Mtengeneza sinema Josiah Kibira, anaanza kupata umaarufu katika dunia ya sinema. Hapa anahojiwa nyumbani kwake jana na Channel 12, huko Minnesota. Walitaka kujua habari zaidi ya sinema ya Bongoland II. Josiah ameondoka leo kuelekea Tanzania.
Hapo anaongea na mtangazaji, Lisa Furgison, wa Channel 12, Twin Cities, Minnesota. Mnaweza kuona mahojiano leo hapa: Channel 12 Live
1 comment:
i congatulate Mr. kibira for film i beleave is on the write track. i have watched his two film, they are impressive.
but i dont think we need to copy/want to be like Nigeria, course Nigeria videos are rubbish from sound to everything
we need to try and get where south Africa is or Morocco are. Also we dont need to call our self any name, but let the film makers give us name
lets us stop calling ourself Bongowood this is rubbish. look south Africa makes good film wourld class such us Tsotsi, mama jack, they also make Hotel rwanda, Blood diamond etc but still they didnt give themself a name like we do
lets our film be a star
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