Friday, August 31, 2007

Wasenge sasa ruksa kufunga ndoa Iowa!

Groom & Groom

Bride & Bride!
Bibi Arusi na Bibi Arusi, Bwana Arusi na Bwana Arusi
Huko Iowa leo hao wapenda jinsia moja (wasenge) Gays/lesbos wamepewa ruksa na mahakama kufunga ndoa leo. Hata saa haijapita tayari wamekwishaanza kufunga ndoa. Huko Iowa mzoee mkuona wanaume wanapiga tongue kiss na wananume na wanawake wanapiga na wanawake.

Mahakama ya huko Iowa pia imesema kuwa ndoa si kati ya mwanaume na mwanamke tu. Haya sasa tungojee kusikia watu wamepewa ruksa kufnga ndoa na mbwa, farasi au mnyama mwingine.

Hapa kwetu Massachusetts wana ruksa tayari. Matokeo yake ni kuwa wasenge wankimbilia toka states zingine hapa. Wananua condos na nymba hata iwe na bei gani kusudi wapate residency ya Massachusetts na wafunge ndoa. Na wengine wamefunga ndoa na kuomba talaka, Divorce.

Sehemu zingine hapa Massachusetts kama wewe si msenge, basi ni shida kukaa maana kuna reverse discrimination, gari yako itachomwa moto au unaweza kupigwa. Sodom & Gomorrah!

Na huko makazini usiseme kitgu kibaya juu yao maana utafukuzwa kazi. Hapa kazini kwangu kuna dada fulani ni lesbo. Hajifichi, anavaa kama dume, anatembea kama dume, nywele anakata kidume, na anajitahidi kweli kuwa mwanaume. Ila ana suati laini ya kike, inamlkera kweli. Si mtu mbaya, ila anachoniudhi ni kuja na kutusimulia alikuwa anafanya nini na mpenzi wake, mpaka saa ngapi, walichoka saa ngapi, walifanya nini na nini. Mara sijui kamtamni mwanamke gani, mara nini. Mara nyingi inabidi nitoke nje kwa kushindwa kuvuimilia maongezi yake.

Lakini nimekwisha fanya kazi nao wengi na wengi ni watu poa sana hawana matatizo, wala hawasumbui watu. Na hata sisi watu straight tuko hivyo wengine, ni watu wazuri wengine wan matatizo, na wengine wanasimulia mambo yao mpaka nini na nini.


Judge Strikes Down Iowa Gay Marriage Ban
Friday August 31, 2007 1:31 PM
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Less than two hours after a judge struck down Iowa's decade-old gay marriage ban, two Des Moines men applied for a marriage license as bride and groom, and county officials said they expected to see more same-sex couples doing the same on Friday.
`I started to cry because we so badly want to be able to be protected if something happens to one of us,'' said David Curtis Rethmeier, 29, who was listed as the bride on that first marriage form, with Gary Allen Seronko, 51, as his groom.
Polk County Judge Robert Hanson cleared the way for the two men on Thursday when he ruled that a state law allowing marriage only between a man and woman violated the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection.

The judge ordered local officials to process marriage licenses for the six gay couples who sued. With the ruling, gay couples across the state can now apply for a marriage license in the central-Iowa county.

County attorney John Sarcone said the county would appeal to the state Supreme Court, and he immediately sought a stay from Hanson that would prevent gay couples from seeking a marriage license until the appeal is resolved.
A hearing on the stay motion is likely next week, said Camilla Taylor, an attorney with Lambda Legal, a New York-based gay rights organization.

In the meantime, Deputy County Recorder Trish Umthun is taking calls from gay couples, five of them in the first hours after the judge filed his ruling Thursday afternoon.

The office's web site explaining how to apply for a marriage license still began with the words, ``Marriages in Iowa are between a male and a female ...,'' on Friday morning, but Umthun expected a rush of applications through the day. The marriage license approval process takes three business days.

Republican House Minority Leader Christopher Rants, said the ruling illustrates the need for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

``I can't believe this is happening in Iowa,'' Rants said. ``I guarantee you there will be a vote on this issue come January,'' when the Legislature convenes.

Gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts, and nine other states have approved spousal rights in some form for same-sex couples. Nearly all states have defined marriage as being solely between a man and a woman, and 27 states have such wording in their constitutions, according the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Dennis Johnson, the lawyer for the six gay couples who sued in 2005 after they were denied marriage licenses, had argued that Iowa has a long history of aggressively protecting civil rights in cases of race and gender.

The Defense of Marriage Act, which the Legislature passed in 1998 declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman, contradicts previous rulings regarding civil rights and is simply ``mean spirited,'' he said.

Roger J. Kuhle, an assistant Polk County attorney, argued that the issue is not for a judge to decide.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wapenzi na Wivu

Mara nyingi tunasikia habari ya mtu kumpiga mpenzi wake kwa ajili ya wivu. Mwanamke kasalimiwa na mwanaume mwingine, kibao! Mwanamke anapiga simu nyumbani kumwulizia mtu, mke anampiga na sufuria na mengine. Lakini wakati mwingine wivu unazidi mpaka watu wanafanya maajabu.

Nimesikitika sana kusikia habari ya jamaa kujinyonga Gesti huko Tandika eti kwa vile mpenzi wake wa miaka 19 alikuwa na wapenzi wengi. Kitu gani kilimwingia marehemu Said Libonge mpaka kaamua kumchoma mpenzi wake kisu na yeye mwenyewe kujinyonga. Ni wivu au ugonjwa wa akili?

Mimi sikuwepo bali nimesoma tu hiyo habari ya kusikitisha. Na huyo dada lazima atajiuliza mara mbili tatu kabla ya kuingia gesti na mwanaume au kuwa na mpenzi mwingine.

Lakini nikikumbuka vituko wanavyofanya wapenzi kwa jina la wivu, nasikitika na nacheka. Haya tuchukue kesi ya mama fulani aliyemkuta mume wake yuko kwenye shughuli ndani ya gari eneo ya Mbuyuni Dar es Salaam miaka ya tisini. Yule mama alidai kuwa alifungua mlango wa gari kamkuta mume wake yuko juu ya howara wake anapampu na alidai kuwa mambo yao yalikolea kiasi kuwa alikuwa anampiga mume wake aliyekuwa ameshusha suruali matakoni na hakusikia kitu. Kwanza mtu wa kawaida angebakia anashangaa mdomo wazi, au angekimbia kwa aibu. Lakini hapa huyo mama na wivu zake kaweza kufungua mlango wa gari na kuanza kumpiga mtu shughulini.
Haya nakumbuka kisa cha mama mwingine miaka ya themanini. Mume wake alienda na howara wake kwenye gesti Manzese. Yule mama alijua yuko chumba gani. Kitanda kilikuwa chini ya dirisha. Basi yule mama alikesha pale kwenye dirisha na walipoanza mambo yao, yule mama kafungua dirisha na kuwamwagia chupa ya tindi kali. Kwa vile walikuwa uchi wote waliungua vibaya! Wivu jamani!

