Jamani, kumbe yule baba aliyekuwa kwenye ile basi ya Greyhound huko Portsmouth, New Hampshire ambaye walisema kabeba bomu alikuwa ni MRundi!Na wala hakuwa na bomu! Alikuwa anaongea kwenye simu ya mkononi katika lugha ya kiswahili kwenye basi. Mama moja wa kizingu eti kasikia eti kasema, "BOMB ON BUS'! Watu wanasema huenda jamaa alisema Obama!
Sasa watu wamezidi! Ukiwa mweusi umevaa nguo za kijeshi, unaongea lugha ambayo mzungu haelewi basi unaweza kupigwa risasi hapa Marekani!
Polisi wa SWAT (FFU) walitumwa kwenye eneo la tukio. Waliwaambia watu washuke kwenye basi mikono mitupu huko wamezipandisaha juu. Huyo baba wa KiRundi hakuelewa inatokea nini, kabaki kwenye basi. Basi ndo wakaamua ni kweli ana bomu.
Naona huko New Hampshire polisi hawakuwa na kazi siku hiyo. walituma, mizinga vifaru (tanks), pia robot alitumwa. Nilimwona kwenye TV akiwa kwenye mlango wa basi, na kamera yake. Wataalamu wa bomualikuwepo yaani ukitazama kwenye TV unaweza kuanguka kwa vicheko baada ya kugundua kuwa fikra za kibaguzi zilizosabaisha huo mkasa!
Polisi kwa aibu, hawakumkamta yule MRundi. Bali walimkamata mzee wa kizungu mwenye miaka 68, amabaye walisem kuwa aligombana na polisi, na MMarekani mweusi ambaye walisema aliwapa jina la uongo! Jina la huyo MRundi wamehifadhi. Lakini jamani wanavyoongea utadhani Swahili inongelewa katika sayari gani sijui!
(NECN: Portsmouth, N.H.) - Two men were arrested following a nine-hour standoff on board a Greyhound bus in Portsmouth.
The last man off the bus, whose hesitation resulted in a six-hour delay to the end of the standoff, was not one of the men charged. That man, who is from Burundi, Africa, has been released but not publicly identified by police. A passenger reported hearing on the other end of his phone conversation that a bomb was on the bus. That caused the 911 phone call to which police responded and sprung the standoff.
Officials believe the Burundi man did not get off the bus when instructed due to language, cultural and social barriers. His native tongue is Swahili.
"We took the time and additional resources to locate a family member and additional resources to locate a family member who spoke with this person in his native tongue of Swahili and helped to assure the man that no harm would come to him if he surrendered to the police officers outside the bus," Police Chief David Ferland said.
Where he is from, police said, people fear law enforcement -- they believe he feared he would be shot if he exited the bus. His hesitation delayed the end of the incident by six hours. He is in the country legally, police said.
The two men who were charged in the incident will be arraigned Friday afternoon. John Smolens of Lewiston, Maine was charged with resisting arrest or detention. Chief Ferland said the charges stem from his refusal to follow the orders of SWAT team members and refusal to cooperate in the overnight bail process.
Calvin Segar of Brooklyn, N.Y. was charged with two counts of obstructing governmental administration for providing false names and false information, according to the police chief.
The two were scheduled to be arraigned at 1:30 Friday afternoon in Portsmouth District Court. The incident is not considered an act of terrorism, rather a "local event."
The police chief thanked all the agencies that participated in the peaceful conclusion of the nine-hour standoff, and apologized to the local businesses and citizens who were inconvenienced by the evacuation and closure of the area.
Kwa habari zaidi tembelea:
Doh! Inasikitisha. Huyo jamaa uenda alidhani atakufa.
Huyo jamaa ana malaika! Kweli alinusurika kuuwawa. Tena mweusi, wangemlipua pamoja na hiyo basi bila kujali!
Huyo jamaa ana malaika! Kweli alinusurika kuuwawa. Tena mweusi, wangemlipua pamoja na hiyo basi bila kujali!
Da chemi naona sasa haya mambo yamezidi sasa kwa hapa Marekani! Ubaguzi umezidi yaani kwa ujumla hawataki wageni..so ukiongea lugha si English watakutafutia sababu tu..na washindwe kabisa Mungu anawaumbua.
Jamani nimecheka mpaka mchozi....
Familia ya jamaa wa sue State ya New Hampshire kwa ajii ya human rights violation! Angekuwa mzungu kafanyiwa hivyo Afrika ungesikia Balozi wa nchi yake analalamika kwa raisi!!!!
Nani "kapiqwa risasi hapa Marekani ?" Ninavyoona, ukichukua chochote ulichotokea juzi juzi NYC, wale polisi ya New Hampshire walifanya kwa taratibu na ustarabu. Hakuna mtu alioumia, wale waMarekani wawili ambawo walishikwa on unrelated charges hawajafanyiwa vibaya, na polisi hawana sababu yeyote kwa "aibu" na released the guy after concluding he had done nothing wrong and that it was a result of miscommunication, which everyone concerned admitted. "Human Rights" ya nani kaharibikiwa ? Makosa yanaweza kutokea, sawa, lakini muhimu ni jinsi watu wanarekebisha situation, na mimi naona wamefanya sawa kabisa, given the circumstances.
Hiyo ndio matokeo ya kueneza propoganda za uongo juu ya dhana nzima ya ugaidi. mwanzo wamesingiziwa waislamu, lakini sasa hata wasio waislamu. Wamarekani wajinga sana wanachoambiwa na viongozi wao wanaamini bure bure bila kufikiria. Kumbe viongozi wao wana malengo ya kisasa tu. sasa mtu akiota tu na kusema kuna bomu sehemu fulani, usumbufu mnapatiwa mji mzima. haki yenu!
Mungu yuko na huyo jamaa! Apewe fidia...kama $5 million dollars!
Kaazi kweli kweli mi hapa tuna warundi na wanyaRwanda wakiwa kwenye stores wakipigianan simu wanaongea kirundi na kirwanda kwa raha zaoooo tena kwa saaaaaaauuuutii kubwa kabis awazungu wanaangalia then wenyewe wana ishia zao mrundi au mnyarwanda habari hapati mradi kawasiliana na mtu wake tosha kazi kwako we unaye shangaa Njooooniii UTAH Da Chemi karibu
by Mchafukoge
Mambo mazito!
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