Wapendwa wasomaji, kule kwa Michuzi, watu walikuwa wanaongelea sana juu ya nguo alizovaa Flaviana Matata, kwenye mashindao ya Miss Universe. Hasa designer Mustafa Hassanali alitajwa sana.
Sasa kampuni yake imefanya Public Relations na kujibu hoja waliozotoa wasomaji kule. Kweli blogu ya Michuzi imekuwa nzito kuliko site yoyote ya waTanzania.
Photo (Designer Mustafa Hassanali poses with model and Former Miss Tanzania, Nancy Sumary pic from Michuzi Blog)
PRESS RELEASE Dated 1 June 2007
First and foremost, we at Mustafa Hassanali Couture would like to congratulate Ms Flaviana Matata for performing well at the Miss Universe Pageant which is attributed to the young girl’s zeal, zest and support from her organisers, sponsors and the people who voted for her. Flaviana prior to being a Miss Universe Tanzania 2007 had an opportunity to be cast to showcase our “Namaste” Collection in January 2007.
Pictures of that Show were published in Issa Michuzi Blog amongst many others. Since May 28 2007, the finals of the Miss Universe pageant, The Issa Michuzi Blog has been flooded with comments, remarks, feedbacks and allegation in regards to the Her Wardrobe, this has been intensified more so, since her arrival back from Mexico.
Mustafa Hassanali would like to clarify, refute and abstain from the following remarks:“bora wangempa deal hassanali ila waliogopa bei si unajua these stingy idiots hu just think of themselves....”
we Appreciate that, the Anonymous, thought of us…. But we would want to make clear, we design, create, construct and embellish as per the clients budget. All good and quality product does come with a price tag. “The biggest hindrance to creativity is budgets” Mustafa Hassanali“
Hivi kaka Michu,gauni lile"jeupe"ambalo hasa ndilo lilitukosesha sisi watz ushindi kwa"mwanamke wetu Flaviana"lilitengenezwa na"designer"wa kitz Hassanali au?? Kama Hassanali ndiye alilitengeneza gauni lile"baya"adhabu yake ni kupigwa bakora hadharani,manake halikutoa kabisa dada yetulets me know kaka Michu,nani hasa alitupokonya ubingwa huu kwa kutumia hila ya kumpa auni baya"jeupe "dada yetu?”
We hereby attest that Ms Flaviana Matata On stage evening gown, Official National Costume, Bikini, Pre-final rehearsal segment gown and her welcome home gown were NOT A MUSTAFA HASSANALI CREATION. Each designer has its own creative IQ which makes that their selling point. We respect it.
As they say “one mans meat is another mans poison” Kwa Kiswahili “Mkia was Nguruwe………….”“michuzi hakuna uzalendo wa kijinga tena la sivyo tutaacha kufagilia, wabunifu wa kibongo hawajafikia viwango kwa hiyo hakuna kuvaa nguo zao kwenye mashindano ya kimataifa la sivyo itakuwa aibu tu, vaeni nguo zao hukohuko bongo mkishatoka mnavaa nguo zenye mvuto zilizo kwenye international standardkwa lile gauni hata kumi bora wamempa sababu alikuwa unique and creative on her own beauty”
we @ Mustafa Hassanali would like to inform the person who wrote this comment, That fashion designers just like other professionals have their Identity. I would like to enlighten the said person that its passion for our work, just like the rest of you, drives us for our daily livelihood. As they Say Charity Begins at Home, Ailinda Sawe of Afrika Sana is a Professional Designer and one of the first in Tanzania with a Degree.
Ally Rhemtullah is another qualified designer from USA whilst Elly Mlaki studied in UK. The Late Kiiza Kahama studied in Paris. We Have So many professional DESIGNERS in Tanzania some who are trained and others are Qualified by Experience.
“Hivi ni nani aliye-design Night Gown yake?? Lile Gown lilikuwa baya kusema ukweli. Jamani Tanzania Designers wengi wabovu sana yaani hata tungemnunulia nguo kutoka Walmart angependeza sana kuliko lile gown baya. Angekuwa na Gown bomba angeweza kushinda. Lakini hata hivyo hongera sana Flaviana Matata.”
As stated Earlier that it was NOT A MUSTAFA HASSANALI.What Ms Flaviana Matata Wore during the pageant, had nothing to do with the Qualification status of designers in “Bongo” but its entire her own judgement, she is above 18yrs old, and that of her Organisation Miss Tanzania Universe.Mustafa Hassanali did design two over the Top Evening Gowns for Miss Flaviana Matata as her personal wardrobe which was commissioned and paid for by Flaviana personally.
Mustafa Hassanali Couture is renowned for its elegance, style, flamboyancy, glamour and glitz that has made it one of the most sought after fashion house in TanzaniaHaving been showcased throughout South, Central, Eastern Africa and Italy, this has influenced his cosmopolitan approach to the world of Fashion in Tanzania. It is his exquisite handwork, detailed beadwork and creative ensemble embellishments that make its designs alive. Whether it’s the corporate wear, Traditional costumes or a Wedding Ensemble… Mustafa Hassanali handles each piece with great care and gives the utmost attention to whole outfit right from first client contact to delivery, a personal touch all through.
True to its policy, each design and Outfit is a masterpiece of work…. A duplicate is NEVER created.That is what makes it unique, a Truly Mustafa Hassanali Affair.
Issued By:press@mustafahassanali.netTel: +255-71-5303880
P.O.BOX 10684 DAR ES SALAAMTANZANIATel: +255-78-4303880+255-22-2668555E-mail: press@mustafahassanali.netURL: http://www.mustafahassanali.net
P.O.BOX 10684 DAR ES SALAAMTANZANIATel: +255-78-4303880+255-22-2668555E-mail: press@mustafahassanali.netURL: http://www.mustafahassanali.net
Kwani M.Hassanalli kasomea wapi hiyo kazi yake??Manake kuna kina Afrika Sana,Manju,MaryEdo kina Gwao nk wao wamekuwa kwenye Fashion Industry kwa miaka mingi cha ajabu ni kuwa hakuna anaye watangaza kiasi hiki!!Au kuna anayekula na Hassanalli??Kama kawaida Bongo wazawa wanawekwa nyuma.Hatujui kuwa tunavyofanyiana inafanya tukose wote baadaye.Akipata mmoja wetu sifa ni ya wote,huko nje Hassanalli anaonekana ni Mdosi si M-Bongo!!Pole zetu!
Yaani, inazidi kusikitisha jinsi hii "Xenophobia" inavyokuwa ka kasi bongo. Mwache mbongo mwenzetu afanye kazi nzuri KWAKE bila kubagua rangi!
Pale mtu anapo jitahidi na kufanya kitu kizuri haina maana anawazuia wenzake ... hata asipo kuwa na ngozi za ki-bantu.
Ammka kijana, panga mikakati kwenda mbele natupunguze wivu. Muda umefika kujua ni nini hawa "wadosi" wanafanya ambayo sisi hatufanyi mpaka wao waonekane kuliko kuponda tu. Naamini warembo wenyewe na makampuni yao (wengi ni "waswahili") ndio wanachagua mavazi.
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