Nilivyokuwa nasoma Tabora Girls kuna dada fulani aliuliwa na mume wake. Sitamsahau yule dada. Alikuwa anakaa National Housing na mume wake, ndoa yao bado changa. Dada mwenyewe alikuwa mzuri kweli kweli. Mume wake alikuwa ni mwanajeshi mwenye cheo cha Kepiteni. Alikuwa mwembamba mwenye kipara. Kuna wenzangu walimuwa wanamvizia yule baba. Basi kuna siku yule baba alishikwa na wivu, kamfunga kamba mke wake na kumtia matambara mdomoni mwake kusudi asiweze kupiga kelele. Wanasema kuwa yule baba alimpiga raundi ya kwanza, kampiga raundi ya pili, kampiga raundi ya tatu mpaka yule dada kafa. Eti kapusuliwa bandama! Kisa cha kumpiga mke wake mpaka kafa kilikuwa eti alimwona anaongea na mwanume mwingine. Yule baba alihukumiwa kifo.

Niendelee? Kuna visa vingi, vya watu kuua au kuumiza wapenzi wao kwa jina la wivu.

Mimi mwenyewe nimeshikwa na wivu mara kadhaa lakini siyo kiasi cha kuua au kumwumiza mtu! Niwasimulimie kisa kimoja. Kuna jamaa nilikuwa nampenda sana. Lakini yeye hakunijali wala nini zaidi ya kusalimiana. Basi kuna siku nilimwona anakwenda kwenye deti mjini DSM na dada fulani! DUH! Nilijikuta naona kizunguzungu, Siwezi kusema, hasira zimejaa na nikaanza kulia! Watu waliniuliza nalia nini, nikashindwa kusema! Baadaye nikasema basi Mungu hakupanga niwe naye. Yaani nikikumbuka nacheka.

Mnasemaje kuhusu wapenzi na wivu?

Kila mtu anabeba Msalaba wake mwenyewe!

Hizi picha zimenikumbusha ule wimbo wa kwaya, Kila mtu atauchukua...mzigo wake mwenyewe!
Ama kweli msalaba unaobeba ni wako.


Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain ....

Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready, To answer your call ...

He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
A word from His lips, can calm every fear ...

Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, dawn's early light ...

The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
To give you His grace, and send you His love ..

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
"God always sends rainbows .... after the rain ... "

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Makeover = Urembo Feki

Hata ukiwa mbaya kiasi gani unaweza kuwa mrembo kama una pesa za kufanya ma plastic surgery, kuvaa ma wigi na kutengenezwa na make-up kibao!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Mume wa Marehemu Amina Chifupa Anaumwa

Kuna habari kuwa mume wa marehemu Amina Chifupa, Bwana Mohamedi Mpakanjia yuko hoi hospitalini na ugonjwa wake unafanana na ugonjwa uliyokuwa unamsumbua marehemu mke wake. Pia wikiendi kulilkuwa na uzushi kuwa Bwana Mpakanjia amefariki dunia lakini si kweli.

Huko Bongo gazeti la Sani umeandika kuwa Mpakanjia na Kepiteni John Komba, walienda nyumbani kwa mke wa Mpakanjia wa kwanza kuomba msamaha kwa mabaya aliyomtendea.

Kwa kweli kitu ambacho sikufurahi ni ile tendo la bwana Mpakanjia kwenda kwa Spika wa Bunge kutangaza talaka aliyompa mke wake, marehemu Amina Chifupa. Lakini uwongo mbaya hao walikuwa ni chakula kikuu cha mapapparazzi. Bado mapaparazzi watasaka habari zao hata kama jamaa kaugua malaria au mafua.

Tumwombee Bwana Mpakanjia apone na aweze kuendelea na shughuli zake, na kulea watoto wake.

Kwa habari zaidi someni:



Hali ya afya ya Mpakanjia si shwari

2007-08-25 19:21:22 Na Mwandishi wetu, Jijini

Kuna taarifa kuwa mfanyabiashara maarufu wa Jijini Dar es Salaam, Mohamed Mpakanjia amekumbwa na kile kile kilichomuua mkewe, marehemu Amina Chifupa. Baadhi ya watu walio karibu na familia hiyo wamelidokeza gazeti hili kwamba dalili alizokuwa nazo marehemu Amina siku za mwanzo za ugonjwa wake, tayari zimeanza kuonekana kwa mumewe.

Baadhi ya watu wamedai kuwa kutokana na hali yake kutoridhisha, sasa Mpakanjia kalazwa katika Hospitali Kuu ya Jeshi iliyopo Lugalo Jijini.

Amesema namna ya ugonjwa unaomsumbua Mpakanjia ulivyo ni fumbo linalowashangaza hata wao, hasa kutokana na ukweli kuwa dalili za ugonjwa wenyewe ni kama zile alizowahi kuwa nazo mkewe, marehemu Amina Chifupa.

``Hali yake si nzuri. Hivi sasa, hata anachokizungumza hakieleweki? amedhoofu mno na hata kusimama mwenyewe hawezi. Kwakweli anasikitisha sana,`` akasema ndugu huyo.

Dalili kama hizo pia zililipotiwa kujitokeza kwa aliyekuwa mkewe, marehemu Amina Chifupa, ambaye alifariki dunia Juni 26 mwaka huu katika hospitali hiyo hiyo ya Lugalo. Kabla ya kifo chake, marehemu Amina aliripotiwa kuzungumza mambo yasiyoeleweka na mwili wake kudhoofu kiasi cha kushindwa kuinuka.

Baadhi ya ndugu wa mfanyabiashara huyo wamedai Bw. Mpakanjia alilazwa hospitalini hapo mwanzoni mwa wiki hii. Akizungumzia kile kinachomsibu Mpakanjia, ndugu mmoja wa mfanyabiashara huyo amesema mgonjwa wao hivi sasa ana hali mbaya na kwamba hata kula kwa mikono yake hawezi. Amesema amewekewa mirija kwa ajili ya kumsaidia huku madakitari wakijitahidi kumhudumia.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Keland Nursery & Primary School Dar

Kama unatafuta shule ya kupeleka wanao wadogo, chekini hii shule maeneo ya Mbezi Beach. Ni English medium.

Inaitwa Keland Nursery & Primary School

Blogu ya shule ni:

Pink Ribbon Gala in Dar - Kansa ya Ziwa

Nimefurahi kusikia habari kuwa kuna watu Tanzania ambao wanafanya fundraising kwa ajili ya kusaidia hospitali na wagonjwa wa kansa ya ziwa. Huko Tanzania nimeona akina mama wakifa na huo ugonjwa na walisema kuwa eti matiti yao yalilogwa au zina mashetani, kumbe wanaumwa kansa! Wengine wanakuwa na vidonda vya ajabu kwenye titi na hawendi hospitalini. Kumbe ndo kansa imefikia stage ambayo hakuna tiba.

Akina mama ni muhimu kujipima matiti kuona kama kuna uzimbe wowote. Kama unayo kamwone daktari upate matibabu mapema. Ukitibiwa mapema, unaweza kupona! Na akina kaka, kama unaona mpenzi/mke wako ana uvimbe kwenye ziwa mshauri aende hospitalini.

Kwa habari zaidi ya kansa ya ziwa soma:

- Chemi




8 September 2007


Moevenpick Royal Palm

Time: 1930Hrs.

