Richard, Mshindi wa Big Brother Africa II

Spotlight iko tena kwa Tanzania baada ya ushindi wa Richard kwenye Big Brother Africa II. Natoa pongezi kwa Richard kwa kushinda japo nilikuwa na wasiwasi sana kuwa angetolewa shauri ya vituko vyake. Binadamu ni wa ajabu wanapenda vituko na nadhani Richard alijua hivyo.
Sasa msishangae kama ukisikia hizo dola $100,000 alizopata zinaenda kulipia mawakili wa kumtetea. Inaelekea kuna watu ambao hawajafurahishwa na matendo yake akiwa mgeni katika nyumba ya Big Brother huko Afrika Kusini. Kuna madai kuwa alimbaka mgeni mwenzake kwa kuingiza vidole ukeni mwa Offunneka Molokwu anayetoka Nigeria. Pia Richard alitamba kuwa chombo chake ni 'machine gun' na anaweza kuwafanya wanawake watatu bila matatizo.

Watetezi wa haki za akina mama hawawezi kufurahia ushindi wake. Mimi sishangai ushindi wake maana waafrika wanapenda wanaume wanao ringia vyombo vyao na ambao wanadai kuwa wanaweza kufanya ngono kwa muda mrefu na pia wanafanya wanawake wengi.

Habari za kuaminika zinasema kuwa mke wa Richard, Riki (mzungu kutoka Canada) ameomba talaka kwa sababu ya matendo yake ya ajabu kwenye Big Brother. Zaidi ya ile ya kubaka alidai kuwa anampenda 'mate' wake Tatiana Durao kutoka Angola. Huenda ndo maana hatukumwona kwenye sherehe za ushindi wa Richard.

Ubaya hii skandali inaweza kuua Big Brother Africa.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:\

Big Brother ‘rapist’ wins

A man accused of televised sexual assault has won Big Brother Africa, says mark paterson in Johannesburg

The young man who caused a media frenzy after viewers claimed he had sexually assaulted a housemate live on Big Brother Africa yesterday won the reality show's first prize of $100,000.
Dreadlocked Richard Bezuidenhout, a 24-year-old film student from Tanzania, won the public vote, despite his role in an alcohol-fuelled threesome that has been dubbed 'Fingergate' by the African media. The girl he allegedly abused, 29-year-old Ofunneka Molokwu, a medical assistant from Nigeria, came second.

As reported on The First Post, viewers of the show watched in shock on October 28 as Bezuidenhout appeared to insert his fingers into Molokwu's vagina after an extended drinking bout that left her and another female contestant vomiting repeatedly before apparently blacking out. Paramedics had to be called in and the show's producers cut the live feed.

The incident, slammed as "cheap porn" by South African women's rights campaigner Lisa Vetton, led viewers to flood newspapers and internet message-boards across the continent with emails expressing their outrage. M-Net, which produces the show in conjunction with Endemol SA, has denied any non-consensual sex took place.

At the weekend, in a studio in Johannesburg, I had the uncertain privilege of viewing what had been billed to me beforehand as an 'uncut' version of the incident. It turned out that 'uncut' meant a 12-minute edit taken from more than two hours of relevant footage. Watching the tape in the company of three M-Net executives, I saw the housemates get plastered, fall over in a drunken heap, sob uncontrollably, and vomit - well, the women, at least.

Meanwhile, Bezuidenhout, a married man, unbuttoned his trousers, boasted about his "machinegun" and taunted the female housemates with a pledge to "bump" them all. The camera then cut to the bedroom, filmed in muddy black-and-white

night vision. Bezuidenhout was lying flat on his back in the middle of the bed. To his right, a huddled shape lay hidden beneath the duvet - Tatiana Durao, a 26-year-old Angolan with whom he has already had sex on the show. To his left lay Molokwu. Something was moving between her thighs - it looked like Richard's left hand. He seemed to be touching her private parts, and she seemed to be responding. She thrust her hips up and towards him, gripping his hand between her thighs. An idiot grin spread across Bezuidenhout's face.
The whole incident, rated suitable for 16-year-olds by the channel's censor, was filmed by a camera positioned so low that it looked right up between Ofunneka's thighs.

The Big Brother producers have consulted with lawyers over the incident. Molokwu has said on air that she has no recall of the events of that drunken afternoon - but that was before the series came to an end on Sunday, when she had yet to learn of the public outrage or see the incident from the perspective of the viewer. The big question is whether she was conscious of what was happening to her - and the footage I was shown suggests she was.

M-Net production executive Carl Fischer defended the show's treatment of its contestants to me, saying television executives were not just bound by the laws of South Africa but also by the Big Brother rules, which he described as "tougher than the Constitution". Of course, that worthy document doesn't demand that South Africa's citizens sign away all rights to freedom and dignity.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bi Hindu akiigiza kama Mama mwenye Nyumba

Scene kutoka Bongoland II

Josiah Kibira ameandika maoni yake kuhusu mcheza sinema maarufu wa Tanzania, Bi Hindu. Katika sinema ya Bongoland II, Bi Hindu anaigiza kama mama mwenye nyumba.
Kwa habari zaidi soma: