Hizi ni picha nilizopiga leo asubuhi wakati polisi wanafanya uchunguzi kuhusu hiyo ajali mbaya Central Square iliyomtoa roho mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha Harvard. Alikata roho saa 6 na dakika ishirini mchana. Marehemu ametambulika kama Isaac Meyers, mwenye miaka 28. Mungu ailaze roho yake mahala pema mbinguni. Amen.
Kuna watu ambao wanadai kuwa marehemu alikuwa anasikiliza Ipod yake ajali ilipotokea. Mwingine anasema alikuwa anatazama kuelekea MIT na hakuwa natazama mbele ndo maana alizolewa na matairi ya nyuma ya lori. Dereva wa lori hajafunguliwa mashitaka.
Wadau, hapo jamaa lipogongwa ni pa hatari sana, maana wenye magari mara nyingi hawaheshimu waenda kwa miguu! Dawa wasimamishe magari ndo watu waruhusiwe kupita!
Kwa habari zaidi someni:
Nimeona kwenye taarifa ya habari. Kweli ni ajali mbaya. Huyo kijana alikuwa anatafsiri vitabu vya Ugiriki kwa Uyehudi huko Harvard.
RIP bro
Rest in Peace. What a terrible tragedy.
So I leave my house at 6:45 to walk to work. As i come up to central square there is a guy walking about 10 feet in front of me. we get up to the corner of Prospect and Mass ave. and a Shaw's semi was making a right turn onto Mass ave. The guy waits for the truck to almost get passed and he stepped out into the crosswalk. All the sudden in the blink of an eye he gets caught and sucked in between the two rear tires. The driver didn't realize what had happened and kept on driving down the street dragging and grinding him into pulp. Me and the guy who passes out Boston Now papers bolt after the truck screaming and yelling for him to stop. He stopped for a second then seeing what looked like your average central square crackhead (the newspaper guy) running after him he started driving off again. We finally get him to stop in front of Supreme Liquors which is about 200 feet from the corner where the guy got pulled in. I saw a cop in the Dunkin' Donuts and ran in to get him then ran back out to see if I could help the guy under the truck. I get to him and he was wrapped up in the tires and axle so bad that he didn't have much of a lower body left. The road leading up to him looked like someone took 50lbs of burger and scraped it down the street. Needless to say there was nothing I could do. He was trying to push the tire off of him then looked up at me pleadingly for help while coughing up blood. I waited as long as I could desperately trying to think of something I could do to help but eventually had to turn my back on him when the ambulance pulled up, the site was too much to take. He ended up dieing at one of the local hospitals shortly after they got a crane to get the semi off of him.
I have never seen anything like that in my life. It was so brutally fucked up and wrong. I'll never get those eyes out of my head!
His name was Isaac Meyers and he was a 28 year old harvard grad student.
Thanks for the account of what happened. May he Rest in Peace. This was a terriblea ccident.
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