Dress Code: Make a Statement

Ticket Price: $60.00

The Pink Ribbon Gala is a breast cancer awareness gala, prior to the Breast cancer awareness month of October. This Fundraising gala is a Mustafa Hassanali initiative to raise and collect funds for the Breast cancer Awareness and treatment Programme, the Lions club of Dar es Salaam Central Project under the Chairmanship of Lion Nafeesa Malik.

Not only do breast cancer patients suffer the physical pain but more so emotional and financial pain too. Thus, Breast cancer awareness is a drive to empower women to take charge of their health by self examining for lump or abnormal growth in the mammary tissue and to avail a mammography service to the general public at an affordable rate. Not only shall early detection save the need of mastectomy but it can reduce its prevalence,

"Haba na Haba hujaza kibaba", your little support by attending this Dinner Dance Gala shall not only entertain you that evening but indirectly have you play a role in fundraising for this noble cause.

We strongly believe that creating awareness coupled with availability of Mammography services will able to detect and reduce the Breast Cancer prevalence in Tanzania. Hence, funds raised from this gala will go towards enabling The Lions Club of DSM Central project turn into reality, thus your support both moral and financial will go along way to create a Breast Cancer Free Society.

The Pink Ribbon Gala is not only Dinner Dance affair but also miniature performances amongst them a Pink Fashion show that will feature Members of the Breast Cancer Survival group and top Tanzanian Fashion Models.

"Where there is a will, there is a way" and no doubt with your support, we shall meet our target, to have a Breast Cancer Free Tanzania.

Yours Sincerely


14 August 2007

  • The Breast Cancer awareness 2007 Walk Shall take place in October, After the Holy Month of Ramadan, We would like you/your company staff to join hands in hands to walk the walk to create Breast Cancer Awareness. The Date to be confirmed during the gala.
  • Would you wish to make a personal pledge or that on behalf of your company towards Breast cancer Awareness Campaign, please liaise with me so that you can present your pledge to the Lions Club Chairperson Ms Nafeesa Malik during the Pink Ribbon Gala night?
  • Should you like to sponsor the Pink Ribbon Gala & earn a PR and Advertising Mileage, please liaise with me soonest?
  • Please Support by creating a Pink corner around you in the Month of October, whether your office desk, Your Shops window display or by wearing the Pink Ribbon.
  • We need your Moral Support by talking about Breast Cancer.
  • For More Information please email or Call 0784-303880

Mustafa Hassanali HAUTE COUTURE
P.O.BOX 10684,
105 Kilimani Road,
Opposite Patricia Metzger health and Beauty Clinic,
Next to Embassy of France, Kinondoni,
Dar es salaam,Tanzania.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Idadi ya wanawake wanaokufa kwenye Uzazi US waongezeka!

Nimeshangaa sana kusikia kuwa idadi ya wanawake wanokufa katika uzazi Marekani umeongezeka. Maana Marekani ni nchi iliyoendelea na hospitali za hapa zina vifaa vya kisasa. Mtoto akiwa bado tumbo hata hajaumbika vizuri unaweza kumwona na kujua afya yake.

Au, vifo vinaogezeka sababu ya kampuni za bima kufupisha muda wazazi wanaokaa hospitalini?
Hata wanaozaa kwa kupasuliwa tumbo (C-section) wanakufa!

Someni habari hizi:


Experts: U.S. Childbirth Deaths on Rise

U.S. women are dying from childbirth at the highest rate in decades, new government figures show. Though the risk of death is very small, experts believe increasing maternal obesity and a jump in Caesarean sections are partly to blame.

Some numbers crunchers note that a change in how such deaths are reported also may be a factor.

"Those of us who look at this a lot say it's probably a little bit of both," said Dr. Jeffrey King, an obstetrician who led a recent New York state review of maternal deaths.
The U.S. maternal mortality rate rose to 13 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2004, according to statistics released this week by the National Center for Health Statistics.
The rate was 12 per 100,000 live births in 2003 - the first time the maternal death rate rose above 10 since 1977.

To be sure, death from childbirth remains fairly rare in the United States. The death of infants is much more common - the nation's infant mortality rate was 679 per 100,000 live births in 2004.
Maternal deaths were a much more common tragedy long ago. Nearly one in every 100 live births resulted in a mother's death as recently as 90 years ago.

But the fact that maternal deaths are rising at all these days is shocking, said Tim Davis, a Virginia man whose wife Elizabeth died after childbirth in 2000.

"The hardest thing to understand is how in this day and age, in a modern hospital with doctors and nurses, that somebody can just die like that," he said.

Some health statisticians note the total number of maternal deaths - still fewer than 600 each year - is small. It's so small that 50 to 100 extra deaths could raise the rate, said Donna Hoyert, a health scientist with the National Center for Health Statistics. The rate is the number of deaths per 100,000 live births.

In 2003, there was a change in death certificate questions in the nation's most populous state, California, as well as Montana and Idaho. That may have resulted in more deaths being linked to childbirth - enough push up the 2003 rate, Hoyert said.

Some researchers point to the rising C-section rate, now 29 percent of all births - far higher than what public health experts say is appropriate. Like other surgeries, Caesareans come with risks related to anesthesia, infections and blood clots.

"There's an inherent risk to C-sections," said Dr. Elliott Main, who co-chairs a panel reviewing obstetrics care in California. "As you do thousands and thousands of them, there's going to be a price."

Excessive bleeding is one of the leading causes of pregnancy-related death, and women with several previous C-sections are at especially high risk, according to a review of maternal deaths in New York. Blood vessel blockages and infections are among the other leading causes.

Experts also say obesity may be a factor. Heavier women are more prone to diabetes and other complications, and they may have excess tissue and larger babies that make a vaginal delivery more problematic. That can lead to more C-sections. "It becomes this sort of snowball effect," said King, who is now medical director of maternal-fetal medicine at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

The age of mothers could be a factor, too. More women are giving birth in their late 30s and 40s, when complications risks are greater.

Other characteristics of the maternal mortality rate include:

_Race: Studies have found that the maternal death rate in black women is at least three times greater than is it is for whites. Black women are more susceptible to complications like high blood pressure and are more likely to get inadequate prenatal care.

_Quality of care: Three different studies indicate at least 40 percent of maternal deaths could have been prevented.

Sometimes, there is no clear explanation for a woman's death.

Valerie Scythes, a 35-year-old elementary schoolteacher, died in March at a hospital in New Jersey - the state with the highest Caesarean section rate. She had had a C-section, as did another teacher at the same school who died after giving birth at the same hospital two weeks later.

However, Scythes died of a blocked blood vessel and the other woman died from bleeding, said John Baldante, a Philadelphia attorney investigating the death for Scythes' family.
"I'm not sure there was any connection between the two deaths," Baldante said.

Also mysterious was the death of Tim Davis' 37-year-old wife, Elizabeth, who died a day after a vaginal delivery at a Danville, Va., hospital in September 2000.

She had a heart attack after a massive blood loss, Davis said. It's not clearly known what caused the heavy bleeding. There was no autopsy, he said, a decision he now regrets.
Two previous births had gone well.

