Kwa wanaotaka kujua habari za WaChagga, ni lazima msome stories za Dada Sandra Mushi.
Kuna habari muhimu sana kwa wanaotaka kuolewa au kuoa MChagga. Kwa MChagga pesa ni muhimu kuliko ngono.
Kuna habari muhimu sana kwa wanaotaka kuolewa au kuoa MChagga. Kwa MChagga pesa ni muhimu kuliko ngono.
Kutoka Chagga Series:
"There is something else you should know before getting married to a Chagga - especially one from the village, kuku wa kienyeji, as vijana wa mjini would call them. Chaggas are generally not taught about sex – not like our Zaramo cousins who are taught how to gyrate those hips or as Waswahili say - kukata kiuno mpaka jamaa anahonga gari. Chaggas are taught how to make money and provide for their families. Kyasaka women get married to Chagga men because they can provide – not because they are the Don Juan’s in bed. "
Kusoma Chagga Series BOFYA HAPA
Sandra mushi ex kibosho graduate.wakati tuko masaki nyie mlikuwa mkaa oysterbay anyway we were friends.very pretty very charming sense of humour bless you I will see you soon dear.narudi nyumbani after 4 months for goood cant wait anymoreeeee time uppp
Hao walikuwa wanawake wa kicagga enzi zile. Siku hizi wanakandamizwa kama kaaaaazi!
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