Wataalam wa magonjwa ya akili wanasema kuwa mtu ambaye anapenda kukaa kwenye internet ana ugonjwa wa akili. Wanasema kuwa una ugonjwa wa akili kama, Usipoingia kwenye neti unakuwa na hasira.
Basi naona itaongoza dunia kwa magonjwa ya akili:
March 28, 2008
FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:
Before you sit down to write in to the Cafferty File, think about this: sending excessive e-mails and text messages could be a sign of mental illness – and some of you are on the margin. An editorial in The American Journal of Psychiatry suggests that these obsessive-compulsive symptoms are now so common that they should be included in an industry manual on mental disorders.
FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:
Before you sit down to write in to the Cafferty File, think about this: sending excessive e-mails and text messages could be a sign of mental illness – and some of you are on the margin. An editorial in The American Journal of Psychiatry suggests that these obsessive-compulsive symptoms are now so common that they should be included in an industry manual on mental disorders.
Here’s how to tell if you need help:
- Excessive use, which often goes along with a loss of any sense of time when you’re online.
- Withdrawal, which includes feelings of anger, tension or depression when you can’t get to a computer.
- The need for a better computer, more software and even more hours of use.
- And, negative repercussions, which can include arguments, lies, and social isolation all due to your time spent online.
In South Korea, which has the highest use of broadband internet worldwide, internet addiction is considered one of the most serious public health issues. The government estimates that more 210,000 children are affected and need treatment, and another 1.2 million are believed to be at risk for addiction. In China, it’s believed that nearly 14% of adolescent internet users are addicted… that’s 10 million Chinese youngsters.
So it comes as no surprise that there are now internet addiction clinics around the world. Experts say it’s also become a more significant legal issue in criminal, divorce and employment cases.
Here’s my question to you: Is sending excessive e-mails and text messages a sign of mental illness?
Tune in to the Situation Room at 6pm to see if Jack reads your answer on air.
And, we love to know where you’re writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment.
Kwa habari zaidi someni:
Hahaha ni jana tu asubuhi nikiwa naangalia habari nikasikia text msg ni ugonjwa wa akili pia.
Nasikia kuna watu wanakuwa addicted na hivi vitu, hata mimi najihisi hivyo lakini the thing is natumia sana computer kufanya kazi zangu (kazini na nyumbani) na internet inaniburudisha(kazi na dawa).....I'm I addicted?
Da Michu,
Kama umechoka na blogging, na una shughuli nyingine muhimu za kimaisha tuambie tu..
Na usianze kutupa vibomba vya hapa na pale, mara kukaa kwenye net ugonjwa wa akili ? Sisi tutakuridhia kama ukitupa post once a month pia sio mbaya ndio uwezo wako, huwezi kushindana na wengine, akina michuzi, mjengwa, haki na wengineo.. I am sure akili zao timamu kwao hii ni fani tu, kama fani nyingine ? e.g. Football, general exercising, kusoma, na vyenginevyo..Watu pia wanatumia masaa mengi kwa hayo vile vile, na pia haijasemekana kama wanaugonjwa wa akili.
Je unataka kusema mawiz wa computer Bill Gate, Apple Founder Steve Job, jamaa wa google, na programmer tele ulimwengu huu wao wanaugonjwa wa akili ???
Jengine, mimi nahisi hawa watu wengi wa nchi za Magharibu, wana ugonjwa wa akili wa aina moja au nyingine, sitaki kwenda kufichua sababu nyingi, tuwaachie wataalamu wachambue hilo.. Sababu moja kuu inayonisababisha kusema hili, ni kwamba kuna mahospitali mengi sana ya psychiatric hospitals, kutoka Celebrity Get WELL FIX shops, mpaka ya akina walala hoi, na hilo halipingiki.
IT is just a life system yao tu ndio inawasumbua..Sisi na umaskini wetu tuna utajiri sana wa SOCIAL integration kama wanadamu wa kawaida lakini wenzetu hawana hilo, na hiyo ndio sababu KUU.. Mengine watatoa wadau.
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