"Nothing led us to believe anything was wrong with this pregnancy. She was like a picture of health," he continued, noting she had been a YMCA fitness instructor.

A lawsuit against the hospital ended in a settlement. Davis also sued the obstetrician, but a jury ruled in the doctor's favor.

The child born that day, Ethan, starts second grade next week. "He's a happy kid," Davis said.

"He's just never had a mom."
National Center for Health Statistics 2004 deaths report:

Mega Millions ni $250M na Powerball ni $300M, Jaribu bahati yako!

DOH! Fikiria unashinda bahati nasibu na kupata mapesa ya ajabu, mamilioni ya dola. Utafanya nini nazo!
Haya ndoto yako inaweza kukamilika maana zawadi kuu katika Powerball imefikia dola milioni mia tatu na Mega Millions imefikia dola milioni mia mbili na hamsini. Hela nyingi kweli, maana hata ukikatwa kodi bado zinabaki nyingi.

Jirani yangu alishinda dola 42 milioni katika Mass Millions. Kwa kweli kabala ya hapo alikuwa anasota na familia yake. Sasa ukimwona kavaa vizuri, kanawiri, lkanunua nyumba kubwa lakini hana raha maana anasema kila mtu anawomba pesa! Juzi niliwona na wanawake wa kizungu ambao zamani walikuwa wanamsema vibaya, na hawana time naye walikuwa wankimbilia kumkumbatia.

Nawauliza mkishinda pesa nyingi hivyo utafanya nini nazo?

ATLANTA (AP) -- There is a lot of money out there for lottery players.

Nobody won last night's Mega Millions jackpot, and there's a huge Powerball prize on the line tonight.

No ticket sold in any of the 12 states that play Mega Millions had all the right numbers for the 206-million-dollar prize and the jackpot will be worth about 250 million for Tuesday night's drawing.

There were a dozen second-prize tickets that are each worth $250,000.

Friday night's Mega Millions number is: four, 21, 46, 51, and 53, with a Mega Ball number of five.

Tonight's Powerball prize is worth at least 300 million dollars. The game hasn't had a jackpot winner since June 27th.

The Powerball lottery is played in 29 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rubani mwanamke wa kizungu na ndege yake wamepotea Africa!

Ama kweli huko Afrika Magharibi kuna mambo. Ilichukua siku kadhaa kuona ndege ya abiria ya Kenya Airways iliyoanguka huko Cameroon, na sasa kuna ndege ndogo iliyokuwa inaendeshwa na rubani wa kizungu mwanamke imepotea ikitokea Ghana kuelekea Afrika Kusini.


Kansas Pilot Disappears While Flying Over Africa


MIAMI -- The first few hours of silence after Lori Love's plane disappeared off West Africa didn't come as much of a surprise to those who know her.

The "lone wolf," as she likes to call herself, doesn't like mid-air chatter. She had asked for this solo flight through long stretches of sky not covered by radar.

A longtime friend, Steve Hall, had hired her to ferry a single-engine Beechcraft from Florida to South Africa. She exchanged a cheerful, routine radio transmission with another pilot about an hour after taking off from Accra, Ghana, last Friday night, Hall said.

That was the last time anyone heard from Love. Ghana air traffic controllers failed to establish contact with her about 15 minutes later. Her expected arrival time in Windhoek, Namibia, late Saturday morning passed without her wheels touching down.

Most troubling: The ace pilot and skydiver never activated a handheld emergency beacon that would have tipped rescuers to her location by GPS, Hall said.

Search efforts from several African countries have stopped tracing her expected flight path, failing for almost a week to find any sign of her plane or her emergency raft, Hall said.
Love would not have taken off from the Ghanian capital if she hadn't been confident her plane was fine, Hall said. A minor electrical problem in the plane's alternator switch had been fixed during a brief layover in Accra, and she had 18 hours of fuel for the nearly 2,300-mile flight south to Namibia.

"Something catastrophic must have happened," he said. It's not known whether the electrical glitch resurfaced, or if it was part of some fatal problem.
"I'm just praying she will reappear and give me hell and say, 'You gave me a lousy airplane,"' he said.

If it flies, Love knows how to keep it in the air. The 57-year-old woman raised in Wichita, Kan., was certified to teach flying and skydiving, rig parachutes and fly helicopters, gliders, single- and multiengine planes that could touch down on land or sea, according to Federal Aviation Administration records.

She logged 15,000 hours as a pilot and completed 4,000 parachute jumps before a bad back made her give up skydiving in 1999, her colleagues said. Love never stays in one place too long, but she ran her own airport in Alabama for five years before feeling the itch to move again.
She keeps her late 1970s Dodge Maxivan rolling, too - 555,000 miles and counting, Hall said, tuned with a set of tools at least as old as the vehicle.

"Everything I own is inside it," Love told a National Air and Space Museum photographer for a 1997 book about women pilots. "I honestly thought by now I would be tired of that lifestyle and be ready to settle down, but it hasn't happened."

She's had a couple scrapes: a brief marriage after college, a tangle of power lines that dumped her crop duster upside-down in a cotton field. Nothing she couldn't walk away from.

Love wasn't a daredevil child, but it was hard to keep her on the ground once she picked up skydiving at the University of Kansas, said her father, Loren Fred.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mjue Mwimbaji Maarufu wa Bongo Carolla Kinasha

Huyu ni Dada Carolla Kinasha. Ni mwanamuziki mkongwe wa Bongo. Aliwahi kualikwa kuimba na bendi ya Dr. Remmy na wanamuziki wengine maaraufu.

Carolla namfahamu miaka mingi. Nilisoma naye Zanaki Girls Secondary School. Alikuwa anapenda sana kuimba wakati huo. Alikuwa anajua nyimbo zote za Boney M na ABBA, tena alikuwa anaziimba vizuri mpaka walimu walichukia na kusema kuimba kizungu ni kasumba!

Namsifu sana maana alifuata mapenzi yake ya kuimba japo alisomea sheria. Ana bendi kali sana huko Bongo.

Kwa habari za Dada Carolla nendeni kwenye tovuti yake:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Mwanamke wa kizungu auliwa na Ngamia wake

Leo nimesikia maajabu. Huko Australia mwanamke wa kizungu alikuwa anafuga ngamia kama vile watu wanavyofuga mbwa. Ngamia mwenyewe dume... katokea kumpenda huyo mwanamke. Sasa ngamia alitaka kufanya ngono na huyo mama. Ngamia kamwangusha chini na kumpanda kutaka kufanya mapenzi naye ndo kamwua!

Duniani kuna mambo!

Australia: pet camel looking to mate kills woman


BEIJING, Aug. 20 (Xinhuanet) -- A pet male camel given as a gift that may have been looking for a mate killed an Australian woman, police said Sunday.

The camel, given to the woman on her 60th birthday, was killed Saturday at her family sheep and cattle ranch near Mitchell, about 350 miles west of the Queensland state capital of Brisbane, state police Detective Senior Constable Craig Gregory said.

The 330-pound, 10-month-old male had knocked the woman (police have not released her name) to the ground then lay on top of her in what police suspect was mating behavior, Gregory said.

Camel expert Chris Hill agreed with Gregory.

Hill, who has offered camel rides to tourists for 20 years, said young camels are not aggressive but can be dangerous if treated as pets without discipline.

The woman was given the hand-reared camel in March as a birthday present from her husband and daughter.

The fate of the camel is not known.

An autopsy of the woman will determine the precise cause of death within days.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mapaja ya Ajabu?

Nimeona hii picha kwa Michuzi Jr. (Jiachie Blog) Sasa nimebakia kushangaa haya mapaja ya huyo densa yako hivyo na ma stretch marks kibao au kuna mtu kamfanyia ubaya na photo shop software?
Ni mchezaji wa Koffi Olomide.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mheshimwa Zitto Kabwe Asimamishwa Ubunge!

Mh. Zitto Kabwe

Ama kweli huko Tanzania siasa zinachemka. Habari kwenye zinasema kuwa Mbunge wa Chadema, Zitto Kabwe, amesimamishwa Ubunge baada ya mzozo bungeni.



Kabwe suspended 2007-08-15 08:52:39

By Pascal Shao, Dodoma

A day of heated debate triggered by a private motion ended dramatically here yesterday with the mover, MP Zitto Kabwe, being suspended after the House voted against him by acclamation. CCM legislator Mudhihir Mudhihir moved a motion to have outspoken Kabwe suspended, saying the MP should be penalised for humiliating Energy and Minerals minister Nazir Karamagi.

Mudhihir suggested that Kabwe be suspended for cheating the House when he accused the minister Karamagi in Parliament on July 17, 2007 of lying in regard to a controversial mining contract which the minister had signed in London.

MPs who spoke in support of Kabwe`s suspension were John Malecela (CCM-Mtera), Adam Malima (CCM-Mkuranga), and Stella Manyenga (CCM-Special Seats). The North-Kigoma (Chadema) MP had earlier kept the minister on his toes throughout the prolonged House session, after he had tabled a private motion requiring the formation of a committee to investigate the mining contract.

Karamagi and a commercial miner signed the Buzwagi Mine deal in February this year, triggering a controversy that has touched off debate among legislators. The latest deal comes at a time when the government is reviewing mining contracts, policies and laws to create what has been termed a win-win situation.

The proposed Parliamentary committee, according to Kabwe, should be tasked to investigate the review of mining contracts signed between the government and investors. He said the on-going mining review process was marred by irregularities and questioned the removal of a provision on Income Tax of 1973 on the 15 per cent capitation allowance on unredeemed qualifying capital expenditure without Parliamentary approval. Kabwe's motion sparked off heated debate, and the House was split into two camps.

The legislator questioned the fast-tracking approach used in signing the contract between the government and Barrick Gold, who own the Buzwagi project. `What basis did the minister use to justify the signing? Why did he say that the contract he signed in London was perfect and had no shortcomings?` he asked. Karamagi told the House on June 16 this year that Buzwagi was simply a marginal mine and that Barrick Gold owned only three mines ? Bulyanhulu, North Mara Gold Mines and Pangea Minerals Limited (Tulawaka) - and according to his statement, Buzwagi was not a mine.

If Buzwagi is not a mine but a project, why did the minister sign the new MDA? According to my understanding, Buzwagi is the second Barrick Gold investment. They have invested $400m on the mine,` he said. `If Buzwagi is a minor mine, why is it that its investment capital has surpassed that of Tulawaka and North Mara?` he queried.

According to the MP, minister Karamagi signed the contract even before the National Environmental Management Council had conducted an environment impact assessment. Kabwe said he had personally reviewed the Finance Act 2002 and also found that in Section 8 of the Income Tax Act of 1973 on the 15 per cent capitation allowance on unredeemed, the Mining Act was not mentioned. The then Finance Minister, Basil Mramba, had once mentioned the ambiguity on the section.

My question is: Why are the mining companies that signed contracts with the government since July 1, 2001 yet to start paying income tax?` questioned Kabwe. All these controversial questions can clearly be disclosed by the proposed parliamentary probe committee ? which can unearth violations of law and corruption elements in these contracts,` he said. `It is a national issue and should be not taken as a party affair.

I believe that fellow legislators will make a decision for the benefit of our country,`Kabwe said. Responding, Minister for Energy and Minerals Nazir Karamagi said Buzwagi was still a project and would qualify to be a mine after being issued with a mining licence, which would be issued after completion of the construction of premises and commencement of mining activities. `Buzwagi is a marginal mine, whose life span is short.

Without using the existing opportunity, especially the price of gold, its investment would not be profitable,` said the minister. `The ministry evaluated the project and found that investors were developing it into a mine. Comparing investments made on Bulyanhulu, which was set up in the 1990s, with the Buzwagi mine that is expected to be constructed in 2008 is not proper, considering the current inflation rate and value of money,` said the minister.

He said Parliament had made amendments to the Income Tax of 1973 and the House had agreed to delete the 15 per cent additional capital allowance on unredeemed qualifying capital expenditure without considering mining contracts the government had signed with mining companies under the Mining Act of 1998, which was instituted before the changes were made. Karamagi said the meaning of the amendments was that the 15 per cent additional capital allowance on unredeemed qualifying capital expenditure would be refunded to the mining companies that signed contracts with the government before July 1, 2001.

`This is reason the mines that signed contract with the government before the July 1, 2001 continued with the 15 per cent additional capital allowance on unredeemed qualifying capital expenditure even after the removal of that section,` he said.

SOURCE: Guardian

Rais Kikwete azungumzia Muafaka kati ya CUF na CCM


Tarehe 7 Agosti, 2007, Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Civic United Front (CUF), Profesa Ibrahim Lipumba alitoa tamko la kuelezea kukwama kwa mazungumzo ya muafaka kati ya Chama chake na Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM). Katika tamko hilo, Profesa Lipumba alielezea nia yake na ya Chama chake ya kujiondoa katika mazungumzo hayo ifikapo tarehe 15 Agosti 2007.

Napenda kukumbusha kwamba chimbuko la mazungumzo yanayoendelea sasa ni ahadi niliyoitoa kwa Watanzania wakati nilipohutubia Bunge tarehe 30 Desemba, 2005. Niliahidi kuwa nitakuwa tayari kuchukua hatua za kutafuta ufumbuzi wa mpasuko wa kisiasa Zanzibar. Kwa ajili hiyo, nilielezea nia yangu ya kusaidia kuanzisha na kuwezesha mjadala juu ya mustakabali wa kisiasa Zanzibar.

Ahadi hiyo niliitoa kwa dhati ya moyo wangu nikiamini kwamba hakuna tofauti zozote za kisiasa na kijamii katika nchi yetu au baina yetu au katika jamii zetu ambazo haziwezi kumalizwa kwa njia ya mazungumzo. Imani hiyo bado ninayo leo na nitaendelea kuwa nayo daima.Ilichukua muda kwa mazungumzo baina ya CCM na CUF kuanza. Hii ilisababishwa na haja ya kufanya mashauriano mapana baina na miongoni mwa wadau wa pande zote husika ndani ya Chama cha Mapinduzi na wenzetu wa CUF.

Mashauriano haya yalichukua muda kidogo zaidi ndani ya CCM kwa sababu utamaduni na mfumo wetu wa demokrasia ndani ya Chama cha Mapinduzi unatuwajibisha kuwa na mashauriano mapana na ya kina katika ngazi mbalimbali za uongozi na vikao vya Chama.

Nafurahi kuwa kazi hiyo ilikamilika vizuri na tukafikia maelewano ya dhati kuwa CCM ifanye mazungumzo na CUF.Baada ya hapo, Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM ilimuagiza Katibu Mkuu wa CCM kuwasiliana na Katibu Mkuu wa CUF na kumuomba akubali kushiriki katika mazungumzo baina ya vyama vyetu. Tulifarijika sana kwamba baada ya maombi hayo ya CCM wenzetu wa CUF walikubali kukaa pamoja nasi katika meza ya mazungumzo.Tarehe 17 Januari, 2007, Makatibu Wakuu wa vyama vya CUF na CCM wakakutana na mchakato wa mazungumzo ukaanza. Baada ya kikao hicho cha mwanzo, kila upande ukaunda timu yake ya kushiriki katika mazungumzo hayo.

Tarehe 01 Februari, 2007 Kamati yetu ya Pamoja ilifanya mkutano wake wa kwanza ambapo walikubaliana kuwa jambo la mwanzo la kufanya ni kwa kila upande kutengeneza mapendekezo yake ya mambo unayotaka yazungumzwe, yaani yawe kwenye Ajenda ya Mazungumzo. Baada ya hapo yalifanyika majadiliano mazuri na katika mazingira ya kidugu, ajenda ya pamoja ya mazungumzo ikatengenezwa.
Ajenda hiyo ilikuwa na mambo matano makubwa kama ifuatavyo:
1. Uchaguzi Mkuu wa Zanzibar wa Oktoba 30, 2005 na taathira zake;
2. Usawa na haki katika kuendesha siasa;
3. Masuala ya utawala ya Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar;
4. Njia za kuimarisha mazingira ya maelewano ya kisiasa na uendeshaji wa uchaguzi huru na wa haki Zanzibar; na,
5. Utaratibu wa kutekeleza Programu ya Utekelezaji wa Makubaliano yatakayofikiwa katika mazungumzo haya.

Tangu mazungumzo haya yaanze mwezi Januari mwaka huu, Kamati yetu ya Pamoja imefanya vikao 12 na wametumia siku 43 za mazungumzo. Pia Makatibu Wakuu nao wamekutana mara mbili kutafuta ufumbuzi wa yale mambo yaliyohitaji kufanywa nao. Tulikubaliana kuwa mazungumzo ya msingi yatafanywa na Kamati lakini pale ambapo Kamati itakwama Makatibu Wakuu waingilie kati kutoa mwongozo. Ukweli kwamba wamekutana mara mbili tu ni dalili kwamba mambo yanakwenda vizuri.

Hatua kubwa imefikiwa na mafanikio ya kuridhisha yamepatikana. Kuna mambo kadhaa makubwa na ya msingi ambayo pande hizi mbili zimekwishakubaliana. Katika ajenda tano za mazungumzo, ajenda tatu, yaani ajenda ya Usawa na Haki katika Kuendesha Siasa, Masuala ya Utawala ya Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar, na Njia za Kuimarisha Mazingira ya Maelewano ya Kisiasa na Uendeshaji wa Uchaguzi Huru na wa Haki Zanzibar, zimejadiliwa na pande zote mbili zimefikia maelewano mazuri.Kwa upande wa ajenda ya kwanza inayohusu Uchaguzi Mkuu wa Zanzibar wa Oktoba 30, 2005 na Taathira Zake, mazungumzo yamefanyika na maelewano yamepatikana kwa mambo kadhaa.

Yapo mambo mawili matatu ambayo bado maelewano hayajafikiwa. Hatuna budi tuendelee kuyazungumza mpaka tutakapopata maelewano ya pamoja. Jambo moja kubwa ambalo wawakilishi wa vyama vyetu bado wanaendelea kujadiliana na ambalo bado halijakamilika ni lile linalohusu namna ya kutengeneza mazingira yatakayowezesha vyama vya siasa Zanzibar, hususan CUF na CCM, kuishi na kuendesha shughuli zao kwa pamoja katika hali ya maelewano na mazingira ya amani na utulivu.

Mazungumzo kuhusu kipengele hiki yamechukua muda na muafaka bado haujafikiwa. Kwa maoni yangu imekuwa hivyo kwa sababu ya umuhimu wake na umakini unaotakiwa katika uchambuzi wa hoja na kufikia uamuzi. Katika mazungumzo kuna mambo rahisi yanayochukua muda mfupi kujadiliwa na kufikiwa makubaliano na kuna mambo magumu yanayochukua muda mrefu. Huu ndiyo uzoefu wa vyama vyetu katika mazungumzo tuliyofanya huko nyuma na hata kwa mazungumzo haya.

Kwa sababu hiyo, sisi wa upande wa CCM, hatudhani kama tumefikia mahali pa kusema kuwa mambo yameshindikana na hivyo mazungumzo yavunjike. Hatujafikia hatua hiyo hata kidogo. Ni maoni yangu na ya Chama cha Mapinduzi kuwa tuendelee kuzungumza na kila upande uboreshe hoja zake za kuushawishi upande mwingine. Tupo kwenye mazungumzo kwa ajili hiyo. Tupo kufanya hivyo. Naamini kwamba, kama ambavyo tumepata maelewano katika maeneo mengine ambayo yalikuwa magumu, hata kwa haya yaliyobakia hatimaye tutaafikiana.

Wahenga walisema: “Penye nia pana njia”. Maadam sote nia tunayo, jawabu muafaka kwetu sote na kwa nchi yetu tutalipata.Nawasihi wenzetu wa CUF wasijiondoe kwenye mazungumzo haya na badala yake tuendelee kuzungumza. Tunazungumza kwa sababu tuna tatizo tunalolitafutia ufumbuzi. Kuacha kuzungumza si jawabu kwani tutakuwa tunaacha kulipatia ufumbuzi tatizo linalotusibu sote.

Tutarudi kule tulikokuwa, yaani kwenye uhasama, shutuma zisizoisha, kubaguana, kutozikana na hata kutosalimiana au kuchekeana. Tutaendelea na utamaduni mbaya wa kuzifanya tofauti zetu za kisiasa kuwa ni chanzo cha uadui, chuki na hivyo kuhatarisha amani, utulivu na umoja wa taifa letu na watu wake.Ni kweli, mazungumzo ni lazima yawe na ukomo. Na sisi wote tungependa yafikie mwisho wake mapema inavyowezekana.
Lakini, ukomo wa mazungumzo ni lazima utokane na ridhaa ya pamoja ya pande zote na hasa kwamba ajenda zote zimepata nafasi ya kujadiliwa kwa kina na maelewano yamefikiwa. Ukomo wa mazungumzo usiotokana na hayo ni kuahirisha tatizo litakalokuja kujitokeza na kutudhuru wote siku za usoni. Shabaha yetu katika mazungumzo haya ni kupata ufumbuzi wa kudumu na endelevu kwa matatizo yanayotukabili katika uwanja wa kisiasa nchini.

Tunafanya yote hayo ili kujihakikishia amani, utulivu, mshikamano na umoja wa taifa letu na watu wake vinaendelea kuwepo daima dumu.Napenda kumaliza kama nilivyoanza kwa kukumbusha kwamba mazungumzo haya yametokana na ahadi yangu na ya CCM. Ahadi hiyo ni ya dhati na niliitoa kwa kujiamini na kwa kuamini kuwa hii ndiyo njia pekee iliyo bora kuliko zote ya kushughulikia tofauti zetu.

Kwa msingi huo, ningependa na CCM ingependa kuona mazungumzo haya yanaendelea na yanazaa matunda tunayoyatarajia sote. Nawasihi wenzetu wa CUF tuungane kuhakikisha tunafanikiwa. Tusikubali mazungumzo yavunjike kwani gharama ya kuvunjika kwa mazungumzo haya ni mbaya na haina maslahi kwa taifa letu na watu wake. Itahatarisha amani na utulivu wa nchi yetu.
Ikulu, Dar es Salaam.
14 Agosti, 2007

Mkenya Anastasia Olouch anatafutwa na polisi!

Anastasia Olouch

Jamani, jamani, jamani, watu wengine wana laana! Leo nimesikia vituko vya huyo mama Mkenya, Anastasia Oluoch (54) huko Baltimore. Maryland. Anastasia aliajiriwa kumwangalia kibabu kizee wa miaka tisini nyumbani kwake baada ya kizee huyo kupata ugonjwa wa kupooza (stroke). Kumbe alikuwa anapiga mgonjwa! Mtoto wa huyo mzee alificha camera chumbani na kwa kweli inatisha hasa ukifikiria kuwa huyo babu hajiwezi.

Hapa unweza kuona footage ya video camera iliyofichwa chumbani inayoonyesha huyo babu akipigwa.

Anastasia alikamatwa na polisi na kupelekwa rumande. Alitoka nje kwa dhamana, lakini siku ya kesi yake kufika mahakamani hakuonekana! Hivyo kwa sasa Anastasia Oluoch anatafutwa na polisi. Na huyo babu akifa kutokanan na kuumizwa na huyo mama anaweza kufungwa maisha!

Caregiver Caught On Tape Abusing 90-Year-Old

BALTIMORE -- A Baltimore city woman who caught her elderly father being abused on tape by a home caregiver is fighting to get justice.

Jaki Taylor said she brought her 90-year-old father, John Taylor, home to be cared for after he had a series of strokes. She hired a caretaker but eventually found out that the woman she hired, Anastasia Olouch, was abusing him.

Taylor said she knew because she had installed security cameras in her home that caught Olouch, 54, abusing her father on four different occasions.

"In the video you see can Olouch using her fist and hitting him in the chest, stomach and arm. When we looked back (to earlier video), she also had him on his side and was banging him in his temples and slapping him in the back of his head," Jaki Taylor said.

John Taylor suffered two strokes and was unable to defend himself or communicate, his daughter said. Police arrested Olouch and a grand jury indicted her on multiple counts of assault, abuse of a vulnerable adult and reckless endangerment.

On Aug. 8 she was set to stand trail, but failed to appear.

"The state would like to go forward with this, and we are asking the state to seek her via a warrant and bring her to justice," said Margaret Burns of the city state's attorney's office.
Since the beatings, John Taylor has suffered several brain seizures. Doctor's couldn't say for sure if they were a direct result of the abuse, but Jaki Taylor said her father's health has deteriorated ever since.

She is asking that anyone who sees Olouch call police.

"This is a woman who sat in my dining room everyday, supposedly reading the Bible. My God, what God was she serving? Not the one I know," Jaki Taylor said.

She said that Olouch had also cared for children in Pennsylvania.

According to court records, Olouch is a citizen of Kenya. Her last known address was in northeast Baltimore.

Taylor said her father is getting great care in the nursing home facility in which he's currently located.

UPDATE: 8/17/07
Anastasia Olouch is still on the run. Bado anatafutwa. Video imeonyeshwa States zote za Marekani.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mjue Msanii Mkongwe wa Bongo - Bi Hindu

Bi Chuma Suleiman aka. Bi Hindu, ni msanii maarufu huko Tanzania. Bi Hindu ameigiza katika film na michezo kwenye TV Bongo nyingi sana. Pia ameigiza katika michezo mingi ya redio. Kwa siku hukosi kumwona kwenye television huko Bongo.
Bi Hindu anapenda sana mambo ya usanii na aliniambia alianza miaka mingi sana iliyopita hata kabla ya Uhuru wa Tanganyika. Bi Hindu alisomewa lines zake za kuongea na kuzishika mara moja.
Nilibahatika kukutana naye kwenye siku ya kwanza ya film shoot ya Bongoland II huko Magomeni Dar es Salaam. Katika sinema ya Bongoland II Bi Hindu anaigiza kama mama mwenye nyumba (landlord) wa Juma, wakati anakaa kwenye nyumba ya uswahilini.

Happy Birthday Halle Berry

Leo mcheza sinema na mrembo Halle Berry anasherekea Birthday yake. Ametimiza miaka 41.
Halle ni mwanamke wa kwanza mweusi kupata tuzo la Oscar kwenye category ya Best Actress (mwanamke mcheza sinema bora). Alipata kwa ajili ya sinema 'Monster's Ball'. Mle alicheza kama mwanamke mwenye matatizo mengi, anapoteza kila kitu hata mtoto wake. Ukijua ubaguzi wa Hollywood utaelewa kuwa kwa kweli ni heshima kubwa kwa mwanamke mweusi kupata hiyo Oscar.

Happy Birthday Halle Berry!


Halle Berry was born on August 14, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA to African American father Jerome Berry, a former hospital attendant, and Caucasian mother Judith Berry, a retired psychiatric nurse. Halle also has an older sister named Heidi. Halle first came into the spotlight at 17 years old when she won the Miss Teen All-American Pageant, representing the state of Ohio in 1985 and a year later in 1986 when she was the first runner-up in the Miss USA Pageant. After participating in the pageant, Halle became a model. It eventually led to her first weekly TV series, 1989's "Living Dolls" (1989), where she soon gained a reputation for her on set tenacity, preferring to "live" her roles and remaining in character even when the cameras stopped rolling. It paid off though when she reportedly refused to bathe for several days before starting work on her role as a crack addict in Spike Lee's Jungle Fever (1991) because the role provided her big screen breakthrough. The following year, she was cast as Eddie Murphy's love interest in Boomerang (1992), one of the few times that Murphy was evenly matched on screen. In 1994, Berry gained a youthful following for her performance as sexy secretary Sharon Stone in The Flintstones (1994). She next had a highly publicized costarring role with Jessica Lange in the adoption drama Losing Isaiah (1995). Though the movie received mixed reviews, Berry didn't let that slow her down, and continued down her path to superstardom. In 1998, she received critical success when she starred as a street smart young woman who takes up with a struggling politician in Warren Beatty's Bulworth (1998). The following year she won even greater acclaim for her role as actress Dorothy Dandridge in made-for-cable's Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (1999) (TV), for which she won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a TV Movie/Mini-Series. In 2000, she received box office success in X-Men (2000) in which she played Storm, a mutant who has the ability to control the weather.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rest in Peace Madilu System

Leo nimesikia kuwa mwimbaji maarufu wa KiCongo, Madilu System, amefariki dunia huko Kinshasa, Congo.

Nitamkumbuka hasa kwa wimbo wake Mamou.


Congolese singer Madilu Système passes away

Kinshasa (DR Congo) Congolese singer Madilu System, the composer of famous songs, passed away Saturday in the University Private Hospital of Kinshasa at 57, APA learns here.

Madilu Systeme (his real name is Bialu Makese), had reached his peak with the OK jazz orchestra of François Luambo Makiadi, also known as Franco whom he joined after a short career with Bakuba Mayopi, a second rank band.

Upon the death of Luambo Makiadi, Madilu had first continued singing alone before forming his own band while his former colleagues from OK Jazz had created the Bana OK orchestra.

Madilu is the composer of several famous songs, including “Ya Jean”, “Frere Edouard”, “Voisin”, “Sans compassion”.

The Congolese Culture and Arts Minister, Malenso Ndodila, expressed his dismay upon the death of Madilu whom he called an “artist of peace that brought joy around him”.

Kwa habari zaidi soma:

Kijana wa Form II ajiua mjini Dar es Salaam

Leo nimesoma kwenye habari za kifo cha kijana wa Form II, Mussa. Huyo kijana simjui lakini kifo chake kimenigusa. Kimenigusa kwa vile nina ndugu yangu ambaye naye alijiua miaka ya 80 baada ya kuugua kwa muda, lakini alikuwa na Kifua kikuu (TB). Watu walimtania kuwa anao lakini nashangaa hakuwahi kupimwa kujua kama anayo kweli. Na naamini angefuata utaratibu wa matibabu angepona ugonjwa wake japo ingechukua muda mrefu. Wakati huo alikuwa anasoma Form Four, na habari za mdudu zilikuwa ndo kwanza tunaanza kuzikisikia.

Lakini nauliza huyo marehemu Mussa, aliamua kuji-diagnose mwenyewe ndo kaamua basi maisha haina maana na kujiua? Hivi hata kama alikuwa anao hakuwahi kusikia habari za dawa za kurefusha maisha?

Ama kweli inasikitisha na kweli Bongo wanahitaji kampeni kali zaidi ya kuelimisha watu kuwa kuwa na virusi vya UKIMWI haimainishi utakufa mara moja.



Denti ajiua kwa hofu?alihisi anao


Na Emmanuel Lengwa, Jijini

Mwanafunzi wa shule ya sekondari wa kidato cha pili, ameamua kukatisha uhai wake ghafla kwa kujintia kitanzi kutokana na hofu ya kuhisi ana virusi vya ukimwi. Imeelezwa kuwa mwanafunzi huyo alifikia hatua hiyo baada ya kuugua kwa muda mrefu magonjwa yanayodaiwa kutokana na zinaa.

Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Mbeya, Suleiman Kova amemtaja mwanafunzi huyo kuwa ni Mussa Mwalembe aliyekuwa akisoma kidato cha pili katika shule ya sekondari Ngana. Kamanda Kova amesema kuwa mwanafunzi huyo mkazi wa kijiji cha Makwale wilayani Kyela, alikutwa akiningiinia kwenye mti huku amejining?iniza kwa kamba ya nailoni.

Amesema marehemu alipopekuliwa alikutwa na barua, akielezea kuwa amekata tamaa baada ya kuugua kwa muda mrefu, ugonjwa uliotokana na zinaa. Hata hivyo Kamanda Kova hakuutaja ugonjwa huo uliokuwa ukimsumbua denti huyo lakini amesema polisi wanaendelea na uchunguzi wa tukio zima.

CEO wa kampuni ya China ajiua baada ya kutapeliwa na rafiki yake

Jamani nashangaa sana hao wenzetu wa huko bara Asia, hasa China na Japan. Kitu kikitokea wanajiua! Fikiria kama barani Afrika viongozi wangekuwa wanjiua kama kitu kibaya kikitokea, tusingekuwa na viongozi!

Hivi karibuni toys za kampuni maarufu zilikuwa recalled. Kwa maana hiyo ina maana kama umenunua zirudishe huko ulipo nununua urudishiwe hela yako hata kama toy enyewe imechakaa. Kisa cha hii toy recall ni kuwa toys zimepakwa rangi na rangi enye 'lead'. Hiyo lead ikiliwa na mtoto anaweza kupata madhara ya akili hapo baadaye.

Sasa huyo bosi wa kampuni ya LEE DER huko China kajiua kwa kujinyonga huko ofisini kwake baada ya kugundua kuwa rafiki yake mpenzi kamwuzia hiyo rangi mbovu iliyotumika kwenye hizo toys.

Na mara kwa mara utasikia mtu mkubwa wa huko kajiua kwa sababau ya vitu kama, kuuza ndege au gari mbovu au kitu kilioza na watu waliathirika na mambo mengi zaidi.

Someni habari zenyewe hapo chini:
Toy company CEO kills self

BEIJING, China (AP) -- The head of a Chinese toy manufacturing company at the center of a huge U.S. recall has committed suicide, a state-run newspaper said Monday.

Two toys of the same kind recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Zhang Shuhong, who ran the Lee Der Industrial, killed himself at a warehouse over the weekend, days after China announced it had temporarily banned exports by the company, the Southern Metropolis Daily said.

Lee Der made 967,000 toys recalled earlier this month by Mattel because they were made with paint found to have excessive amounts of lead. The plastic preschool toys, sold under the Fisher-Price brand in the U.S., included the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters.

The newspaper said that a supplier, Zhang's best friend, sold Lee Der fake paint that was used in the toys.

"The boss and the company were harmed by the paint supplier, the closest friend of our boss," a manager surnamed Liu was quoted as saying.

Liu said Zhang hung himself on Saturday, according to the report. It is common for disgraced officials to commit suicide in China.

A company official who answered the telephone at the Lee Der factory in the southern city of Foshan on Monday said he had not heard of the news. A man at Lee Der's main office in Hong Kong said the company was not accepting interviews and hung up.

The recall by El Segundo, California-based Mattel came just two months after RC2 Corp., a New York company, recalled 1.5 million Chinese-made wooden railroad toys and set parts from its Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway product line because of lead paint.

The maker, Hansheng Wood Products Factory, also was included in the export ban announced Thursday by the General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, one of China's quality watchdogs.
The administration also ordered both companies to evaluate and change their business practices.

Lead poisoning can cause vomiting, anemia and learning difficulties. In extreme cases, it can cause severe neurological damage and death.

The quality watchdog also said police were investigating two companies' use of "fake plastic pigment" but did not give any details. Such pigments are a type of industrial latex usually used to increase surface gloss and smoothness.

Chinese companies often have long supply chains, making it difficult to trace the exact origin of components, chemicals and food additives.

The toy recalls were among the largest in recent months involving Chinese products, which have come under fire for containing potentially dangerous high levels of chemicals and toxins.
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